The Dubbing Database

Лоракс is the Russian dub of The Lorax. It was released in theaters in Russia on March 8, 2012.


Character Actor
The Lorax (The Lorax)
Danny DeVito
The Once-ler 1 (The Lorax)
The Once-ler 2 (The Lorax)
The Once-ler 3 (The Lorax)
Alexander Gavrilin
Александр Гаврилин

Nikolay Karpenko
Николай Карпенко

Ted Wiggins (The Lorax)
Тэд Виггинс
Prokhor Chekhovskoy
Прохор Чеховской
Audrey (The Lorax)
Lina Ivanova
Лина Иванова
Aloysius O'Hare (The Lorax)
Алоиз О’Гер
Sergey Burunov
Сергей Бурунов
Grammy Norma (The Lorax)
Бабуля Норма
Lyudmila Gnilova
Людмила Гнилова
Mrs. Wiggins (The Lorax)
Миссис Виггинс
Irina Kireyeva
Ирина Киреева
The Once-ler's Mom (The Lorax)
Мать Находкинса
Olga Golovanova
Ольга Голованова
Aunt Grizelda (The Lorax)
Тётя Гризельда
Yelena Solovyova
Елена Соловьёва
Brett (The Lorax)
Anton Kolesnikov
Антон Колесников
Chett (The Lorax)
Ilya Khvostikov
Илья Хвостиков
Uncle Ubb (The Lorax)
Дядя Убб
Alexey Kolgan
Алексей Колган
O'Hare's Marketing Guy 1 (The Lorax)
Худой маркетолог
Ilya Blednyy
Илья Бледный
O'Hare's Marketing Guy 2 (The Lorax)
Толстый маркетолог
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов
Additional voices
Konstantin Karasik
Константин Карасик
Vasilisa Yemelyanova
Василиса Емельянова
Daniil Treshchov
Даниил Трещов
Vladimir Gerasimov
Владимир Герасимов
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Yaroslava Turylyova
Ярослава Турылёва
Assistant director
Irina Venikova
Ирина Веникова
Tutoring directors
Svetlana Yefremova
Светлана Ефремова
Leonid Belozorovich
Леонид Белозорович
Pronunciation specialist
Yelena Baranova
Елена Баранова
Pavel Silenchuk
Павел Силенчук
Pyotr Klimov
Пётр Климов
Musical directors
Armen Pogosyan
Армен Погосян
Dmitry Batyzhev
Дмитрий Батыжев
Sound engineer
Dmitry Batyzhev
Дмитрий Батыжев
Creative supervisors
Jody Toll
Jonathan Phillips
Pavel Silenchuk
Павел Силенчук


  • Danny DeVito, in addition to having voiced the Lorax in the original English version, dubbed the character in 4 different languages, covering a total of another 5 dubs with his voice: Italian, German, Russian, European Spanish and Latin American Spanish. This was as a result of the actor offering to dub his character in other languages, after hearing that normally other actors would do it in their respective countries as well as enjoying voicing the character so much.
    • DeVito only knows how to speak English and some Italian, so he had special consultants and trainers from each country to do the dubbing into the different languages ​​that he did not speak, trying to neutralize the accent as much as possible and phonetically imitate the pronunciations of each language.
    • Because DeVito wasn't used to dubbing, he was constantly moving in front of the microphone, which is why Jeff, the studio engineer, had to improvise and create a 180-degree fan of microphones to pick up the sound where the actor moved.