The Dubbing Database

Вселенная Стивена в кино is the Russian dub of Steven Universe: The Movie. The dub is available on Max as a hidden audio track that remains accessible through unofficial means to this day.

On June 5, 2022, during a YouTube stream organized by the actor Dmitry Cherevatenko, Dmitry Filimonov, dubbing director of the entire franchise, revealed that the movie and all of Steven Universe Future were fully dubbed in February 2022, and that he does not know when or whether any of these might release.[1]

And at some point in 2022, HBO Max, now rebranded as Max, surreptitiously added the audio track to the film. In addition to this, they added tracks to some episodes of season 5 of the main series and the epilogue of the series, the latter still does not have the audio track in all the episodes, probably due to the postponement of the arrival of the streaming service to the Baltic states, where the dub would be publicly available.


Character Actor
Steven Universe (Steven Universe The Movie)
Стивен Юнивёрс
Ilya Krutoyarov
Илья Крутояров

Alexey Baikov
Алексей Байков

Garnet (Steven Universe The Movie)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну

Ruby (Steven Universe The Movie)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман
Nanefua Pizza (Steven Universe The Movie)
Yellow Pearl (Steven Universe The Movie)
Жёлтый Жемчуг
Sadie Miller (Steven Universe The Movie)
Седи Миллер
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

Nadezhda Proskurina
Надежда Проскурина

Amethyst (Steven Universe The Movie)
Olga Shorokhova
Ольга Шорохова

Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну

Sapphire (Steven Universe The Movie)
Olga Shorokhova
Ольга Шорохова
Connie Maheswaran (Steven Universe The Movie)
Конни Махешваран
Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe The Movie)
Ляпис Лазурит
Pearl (Steven Universe The Movie)
Darya Frolova
Дарья Фролова

Tatyana Karmaleyeva
Татьяна Кармалеева

Peridot (Steven Universe The Movie)
Darya Frolova
Дарья Фролова
Spinel (Steven Universe The Movie)
Spinel 2 (Steven Universe The Movie)
Alyona Sozinova
Алёна Созинова

Nadezhda Proskurina
Надежда Проскурина

Opal (Steven Universe The Movie)
Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну
Bismuth (Steven Universe The Movie)
Olga Kuznetsova
Ольга Кузнецова

Svetlana Artemyeva
Светлана Артемьева

White Diamond (Steven Universe The Movie)
Белый Алмаз
Olga Sirina
Ольга Сирина

Svetlana Artemyeva
Светлана Артемьева

Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe The Movie)
Жёлтый Алмаз
Olga Kuznetsova
Ольга Кузнецова

Nadezhda Proskurina
Надежда Проскурина

Blue Diamond (Steven Universe The Movie)
Синий Алмаз
Olga Sirina
Ольга Сирина

Tatyana Karmaleyeva
Татьяна Кармалеева

Greg Universe (Steven Universe The Movie)
Грег Юнивёрс
Denis Nekrasov
Денис Некрасов
Steg (Steven Universe The Movie)
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов

Viktor "Anger" Lysyi
Виктор Лысый

Lars Barriga (Steven Universe The Movie)
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов
Musical director
Sound mixer
Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну


  1. Dual Birthday Stream with Dmitry Cherevatenko and Dmitry Filimonov, in minute 13:08, they mention that The Movie and Future are already dubbed in Russian; Filimonov also says that Ilya Krutoyarov is Steven's new voice.