The Dubbing Database

Асльан паштахI is the Abaza dub of The Lion King. This dub is marked as the first-ever Abaza dubbing to be produced after the head of the Caucasian non-profit youth organization Elbrusoid, Rasul Atmurzaev, settled a contractual agreement with Murat Ozov, the head of the Administration of the Head and Government of the Karachay-Cherkessia republic of Russia.


Character Actor
Simba (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Young Simba (The Lion King, 1994)
Eldar Agachev
Эльдар Агачев
Inal Kumukov
Иналь Кумуков

Mufasa (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Askerbiy Tsekov
Аскербий Цеков
Nala (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Young Nala (The Lion King, 1994)
Marina Kursheva
Марина Куршева
Susanna Shaeva
Сусанна Шаева

Scar (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Aslanbiy Tsekov
Асланбий Цеков
Timon (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Tengiz Meremkulov
Тенгиз Меремкулов
Pumbaa (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Zaur Kadyzhev
Заур Кадыжев
Rafiki (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Rashid Adzhiev
Рашид Аджиев
Zazu (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Arsen Karmov
Арсен Кармов
Sarabi (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Zurida Koycheva
Зурида Койчева
Shenzi (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Marina Meremkulova
Марина Меремкулова
Banzai (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Aues Dzhuzhuev
Ауес Джужуев
Sarafina (The Lion King, 1994) - head
Svetlana Agacheva
Светлана Агачева
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Rasul Atmurzaev
Расул Атмурзаев
Alesya Mukaeva
Алеся Мукаева

Dubbing credits[]


  • The dubbing premiered at the State Philharmonic of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, and was presented by Aliy Totorkulov. After the premiere, it sold around 500 DVD copies. [2]
  • The dubbing of the film took two weeks.
  • Each dubbing produced of the film by Elbrusoid had a voice actor saying out the localized title. For instance, Aslanbiy Tsekov was the voice announcing the title in the Abaza version.
  • The music used for the ending credits is an instrumental of a notable anthem for the Abazins known as "Abazashta", and is currently the only Abaza dub from Elbrusoid to use this piece.[3]
  • The voice cast lineup for the Abaza dubbing includes a majority from the Abazins' theatre department, in exclusion for Pumbaa's voice actor Zaur Kadyzhev and the two Meremkulov siblings.
  • This is one, if not the only dubbing where Timon and Pumbaa are played by much younger actors, as Tengiz and Zaur were 16 and 17 years old when they dubbed the characters.
  • Songs in the dub are usually left in English and/or have speaking parts dubbed in Abaza. In "Circle of Life" and "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?", they are both voice-overed as Abazin poetry by Zurida Koycheva and Marina Kursheva.
    • Despite the song "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" having sung in a duet by Simba and Nala, the entire voice-over montage was displayed as Abaza poetry being read out by Marina Kursheva, voice actress of Nala as an older lioness.
      • This was also seen as a missed opportunity for the first-ever Abaza dubbing as Eldar was a featured singer in the 2008 and 2009 "Abaza's Song of the Year" concerts and had a permissive musical background.
  • This dub is one of two Elbrusoid dubs to dub the Broadway song "The Morning Report", the other being in Karachay-Balkar. Albeit, the entire song was not fully dubbed as parts of Zazu and Simba's singing were left out incomplete.
  • This dubbing marks a translation writing credit for Alesya Mukaeva in the field of Abaza dubbing, as a prior journalist of the Abaza language and has worked from Abaza television through 25+ years.

