The Dubbing Database

Миньоны: Грювитация is the Russian dub of Minions: The Rise of Gru.

Recorded in 2021, it was initially planned to be released theatrically in Russia on June 20, 2022. However, in response to the country's invasion of Ukraine and Hollywood's subsequent boycott of the Russian market, Universal declared that the film's Russian release would be cancelled immediately.

Despite this, the dub still saw release in Kazakhstan and other CIS countries at the same date for the countries' Russian-speaking communities.


Character Actor
Gru (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Sergey Burunov
Сергей Бурунов
Wild Knuckles (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Дед Кастет
Konstantin Karasik
Константин Карасик
Belle Bottom (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Дикая Донна
Ulyana Chebotar
Ульяна Чеботарь
Master Chow (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Мастер Чо
Anastasia Lapina
Анастасия Лапина
Marlena (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Olga Mugrychyova
Ольга Мугрычёва
Dr. Nefario (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Доктор Нефарио
Mikhail Georgiu
Михаил Георгиу
Jean-Clawed (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Vadim Medvedev
Вадим Медведев
Svengeance (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Ivan Mokhovikov
Иван Моховиков
Stronghold (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Alexander Matrosov
Александр Матросов
Nun-Chuck (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Сестра Бац
Irina Savina
Ирина Савина
Biker (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Alexander Bobrov
Александр Бобров
Mr. Perkins (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Мистер Перкинс
Alexey Kolgan
Алексей Колган
Silas Ramsbottom (Minions The Rise of Gru)
Сайлас Найспопс
Additional voice
Anzhelika Avtaeva
Анжелика Автаева
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Gelena Pirogova
Гелена Пирогова
Mikhail Cherepnin
Михаил Черепнин
Sound engineers
Denis Vakulenko
Денис Вакуленко
Dmitry Batyzhev
Дмитрий Батыжев


  • This dub would mark the last Illumination film to have its Russian dub commissioned in Russia itself, as all future Russian dubs starting from The Super Mario Bros. Movie would be produced outside of Russia due to Hollywood's Ukraine invasion-induced boycott of the Russian market.

See also[]
