The Dubbing Database

דובוני אכפת לי: הקסם מתחיל is the Hebrew dub of Care Bears: Unlock the Magic. The dub began airing on Hop! in Israel on September 1, 2019.[1] New episodes would air on Sundays to Thursdays, with re-runs on Fridays and Saturdays. Its last airing on the channel would be on October 31, 2020.

In 2023, Hop! eventually lost the rights of the series, while still having the rights of every recent Care Bears media. In February 2024, the series began airing on RGE's Yoyo television channel, likely due to the relation of the series with Moonbug Entertainment, which RGE owns a great majority of their content. Episodes were also released on the FreeTV streaming service, which belongs to RGE.

The TV specials premiered on Yoyo in May 2024. This time, they were recorded at Videofilm International.


Character Actor
Cheer Bear (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
דובונית חייכנית
Talya Barkay
טליה ברקאי
Wish Bear (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
דובונית ברכה
Grumpy Bear (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
דוב קוטר
Gadi Levy
גדי לוי
Watchful Bear (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
דובון שומר
Share Bear (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
דובונית שיתופית
Rona Bekerman
רונה בקרמן
Funshine Bear (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
דוב שמחה
Dor Srugo
דור סרוגו
Good Luck Bear (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
דוב מזל טוב
דוב מזליקו
Amnon Wolf
אמנון וולף
Tenderheart Bear (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
דוב לב טוב
Dibble (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
Hadar Shahaf-Maayan
הדר שחף-מעיין

Shiraz Elisha
שירז אלישע

Robbie (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
Hadar Shahaf-Maayan
הדר שחף-מעיין

Bar Savir
בר סביר

Crusher (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
Hadar Shahaf-Maayan
הדר שחף-מעיין

Bedtime Bear (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
דובון לילה טוב
Gilan Shahaf
גילן שחף
File:Garth (Care Bears Unlock the Magic).png
Bluster (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
Ori Zaltzman
אורי זלצמן
Malcom (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
Eran Mor
ערן מור
Plunk (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
Gus (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
Rocky (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
Love-a-Lot Bear (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
דובונית אהבה
Tami Barak
תמי ברק
Togetherness Bear (Care Bears Unlock the Magic)
דובונית ביחד
Mia Kadosh
מייה קדוש
Additional voices
Dan Kiesler
דן קיזלר

Theme song performers
Tami Barak
תמי ברק
Saar Badishi
סער בדישי
Technical staff
Elrom Studios
Efrat Kertsman
אפרת קרצמן

Gadi Levy
גדי לוי

Dovev Ecker
דובב אקר
Linguistic consultant
Racheli Glickman
רחלי גליקמן
Adi Wolotzky
עדי וולוצקי
Sound technician
Olga Boltax
אולגה בולטקס
Tomer Moshe
תומר משה
Videofilm International
Tomer Moshe
תומר משה
Recording and mix technician
Roni Aharonov
רוני אהרונוב
Production managers
Tomer Kaufman
תומר קאופמן
Tony Berman
טוני ברמן
Lingustic consultant
Shira Steinmetz
שירה שטיינמץ
Image editing technician
Amir Perry
אמיר פרי
Hebrew dubbing director
Talya Barkay
טליה ברקאי


  • Not counting the release of Care Bears & Cousins on Netflix, the premiere of the series on Yoyo marks the first time since Adventures in Care-a-lot in which a Care Bears media is airing on a different channel rather than Hop!, or any one of Hop!'s sister channels.
  • The episode "An Almost Eggless Easter" was skipped due to revolving around a Christian holiday, as Hop! has a policy of not referencing non-Jewish holidays in their acquired shows.
    • The episode was likely never dubbed, as Yoyo did not air the episode either despite not having this policy.
  • The first episode, "The Beginning", and the twenty-third episode, "Neon Beach Party", were promoted as specials on both Hop! and Yoyo due to their double length.

