崖の上のポニョ is the eponymous theme song to the Studio Ghibli film Ponyo, released on December 5, 2007 (though gaining popularity with the release of the film in August 2008). It was performed by folk group Fujioka Fujimaki and then eight-year-old Nozomi Ōhashi.
- Singers: Fujioka Fujimaki and Nozomi Ōhashi / 大橋 のぞみ
ポーニョポーニョポーニョさかなの子 青い海からやってきた ポーニョポーニョポーニョふくらんだ まんまるおなかの女の子 ペータペタピョーンピョン 足っていいなかけちゃお! ニーギニギブーンブン おててはいいなつないじゃお! あの子とはねると心もおどるよ パークパクチュッギュッ! パークパクチュッギュッ! あの子が大好きまっかっかの ポーニョポーニョポーニョさかなの子 青い海からやってきた ポーニョポーニョポーニョふくらんだ まんまるおなかの女の子 フークフクいいにおい おなかがすいた食べちゃお! よーくよく見てみよう あの子もきっと見ている いっしょに笑うとホッペがあついよ ワークワクチュッギュッ! ワークワクチュッギュッ! あの子が大好きまっかっかの ポーニョポーニョポーニョさかなの子 崖の上にやってきた ポーニョポーニョポーニョ女の子 まんまるおなかの元気な子
Ponyo ponyo ponyo saka na no ko Aoi umi kara yatte kita Ponyo ponyo ponyo fukuranda Manmaru onaka no onna no ko Peeta peeta pyoon pyon Ashitte ii na kakechao! Niigi niigi buun bun Otete wa ii na tsunaijao! Ano ko to haneru to kokoro mo odoru yo Paaku paku chuggyutsu! paaku paku chuggyutsu! Ano ko ga daisuki makkakka no Ponyo ponyo ponyo saka na no ko Aoi umi kara yatte kita Ponyo ponyo ponyo fukuranda Manmaru onaka no onna no ko Fuuku fuku ii nioi Onaka ga suita tabechao! Youku yoku mite miyou Ano ko mo kitto miteiru Isshoni warau to hoppe ga atsui yo Waaku waku chuggyutsu! waaku waku chuggyutsu! Ano ko ga daisuki makkakka no Ponyo ponyo ponyo saka na no ko Gake no ue ni yatte kita Ponyo ponyo ponyo onna no ko Manmaru onaka no genki na ko
- Singers: ?
波兒 波兒 波兒 魚兒小寶貝 在深藍大海裡 搖擺著尾巴 波兒 波兒 波兒 肚子脹卜卜 脹卜卜 哈哈笑 整天在笑 跳前跳左 轉個圈 一對奇妙腳仔 開心通處跑汹 牽著你走 揮一揮手 真有趣這小手 牽手來喲 只想一起傻傻地跳 教我的心舞動如歌 BooLu BooLu 親親 BooLu BooLu 擁抱 是我心裹最愛的你 紅著臉囉 波兒 波兒 波兒 魚兒小寶貝 在這懸崖邊找到向海洋小屋 波兒 波兒 波兒 肚子脹卜卜 脹卜卜 哈哈笑 整天在笑
2020 remake[]
- Singers: 傻莓醬 and 傻莓醬
波儿 波儿 波儿 神奇嘅金鱼 自碧海蓝天出发 于山崖上靠依 波儿 波儿 波儿 肚仔胀卜卜 最喜欢谁呢?宗介 真心实意 会行会走 会游会飞 让鱼鳍幻变脚手 牵手探险 放晴也好 惊涛也好 为求明日更好 洗清烦恼 人和鱼 愿和谐共处 带上桶仔 舞动旋转 锡晒你喇 亲亲 忘形忘怀 拥抱 幻化不停但爱不变 完全流露 波儿 波儿 波儿 神奇嘅金鱼 自碧海蓝天出发 于山崖上靠依 波儿 波儿 波儿 肚仔胀卜卜 最喜欢谁呢?宗介 真心实意 嗯闻下先 香喷喷晚餐 问鱼儿大爱吃乜 火腿最啱 永无挂牵 好奇爱玩 若然崖上闷了吗 出海游览 想一起随时大笑 笑到彼此满面红光 锡晒你喇 开心 忘形忘怀 兴奋 幻化不停但爱不变 和你乘浪 波儿 波儿 波儿 萌萌嘅金鱼 别了晶莹的水母 想跟人类唱诗 波儿 波儿 波儿 成日笑微微 若喜欢 就高声说 不等下次
- Singers: Noah Cyrus and Frankie Jonas
Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, fishy in the sea Tiny little fishy, who could you really be? Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, magic sets you free Oh, she's a little girl with a round tummy Tip, tippy toe, jump, jump, and hop Now that I've got my legs, I cannot stop Pat, paddy pat, waving hello Come and hold hands with me, dancing we go My feet are skipping, my heart, too Happy happy are we all! Maybe I might love you, maybe I might love you So hold on tight and hold me close, you're my hero Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, fishy in the sea Tiny little fishy, who could you really be? Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, magic sets you free Oh, pretty little girl will you swim back to me? Yum, yummy yum, I smell a treat Let's fill our tummies now, good things to eat Peek, peek-a-boo, that's what we'll do "I see my favorite boy, he sees me too!" My cheeks are rosy from smiling Laughing, laughing are we all Maybe I might love you, maybe I might love you So hold on tight and hold me close, you're my hero You might also like Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, fishy in the sea Tiny little fishy, who could you really be? Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, magic sets you free Oh, she's a little girl with a round tummy
- Singers: Noah Cyrus and Frankie Jonas
Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo One, two, one, two, three, four! Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, tiny little fish She's a little fish from the deep blue sea Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, she's a little girl She's a little girl with a round tummy Uh huh, favorite little fishy Sing along, let's go Sing "P-O-N-Y-O" You can clap your hands, clap your fins Everybody, this is where the magic happens And when I'm skipping with her My heart feels a difference Munch and munch, kiss and hug Munch and munch, kiss and hug Oh, he is my favorite little boy Rosy, rosy, red, red! Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, tiny little fish She's a little fish from the deep blue sea Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, she's a little girl She's a little girl with a round tummy Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo One, two, one, two, three, four! I love you bunches and bunches I give you lots of X and O's Feel it in your fingers all the way down to your toes Everybody, one, two, three Come along and dance me One, two, three, make a wish Sing along with your favorite fish And when I'm skipping with her My heart feels a difference Munch and munch, kiss and hug Munch and munch, kiss and hug Oh, he is my favorite little boy Rosy, rosy, red, red! Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, tiny little fish She's a little fish from the deep blue sea Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, she's a little girl She's a little girl with a round tummy And when I'm skipping with her My heart feels a difference Munch and munch, kiss and hug Munch and munch, kiss and hug Oh, he is my favorite little boy Rosy, rosy, red, red! Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, tiny little fish She's a little fish from the deep blue sea Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, she's a little girl She's a little girl with a round tummy Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, tiny little fish Came to the house on the cliff by the sea Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, she's a little girl She's a happy girl with a round tummy She's a little girl with a round tummy
- Singers: Fabio Liberatori and Sara Liberatori
Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, pesciolina tu dal mare tutto azzurro, sei giunta fin quassù! Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo sofficiosa sei pancino tondo tondo, bambina tu! Corro fin là... hop-hop, più sù... che bello aver le gambe, provo a trottar! Stringo di più... faccio ciao-ciao... che bello aver le mani, provo a strizzar Se con quel bimbo saltelli, anche il tuo animo danza... Boccheggiamo e bacio! Boccheggiamo e abbraccio! Quel bimbo tu l'adori sì! Tutta rossa... Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, pesciolina tu dal mare tutto azzurro, sei giunta fin quassù! Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo sofficiosa sei pancino tondo tondo, bambina tu!
Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, little fish you from the sea all blue, you've come up here! Ponyo, Ponyo, fluffy Ponyo you are round tummy, little girl you! I run there... hop-hop, higher... How nice to have legs, I try to trot! I squeeze more... I say bye-bye... How nice to have hands, I try to squeeze If you jump with that child, your soul dances too... Let's gasp and kiss! Let's gasp and hug! Yes, you love that baby! All red... Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, little fish you from the sea all blue, you've come up here! Ponyo, Ponyo, fluffy Ponyo you are round tummy, little girl you!
- Singers: Fujioka Fujimaki and Nozomi Ōhashi / 大橋 のぞみ
포뇨 포뇨 포뇨 아기 물고기 저 푸른 바다에서 찾아 왔어요 포뇨 포뇨 포뇨 오동통통 볼록한 배에 예쁜 물고기 깡총 깡총 쭈욱쭈욱 다리가 생겼구나 뛰어 보자 꼬물 꼬물 쫘악쫘악 손들이 생겼구나 잡아 보자 포뇨와 함께 놀 때 마다 기분이 너무 좋았죠 빠끔빠끔 쭈욱 뻐끔뻐끔 쭈욱 포뇨가 너무 좋아요 새빨간 모습에 포뇨 포뇨 포뇨 아기 물고기 저 푸른 바다에서 찾아 왔어요 포뇨 포뇨 포뇨 오동통통 볼록한 배에 예쁜 물고기 모락 모락 좋은 냄새 배고프다 뭔가를 먹어야지 자꾸 자꾸 보고 보고 그 아이도 거기서 볼 테니까 함께같이 웃으면 얼굴이 빨개져요 빠끔빠끔 쭈욱 뻐끔뻐끔 쭈욱 포뇨가 너무 좋아요 새빨간 모습에 포뇨 포뇨 포뇨 아기 물고기 저 높은 벼랑으로 찾아 왔어요 포뇨 포뇨 포뇨 오동통통 볼록한 배에 예쁜 물고기
Mandarin (China)[]
- Singers: Trinity Lucky Lee and Wu Qingfeng / 吴青峰
波妞 波妞 波妞 魚的小寶貝 從遙遠蔚藍色的 大海裡面來 波妞 波妞 波妞 胖嘟嘟起來 肚子圓圓滾滾的 小小女孩 踩著海浪 長出腳丫 拼命地跑向他 真快樂啊 用力用力 伸出雙手 跟他手牽著手 不會害怕 和她一起 簡簡單單 心裡就像 灑滿陽光 哇酷哇酷 抱抱 哇酷哇酷 親親 我最喜歡的小女孩 紅通通呀 波妞 波妞 波妞 魚的小寶貝 從遙遠蔚藍色的 大海裡面來 波妞 波妞 波妞 胖嘟嘟起來 肚子圓圓滾滾的 小小女孩 聞一聞啊 香噴噴噠 肚子咕嚕有點餓 快嘗嘗它 要好好的 看一看她 她一定也在偷偷 看著你呀 大聲叫著 他的名字 看他笑得 臉紅紅的 哇酷哇酷 啾啾 哇酷哇酷啵啵 我最喜歡的小男孩 紅通通呀 波妞 波妞 波妞 魚的小寶貝 在懸崖上找到了 一個溫暖的家 波妞 波妞 波妞 胖嘟嘟起來 肚子圓圓滾滾的 勇敢小孩
- Singers: Malsawmpuii Dosel and C. Lalmuankimi
This dub uses an original instrumental and parts of the song are kept from the original Japanese version
Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, Nghate duwam te Lipui thuk tak maia nghate duhawm chu Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, tuai tir duhawm te Tuaite dui biai king keng te reuh kha Sir tiang sawnin, zuang ler terin Chawn ban ka nei, tuai ka leng dawn e Saw leng lengin, luam hlep hlepin Chhei ban ka nei, ka n vuan chhin tang e I kianga khisa iang a, Lim ter ter hian ka lungril hlan chai, lam ha thai a duaite a fawp in Awl Ka tuailtir duhlai i ni Ainawn ianga sen Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, Nghate duwam te Lipui thuk tak maia nghate duhawm chu Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, tuai tir duhawm te Tuaite dui biai king keng te reuh kha Peeta peeta pyoon pyon Ashitte ii na kakechao Niigi niigi buun bun Otete wa ii na tsunaijao Ano ko to haneru to kokoro mo odoru yo Paaku paku chuggyutsu paaku paku chuggyutsu Ano ko ga daisuki makkakka no Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, Nghate duwam te Lipui thuk tak maia nghate duhawm chu Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo, tuai tir duhawm te Tuaite dui biai king keng te reuh kha
- Readers: Tomasz Kozłowicz and Joanna Pach-Żbikowska
Please provide Polish lyrics if you can
Russian (Kinomania)[]
- Readers: ?
Please provide Russian lyrics if you can
Spanish (Latin America, Video Dub)[]
- Singers: Lucila Gómez and Sol Nieto
Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo es un pequeño pez En las profundidades del mar la puedes a ver Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo humana quiere ser Bonita y barrigona, ya vas a ver Puedo saltar, puedo correr Ahora tengo pies, bailaré también Puedo reír, puedo cantar Ahora tengo manos, te quiero abrazar Siempre que juego con ella, mi corazón late muy fuerte Yo la quiero mucho, mucho, mucho, mucho Mi corazón es para ti Más, más, más, más Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo es un pequeño pez En las profundidades del mar la puedes a ver Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo humana quiere ser Bonita y barrigona, ya vas a ver
Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo is a little fish In the depths of the sea you can see her Ponyo, Ponyo, human Ponyo wants to be Pretty and potbellied, you'll see I can jump, I can run Now I have feet, I'll dance too I can laugh, I can sing Now I have hands, I want to hug you Whenever I play with her My heart beats really hard I love her very, very, very, very much My heart is for you More, more, more, more Ponyo, Ponyo, Ponyo is a little fish In the depths of the sea you can see her Ponyo, Ponyo, human Ponyo wants to be Pretty and potbellied, you'll see
Spanish (Spain, Estudios Exa)[]
- Singers: ?
Ponyo, Ponyo Ponyo es una niña pez, del mar ella ha venido, verás que guapa es Ponyo, Ponyo Como una bolita es, su tripa redondita, blandita es Pim, Pam, Pum Piernas me haré, con un truquito que yo me sé... Qué bien, qué bien, hoy tengo pies Que suerte tengo, manos también Cuando yo estoy a su lado me siento ilusionado Uy que divertido, uy que divertido Mi amiga Ponyo es así... ¡y cantamos! Ponyo, Ponyo Ponyo es una niña pez del mar, ella ha venido, verás que guapa es Ponyo, Ponyo Como una bolita es, su tripa redondita, blandita es
Ponyo, Ponyo Ponyo is a fish girl, she has come from the sea, you will see how beautiful she is Ponyo, Ponyo She is like a little ball, her round, soft gut is Pim, Pam, Pum I'll get legs, with a little trick that I know... Good, good, today I have feet How lucky I am, hands too When I'm next to her I feel excited Oh that's fun, oh that's fun My friend Ponyo is like that... and we sing! Ponyo, Ponyo Ponyo is a sea fish girl, she has come, you will see how pretty she is Ponyo, Ponyo It is like a little ball, its round, soft gut is
Missing versions[]
Some versions of this song has not surfaced anywhere online. They cannot be added anywhere on this page until either the audio or the lyrics are provided:
- Estonian
- Hebrew
- Portuguese (Portugal, Nacional Filmes 2)
- Russian (Reanimedia)
- Thai (theatrical)
The following dubs have left the song undubbed from either the original Japanese version or other dubs:
- Albanian (undubbed from English)
- Arabic
- Basque
- Catalan (undubbed from European Spanish, Estudios Exa dub)
- Czech
- Danish
- Dutch (theatrical)
- Dutch (Wim Pel Productions BV)
- Finnish
- French
- German
- Hindi
- Indonesian
- Khmer
- Kurdish
- Lithuanian
- Malay
- Mandarin (Taiwan)
- Norwegian
- Persian (undubbed from English)
- Portuguese (Brazil, Audio Corp)
- Portuguese (Brazil, Álamo)
- Portuguese (Portugal, Buggin Media)
- Russian (Nemajov)
- Russian (Sonotek)
- Spanish (Latin America, New Art Dub)
- Spanish (Spain, VSI-Sonygraf dub)
- Swedish
- Thai (SDI Media Thailand)
- Turkish
- Ukrainian (KyivMusicFilm)
- Ukrainian (NLO TV)
- Ukrainian (two-voiced)
- Uyghur
- Vietnamese