The Dubbing Database
The Dubbing Database

The バーバパパ 世界をまわる Theme Song is featured at the start of all 50 episodes of the anime.


Singer: ?

Please provide Japanese lyrics if you can


Version 1[]

Singer: ?

In the first volume of the Danish DVDs for the series, the ending song accidentally plays over the footage of the opening. When it's over, an instrumental version of the My Little Pony Tales theme song begins to be played for unknown reasons (with the sound effect track remaining intact as well). The M&E track of Lolita barking is still present; Once the footage of the opening finishes, the song quickly fades out while the episode starts.

Version 2[]

Singer: ?

Starting from the second volume onward, the opening theme is directly dubbed from the original song, accompanied by a remade instrumental. The instrumental was also redone for the ending song (which was redubbed).

Please provide Danish lyrics if you can


Singer: Nicoline Pouwer

Please provide Dutch lyrics if you can


Singer: ?
Barbapapa, Barbamama
Sweetness and love and peacefulness
Barbamama, Barbamama
Adventures, laughs, and dangers

On a journey we go, let us pack your suitcase
We'll discover new lands, and make lots of new friends
Farewell, beloved home
We will come back someday!

Let's Barba-fly all together, with Barbapapa!


Singer: ?

Please provide Finnish lyrics if you can


Singer: ?

Please provide French lyrics if you can


Singers: ?

In the German dub of the anime, an entirely different opening theme was used in place of the original, which is sung by a currently unidentified band. The song is a remix of the original 1974 series' theme song, Voici venir les Barbapapa, with lyrics retained from the second verse of the German song.

Barba, Barba, Barba-
Ba.. da-Barba-

Kommt und besucht mal Barbapapa!
Kommt zu besuch!
bei der Familie Barbapapa
Ist es geschafft der Barbapapa
Können sich ändern wie sie wollen
Dünn oder dick,
Kurz oder lang

Kommt und besucht mal Barbapapa!
Barbapapa, Barbamama, Barbabella, Barbaletta,
Barbarix, Barbabum, Barbabo, Barbakuss, Barbalalaaa...
Kommt und besucht mal Barbapapaaa!

Italian (2002)[]

Singer: ?

Barbapapà, Barbamamma
Con i fiori della fantasia.
Barbapapà, Barbamamma
È l'amore che fa la magia!
Barbatrucco veloce per vedere se il mondo
Come un Barbapallone è davvero rotondo!
Mille avventure, poi ritorneremo quì!
Barbavolando felici con Barbapapà!

Barbapapa, Barbamama
With the flowers of fantasy.
Barbapapa, Barbamama
It's love that makes magic!
A quick Barbatrick to see if the world
Is as round as a Barbaballoon!
Many adventures, then we'll return here
Joyously Barbaflying with Barbapapa!

Italian (2006)[]

Singer: ?

Barbapapà, Barbamamma,
Dolcezza, amore e tranquillità!
Barbapapà, Barbamamma,
L'avventura desterà allegria!
Pronti tutti i bagagli, finalmente si parte
Attraversando paesi e incontrando gli amici
Dolce casetta addio, ma torneremo sì!
Barbavoliam tutti assieme con Barbapapà!

Barbapapa, Barbamama,
Sweetness, love and tranquillity!
Barbapapa, Barbamama,
Adventure will wake up happiness!
All the luggage is ready, finally we can go
Passing through countries and meeting friends
Goodbye sweet home, but yes, we'll come back!
Let's Barbafly together with Barbapapa!


Singer: ?

Please provide Korean lyrics if you can


Singer: ?

Please provide Mandarin lyrics if you can


Singer: Natália Kóšová

Please provide Slovak lyrics if you can


Singer: ?

Please provide Spanish lyrics if you can


Singer: ?

Please provide Swedish lyrics if you can


  • The Norwegian version of this song has not surfaced anywhere online. It cannot be added anywhere on this page until either the audio or the lyrics are provided.
  • This is the only opening theme in the Barbapapa franchise that does not rollcall the entire Barbapapa family. Only Barbapapa and Barbamama are mentioned in the lyrics of the original, as well as nearly all of the dubs (with the exception of German).

See also[]
