The バーバパパ 世界をまわる Ending Song plays at the very end of all 50 episodes of the anime.
- Singer: ?
Please provide Japanese lyrics if you can
Version 1[]
- Singer: ?
The singer sings over an unidentified dub that plays in the background (though it is likely to be the Norwegian dub). This was only used in the first volume of the Danish DVDs for the series.
Please provide Danish lyrics if you can
Version 2[]
- Singer: ?
Starting from the second volume onward, the ending theme is entirely redubbed with a new instrumental (much like the opening theme in the same volumes).
Please provide Danish lyrics if you can
- Singer: Nicoline Pouwer
Please provide Dutch lyrics if you can
- Singer: ?
Here they come, the sweet adventurers Barbapapa! See them as they travel the world Barbamama! Over here and over there Transforming into any shape To help here and over there Those lucky enough to meet them all!
- Singer: ?
Please provide Finnish lyrics if you can
- Singer: ?
Voici les doux aventuriers Barbapapa! Ils voyagent dans le monde entier Barbamama! Par-là, par ici et là ils se transforment à volonté! Pour aider ici et là ceux qui ont la chance de les rencontrer!
Italian (2002)[]
- Singer: ?
Un Barbatrucco ci farà Barbapapà Tanto amore ci darà Barbamamma Vieni, vieni insieme a noi, rincorriamo l'avventura Tanti amici incontrerai, col Barbapullman viaggerai!
Barbapapa will make us a Barbatrick Barbamama will give us a lot of love Come, come with us, let's chase adventure You'll meet many friends and travel on the Barbapullman!
Italian (2006)[]
- Singer: ?
Ecco i teneri avventurieri Barbapapà Viaggiano per il mondo intero Barbamamma Qua e là, di là e di qua, si trasformano a volontà Per aiutare qui e là tutti quelli che incontreran!
Here are the soft adventurers Barbapapa Travelling the entire world Barbamama Here and there, over there and over here, they transform a lot To help here and there everyone they will encounter!
- Singer: ?
Please provide Mandarin lyrics if you can
- Singer: Natália Kóšová
Please provide Slovak lyrics if you can
- Singer: ?
Please provide Spanish lyrics if you can
- Singer: ?
Ut på glada äventyr, barbapappa mama alla trivs och har det bra, barbapappa mama sjung i våran glada sång, vi älskar så att resa älskar så att vara omkring, i våran värld tillsammans!
- The German, Korean, and Norwegian versions of this song, if dubbed, have not surfaced anywhere online. They cannot be added anywhere on this page until either the audio and/or lyrics are provided.
- This is so far the only ending theme song with lyrics that the Barbapapa franchise has ever had.
- The original series only has a short 15-second instrumental, while the 2019 reboot lasts for far less, being completely silent while the credits appear over a black background (except in the Finnish (YLE) dub and the Russian (Ryzhiy) dub, where it is given a jingle).