The Dubbing Database

Мой шумный дом is the Russian dub of The Loud House. It debuted on Nickelodeon's Russian feed on May 28, 2016 and its both Central and Eastern European feed and HD feed on August 29 the same year. It is also available online on Okko and Ivi, as well as in Ukraine through 1+1 video under the Ukrainian-language title Гучний дім[1], although the episodes are left in Russian without subtitles.

On April 28, 2022, Nickelodeon's Russian feed ceased broadcasting in Russia amid the country's invasion of Ukraine, while continuing to do so in the other post-Soviet states (excluding Turkmenistan and Belarus). Episode premieres and reruns continued to be broadcast on said channel until it was eventually shut down on December 15, 2022. New episodes of the dub continue to premiere on Nick CEE.


Character Actor
Lincoln Loud (The Loud House)
Линкольн Лауд
Lina Ivanova
Лина Иванова
Sam Sharp (The Loud House)
Сэм Шарп
Darcy Helmandollar (The Loud House)
Дарси Гильмендоллар
Benny Stein (The Loud House)
Бенни Штейн
Concierge (The Loud House)
Lori Loud (The Loud House)
Лори Лауд
Anastasia Lapina
Анастасия Лапина
Leni Loud (The Loud House)
Лени Лауд
Lola Loud (The Loud House)
Лола Лауд
Rita Loud (The Loud House)
Рита Лауд
Rusty (The Loud House)
Расти Споукс
Scoots (The Loud House)
Luna Loud (The Loud House)
Луна Лауд
Natalia Frankova
Наталия Франкова

(seasons 1–7)
Eva Finkelstein
Ева Финкельштейн

(season 8 onwards)
Luan Loud (The Loud House)
Луан Лауд
Lynn Loud (The Loud House)
Линн Лауд
Lily Loud (The Loud House)
Лили Лауд
Mr. Coconuts (The Loud House)
Мистер Кокосик
Liam (The Loud House)
Лиам Ханникатт
Natalia Frankova
Наталия Франкова
Stella (The Loud House)
Стэлла Жау
Girl Jordan (The Loud House)
Lucy Loud (The Loud House)
Люси Лауд
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман
Lana Loud (The Loud House)
Лана Лауд
Lisa Loud (The Loud House)
Лиза Лауд
Clyde McBride (The Loud House)
Клайд Макбрайд
Margo Roberts (The Loud House)
Марго Робертс
Lynn Loud Sr. (The Loud House)
Линн Лауд-старший
Radik Mukhametzyanov
Радик Мухаметзянов

(seasons 1-7A)
Pyotr Kovrizhnykh
Пётр Коврижных

(seasons 7B-present)
Bobby Santiago (The Loud House)
Бобби Сантьяго
Radik Mukhametzyanov
Радик Мухаметзянов
Wilbur Huggins (The Loud House)
Директор Хаггинс
Mick Swagger (The Loud House)
Мик Шляггер
Dana Dufresne (The Loud House, male)
Донни Дюфрейн
Leonard Loud (The Loud House)
Леонард Лауд
Alexey Kostrichkin
Алексей Костричкин
Todd (The Loud House)
Radik Mukhametzyanov
Радик Мухаметзянов

(seasons 1-7A)
Pyotr Kovrizhnykh
Пётр Коврижных

(seasons 7B-present)
Howard McBride (The Loud House)
Говард Макбрайд
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

Alexey Kostrichkin
Алексей Костричкин

(S06E11–present; banned episodes)
Harold McBride (The Loud House)
Гарольд Макбрайд
Pyotr Kovrizhnykh
Пётр Коврижных
Ronnie Anne Santiago (The Loud House)
Ронни Энн Сантьяго
Anastasia Lapina
Анастасия Лапина

(S01E15, S01E18)
Natalia Frankova
Наталия Франкова

Albert (The Loud House)
Radik Mukhametzyanov
Радик Мухаметзянов
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

(S02E02 only)
Flip (The Loud House)
Radik Mukhametzyanov
Радик Мухаметзянов

(seasons 1-7A)
Pyotr Kovrizhnykh
Пётр Коврижных

(seasons 7B-present)
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

(S03E03 only)
Denis Nekrasov
Денис Некрасов

(S04E16-17, 21 only)
Bud Grouse (The Loud House)
Бад Гроус
Radik Mukhametzyanov
Радик Мухаметзянов

(seasons 1-7A)
Ivan Porodnov
Иван Породнов

(seasons 7B-present)
Coach Pacowski (The Loud House)
Тренер Паковски
Radik Mukhametzyanov
Радик Мухаметзянов

Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

Agnes Johnson (The Loud House)
Агнес Джонсон
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман

(S01E05 only)
Anastasia Lapina
Анастасия Лапина

Chunk (The Loud House)
Radik Mukhametzyanov
Радик Мухаметзянов
Alexey Kostrichkin
Алексей Костричкин

(S03E03 only)
Additional voices
Aleksandra Ostroukhova
Александра Остроухова
Alyona Andronova
Алёна Андронова
Vadim Maksimov
Вадим Максимов
Denis Nekrasov
Денис Некрасов
Margarita Korsh
Маргарита Корш
Aliya Nasyrova
Алия Насырова
Darya Frolova
Дарья Фролова
Dmitry Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов
Ivan Porodnov
Иван Породнов
Sergey Chikhachyov
Сергей Чихачёв
Konstantin Sapronenkov
Константин Сапровенков
Radik Mukhametzyanov
Радик Мухаметзянов

(seasons 1-7A)
Ivan Porodnov
Иван Породнов

(seasons 7B-present)
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов

(S03E10b opening credits, dubbing studio introduction from S03E17 to S06E22)
Technical staff
Dubbing directors
Konstantin Sapronenkov
Константин Сапроненков

(seasons 1-7A)
Alyona Andronova
Алёна Андронова

(seasons 1-7A)
Ivan Porodnov
Иван Породнов

(seasons 7B-present)
Yuri Vatskovsky
Юрий Вацковский


Song Singer(s)
Yevgeniy Drayer
Евгений Драйер
Anastasia Pugach
Анастасия Пугач


These episodes were skipped during regular episode premieres on Nickelodeon Russia primarily due to the inclusion of LGBT characters (e.g. Clyde's fathers Howard and Harold, Luna and her girlfriend Sam), as the dissemination and promotion of LGBT content is prohibited by law in Russia, where the international LGBT movement has been designated as an extremist organization.

Episode Reason Notes
Overnight Success Presence of Clyde's fathers
Attention Deficit Released on Megogo on November 1, 2023
Roughin' It
11 Louds a Leapin Presence of Clyde's fathers Released on Megogo on November 1, 2023
Baby Steps
Kick the Bucket List
L is for Love Luna having a crush on another girl
ARGGH! You for Real? Presence of Clyde's fathers
Health Kicked A clip was uploaded to the Nickelodeon Cyrillic Youtube channel on June 25, 2024
Snow Way Down Released on Megogo on November 1, 2023
Racing Hearts Luna and Sam's queer relationship A clip was uploaded to the Nickelodeon Cyrillic Youtube channel on June 25, 2024
Rocket Men Presence of Clyde's fathers Released on Megogo on February 27, 2024
Last Loud on Earth
Stall Monitor
Exchange of Heart
Purrfect Gig Presence of Clyde's fathers and Luna and Sam's queer relationship
Singled Out Lynn's teammate Lainey dating another girl named Alice Released on Megogo on December 6, 2023
Brave the Last Dance Presence of Clyde's fathers
A Flipmas Carol Presence of Clyde's fathers Released on Megogo on February 27, 2024
No Bus No Fuss Released on Megogo on December 6, 2023
Resident Upheaval Presence of Clyde's fathers and Lincoln and Clyde crossdressing
Flying Solo Presence of Clyde's fathers Released on Megogo on February 27, 2024
Dad Reputation Presence of Clyde's fathers and Luna and Sam's queer relationship
Animal House Presence of Clyde's fathers
In the Mick of Time Luna and Sam's queer relationship
Fam Scam Presence of Clyde's fathers
Runaway McBride A clip was uploaded to the Nickelodeon Cyrillic Youtube channel on July 9, 2024
Don't Escar-go Presence of Clyde's fathers
Save Royal Woods! Presence of Clyde's fathers and Luna and Sam's queer relationship Released on Go3 on May 10, 2023
Musical Chairs Presence of Harold McBride
Cat-astrophe Presence of Clyde's fathers Released on Go3 on September 19, 2023
Prize Fighter Presence of Howard McBride
Food Courting Miguel having a crush on Gavin, Felix implying to having a crush on Miguel and Gavin being implied to be bisexual
The Orchid Grief Presence of Clyde's fathers
The Loud Cloud Luna calling Sam her girlfriend Released on Go3 on January 2, 2024
Great Lakes Freakout! Unknown reason
Snow News Day Presence of Clyde's fathers
Force of Habits Luna and Sam's queer relationship Released on Go3 on January 23, 2024
Out of Step Presence of Clyde's fathers Released on Go3 on May 30, 2024
Fluff and Foiled Lincoln mentioning Clyde's fathers Released on Go3 on August 13, 2024

However, there have been several exceptions:

  • The episodes "Friendzy", "What Wood Lincoln Do?" and "Cooked!" were aired, as Howard, Harold and Sam appeared, but had no speaking roles.
  • "Antiqued Off" was aired, giving Howard a speaking role in the dub, as Harold did not appear.
  • "Deep Cuts", "Snoop's On", "Band Together", "Lori Days", "Hiccups and Downs" and "Music to my Fears" were aired, giving Sam a speaking role in this dub, as her relationship with Luna was not brought up.
    • However, "Antiqued Off" and "Deep Cuts" are not included on Okko and, likely out of caution.

Besides banning episodes, the dialogue is also censored through altering the scripts, such as Howard's lines "knowledge you've learned from your Dad and me" and "Did you hear that, Hare-bear?" in the episode "Antiqued Off" being changed to "knowledge you've learned from me" and "Did you hear that, darling?" (in Russian, the word "darling" is attributed to females) to censor any references to his husband, while Luna's line "My girlfriend Sam and I..." in "Undercover Mom" was changed to "My friend Sam and I..." to censor any references to their relationship.

In 2023 and 2024, several previously banned episodes were dubbed and released on Go3 in the Baltics and on Megogo in Ukraine, as both Nickelodeon CEE and Nicktoons Global still continue to censor LGBT content despite not being available in Russia.


  • In the episode "Job Insecurity", Sergei says "nyet" (Russian for "no"), which Leni misinterpreted as "yes", only to get corrected by Lisa. In the dub, Sergei's voice actor (Diomid Vinogradov) pronounces his "nyet" with the similar accent as in the original (that is, "n′yet"), thus distancing from the traditionally-written word in the Russian language.

See also[]

