The Dubbing Database

Ягодный пирог Шарлотта Земляничка is one of two Russian dubs of Strawberry Shortcake's Berry Bitty Adventures. Produced in Russia, this is the first Russian dub of the series, which aired on Tiji in 2012 and Karusel from 2015 until 2017. In 2023, it was succeeded by a new Russian dub, Шарлотта Земляничка: Ягодные приключения, for JimJam instead. The pilot episode, "A Berry Grand Opening", had also previously been dubbed into Russian and released on DVD no later than in April 2009.[1]


Season 1[]

Character Actor
Strawberry Shortcake (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Шарлотта Земляничка
Tatyana Vesyolkina
Татьяна Весёлкина

Orange Blossom (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Апельсинка Цветочек
Olga Shorokhova
Ольга Шорохова
Lemon Meringue (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Лимона Безе
Larisa Brokhman
Лариса Брохман
Blueberry Muffin (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Черничка Кексик
Raspberry Torte (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Малинка Торт
Yelena Chebaturkina
Елена Чебатуркина
Plum Pudding (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Сливка Пудинг

Seasons 2-3[]

Character Actor
Strawberry Shortcake (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Шарлотта Земляничка
Tatyana Vesyolkina
Татьяна Весёлкина

Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну

Cherry Jam (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Черри Джем
Olga Golovanova
Ольга Голованова
Nina Martyanu
Нина Мартяну

Orange Blossom (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Апельсинка Цветочек
Olga Kuzmina
Ольга Кузьмина
Lemon Meringue (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Лимона Безе
Olga Zubkova
Ольга Зубкова
Blueberry Muffin (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Черничка Кексик
Yekaterina Semyonova
Екатерина Семёнова
Raspberry Torte (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Малинка Торт
Olga Zvereva
Ольга Зверева

(season 2)
Tatyana Shitova
Татьяна Шитова

(season 3)
Plum Pudding (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Сливка Пудинг
Natalya Tereshkova
Наталья Терешкова
Huckleberry Pie (Berry Bitty Adventures)
Гекльберри Киш
Prokhor Chekhovskoy
Прохор Чеховской
Andrey Grinevich
Андрей Гриневич


  • Season 4 was not dubbed, making this dub incomplete.
  • This dub is partly based on the French dub, as is the case with many dubs by New Media for Lagardère-owned channels. For example, Strawberry's name, "Шарлотта Земляничка", is a Russian translation of her French name "Charlotte aux Fraises".
  • The logo in the title sequence and credits at the start of each episode are localized; despite this, a narrator still reads them out in seasons 2 and 3. However, the ending credits are not localized at all in favor of simply having the same narrator read the Russian cast list over the original footage.
    • Due to the use of localized footage, Season 1 was only ever released in 4:3 despite the series being produced in 16:9, as is also the case with several other dubs of that season.
  • The song "Say It Loud" was reused from episode 14 including the sound effects of that episode in episode 24.