The Dubbing Database
Not to be confused with Мичелови против машина, the Serbian dub, or Мітчелли супроти Машин, the Ukrainian dub.

Митчеллы против машин is the Russian dub of The Mitchells vs. the Machines. It was released on Netflix on April 30, 2021 along with other dubs.

On March 6, 2022, Netflix ceased operations in Russia amid the country's invasion of Ukraine, thus making the film (and its Russian dub) unavailable to stream in the country. The dub is still available on the service as a language option in other countries, however.


Character Actor[1]
Katie Mitchell (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Кэти Митчелл
Vasilisa El'darova
Василиса Эльдарова
Rick Mitchell (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Рик Митчелл
Konstantin Karasik
Константин Карасик
Linda Mitchell (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Линда Митчелл
Yelena Shul'man
Елена Шульман
Aaron Mitchell (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Аарон Митчелл
Mark Popov
Марк Попов
Mark Bowman (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Марк Боумен
Mikhail Khrustalyov
Михаил Хрусталёв
PAL (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Irina Kireyeva
Ирина Киреева
Deborahbot 5000 (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Деборабот 5000
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов
Glaxxon 5000 (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Глаксон 5000
Eric (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Daniil El'darov
Даниил Эльдаров
Jim Posey (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Джим Пози
PAL Max Prime (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
PAL Max Prime
Hailey Posey (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Yekaterina Tikhomirova
Екатерина Тихомирова
Abbey Posey (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Alisa Yefimenko
Алиса Ефименко
Jade (The Mitchells vs. the Machines)
Anna Kiselyova
Анна Киселёва
Additional voices
Kirill Turansky
Кирилл Туранский
Marina Gassan
Марина Гассан
Anastasia Slepchenko
Анастасия Слепченко
Gleb Gavrilov
Глеб Гаврилов
Ivan Porodnov
Иван Породнов
Maxim Galits
Максим Галиц
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Ksenia Chasovskikh
Ксения Часовских
Assistant director
Irina Venikova
Ирина Веникова
Maria Yunger
Мария Юнгер
Roman Gres'
Роман Гресь
Sound engineer
Sound mixer
Pavel Yemelyanov
Павел Емельянов
Sound editor
Yevgenia Gordeyeva
Евгения Гордеева
Project manager
Natalya Barinova
Наталья Баринова


