The Dubbing Database

Меч в камне is one of two Russian dubs of The Sword in the Stone. Recorded in 2005, this is the main, official dub of the film, which was first aired on Channel One in Russia on August 23, 2006 and later released in 2008 for the 45th Anniversary Special Edition DVD, although it had been released decades prior on bootleg VHS tapes and DVDs with voice-overs as a result of communism initially and later Disney's delay in releasing an official dub.


Character Actor[1]
Arthur (The Sword in the Stone)
​Артур / Клоп
Ivan Viter
Иван Витер
Merlin (The Sword in the Stone)
Alexander Lenkov
Александр Леньков
Archimedes (The Sword in the Stone)
Alexey Kolgan
Алексей Колган
Sir Ector (The Sword in the Stone)
Сэр Эктор
Alexander Klyukvin
Александр Клюквин
Sir Kay (The Sword in the Stone)
Sergey Burunov
Сергей Бурунов
Madam Mim (The Sword in the Stone)
Мадам Мим
Lyudmila Gnilova
Людмила Гнилова
Sir Pellinore (The Sword in the Stone)
Сэр Пелинор
Oleg Forostenko
Олег Форостенко
Sir Bart (The Sword in the Stone)
Чёрный Барт
Mikhail Georgiu
Михаил Георгиу
Scullery Maid (The Sword in the Stone)
Irina Ponomaryova
Ирина Пономарёва
Alexander Klyukvin
Александр Клюквин
Title voice-over
Alexander Voevodin
Александр Воеводин
Additional voices
Yuri Derkach
Юрий Деркач
Boris Tokarev
Борис Токарев
Alexander Barinov
Александр Баринов
Alexander Kovrizhnykh
Александр Коврижных
Alexander Gavrilin
Александр Гаврилин
Alexander Ryzhkov
Александр Рыжков
Oleg Shcherbinin
Олег Щербинин
Mikhail Mordo
Михаил Мордо
Dmitry Urosov
Дмитрий Уросов
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Yaroslava Turylyova
Ярослава Турылёва
Olga Klyushnikova
Ольга Клюшникова
Alexander Novikov
Александр Новиков
Pyotr Klimov
Пётр Климов
Russian version production
Disney Character Voices International, Inc.

