The Dubbing Database

Том и Джерри: Быстрый и бешеный is one of two Russian dubs of Tom and Jerry: The Fast and the Furry. It was produced in 2013.


Character Actor
Tom (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Original audio is retained
File:Jerry (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry).png
Squirty (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Spike (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Tom's Owner (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Хозяйка Тома
Maria Ovchinnikova
Мария Овчинникова
Malory McDoogle (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Мэлори "Футбольная мама" МакДугл
TV Announcer (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Диктор ТВ
Daniil Eldarov
Даниил Эльдаров
Biff Buzzard (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Бифф Баззард
J.W. Globwobbler (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Дж. В. Глобвоблер
Alexander Novikov
Александр Новиков
Clown-O (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Stanislav Strelkov
Станислав Стрелков
Security Guard (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Gorthan (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Гортан Разрушитель
Dave (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Irving (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Andrey Kazantsev
Андрей Казанцев
Film Director (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
President of Hollywood (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Президент Голливуда
Dr. Professor (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Доктор Профессор
Buzz Blister (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Базз Блистер
Diomid Vinogradov
Диомид Виноградов
Grammy (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Tatyana Bozhok
Татьяна Божок
Tour Girl (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Steed Dirkly (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Стид Дёркли
Radik Mukhametzyanov
Радик Мухаметзянов
Computer Voice (Tom and Jerry The Fast and the Furry)
Компьютерный голос
Technical staff
Dubbing direction
Andrey Kazantsev
Андрей Казанцев

