The Dubbing Database

Наследники: Недобрый Мир is the Russian dub of Descendants: Wicked World. It has previously aired on Kanal Disney, premiering on March 8, 2016. From 2018, the entire dub has been available on Disney Russia's official YouTube channel for animated content,[1] but since the channel's content is geoblocked, the episodes can only be viewed in Russia.


Character Actor
Mal (Descendants Wicked World)
Irina Obrezkova
Ирина Обрезкова
Evie (Descendants Wicked World)
Yekaterina Tikhomirova
Екатерина Тихомирова
Carlos (Descendants Wicked World)
Dmitry Golovin
Дмитрий Головин
Jay (Descendants Wicked World)
Ivan Chaban
Иван Чабан
Ben (Descendants Wicked World)
Pyotr Vecherkov
Пётр Вечерков
Audrey (Descendants Wicked World)
Viktoria Slutskaya
Виктория Слуцкая
Jane (Descendants Wicked World)
Yelizaveta Zakharyeva
Елизавета Захарьева
Lonnie (Descendants Wicked World)
Marianna Mokshina
Марианна Мокшина
Margarita Sakhno
Маргарита Сахно

Freddie (Descendants Wicked World)
Adelina Lyubskaya
Аделина Любская
Jordan (Descendants Wicked World)
Natalya Burmistrova
Наталья Бурмистрова

(season 1)
Maria Tsvetkova
Мария Цветкова

Margarita Sakhno
Маргарита Сахно

Ally (Descendants Wicked World)
Marianna Mokshina
Марианна Мокшина
CJ (Descendants Wicked World)
Yelizaveta Kuzmina
Елизавета Кузьмина

(season 1)
Maria Tsvetkova
Мария Цветкова

(season 2)
Zevon (Descendants Wicked World)
Konstantin Panchenko
Константин Панченко
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Sergey Kumysh
Сергей Кумыш
Assistant director
Marianna Mokshina
Марианна Мокшина
Inna Khistyaeva
Инна Хистяева
Sound engineers
Polina Volynkina
Полина Волынкина

(season 1)
Svetlana Grabinskaya
Светлана Грабинская

Kristina Mashtanova
Кристина Маштанова

Sound mixers
Alexander Lukyanov
Александр Лукьянов

(season 1)
Svetlana Grabinskaya
Светлана Грабинская

(season 2)


For simplicity reasons, the episode number and air dates listed are prioritizing that of the YouTube releases. Much like Disney+, the music videos in season two were also released as episodes:

  • Rather Be With You (Лучше быть с тобой) - April 4, 2019
  • Evil (Злая) - May 8, 2019
  • Better Together (Вместе мы становимся лучше) - June 6, 2019
Russian title Original title Premiere
1 Взрыв вкуса от Иви Evie's Explosion of Taste November 22, 2018
2 Проблема с цифровым имиджем Мэл Mal's Digi-Image Problem November 29, 2018
3 Новая причёска Одри: Ах! Или Ой…? Audrey's New Do? New Don't! December 6, 2018
4 Осторожнее с желаниями Careful What You Wish For December 13, 2018
5 Вуду? Угу. Voodoo? You Do. December 20, 2018
6 Лампа, милая лампа Lamp Sweet Lamp December 27, 2018
7 Шик от Джина лампы Genie Chic January 3, 2019
8 Хвалёные вкусняшки Puffed Deliciousness January 10, 2019
9 Добро - новое зло Good is the New Bad January 17, 2019
10 День духа Spirit Day January 24, 2016
11 Я твоя девушка I'm Your Girl January 31, 2016
12 Всё смешать Mash It Up February 7, 2016
13 Да здравствует новая королева бала All Hail the New Q.N.L.B. February 14, 2016
14 Без ума от чая Mad for Tea February 21, 2016
15 Угон ковра-самолёта Carpet Jacked February 28, 2016
16 Ещё вся ночь впереди The Night is Young March 7, 2016
17 Гаснут неоновые огни Neon Lights Out March 14, 2016
18 История с Беном Hooked On Ben March 21, 2016
19 Ночной девичник Slumber Party March 28, 2019
20 Белая ворона Мэл Odd Mal Out April 11, 2019
21 Пара тихонь Pair of Sneakers April 18, 2019
22 Бурная репетиция Wild Rehersal April 24, 2019
23 Химическая реакция Chemical Reaction April 25, 2019
24 Говорящие головы Talking Heads May 1, 2019
25 Тайная кража Steal Away May 2, 2019
26 Зло среди нас Evil Among Us April 30, 2019[nb 1]
27 Возможности сокращаются Options Are Shrinking May 15, 2019
28 Как испортить праздник Party Crashers May 16, 2019
29 Мэл - изгой Mal-lone May 22, 2019
30 В ловушке Trapped May 23, 2019
31 Лицом к лицу Face to Face May 25, 2019
32 В единении - сила United We Stand May 30, 2019
33 Торжество Celebration June 5, 2019


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Song Singer(s)
Модно быть добрым
(Good is the New Bad)
Unidentified voice


Season 2 dubbing credits[]


  • This is one of the few dubs to dub the songs in the first season only. This situation occurings for all international dubbings of the Disney's Descendants franchise in some form.
  • Like most dubs of the series, Mal, Evie, Carlos, Jay, Ben, Audrey, Jane, and Lonnie's voice actors reprise their roles from the dub of the first film.
  • The music videos for the songs in season two are released within this dub as special episodes, after the respective episodes they appear in. The songs are undubbed and are instead subtitled into Russian, but any speaking parts are dubbed.
  • Much like the Japanese dub and Korean dub, the short reprise of the song Evil in episode 24 is completely dubbed and translated, even though the main song still remains undubbed.
  • Dubbing credits are only included for the releases of season two episodes.
    • Despite the credits being episodic, more often than not, characters are credited in episodes they do not appear in, particularly Mal. For example, for episode 27, Mal's role is credited instead of Freddie.


  1. Released on YouTube out of chronological order.

See also[]

