The Dubbing Database

Волшебный дракон is the Russian dub of Wish Dragon. It was released on Netflix on June 11, 2021, along with several other dubs of the film.

On March 6, 2022, Netflix suspended operations in Russia amid the country's invasion of Ukraine, thus making the film (and its Russian dub) unavailable to stream in the country permanently. The dub is still available on the service as a language option in other countries, however.


Character Actor
Din (Wish Dragon)
Young Din (Wish Dragon)
Ilya Krutoyarov
Илья Крутояров
Lina Ivanova
Лина Иванова
Long (Wish Dragon)
Long 2 (Wish Dragon)
Anton Morozov
Антон Морозов
Li Na (Wish Dragon)
Young Li Na (Wish Dragon)
Yulia Gorokhova
Юлия Горохова
Alyona Sozinova
Алёна Созинова
Mrs. Song (Wish Dragon)
Мать Диня
Tatyana Shitova
Татьяна Шитова
Mr. Wang (Wish Dragon)
Отец Лины
Andrey Grinevich
Андрей Гриневич
Pockets (Wish Dragon)
Ivan Kalinin
Иван Калинин
Additional voices
Ilya Khvostikov
Илья Хвостиков
Alexey Kostrichkin
Алексей Костричкин
Mikhail Tikhonov
Михаил Тихонов
Yekaterina Semyonova
Екатерина Семёнова
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Andrey Grinevich
Андрей Гриневич
Yulia Tan
Юлия Тан
Sound engineer
Taisiya Kolosovskaya
Таисия Колосовская
Re-recording sound engineer
Vladimir Nefyodov
Владимир Нефёдов

Dubbing credits[]
