The Dubbing Database

100 la sută lup – Legenda pietrei lunii is the Romanian dub of 100% Wolf: Legend of the Moonstone. It premiered on Minimax in Romania on July 2, 2021.


Character Actor[1]
Freddy Lupin Human (100% Wolf Legend of the Moonstone)
Freddy Lupin Dog (100% Wolf Legend of the Moonstone)
Fred Lupin
Paul Zurbău
Ivan Bewulf (100% Wolf Legend of the Moonstone)
Ivan Werewolf (100% Wolf Legend of the Moonstone)
Ivan Bewulf
Andrei Lupu
Unidentified voices
Daria Oprea
Florian Silaghi
Anca Sigmirean
Alessia Popa
Additional voices
Alexandru Rusu
Pavel Sîrghi
Anda Tămășanu
Sebastian Lupu
Georgia Căprărin‏‎
Technical staff
Translation and adaptation
Sanda Ilieș

