The Dubbing Database

Армия мертвецов is the Russian dub of Army of the Dead. It was released on Netflix on May 21, 2021 along with other dubs.

On March 6, 2022, Netflix suspended operations in Russia amid the country's invasion of Ukraine, thus making the film (and its Russian dub) unavailable to stream in the country. The dub is still available on the service as a language option in other countries, however.


Character Actor
Scott Ward (Army of the Dead)
Скотт Уорд
Maxim Sergeyev
Максим Сергеев
Kate Ward (Army of the Dead)
Кейт Уорд
Lina Ivanova
Лина Иванова
Maria Cruz (Army of the Dead)
Мария Круз
Anna Kiselyova
Анна Киселёва
Vanderohe (Army of the Dead)
Alexander Noskov
Александр Носков
Ludwig Dieter (Army of the Dead)
Людвиг Дитер
Sergey Annenkov
Сергей Анненков
Lilly "Coyote" (Army of the Dead)
Лили "Койот"
Aliya Nasyrova
Алия Насырова
Bly Tanaka (Army of the Dead)
Блай Танака
Alexander Kovrizhnykh
Александр Коврижных
Mikey Guzman (Army of the Dead)
Майки Гусман
Alexey Kostrichkin
Алексей Костричкин
Martin (Army of the Dead)
Anton El'darov
Антон Эльдаров
Marianne Peters (Army of the Dead)
Марианна Питерс
Olga Pletnyova
Ольга Плетнёва
Chambers (Army of the Dead)
Alyona Sozinova
Алёна Созинова
Burt Cummings (Army of the Dead)
Берт Каммингс
Alexander Khoshabaev
Александр Хошабаев
Geeta Ranjan (Army of the Dead)
Olga Zvereva
Ольга Зверева
Additional voices
Alexander Voronov
Александр Воронов
Nikita Tezov
Никита Тезов
Pelageya Kalinina
Пелагея Калинина
Yelena Markelova
Елена Маркелова
Anastasia Pyanova
Анастасия Пьянова
Elina Fateeva
Элина Фатеева
Aidar Sharafetdin
Айдар Шарафетдин
Pavel Savinov
Павел Савинов
Andrey Vasiliev
Андрей Васильев
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Ivan Kalinin
Иван Калинин
Yekaterina Levina
Екатерина Левина
Marina Malysheva
Марина Малышева
Sound engineer
Denis Vakulenko
Денис Вакуленко
Sound editor
Yevgenia Gordeyeva
Евгения Гордеева
Project manager
Anna Atayan
Анна Атаян

Dubbing credits[]
