The Dubbing Database

À table les enfants ! is a children's television series created by Disney France, which shows the benefits of vegetables and fruits.

International versions[]

Language Title Channels
À table les enfants ! - logo (French) Czech Ke stolu, děti! Déčko (formerly)
À table les enfants ! - logo (English) English Come and Get It! Disney Junior (formerly)
À table les enfants ! - logo (English) Greek Έλα Να Το Πάρεις Disney Junior (formerly)
À table les enfants ! - logo (English) Polish Częstujcie się! Disney Junior (formerly)
À table les enfants ! - logo (French) Portuguese (Brazil) unknown Discovery Kids (formerly)
À table les enfants ! - logo (French) Portuguese (Portugal) Todos para à Mesa Disney Junior (formerly)
À table les enfants ! - logo (French) Romanian Hai la masa Disney Junior (formerly)
À table les enfants ! - logo (Latin American Spanish, Pakapaka and European Spanish) Spanish (Argentina) ¡A comer! Pakapaka (formerly)
À table les enfants ! - logo (Latin American Spanish, Discovery Kids) Spanish (Latin America) Frutivegis Discovery Kids (formerly)
À table les enfants ! - logo (Latin American Spanish, Pakapaka and European Spanish) Spanish (Spain) ¡A comer! Disney Junior (formerly)
À table les enfants ! - logo (French) Turkish Haydi Sofraya Disney Junior (formerly)