The Dubbing Database

Как это устроено is the Russian dub of How It's Made. It has previously aired on Discovery Channel (Russia) and it is currently airing on Discovery Channel (Europe) and Discovery Science; it is also available online on Go3.


Character Actor
Narrator Ilya Khvostikov
Илья Хвостиков

(season 6, 16)
Alexander Belyy
Александр Белый

(season 18)
Anton Savenkov
Антон Савенков

(season 19, 21)
Vladimir Rybalchenko
Владимир Рыбальченко

(season 20, 22-23, 26, 30)
Sergey Ponomaryov
Сергей Пономарёв

(season 24-25, 27-29)

Dubbing credits[]

(Season 19)

(Season 20)

(Season 21)

(Season 22)

(Season 23)

(Season 24)

(Season 25)