The Dubbing Database

Джимми-суперчервяк is one of two Russian dubs of Earthworm Jim. The dub debuted on ORT (Channel One) on April 1, 1996, and would later air on STS, ICTV (in Ukraine) and TV-3. A redub made for KidsCo would later premiere in 2013.


Character Actor
Earthworm Jim (Earthworm Jim)
Червяк Джим
Leonid Belozorovich
Леонид Белозорович
Evil the Cat (Earthworm Jim)
Кот Зловред
(season 1)
Peter Puppy (Earthworm Jim)
Щенок Питер
Olga Golovanova
Ольга Голованова
Princess What's-Her-Name (Earthworm Jim)
Принцесса Как-Её-Там
Olga Golovanova
Ольга Голованова

(season 1)
Natalya Gurzo
Наталья Гурзо

(season 2)
Psy-Crow (Earthworm Jim)
Alexander Belyavsky
Александр Белявский

(season 1)
Igor Taradaikin
Игорь Тарадайкин

(season 2)
Henchrat (Earthworm Jim)
Alexander Belyavsky
Александр Белявский

(season 1)
Igor Taradaikin
Игорь Тарадайкин

(season 2)
Professor Monkey-for-a-Head (Earthworm Jim)
Профессор Обезьяноголов
Alexander Ryzhkov
Александр Рыжков

(season 1)
Alexander Klyukvin
Александр Клюквин

(season 2)
Bob the Killer Goldfish (Earthworm Jim)
Alexander Ryzhkov
Александр Рыжков

(season 1)
Alexander Klyukvin
Александр Клюквин

(season 2)
Evil the Cat (Earthworm Jim)
Кот Зловред
Alexander Klyukvin
Александр Клюквин

(season 2)
Queen Slug-for-a-Butt (Earthworm Jim)
Королева Жирноскользкая
Nina Tobilevich
Нина Тобилевич

(season 1)
Natalya Gurzo
Наталья Гурзо

(season 2)
Olga Golovanova
Ольга Голованова

("The Exile of Lucy")
Ethel Blevarage (Earthworm Jim)
Миссис Блевередж/Просто Мария
Nina Tobilevich
Нина Тобилевич

(season 1)
Viktoria Radunskaya
Виктория Радунская

(season 2)
Alexander Belyavsky
Александр Белявский

(season 1)
Igor Taradaikin
Игорь Тарадайкин

(season 2)
Technical staff
Dubbing directors
Alexander Belyavsky
Александр Белявский

(season 1)
Leonid Belozorovich
Леонид Белозорович

(season 2)
Sound engineers
Viktor Duritsyn
Виктор Дурицын
Alexander Aznaurov
Александр Азнауров


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United States
Russian title Original title
1 Беда с напарником Sidekicked
2 Роковая книга The Book of Doom
3 Рукоприкладство Assault and Battery
4 Рыбный день Day of the Fish
5 Злобный двойник Conqueror Worm
6 Мягкая опасность Upholstered Peril
7 Меч добродетелей The Sword of Righteousness
8 Всбивалка для яиц The Eggbeater
9 Форель Trout!
10 Великий Вселенский секрет The Great Secret of the Universe
11 Пол жизни за голову Джима Bring me the Head of Earthworm Jim
12 Принцесса, как её там Queen What's Her Name
13 Рыба терминатор The Anti-Fish
14 Происхождение щенка Питера The Origins of Peter Puppy
15 Противоположная Атака Opposites Attack
17 16 Кошмар Дарвина Darwin's Nightmare
16 17 Изгнание Люси The Exile of Lucy
19 18 Влюбленное зло Evil in Love
18 19 Гипер Психо Ворон Hyper-Psycrow
21 20 Арахисовое масло против обезьян Peanut of the Apes
22 21 Затяжная поездка с ночёвкой Lounge Days Journey into the Night
23 22 Волшебник Подземного города The Wizard of Ooze
20 23 По ком звонит колокол For Whom the Jingle Bells Toll


  • This dub was aimed at a younger demographic, with censorship changes aimed around gross out humor. (For Example: Snott was Renamed to Sluggy)
  • Peter Puppy is voiced by a woman in this dub. This was to get Peter to sound like an actual kid.
  • This dub had numerous translation errors. For Example: "More chickpeas, blast you!" got translated as "Eat that chicken shit yourself!"[5].
  • Earthworm Jim, both the show and games, has a large cult following in Russia.

