The Dubbing Database

Леди Баг и Супер-Кот is the Russian dub of Miraculous, les aventures de Ladybug et Chat Noir. The first season premiered on Kanal Disney on December 19, 2015, concluding on October 16, 2016. Up to a year later, the second season premiered with a Christmas special on December 24, 2017, before properly debuting on January 29, 2018 until almost a year later on January 21, 2019. Like most European Disney Channels, season 3 premiered within the fall/winter period of 2019, and season 4 debuted in September 2021 before concluding within March and April of 2022.

The dub has also been broadcasting on the Scandinavian Disney Channel on its Russian audio track, allowing some episodes to premiere on this feed first. It has also aired on Multimania in Russia from 2018 to 2019, ATV Khaghaliq in Armenia and Channel 5 in Kyrgyzstan.

In response to Russia's 2022 invasion of Ukraine, Disney slowly closed operations in Russia. This included ending Russian-language dubbed productions of their content made in Russia as of summer 2022, as well as removing the Russian audio track from their Scandinavian feed for their latest programmes and episodes.[2] This caused the dub to be briefly cancelled, with Kanal Disney shutting down on December 14, 2022. It was later removed from streaming services in 2023.

Almost a year later, on December 8, 2023, TV-3 announced that the dub would begin airing on the channel sometime in the winter, including the fifth season, which had not been released before. It began airing on December 24.

The dub returned to Russian streaming services on March 7, 2024, hosting seasons 1-4, and season 5 released on May 3.

On March 19, 2024, the dub premiered on Solntse, a national channel that replaced Kanal Disney following its closure.


Character Actor
Marinette Dupain-Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
Ladybug (Miraculous Ladybug)
Маринетт Дюпен-Чен/Леди Баг
Darya Frolova
Дарья Фролова

Yevgenia Lukina
Евгения Лукина

Adrien Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Эдриан Агрест/Супер-Кот
Alexander Shestopalov
Александр Шестопалов

(season 1)
Nikolay Bystrov
Николай Быстров

(seasons 2-5)
Anton Kolesnikov
Антон Колесников

(temporary; S2E7–9)
Yevgeniy Valts
Евгений Вальц

Tikki (Miraculous Ladybug)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман
Sabine Cheng (Miraculous Ladybug)
Сабина Чен
Chloé Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)
Queen B (Miraculous Ladybug)
Хлоя Буржуа/Леди Пчела
Alix Kubdel (Miraculous Ladybug)
Bunnix, child (Miraculous Ladybug)
Alix Kubdel, adult (Miraculous Ladybug)
Bunnix (Miraculous Ladybug)
Аликс Кубдель/Кроликс
Mylène Haprèle (Miraculous Ladybug)
Polymouse (Miraculous Ladybug)
Милена Хапрель/Полимышь
Kagami Tsurugi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Ryûko (Miraculous Ladybug)
Кагами Цуруги/Руюко
Lila Rossi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Лайла Росси
Aurore Beauréal (Miraculous Ladybug)
Аврора Бореаль
Caline Bustier (Miraculous Ladybug)
Калин Бюстье
Manon Chamack (Miraculous Ladybug)
Манон Шамак
Ella Césaire (Miraculous Ladybug)
Элла Сезар
Etta Césaire (Miraculous Ladybug)
Этта Сезар
Trixx (Miraculous Ladybug)
Duusu (Miraculous Ladybug)
Pollen (Miraculous Ladybug)
Ziggy (Miraculous Ladybug)
Anarka Couffaine (Miraculous Ladybug)
Анарка Куффен
August (Miraculous Ladybug)
Zoé Lee (Miraculous Ladybug)
Vesperia (Miraculous Ladybug)
Зои Ли/Весперия
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(S4E7, S4E23-26)
Plagg (Miraculous Ladybug)
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов
Maître Fu (Miraculous Ladybug)
Мастер Ванг Фу
Nathaniel Kurtzberg (Miraculous Ladybug)
Caprikid (Miraculous Ladybug)
Натаниэль Куртцберг/Каприкид
Théo Barbot (Miraculous Ladybug)
Тео Барбот
Majordome Jean (Miraculous Ladybug)
Дворецкий Жан Арманд
Thomas Astruc (Miraculous Ladybug)
Томас Аструк
Alim Kubdel (Miraculous Ladybug)
Алим Кубдель
Vincent (Miraculous Ladybug)
Bob Roth (Miraculous Ladybug)
Боб Ротт
Rolland Dupain (Miraculous Ladybug)
Роланд Дюпен
Armand D'Argencourt (Miraculous Ladybug)
Арманд Д'Аргенкурт
Ivan Bruel (Miraculous Ladybug)
Minotaurox (Miraculous Ladybug)
Айван Брюэль/Минотавр
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

(as Ivan Bruel)
Konstantin Karasik
Константин Карасик

(as Minotaurox)
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous London)
Le Papillon (Miraculous Ladybug)
Papillombre (Miraculous Ladybug)
Monarque 1 (Miraculous Ladybug)
Monarque (Miraculous Ladybug)
Габриэль Агрест/Бражник/Мотылек/Монарх
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

(as Gabriel Agreste)
Konstantin Karasik
Константин Карасик

(as Hawk Moth/Shadow Moth/Monarch)
Tom Dupain (Miraculous Ladybug)
Том Дюпен
Konstantin Karasik
Константин Карасик
Lê Chiến Kim (Miraculous Ladybug)
Roi Singe (Miraculous Ladybug)
Ким/Король обезьян
M. Damoclès (Miraculous Ladybug)
Месье Дамокл
Mr Banana (Miraculous Ladybug)
Месье Банан
André Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)
Андре Буржуа
Roarr (Miraculous Ladybug)
Alec Cataldi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Alec Cataldi 2 (Miraculous Ladybug)
Алек Катальди
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

(seasons 1-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Nadja Chamack (Miraculous Ladybug)
Надя Шамак
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

(seasons 1, 5)
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 2-4)
Alya Césaire (Miraculous Ladybug)
Rena Rouge (Miraculous Ladybug)
Аля Сезар/Рина Руж
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 1-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Lyudmila Shuvalova
Людмила Шувалова

(temporary; S2E7-9)
Nathalie Sancœur (Miraculous Ladybug)
Mayura (Miraculous Ladybug)
Натали Санкёр/Маюра
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 1-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Lyudmila Shuvalova
Людмила Шувалова

(temporary; S2E7-9)
Juleka Couffaine (Miraculous Ladybug)
Tigresse Pourpre (Miraculous Ladybug)
Джулека Куффен/Лиловая Тигрица
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 1-4)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

(season 5)
Lyudmila Shuvalova
Людмила Шувалова

(temporary; S2E7-9)
Rose Lavillant (Miraculous Ladybug)
Pigella (Miraculous Ladybug)
Роуз Левилен/Пигелла
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(season 1)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

(seasons 2-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Lyudmila Shuvalova
Людмила Шувалова

(temporary; S2E7-9)
Sabrina Raincomprix (Miraculous Ladybug)
Traquemoiselle (Miraculous Ladybug)
Сабрина Ранкомпри/Гончая
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 1-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Tomoe Tsurugi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Мадам Цуруги
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 2-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Mlle Mendeleiev (Miraculous Ladybug)
Мадам Менделеева
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 1-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Gina Dupain (Miraculous Ladybug)
Джина Дюпен
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 2-4)
Marianne Lenoir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Мариана Ленуар
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 3-4)
Amelie Graham de Vanily (Miraculous Ladybug)
Амели Грэм де Ванили
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 3-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Audrey Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug)
Одри Буржуа
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 2-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Penny Rolling (Miraculous Ladybug)
Пенни Роллинг
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 1-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Nino Lahiffe (Miraculous Ladybug)
Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug)
Нино Лахифф/Карапас
Alexander Matveyev
Александр Матвеев
Wayzz (Miraculous Ladybug)
Luka Couffaine (Miraculous Ladybug)
Viperion (Miraculous Ladybug)
Люка Куффен/Виперион
Sass (Miraculous Ladybug)
Marc Anciel (Miraculous Ladybug)
Coq Courage (Miraculous Ladybug)
Марк/Смелый Петух
Jagged Stone (Miraculous Ladybug)
Джаггед Стоун
Xavier Ramier (Miraculous Ladybug)
Ксавье Рамье
Noël Lahiffe (Miraculous Ladybug)
Noël Lahiffe, teenager (Miraculous Ladybug)
Крис Лахифф
Jalil Kubdel (Miraculous Ladybug)
Джалил Кубдель
Le Gorille (Miraculous Ladybug)
Su-Han (Miraculous Ladybug)
André (Miraculous Ladybug)
Xuppu (Miraculous Ladybug)
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(season 2)
Konstantin Karasik
Константин Карасик

(season 3)
Alexander Matveyev
Александр Матвеев

(seasons 4-5)
Stompp (Miraculous Ladybug)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

(seasons 2-3)
Alexander Matveyev
Александр Матвеев

(season 4)
Félix Graham de Vanily (Miraculous Ladybug)
Argos (Miraculous Ladybug)
Феликс Фатом (Грэм де Ванили)/Аргус
Alexander Matveyev
Александр Матвеев

(seasons 3-4)
Nikolay Bystrov
Николай Быстров

(season 5)
Yevgeniy Valts
Евгений Вальц

Markov (Miraculous Ladybug)
Alexander Matveyev
Александр Матвеев
Konstantin Karasik
Константин Карасик

Barkk (Miraculous Ladybug)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(S4E15, 20, 24, 26)
Mullo (Miraculous Ladybug)
Konstantin Karasik
Константин Карасик

(season 4)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

(season 5)
Longg (Miraculous Ladybug)
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов
Alexander Matveyev
Александр Матвеев

Nooroo (Miraculous Ladybug)
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

(seasons 1, 5)
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 2-4)
Fluff (Miraculous Ladybug)
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 2-3)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

(seasons 4-5)
Orikko (Miraculous Ladybug)
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(season 4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Daizzi (Miraculous Ladybug)
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 2-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

(S4E15 only)
Kaalki (Miraculous Ladybug)
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман

(seasons 2-4)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Max Kanté (Miraculous Ladybug)
Pégase (Miraculous Ladybug)
Макс Канте/Пегас
Maxim Shishkov
Максим Шишков

(season 1)
Alexander Matveyev
Александр Матвеев

(seasons 2-5)
Roger Raincomprix (Miraculous Ladybug)
Роджер Ранкомпри
Maxim Shishkov
Максим Шишков

(season 1)
Alexander Matveyev
Александр Матвеев

(seasons 2-5)
Fred Haprèle (Miraculous Ladybug)
Фред Хапрель
Maxim Shishkov
Максим Шишков

(season 1)
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

(season 2)
Alexander Matveyev
Александр Матвеев

(seasons 3-5)
Émilie Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug)
Эмили Агрест
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 5)
Tatsu (Miraculous Ladybug)
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

(season 3)
Dmitry Shcheglov
Дмитрий Щеглов

(season 5)
Book of Truth (Miraculous Ladybug)
Книга истины
Diana Teshayeva
Диана Тешаева

(season 5)
Mère d'Auguste (Miraculous Ladybug)
Мама Огаста
Lyudmila Shuvalova
Людмила Шувалова
Socqueline Wang (Miraculous Ladybug)
Саклин Ванг
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн
Fei Wu (Miraculous Ladybug)
Фэй Ву
Technical staff
Dubbing directors
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

(season 1)
Olga Perchenkova
Ольга Перченкова

(seasons 2-4)
Vasily Pospelov
Василий Поспелов

(seasons 2-4)
Ksenia Chasovskikh
Ксения Часовских

(season 5)
Galina Plavunova
Галина Плавунова
Daria Seliverstova
Дарья Селиверстова
Maria Maksimova
Мария Максимова
Sound engineers
Valery Parfenov
Валерий Парфёнов
Anastasia Stepina
Анастасия Степина
Denis Frolov
Денис Фролов
Alexey Gorishny
Алексей Горишный


For simplicity reasons, the episode number and air dates listed are prioritizing that of the releases on Kanal Disney (seasons 1-4) and TV-3 (season 5). Earlier releases on other networks will be mentioned in footnote form.

Russian title Original title Premiere
1 Непогода Climatika December 9, 2015
2 Пузырь Le Bulleur
3 Двойник L'Imposteur December 26, 2015
4 Повелительница времени Chronogirl
5 Фараон Le Pharaon January 16, 2016
6 Месье Голубь M. Pigeon
7 Леди Вай Фай Lady Wifi January 23, 2016
8 Злолюстратор Le Dessinateur
9 Роджер-полицейский Rogercop January 30, 2016
10 Страшила Horrificator February 6, 2016
11 Злобный купидон Dislocœur February 13, 2016
12 Тёмный рыцарь Le Chevalier Noir April 9, 2016
[nb 1]
13 Мим Le Mime April 16, 2016
14 Кунг-фуд Kung Food April 23, 2016
15 Игрок Le Gamer April 29, 2016
16 Зверочеловек Animan May 7, 2016
17 Кукловод La Marionnettiste May 14, 2016
18 Злодей гитарист Guitar Vilain May 21, 2016
19 Рефлекта Reflekta May 28, 2016
20 Принцесса ароматов Princesse Fragrance June 4, 2016
21 Гипнотизёр Jackady June 11, 2016
22 Пикселятор Numéric September 10, 2016
23 Антибаг Antibug September 17, 2016
24 Вольпина Volpina September 25, 2016
25 Начало. Часть 1 Ladybug et Chat Noir (Origines - Partie 1) October 9, 2016
26 Каменное сердце (Часть 2) Cœur de pierre (Origines - Partie 2) October 16, 2016
[nb 2]
27 Санта с когтями Pire Noël December 24, 2017
28 Собиратель Le Collectionnuer January 29, 2018
29 Королева прайм-тайма Audimatrix February 12, 2018
30 Гневный мишка Doudou Vilain February 19, 2018
31 Бефана La Béfana
32 Укол Riposte February 26, 2018
33 Робостус Robostus
34 Лединатор Glaciator March 5, 2018
35 Гигантитан Gigantitan
36 Сапотисы Sapotis March 26, 2018
37 Горизилла Gorizilla October 1, 2018
38 Сирена Syren
39 Зомбизу Zombizou October 8, 2018
40 Капитан Хардрок Capitaine Hardrock
41 Филин Le Hibou Noir October 15, 2018
42 Бунтарка L'insaisissable
43 Соловей Rossignoble October 22, 2018
44 Сеятель Le Marchand de Sable
45 Королева стиля (Битва королевы. Часть 1) Style Queen (Le combat des reines - 1ère partie) October 29, 2018
46 Обратитель Inverso November 9, 2018
[nb 3]
47 Королева Ос (Битва королевы. Часть 2) Queen Wasp (Le combat des reines - 2ère partie) December 12, 2018
48 Мороз Le Patineur December 19, 2018
49 Ананси Anansi December 28, 2018
50 Маледиктатор Maledikteur January 9, 2019
51 Катализатор (День героев. Часть 1) Catalyste (Le jour des héros - 1ère partie) January 14, 2019
52 Маюра (День героев. Часть 2) Mayura (Le jour des héros - 2ère partie) January 21, 2019
53 Хамелеон Caméléon September 23, 2019
54 Анимаэстро Animaestro
55 Пекарикс Boulangerix
56 Обратительница Rebrousse-Temps
57 Оборотень Papa Garou September 30, 2019
58 Глушитель Silence
59 Они-чан Oni-Chan
60 Талисманка Miraculeur
61 Оборотень Oblivio October 7, 2019
62 Игрок. Версия 2 Gamer 2.0
63 Непогода 2 Climatika 2
64 Икари Годзен Ikari Gozen
65 Рефлекдолл Poupéflekta October 14, 2019
66 Десперада Desperada
67 Таймтэггер Timetagger
68 Незваный гость Trouble Fête October 21, 2019
69 Кукловод 2 La Marionnettiste 2
70 Леди Баг Ladybug
71 Стартрейн Startrain October 28, 2019
72 Сердцеед (Битва талисманов. Часть 1) Mangeamour (La Bataille des Miraculous – Partie 1)
73 Крис Мастер Maître Noël December 10, 2019
74 Охотница за квами Chasseuse de Kwamis
75 Пожиратель Festin
76 Белый кот Chat Blanc December 16, 2019
77 Феликс Félix
78 Королева талисманов (Битва талисманов. Часть 2) Miracle Queen (La Bataille des Miraculous – Partie 2)
79 Правда Vérité September 13, 2021
[nb 4]
80 Ложь Mensonge September 14, 2021
[nb 5]
81 Банда тайн Le Gang des Secrets September 15, 2021
[nb 6]
82 Месье Голубь 72 M. Pigeon 72 September 16, 2021
[nb 7]
83 Разъярённый Фу Fu Furieux September 21, 2021
[nb 8]
84 Палач душ Pirkell September 22, 2021
[nb 9]
85 Леди Банана Queen Banana September 23, 2021
[nb 10]
86 Вина Culpabysse September 28, 2021
[nb 11]
87 Оптигами Optigami September 29, 2021
[nb 12]
88 Сенсопузырь Sentibulleur September 30, 2021
[nb 13]
89 Плакса Larme Ultime October 5, 2021
[nb 14]
90 Мечтатель Exauceur October 6, 2021
91 Мегапиявка Sangsure October 7, 2021
92 Простак Simplificator March 14, 2022
93 Дорогое семейство Chère Famille March 15, 2022
94 Крокодуэль Crocoduel March 16, 2022
95 Лединатор 2 Glaciator 2 March 17, 2022
96 Хак-Сан Hack-San March 22, 2022
97 Габриель Агрест Gabriel Agreste March 23, 2022
98 Эфемер Éphémère March 24, 2022
99 Псикомик Psycomédien March 29, 2022
100 Цилинь Qilin March 30, 2022
101 Куро Неко Kuro Neko March 31, 2022
102 Команда Пенальти Penalteam April 5, 2022
103 Риск (Последняя атака Мотылька. Часть 1) Risque (La Dernière Attaque de Papillombre - Partie 1) April 6, 2022
104 Ответный Удар (Последняя атака Мотылька. Часть 2) Réplique (La Dernière Attaque de Papillombre - Partie 2) April 7, 2022
105 Эволюция Évolution April 30, 2024
106 Умножение Multiplication
107 Разрушение Destruction
108 Ликование Jubilation
109 Иллюзия Illusion
110 Решительность Détermination
111 Страсть Passion
112 Воссоединение Réunion
113 Восторг Exaltation
114 Передача. Выбор Квами. Часть 1 Transmission (Le choix des Kwamis - Partie 1)
115 Сгорание. Выбор Квами. Часть 2 Déflagration (Le choix des Kwamis - Partie 2)
116 Совершенство Perfection
117 Перемещение Migration
118 Насмешка Dérision
119 Интуиция Intuition May 1, 2024
120 Защита Protection
121 Обожание Adoration
122 Эмоция Émotion
123 Притворство Prétention
124 Откровение Révélation
125 Противостояние Confrontation
126 Сговор Collusion
127 Революция Révolution
128 Воплощение Representation
129 Устройство. Последний день. Часть 1 Conformation (Le dernier jour - 1ère partie)
130 Воссоздание. Последний день. Часть 2 Re-création (Le dernier jour - 2ème partie)
131 Действие Action May 5, 2024


Most censorship in this dub is primarily of LGBT-related content, because the dissemination and promotion of such content is prohibited by law in Russia, where the international LGBT movement has been designated as an extremist organization.

  • For example, the episode "Inverso" (Reverser) was banned from airing on Kanal Disney due to the implications of Nathaniel and Marc becoming a couple, although this episode eventually aired in Russia on TV-3 in December 2023. Any scenes of other implied same-sex couples, such as some moments between Juleka and Rose, have also been censored, although these aformentioned episodes were dubbed and aired in Scandinavia, where the Disney Channel feed in said region had a Russian audio track.
  • Additionally, in the episode "Caméléon" (Chameleon), the frames where an akumatized Lila transforms into Adrien whilst kissing him were removed in Kanal Disney broadcasts, due to the brief depiction of a same-sex kiss.
  • The depiction of rainbows and unicorns when Tom asks Marinette to play video games with him in "Larme Ultime" (Rocketear) were removed, likely due to the association of rainbows with the Rainbow Pride flag. Because of this, Tom's line in which he asks Marinette to play with him is inserted into the following scene.
  • All references to the character Zoé Lee being a lesbian were removed in season 5.
    • In "Deflagration", her, as Kitty Noire, commenting about how she and Scarabella aren't in love with each other yet was changed; she merely reaffirms that the two aren't in a relationship, with Scarabella's following line being about how they're "good friends".[3]
    • Notably, in "Adoration", the scene where Zoé confesses to Marinette that she is in love with her is mostly re-written so that she talks about how she has already confessed her love to an unknown male character.[4]
  • In the episode "Collusion", Ms Caline Bustier and her girlfriend Gisèle were re-written as sisters. However, the scene towards the end of the episode where they kiss on the lips was not censored at all.[5]
  • Interestingly, in "Representation", the moment where Marinette briefly catches Nathaniel and Marc holding hands is uncensored.

In "Glaciator 2", one of Cat Noir's puns was cut, most likely due to it being mistaken for an innuendo.



  • As with most dubs of the series, this dub is based off of the English dub rather than the original French version.
  • This dub's logo is stylized/written in italics.
  • In the dub of 'Origins Part 2', instead of Adrien realizing that Marinette has become one of his friends at the end of the episode, what he says instead translates to "or maybe..."; instead, the translators implied that he is also developing romantic feelings for Marinette.
    • The error was later fixed with a more faithful translation, with Nikolay Bystrov re-recording the line.
    • However, the Pixel TV Ukrainian voice-over of the series has the same error, due to the fact that the scripts of this version are based off this dub (despite the English dub episodes being the ones that are voice-overed, not the Russian ones).
  • In the first four episodes of this dub, which were released in 2015, a different opening theme was used, in which all the vocals had an excessive echo and the recording of the singing part is different.
    • This was later changed when an extended version with more professional singing was released in January 2016.
  • According to several actors that have worked on the dub, the first few episodes of season 5 were dubbed at the Cyrillica studio, but remain unreleased due to the Russia-Ukraine war leading to Kanal Disney's shutdown.


  1. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on March 31, 2016.
  2. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 22, 2016.
  3. Kanal Disney does not air this episode due to an implied same-sex relationship. Instead, this premiere took place on Disney Channel Scandinavia.
  4. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 6, 2021.
  5. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 7, 2021.
  6. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 8, 2021.
  7. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 14, 2021.
  8. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 9, 2021.
  9. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 15, 2021.
  10. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 10, 2021.
  11. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 13, 2021.
  12. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 17, 2021.
  13. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 20, 2021.
  14. This episode was first aired on Disney Channel in Scandinavia on September 21, 2021.

