The Dubbing Database

Вперёд is the Russian dub of Onward. It was released in cinemas in Russia and Kazakhstan on March 5, 2020 and in Latvia on March 6, 2020 with Kazakhstan and Latvia releasing it alongside the Kazakh and Latvian dubs.


Character Actor[1]
Ian Lightfoot (Onward)
Иэн Лайтфут
Filipp Lebedev
Филипп Лебедев
Barley Lightfoot (Onward)
Барли Лайтфут
Vladimir Yaglych
Владимир Яглыч
Laurel Lightfoot (Onward)
Лорел Лайтфут
Yulia Menshova
Юлия Меньшова
The Manticore (Onward)
Anna Ardova
Анна Ардова
Colt Bronco (Onward)
Кольт Бронко
Konstantin Karasik
Константин Карасик
Wilden Lightfoot (Onward)
Уилден Лайтфут
Denis Nekrasov
Денис Некрасов
Officer Specter (Onward)
Офицер Спектер
Anastasia Besedina
Анастасия Беседина
Officer Gore (Onward)
Офицер Гор
Yulia Gorokhova
Юлия Горохова
Dewdrop (Onward)
Dina Bobylyova
Дина Бобылёва
Grecklin (Onward)
(Оценщица ломбарда)
Anastasia Lapina
Анастасия Лапина
Gaxton (Onward)
Sergey Smirnov
Сергей Смирнов
Officer Avel (Onward)
Офицер Авель
Mikhail Danilyuk
Михаил Данилюк
Construction Worker Fennwick (Onward)
Рабочий Фенвик
Denis Kutuzov
Денис Кутузов
Additional voices
Stepan Studilov
Степан Студилов
Felix Smirnov
Феликс Смирнов
Sofya Lapina
Софья Лапина
Polina Bukhantsova
Полина Буханцова
Makar Lutsenko
Макар Луценко
Gleb Gavrilov
Глеб Гаврилов
Yana Smirnova
Яна Смирнова
Yelizaveta Mazalova
Елизавета Мазалова
Nadezhda Podyapolskaya
Надежда Подъяпольская
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Sergey Smirnov
Сергей Смирнов
Mikhail Cherepnin
Михаил Черепнин
Sound engineers
George Huseynov
Джордж Хусейнов
Alexandra Tvorogova
Александра Творогова
Project managers
Yulia Pokrovskaya
Юлия Покровская
Yekaterina Barabanova
Екатерина Барабанова
Mixing studio
Shepperton International
Creative supervisor
Yulia Baranchuk
Юлия Баранчук
Russian version production
Disney Character Voices International, Inc.


Officer Specter's line "It's not easy being a new parent. My girlfriend's daughter got me pulling my hair out, okay?", which revealed her to be lesbian, was censored in this dub[2] to "It's not easy dealing with adopted children. I would never dare to do that, but you're a hero", as the dissemination and promotion of LGBT content to under-18s is prohibited by law in Russia, where same-sex relationships are not recognized.[note 1]


  1. At the time of the film's release in 2020, Russia had yet to expand its anti-"gay propaganda" law to cover all ages and declare the 'interntional LGBT movement' as extremist.

