The Dubbing Database

Братья Супер Марио в кино is one of several Russian dubs of The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Produced by SC Produb in Israel, it was released in theaters in Latvia on April 5, 2023, and in the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Kygyzstan, Uzbekistan and Israel on April 6, 2023, with Georgia, Latvia and Israel releasing it alongside the Georgian, Latvian and Hebrew dubs respectively. Unlike the dubs produced by Hot Voice 41 and Red Head Sound, this dub was legally produced and authorized by Universal Pictures.


Character Actor[1]
Mario (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Alexander Naparin
Александр Напарин
Luigi (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Ivan Zabashta
Иван Забашта
Princess Peach (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Принцесса Пич
Polina Pakhomova
Полина Пахомова
Bowser (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Grigory Sluzhitel
Григорий Служитель
Toad (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Vladimir Dolmatovsky
Владимир Долматовский
Donkey Kong (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Донки Конг
Andrey Yezhov
Андрей Ежов
Cranky Kong (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Крэнки Конг
Boris Repetur
Борис Репетур
Kamek (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Vladimir Friedman
Владимир Фридман
Foreman Spike (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Andrey Domnin
Андрей Домнин
Koopa General (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Генерал Купа
Penguin King (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Король Пингвинов
Sergey Koleshnya
Сергей Колешня
Toad General (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Генерал Тоад
Mario's Dad (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Папа Марио
Uncle Arthur (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Дядя Артур
Mikhail Guldan
Михаил Гульдан
Mario's Mom (The Super Mario Bros. Movie)
Мама Марио
Maria Muskhatina
Мария Мушкатина
Additional voices
Vadim Norshteyn
Вадим Норштейн
Yevgeniy Zaitsev
Евгений Зайцев
Varvara Shalagina
Варвара Шалагина
Dana Kucherovsky
Дана Кучеровская
Alisa Racheyeva
Алиса Рачеева
Maria Klyuchnikova
Мария Ключникова
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Nikolay Dreyden
Николай Дрейден
Pavel Silenchuk
Павел Силенчук
Musical director
Sharon Cohen
Шарон Коэн
Sound engineer
Anton Nota
Антон Нота
Mixing studio
Sound mixer
Adam Blake
Julia Goland
Юлия Голанд
Creative supervisors
Sharon Cohen
Шарон Коэн
Ksenia Gerasimova
Ксения Герасимова
Dubbing supervisors from Universal
Jody Toll
Jonathan Phillips


  • SC Produb, the recording studio for this dub, also produced the Hebrew dub of the film.
  • This is one of the several official dubs where Charles Martinet does not reprise his role as Giuseppe, along with the Arabic and Chinese Mandarin dubs.

