The Dubbing Database

Z دراغون بول (also known as دراغون بول زد) is the Arabic dub of ドラゴンボールZ. It has previously aired on Spacetoon in MENA, 2M in Morocco and Channel 1 in Syria. This dub had two stages, which are considered by the Arab audience as different 'seasons'. The first, started in September 2003, which included only the Saiyan Saga and later the Frieza Saga (with the excluding of Garlic Jr. Saga), with 53 episodes. Several years later, the dubbing would continue, being promoted as Dragon Ball Z 2 (season 2) from episode 54 onwards, however, the dubbing would abruptly end again, in episode 104. 187 episodes never received a dubbing.

Unlike the Arabic dub of the first series, this one turned out to be much more successful, which led to the formation of a notable fan community in the Arab world. The next Arabic dubs to be produced would be the dubs of ドラゴンボール改 and ドラゴンボール超, since the GT series never received a dub in this language.


Episodes 1-53[]

Character Actor
孫悟空 (ドラゴンボールZ)
Zeyad Errafae'ie
زياد الرفاعي
ザーボン (ドラゴンボールZ)
孫悟飯 (ドラゴンボールZ)
Samar Kokash
سمر كوكش
ピッコロ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Rafat Bazoo
رأفت بازو

(episodes 1-3)
Mohamed Khair Abou Hassoun
محمد خير أبو حسون

(episodes 4 onward)
ベジータ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Mohamed Khair Abou Hassoun
محمد خير أبو حسون
Ayman Al Salek
أيمن السالك
フリーザ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Mohamed Khair Abou Hassoun
محمد خير أبو حسون
ナッパ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Zeyad Errafae'ie
زياد الرفاعي
Mansour Al Salty
منصور السلطي
Wassef Halabi
واصف الحلبي
クリリン (ドラゴンボールZ)
Hanan Shokier
حنان شقير
ブルマ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Aminah Omar
آمنة عمر
チチ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Taghreed Jarjoor
تغريد جرجور
デンデ (ドラゴンボールZ)
ヤムチャ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Mamoon al-Farkh
مأمون الفرخ
(episodes 1-12)
Rafat Bazoo
رأفت بازو

(episodes 13 onward)
天津飯 (ドラゴンボールZ)
Mansour Al Salty
منصور السلطي
(episodes 1-12)
Zeyad Errafae'ie
زياد الرفاعي

(episodes 13-53)
餃子 (ドラゴンボールZ)
Aminah Omar
آمنة عمر
ラディッツ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Adel Abou Hassoon
عادل أبو حسون

(episodes 1-5)
Mansour Al Salty
منصور السلطي
(flashbacks: episodes 15, 18)
界王様 (ドラゴンボールZ)
Rafat Bazoo
رأفت بازو
ドドリア (ドラゴンボールZ)
Ayman Al Salek
أيمن السالك
الحكيم تورتو
(Master Roshi/Torto)
كبير الناميك
(Grand Elder Guru)
Mamoun Al Rifai
مأمون الرفاعي
Hanan Shokier
حنان شقير

(first voice)[3]
Aminah Omar
آمنة عمر

(second voice)
Mamoun Al Rifai
مأمون الرفاعي
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Mayada Auda
ميادة عودة
Translator/Script adaptation
Jala Mardini
جالا مارديني
Mohammed Hassan Bakr
محمد حسان بكر
Samer Abu Hamad
سامر أبو حمد
Financial management
Mohammed Hassan Muhanna
محمد حسان مهنا
Abdul Qadir Nabhan
عبد القادر نبهان
Music author and composer
Tarek Al Arabi Tourgane
طارق العربي طرقان
Assem Sukkar
عاصم سكر
Arabic version production
Animation International
Maher Hajj Wais
ماهر الحاج ويس

Episodes 54-104[]

Character Actor
孫悟空 (ドラゴンボールZ)
Rafat Bazoo
رأفت بازو
ヤムチャ (ドラゴンボールZ)
孫悟飯 (ドラゴンボールZ)
Samar Kokash
سمر كوكش
ピッコロ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Mohamed Khair Abou Hassoun
محمد خير أبو حسون
天津飯 (ドラゴンボールZ)
フリーザ (ドラゴンボールZ)
ベジータ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Ayman Al Salek
أيمن السالك
クリリン (ドラゴンボールZ)
Amirah Hudaify
أميرة حذيفي
ブルマ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Aminah Omar
آمنة عمر
チチ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Rana Zarqa
رنا زرقا
界王様 (ドラゴンボールZ)
Mansour Al Salty
منصور السلطي
(Grand Elder Guru)
الحكيم تورتو
(Master Roshi/Torto)
デンデ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Rawaa Shaikhani
روعة شيخاني
餃子 (ドラゴンボールZ)
Lina Dhawa
لينا ضوا
Adel Abou Hassoon
عادل أبو حسون
Rashid Mishref
رائد مشرف
ナッパ (ドラゴンボールZ)
(Nappa; flashback ep. 104)
Khaldoun Karout
خلدون قاروط
ザーボン (ドラゴンボールZ)
Mamoun Al Rifai
مأمون الرفاعي
Technical staff
Dubbing director
Khaldoun Karout
خلدون قاروط
Translator/Script adaptation
Nawar Al Homsi
نوار الحمصي
Manar Al-Samkari
منار السمكري
Samer Abu Hamad
سامر أبو حمد
Credits and localization
Mohammed Al-Qazza
محمد القزة
Financial management
Mohammed Hassan Muhanna
محمد حسان مهنا
Abdul Qadir Nabhan
عبد القادر نبهان
Music author and composer
Tarek Al Arabi Tourgane
طارق العربي طرقان
Assem Sukkar
عاصم سكر
Arabic version production
Animation International
Maher Hajj Wais
ماهر الحاج ويس


1st stage (episodes 1-53)[]

In September 2003, Spacetoon began airing Dragon Ball Z alongside Sunrise's Gundam Wings and Nippon Animation's 1999 anime adaptaion of Shonen Jump's Hunter X Hunter. However, only the Saiyan Saga and later the Frieza Saga (with the excluding of Garlic Jr. Saga) were dubbed, initially concluding with 53 episodes similarly to the Korean dub and Saban's syndicated run of the FUNimation/Ocean English dub on American television.

2nd stage (episodes 54-104)[]

After fan-outcry over the dub's sudden cancellation, Spacetoon's now-defunct sister channel (now late-night programming-block) Space Power that targeted an older demographic renewed the dub for a second season in February 2010 from where it last capped off back in 2003. It also briefly air on Spacetoon around the tail-end of Ramadan and the start of Eid of the same year. But unfortunately, the show abruptly ended yet again the following year, leaving out 187 of the 291 episodes undubbed.

Due to the this dubbing break of just over 6 years, most of the cast was changed, due to the unavailability of the actors, many of whom were already participating in other projects in Venus Centre, and others Syrian dubbing studios. Also, it was the case that several actors returned to the project, but were forced to take other roles, thus replacing the other actors that already not be.

Sadly, the actor Zeyad Errafae'ie, who played Son Goku, was unable to return to dubbing, as he would pass away in 2009.


See more on Dragon Ball Wiki

The series received several censorships, including its plot itself, in its Arabic dub. The titular artifacts, the Dragon Balls, lost all connections to any dragons. Scenes of Shenron being summoned with the balls to grant wishes were removed, and it was explained that that the balls themselves had the power to bring characters back to life, and etc. All references towards evolutionary concepts have also been removed, thus it was explained that Goku's monkey-tail and the Saiyans were artificial machine-like. Instead of the Saiyans transforming into giant apes under the moonlight, the giant apes were regarded as separate entities who were merely summoned to the scene by the Saiyans, as any form of transformation or evolution conflicts with Muslim religion. In Dragon Ball Z, Raditz was rewritten from Goku's evil brother to his nemesis friend. (Despite the dub retaining the implication of it being the first time that they met canonically, yet the plot (such as Gohan's kidnapping) was rewritten to fit this change).


Most of the names are transliterations from Japanese to Arabic, with some notable exceptions being the following:

  • Son Gokū is Gogo (full name: Son Gogo).
    • However, his Saiyan name remains, being adapted as Kakarot.
  • Krilin is Hoshi.
  • Son Gohan is Johann.
  • Muten Roshi is Torto or Alhakim Torto (lit. The Sage Torto).
  • King Kai is Neptune.
  • Ten Shinhan is Tian.



The opening/ending theme used is a custom theme song written and directed by famous high-profil Arabic dubbed anime/cartoons song writer/director, singer and composer Tarek Al-Arabi Tourgane. Typical for 90's and 00's international dubs, visuals in the opening are a mix of the OP and some scenes from the anime series. The same theme song was kept in Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball Z Kai, and got a special revamp for Dragon Ball Super's ending theme.

Sample dubbings[]

A relevant detail to note is that the title card of each episode with his name, were always cut in the first stage of dubbing, in 2003. Already in 2010, in the second stage of dub, the titles of each episode were read by the narrator.

See also[]

External links[]

