The Dubbing Database

חברים בחווה is the Hebrew dub of Back at the Barnyard. It premiered on Nickelodeon in Israel in the summer of 2008 and ended its run in 2010.

The series' popularity in Israel has exceeded that of the rest of the world, including its country of origin, the United States, and the dub in particular has gained a cult following. As a result, the series still airs on Nickelodeon.


Character Actor[1]
Otis (Back at the Barnyard)
Daniel Magon
דניאל מגון
Abby (Back at the Barnyard)
Noa Kashpizki
נועה קשפיצקי
Pip (Back at the Barnyard)
Efron Etkin
עפרון אטקין
The Farmer (Back at the Barnyard)
האיכר קונים
Pig (Back at the Barnyard)
Gilad Kletter
גלעד קלטר
Freddy (Back at the Barnyard)
Jonathan Magon
יהונתן מגון
Peck (Back at the Barnyard)
Asaf Avidan
אסף אבידן

(first few episodes)
Ziv Meir
זיו מאיר

(the rest)
Duke (Back at the Barnyard)
Dedi Sohar
דדי זהר
Bessy (Back at the Barnyard)
Nurit Banai-Corne
נורית בנאי-קורן
Nora Beady (Back at the Barnyard)
נורה בידי
Orly Katan
אורלי קטן
File:Nathan Beady (Back at the Barnyard).png
נתן בידי
Ami Mandelman
עמי מנדלמן
Everett (Back at the Barnyard)
Bigfoot (Back at the Barnyard)
File:Max Fripplehoot (Back at the Barnyard).png
מקס פריפלהוט
File:Goraldo (Back at the Barnyard).png
Snotty Boy (Back at the Barnyard)
יוג'ין בידי
Dor Srugo
דור סרוגו
File:Boil (Back at the Barnyard).png
Hilly Burford (Back at the Barnyard)
הילי ביופורד
Gadi Levy
גדי לוי
File:Bingo (Back at the Barnyard).png
File:Macy (Back at the Barnyard).png
Talya Barkay
טליה ברקאי
File:Jessica Allspice (Back at the Barnyard).png
ג'סיקה אולספייס
File:Eddy (Back at the Barnyard).png
Liron Lev
לירון לב
File:Snotty Boy's Father (Back at the Barnyard).png
אבא של יוג'ין
Baxter (Back at the Barnyard)
File:Stumpity Joe (Back at the Barnyard).png
ג'ו המקפץ
"Weird Al" Yankovic (Back at the Barnyard)
וירד אל ינקוביק
File:Goat (Back at the Barnyard).png
Yoram Yosephsberg
יורם יוספסברג
File:Stamps (Back at the Barnyard).png
Elad Samocha
אלעד סמוכה
Root (Back at the Barnyard)
Micha Morim
מיכה מורים
Bernard (Back at the Barnyard)
File:Krauser Krebs (Back at the Barnyard).png
קראוזר קרבז
Tom Shwartzberg
תום שוורצברג
File:Donk E. Cheese (Back at the Barnyard).png
חמור הפיצה
File:Honest Earl (Back at the Barnyard).png
ארל הישר
Meron Aronovitch
מירון אהרונוביץ'
Additional voices
Efron Etkin
עפרון אטקין
Nurit Banai-Corne
נורית בנאי-קורן
Dor Srugo
דור סרוגו
Orly Katan
אורלי קטן
Ami Mandelman
עמי מנדלמן
Gadi Levy
גדי לוי
Talya Barkay
טליה ברקאי
Liron Lev
לירון לב
Meron Aronovitch
מירון אהרונוביץ'
Zvika Shwartzberg
צביקה שוורצברג
Rona Bekerman
רונה בקרמן
Shirly Lilu
שירלי לילו
Tom Shwartzberg
תום שוורצברג
Itan Grinberg
איתן גרינברג

(season 1)
Yoram Yosephsberg
יורם יוספסברג

(season 1)
Kobi Likverman
קובי ליקורמן

(season 1)
Adi Raz
עדי רז

(season 1)
Tuval Shafir
תובל שפיר

(season 1)
Elad Samocha
אלעד סמוכה

(season 2)
Amnon Wolf
אמנון וולף

(season 2)
Benayahu Shir
בניהו שיר

(season 2)
Guy Kashpizky
גיא קשפיצקי

(season 2)
Hanan Rozen
חנן רוזן

(season 2)
Noam Tal
נועם טל

(season 2)
Naama Uzan
נעמה אוזן

(season 2)
Technical staff
Theme song translation
Orna Katz
אורנה כץ
Dani Avidan
דני אבידן
Linguistic editing
Shira Steinmetz
שירה שטיינמץ
Voice and mix technician
Shimon Leybin
שמעון לייבין

(season 1)
Haim Eden
חיים אדן

(season 2)
Nadia Cohen
נדיה כהן

(season 2)
Tal Reznic
טל רזניק

(season 2)
Image editing
Dudi Tetro
דודי טטרו
Production manager
Michal Bashiri
מיכל בשירי

(season 1)
Yael Alalof
יעל אללוף

(season 2)
Dubbing direction
Efron Etkin
עפרון אטקין
Dubbing production
Videofilm International
וידאופילם אינטרנשיונל


Song Singer(s)
שיר פתיחה
(Theme song)
Dedi Sohar
דדי זהר
שברת לי את הלב אז פוצצתי את החווה
(You Broke My Heart So I Burned Down Your Farm)
Liron Lev
לירון לב
חזיר קטן אחד
(This Little Piggy Rap)
Gilad Kletter
גלעד קלטר
שדון שדון
Liron Lev
לירון לב


  • The series features a few voice actors who have also participated in the dub of Barnyard:
    • Gilad Kletter, who voices Pig, has voiced Freddy in the film.
    • Yoram Yosephsberg, who voices Goat, has voiced Miles in the film.
    • Amnon Wolf, who has additional roles, has voiced Officer O'Hanlon in the film.
    • Micha Morim is the only voice actor to reprise his role as Root from the film.
  • The episode "It's an Udderful Life" was not dubbed.


  • In the episode "The Right Cow", after Bingo removed his space helmet, Freddy said that he had disguised himself as Kofiko, referencing a well-known Israeli book series.
  • Near the end of the episode "Get Bessy", instead of Ryan Seacrest, Freddy mentions that he knows Bugs Bunny. Pig then responds to him that "everyone knows this rabbit".

Censorship (2010's)[]

A few years after the dub's original run ended, five episodes in the first season[nb 1] would receive different masters that alter some of the dialogue, mainly removing profanity presented throughout the episodes. On TV re-runs on Nickelodeon, both the censored and the uncensored lines play at the same time; on HOT VOD Young and NEXT TV, the uncensored versions of the episodes still remain.

The majority of the edits alter mentions of the r-slur with "moron". Some other edits include:

  • In "The Great Sheep Escape", a scene in which Duke calling himself an idiot, is altered to "stupid".
    • Another scene in the same episode, in which the sheep call him once again an idiot, is not altered.
  • Episode 13 is completely omitted from TV re-runs as well as video-on-demand services (with the sole exceptions of HOT VOD Young and NEXT TV). It is likely due to the events of the segment "A Tale of Two Snottys", which revolve around the animals trying to get Snotty Boy to be mean again, following his amnesia which causes him to be nice.


  1. "Chez Pig", "The Great Sheep Escape", "The Big Barnyard Broadcast", "A Barn Day's Night", and "Barnyard Idol".
