The Dubbing Database

Пираты! Банда неудачников is the Russian dub of The Pirates! Band of Misfits. It was released in theaters in Russia on April 26, 2012.


Character Actor
The Pirate Captain (The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!)
Пиратский капитан
Ilya Khvostikov
Илья Хвостиков
The Pirate with a Scarf (The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!)
Vasiliy Zotov
Василий Зотов
Queen Victoria (The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!)
Королева Виктория
Lyudmila Gnilova
Людмила Гнилова
Charles Darwin (The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!)
Чарльз Дарвин
Leonid Barats
Леонид Барац
Black Bellamy (The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!)
Чёрный Беллами
Kamil Larin
Камиль Ларин
Cutlass Liz (The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!)
Сабля Лиз
Irina Kireyeva
Ирина Киреева
Peg Leg Hastings (The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!)
Культя Хастингс
Pyotr Ivashchenko
Пётр Иващенко
The Pirate King (The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!)
Пиратский король
Alexander Novikov
Александр Новиков
The Albino Pirate (The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!)
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов
The Pirate with Gout (The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!)
Пират с подагрой
Igor Pismennyy
Игорь Письменный
Additional voices
Mikhail Belyakovich
Михаил Белякович
Yekaterina Afrikantova
Екатерина Африкантова
Oleg Forostenko
Олег Форостенко
Andrey Kazantsev
Андрей Казанцев
Konstantin Karasik
Константин Карасик
Mikhail Georgiu
Михаил Георгиу
Vsevolod Kuznetsov
Всеволод Кузнецов
Dmitry Kurta
Дмитрий Курта
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Vsevolod Kuznetsov
Всеволод Кузнецов
Sergey Kozin
Сергей Козин