The Dubbing Database

أولاد مشاغبون is one of two Arabic dubs of Codename: Kids Next Door. It has previously aired on Spacetoon.

Originally released in the Arab World with an externally dub produced under license from Warner Bros. Entertainment, this show, along with others from Cartoon Network, would receive a redub when they were later acquired by MBC 3, due to the constant censorship and changes of the Venus Centre dub, which would apply to almost all CN series first released on Spacetoon, except for Ben 10.


Character Actor
Numbuh 1 (Codename - KND)
رقم 1
(نايجل أونو)
Zeyad Errafae'ie
زياد الرفاعي
Numbuh 2 (Codename - KND)
رقم 2
(هووجي ب جيليجان)
Fatima Saad
فاطمة سعد
Numbuh 3 (Codename - KND)
رقم 3
(كوكي سانبان)
Majd Zaza
مجد ظاظا
Numbuh 4 (Codename - KND)
رقم 4
(والابي بيتلز)
Buthaina Shaya
بثينة شيا
Numbuh 5 (Codename - KND)
رقم 5
(أبيجيل لينكون / أبي لينكون)
Zaina Zarouf
زينة ظروف
Unidentified voices
Mansour Al Salty
منصور السلطي
Rafat Bazoo
رأفت بازو
Yahya Alkafri
يحيى الكفري
Technical staff
Credits and localization
Mohammed Al-Qazza
محمد القزة
Financial management
Mohammed Hassan Muhanna
محمد حسان مهنا
Abdul Qadir Nabhan
عبد القادر نبهان
Arabic version production
Maher Hajj Wais
ماهر الحاج ويس


  • Like several early Arabic dubs of Cartoon Network series produced by Spacetoon, this dub is currently lost media. Despite having been broadcast for a short period in 2019, on Spacetoon's 19th anniversary, not many recordings have survived. This is because it was quite overshadowed by the Cartoon Network dub.
  • The production date of this dub is unknown, but considering the participation of Zeyad Errafae'ie (who died in 2009), this dub was produced sometime in the 2000s.
  • This is one of the three dubs to have Numbuh 2 and Numbuh 4 be voiced by women, with the others being the Korean dub and the Russian dub.


  • Numbuh 1's sign of the horns characteristic is censored, censoring one of his fingers, so it looks like he is just holding up his index fingers.


See also[]

Template:Codename: Kids Next Door
