The Dubbing Database

Вселенная Стивена is the Russian dub of Steven Universe. Produced in Moscow, the dub premiered on Cartoon Network in Russia and its neighboring countries on August 18, 2014. Since September 2017, episodes of the series began airing only in the late evening/night timeslot.

After the episode "Can't Go Back" aired on July 30, 2018, the dub would be placed on an uncertain hiatus, supposedly due to Russia's gay propaganda law. Despite this, reruns of aired episodes would continue to circulate on the channel, until May 31, 2019; reruns later began occurring again from August 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021.

On January 26, 2019 at the Steven & Mewni Fest in Moscow, voice actors Larisa Brokhman and Dmitry Filimonov were present. Filimonov, who is also the dubbing director, revealed at the panel that every episode was dubbed, including the other ones that hadn't aired at all and, according to him, would never air on Russian television.[1]

On June 5, 2022, during a YouTube stream organized by fellow actor Dmitry Cherevatenko, Dmitry Filimonov revealed that the movie and all of Steven Universe Future were fully dubbed in February 2022, and that he does not know when or whether any of these might release.[2]

Sometime in September 2022, previously unreleased episodes, along with the dub of The Movie and Future, began to sporadically release on the Max service, outside of Russia. They have been hidden by the service upon release, yet are still accessible through unofficial means.


Character Actor
Steven Universe (Steven Universe)
Стивен Юнивёрс
Natalya Tereshkova
Наталья Терешкова

(S1E1-S2E15, S2E17-19)[3]
Alyona Sozinova
Алёна Созинова

(S2E16, S2E20 onwards)[4][3]
Daniil El'darov
Даниил Эльдаров

(singing in S2E1)
Garnet (Steven Universe)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман
Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну

(singing in S1E50 onwards)
Amethyst (Steven Universe)
Olga Shorokhova
Ольга Шорохова
Sapphire (Steven Universe)
Smoky Quartz (Steven Universe)
Дымчатый Кварц
Aquamarine (Steven Universe)
Padparadscha (Steven Universe)
Belly Bag (Uncle Grandpa)
Pearl (Steven Universe)
Darya Frolova
Дарья Фролова
Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну

(singing in S1E50 onwards)
Ruby (Steven Universe)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман
Priyanka Maheswaran (Steven Universe)
Приянка Махешваран
Nanefua Pizza (Steven Universe)
Sugilite (Steven Universe)
Sardonyx (Steven Universe)
Yellow Zircon (Steven Universe)
Жёлтый Циркон
Rhodonite (Steven Universe)
Greg Universe (Steven Universe)
Грег Юниверс
Nikita Prozorovsky
Никита Прозоровский

(S1E2-35, S1E43)[3]
Denis Nekrasov
Денис Некрасов

(S1E42, 47 onwards)[3]
Alexey Kotrechko
Алексей Котречко

(singing in S1E49 onwards)
Connie Maheswaran (Steven Universe)
Конни Махешваран
Olga Shorokhova
Ольга Шорохова
Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну

(singing in S1E50 onwards)
Stevonnie (Steven Universe)
Natalya Tereshkova
Наталья Терешкова

Alyona Sozinova
Алёна Созинова

(S3E11 onwards)
Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну

(singing in S1E50 onwards)
Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe)
Ляпис Лазурит
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

Olga Kuznetsova
Ольга Кузнецова

(S1E50 onwards)
Olga Shorokhova
Ольга Шорохова

Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну

(singing in S1E50 onwards)
Peridot (Steven Universe)
Darya Frolova
Дарья Фролова
Opal (Steven Universe)
Hoppy (Steven Universe)
Rose Quartz (Steven Universe)
Роза Кварц
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

(S1E35, S2E8)
Olga Kuznetsova
Ольга Кузнецова

(S1E49 onwards)
Lars Barriga (Steven Universe)
Lars Barriga 2 (Steven Universe)
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов
Nikita Prozorovsky
Никита Прозоровский

(S1E5, 7, 21-41)
Blue Diamond (Steven Universe)
Синий Алмаз
Olga Sirina
Ольга Сирина
Rutile Twins (Steven Universe)
Близнецы Рутилы
Blue Zircon (Steven Universe)
Синий Циркон
Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe)
Жёлтый Алмаз
Olga Kuznetsova
Ольга Кузнецова
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну

(singing in S1E50 onwards)
Yellow Pearl (Steven Universe)
Жёлтый Жемчуг
Olga Kuznetsova
Ольга Кузнецова

Darya Frolova
Дарья Фролова

Olga Shorokhova
Ольга Шорохова

Blue Pearl (Steven Universe)
Синий Жемчуг
Olga Shorokhova
Ольга Шорохова
Darya Frolova
Дарья Фролова

Sadie Miller (Steven Universe)
Седи Миллер
Olga Shorokhova
Ольга Шорохова
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

(S1E7, S1E30 onwards)
Kiki Pizza (Steven Universe)
Кики Пицца
Olga Shorokhova
Ольга Шорохова

Olga Kuznetsova
Ольга Кузнецова

(S1E47 onwards)
Alexandrite (Steven Universe)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов

Malachite (Steven Universe)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

(S1E53, S2E9)
Jasper (Steven Universe)
Olga Kuznetsova
Ольга Кузнецова

(S1E52 onwards)[3]
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

Bismuth (Steven Universe)
Olga Kuznetsova
Ольга Кузнецова
Holly Blue Agate (Steven Universe)
Синий Агат
Topaz (Steven Universe)
Fluorite (Steven Universe)
Sour Cream (Steven Universe)
Nikita Prozorovsky
Никита Прозоровский

(S1E14, 36)
Denis Nekrasov
Денис Некрасов

(S1E47 onwards)
Quentin Frowney (Steven Universe)
Квентин Хмурик
Denis Nekrasov
Денис Некрасов
Mr. Gus (Uncle Grandpa)
Мистер Гус
Ronaldo Fryman (Steven Universe)
Рональдо Жаркинс
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов
Onion (Steven Universe)
Hopper (Steven Universe)
Doug Maheswaran (Steven Universe)
Даг Махешваран
Bill Dewey (Steven Universe)
Мэр Билл Дьюи
Uncle Grandpa (Uncle Grandpa)
Дядя Деда
Andy DeMayo (Steven Universe)
Энди ДеМайо
Buck Dewey (Steven Universe)
Бак Дьюи
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов
Prokhor Chekhovskoy
Прохор Чеховской

(S1E47, S2E2, S3E10)
Jamie (Steven Universe)
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов

(S1E3, S4E3 and 25)[3]
Nikita Prozorovsky
Никита Прозоровский

(S2E3 and 13, S5E16)
Pizza Steve (Uncle Grandpa)
Пицца Стив
Prokhor Chekhovskoy
Прохор Чеховской
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов
Character Actor
Dubbing director
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов
Valentin Filimonov
Валентин Филимонов
Natalya Monakhova
Наталья Монахова
Sound engineers
Andrey Kramarov
Андрей Крамаров

(S1E1-41, S1E43)
Rinat Nigmatullin
Ринат Нигматуллин

(S1E1-41, S1E43)
Mikhail Borisov
Михаил Борисов

(S1E1-41, S1E43)
Taisiya ​​Kolosovskaya
Таисия Колосовская

(S1E42, S1E44-present)
Yaroslav Levshov
Ярослав Левшов

(S1E42, S1E44-present)
Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну

(S1E50, songs only)


Song Singer(s)
Любить, как ты[5]
Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну


Вселенная Стивена was heavily censored as it aired on Cartoon Network's RSEE feed. In addition to using Turner EMEA's own edits, the broadcast on the channel also removed other scenes, supposedly because the promotion of LGBT content is prohibited by law in Russia, where same-sex relationships are not recognized. This is in addition to other broadcasting regulations in Russia. The show is given a 6+ rating rather than the 12+ rating used by most programs on the channel, explaining some of the non-LGBT-related edits. Eventually in 2018, no new episodes after "Can't Go Back" would air on the channel ever again.

The broadcasting area that aired the show on this feed included Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, Estonia, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, and former Yugoslav nations. Of these, Bulgaria is very notable, as these edits would affect the Bulgarian dub heavily in the same ways, and also lead to that dub being on a hiatus, up until March 8, 2022 when Max would begin to release any missing episodes.


Steven Universe - Clip- Garnet's Wedding (Russian) - Вселенная Стивена

An important step in history of both the series and animation, Ruby and Sapphire's gay wedding is completely uncensored in the Russian dub.

No later than September 6, 2022, Max eventually released unaired episodes of the Russian dub to their service (specifically, "The Question", "Made of Honor", and "Reunited"), however they are hidden in HBO Max's servers, which is still accessible through unofficial means. The service notably had not launched in Russia, so the episodes would be inaccessible in the country regardless.

Alongside this, at the same time, much later produced dubs of The Movie and Future were also released on the service. These episodes and succeeding media feature no more censorship in terms of dialogue (i.e. the meaning of any songs singing about love, directed towards Ruby and Sapphire, are kept intact in the Russian translations), meaning that they will certainly not air, or be released, in Russia, a stance which was reiterated by the dubbing director.

Specific edits[]

Perhaps the most well-known piece of censorship in the dub is that Ruby, Sapphire's wife, has a gender change to being a male for the majority of the dub, and is referred to with he/him pronouns, again due to Russian gay propaganda law. Although, Ruby is still voiced by a female in the dub. In the episode "Now We're Only Falling Apart" onwards, from then on Ruby is correctly referred to as female, with she/her pronouns. This is due to the lack of dialogue-related restrictions or censorship after the dub had went on a hiatus in Russia.

Also, it should be noted that the characters using the gender pronouns "They/Them", namely Stevonnie and Smoky Quartz, use the pronouns "She/Her" in the Russian dubbing. This is not censorship. It's just a mistake of the translators. Most likely, the translators did not know about the existence of a non-binary gender identity and/or about the use of pronouns "They/Them" to a single person. Also, the fact that Smoky Quartz and Stevonnie received the pronouns "She/Her" in the Russian dubbing is probably influenced by their looks and their voices, since they both look mostly like female characters and sound accordingly.

It is important to reiterate that some of the following edits had originated from the team of Turner EMEA, thus not being exclusive to the broadcast area of the dub, with others being the edits of the RSEE team.

  • In "Gem Glow":
    • Garnet snapping a Centipeetle in half was cut.
    • Pearl snapping a Centipeetle's neck and her entire line, "Steven, until you learn to control the powers in your gem, we'll take care of protecting humanity. Okay?" were cut.
    • Steven throwing up at the end of the episode was cut.
  • In "Frybo":
    • Steven saying "I wear the pants in this relationship!" is cut.
    • Steven and his squad of clothes' arrival was simplified. It cuts from Pearl uttering "where?" to Steven ordering "attack!" several shots later, excluding Steven's line, "your move, Frybo" and a shot of Frybo charging.
  • In "Archive Mania":
    • The arcade game Meat Beat Mania is changed to Beat Mania.
    • Every instance of Steven saying "Meat Beat Mania" is cut.
  • In "Island Adventure":
    • The scene of Steven and Lars hugging was cut.
    • The scene of Lars and Sadie hugging was cut.
    • The entire kissing scene between Lars and Sadie was cut.
    • Some scenes from the fight with the Invisible Gem Monster, including the line, "Use your fish-murdering skills!" were cut.
    • The scene where Sadie slaps Lars and says, "You kissed me on the mouth!" was cut.
  • In "Steven the Sword Fighter", the scene where Pearl helplessly drops her sword was cut (also from Steven's flashbacks).
  • In "Fusion Cuisine", Steven describing Amethyst as a fun mom was cut (he only talks to Pearl and Garnet).
  • In "Steven's Lion", the part in which Ronaldo spits his soda and says, "Steven's pregnant!?" with Steven's line, "I don't think so", along with the part where Ronaldo says, "I bet you're not even pregnant.", were cut.
  • In "So Many Birthdays":
    • The sound of Amethyst throwing up is muted.
    • Steven's line "that was fun, but a boy on the cusp of manhood can't spend the whole day whackering" was cut.
  • In "Coach Steven", the part where Steven says, "You can beat up Lars and you don't have to starve to death if Sadie divorces you.", along with Lars' quote, "We're not MARRIED!", were both cut.
  • In "Alone Together", the scene when Stevonnie dances at The Rave and shakes their rear was cut.
  • In "Monster Buddies":
    • Garnet kicking the Centipeetle in the ice cave was cut.
    • The Centipeetle getting crushed under the stalactite and the closeups of it closing its mouth and its gem dimming were cut.
  • In "Joking Victim", the shots containing the lyrics, "Take both hands! Push below the diaphragm!" during the Big Donut training videotape were cut, as well as Steven performing the Heimlich maneuver on Lars later in the episode.
  • In "On the Run":
    • Amethyst yelling, "I don't care!" was cut for unknown reasons.
    • The length of the shots of train wheels at the end of the song was reduced (probably for time).
  • In "Horror Club", Steven saying, "I think you can stop being such a dink to Ronaldo" was cut.
  • In "Story for Steven":
    • Rose's line, "... and I really wanna play with you" was cut.
    • Greg's line, "Ugh, Marty, women are people." was replaced by "Ugh, Marty, but they are humans."
  • In "The Message", Pearl's line, "I can't believe my flipping eyes!", along with Garnet's line, "everyone, listen up!" were cut.
  • The episode "The Return" aired nearly 2 months after it was supposed to be with the following change: In the scene where Garnet is poofed, her visor and body snapping and breaking was cut, as well as Amethyst and Pearl screaming, moving straight to her "poof" cloud.
  • In "Jail Break":
    • Jasper punching Garnet's head was replaced with a white flash.
    • Garnet breaking Jasper's crash helmet visor was replaced with a white flash.
  • In "Keeping It Together", the following dialogue was cut:
- If we do, all the entire planet will become...
- Janked.
- Garnet, that mouth!
  • In "We Need to Talk":
    • The part of Pearl and Rose's dance was replaced by Greg playing guitar.
    • The part of Rainbow Quartz's dance where she drops down in front of Greg was also replaced with Greg playing the guitar.
    • The following dialogue was entirely cut:
- Greg.
- Rose?
- Is this torture?
- The worst.
  • In "The New Lars", Lars drooling and his eyes rotating as his mind returns is cut.
  • In "Earthlings":
    • Smoky Quartz saying "I've got plenty of tricks. Ever see "Sink the dink"?" and repeatedly hitting Jasper with the yo-yo is cut.
    • The instant where Smoky kicks Jasper in the head is cut.
    • The parts where the metal rod can be seen sticking out of corrupted Jasper are cut.
  • In "Know Your Fusion", Smoky Quartz burping at the target has been cut.
  • In "Gem Harvest", Andy calling Greg a turd has been cut.
  • In "Three Gems and a Baby", all indications of the diapers being for adults have been removed.

Banned episodes[]

While some episodes were edited down, very few of them were outright skipped or banned from ever airing on the channel due to Russian regulations, and the show's rating of 6+ in Russia. These episodes have remained unreleased for the longest time. These include:

  • "The Answer"
  • "Hit the Diamond"
  • "Mr. Greg"
  • "Last One Out of Beach City"
  • "Jungle Moon" (later released in late 2019 via Kinopoisk)
  • "Your Mother and Mine"

No episodes of the first season were ever banned or skipped.

Public reception[]

Fans of Steven Universe were not at all pleased with the rampant censorship of the Russian dub, especially with the changing of Ruby's gender. Rebecca Sugar once stated that the show had to be cut short because she had to choose between having more seasons, and Garnet's wedding, since producers in conservative countries threatened to pull funding if she went with the latter.[7] Sugar did not specify which producers or conservative countries exactly, and if this included Russia.

The crew working on Steven Universe would respond to Russia's excessive censorship and regulations in two subtle ways:

  • In the episode "It Could've Been Great", when the characters go to the moon base, there is a map of Earth where visibly, it can be seen that Russia does not exist in the show's universe.
  • In the episode "Reunion", to make it much harder for international feeds - namely Russia - to censor the gay wedding, Rebecca Sugar and the staff would give Ruby the wedding dress, and Sapphire the tux, knowing that Ruby's gender had been changed in the dub. Ironically, though the episode was never released in Russia, it was still dubbed faithfully to the original.

Notably, an edit featuring Ruby with a mustache while she looks at Sapphire, along with a fake Russian Cartoon Network logo, began circulating rapidly around social media. This has lead many fans, still to this day, to believe that this image is real, and that the Russian team gave Ruby a mustache. In actuality, the footage while she is on screen does not change, and she looks the same as she does in the original; only Ruby's gender and pronoun usage has changed in the dub.


All gem characters are given feminitive pronouns such as "she", despite their official names being masculine (like Розовый Алмаз and not Розовая Алмаз, this was likely done because all gemstone names appearing in the show have masculine grammatical gender).

The following lists character names and location names which were not previously mentioned in the article.

  • Basic terms
    • Самоцвет (Samotsvet - Gem)
    • Кристальные Самоцветы / Самоцветы-кристаллы (Kristal'nye Samotsvety / Samotsvety-kristally - Crystal Gems)
    • Недоцветы (Nedotsvety - Off Colors)
  • Gems
    • Белый Алмаз (Belyi Almaz - White Diamond)
    • Розовый Алмаз (Rozovyi Almaz - Pink Diamond)
  • Humans
    • Видалия (Vidaliya - Vidalia)
    • Желтохвост (Zheltokhvost - Yellowtail)
    • Бадди Бадвик (Baddi Badwik - Buddy Budwick)
    • Марти (Marti - Marty)
    • Дженни Пицца (Dzhenni Pitstsa - Jenny Pizza)
  • Fusions

The fusion dance sequence has been edited out of the episode "We Need To Talk" to be replaced with Greg's guitar solo, so the character Rainbow Quartz has never made an appearance in the Russian version, nor does she have an official Russian name. It would likely be Рáдужный Квáрц (Raduzhnyi Kvarts).

  • Alter egos and fiction characters
    • Сиреневый Барс (Sirenevyi Bars, literally Lilac Ounce - Purple Puma)
    • Тигр-миллионер (Tigr-millioner - Tiger Millionaire)
    • Вертопёс (Vertopyos, a portmanteau of Vertolyot, helicopter, and Pyos, mutt - Dogcopter)
    • Крошка-дворецкий (Kroshka-dvoretskiy - Lil' butler)
  • Other
    • Конгломерат (Konglomerat, lit. Conglomerate - Cluster)
    • Лев (Lev - Lion)
  • Places
    • Родной Мир (Rodnoy Mir, literally Motherland World - Homeworld)
    • Прибрежье (Pribrezhye, literally seashore place - Beach City)
    • Ясли (Yasli, a Russian word for pre-kindergarten daycare for kids under 4, literally cradle - Kindergarten)

