The Dubbing Database

Покемон Сериал: Солнце и Луна is the Russian dub of ポケットモンスター サン&ムーン. It premiered on 2x2 on August 20, 2017, followed by season 21 premiering on Pokémon TV on September 15, 2018, with the first 5 episodes. The 22nd season didn't premiere until April 1, 2020 on Netflix in Russia. It was removed from Netflix in April 2022.

Unusually, only the 20th season premiered on 2x2, any seasons afterwards premiered on different streaming platforms.

As March 6, 2022, Netflix suspended operations in Russia amid the country's invasion of Ukraine, making this series unwatchable in the country. In addition, this series has been available on Pokemon TV until its service was closed in 2024.


Character Actor[1]
Эш Кетчум Larisa Nekipelova
Лариса Некипелова
Киаве Ivan Kalinin
Иван Калинин
Лилли Maria Ivashchenko
Мария Иващенко
Маллоу Vasilisa Voronina
Василиса Воронина
Лана Alyona Sozinova
Алёна Созинова
Софоклис Tatyana Shitova
Татьяна Шитова
Профессор Кекеи Daniil Eldarov
Даниил Эльдаров
Джесси Darya Frolova
Дарья Фролова
Джеймс Sergey Smirnov
Сергей Смирнов
Мяут Dmitriy Filimonov
Дмитрий Филимонов
Самсон Оук Andrey Barkhudarov
Андрей Бархударов
Ротомдекс Prokhor Chekhovskoy
Прохор Чеховской
Pyotr Ivaschchenko
Пётр Иващенко

