The Dubbing Database

ALF: The Animated Series is an American animated series that aired on NBC from September 26, 1987 to January 7, 1989. The series serves as a prequel to the primetime series ALF, depicting the titular alien's life on the planet Melmac, before it exploded.

International versions[]

Language Title Channels
ALF The Animated Series - logo (Arabic) Arabic آلف Spacetoon (formerly)[3]
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Danish
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Dutch Alf op Melmac TROS (formerly)[4]
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Finnish ALF VHS
ALF The Animated Series - logo (French) French Du côté de chez Alf Canal+ (formerly)
France 2 (formerly)
France 3 (formerly)
France 5 (formerly)[5]
ALF The Animated Series - logo (German) German Alf – Erinnerungen an Melmac Sat.1 (formerly)
Kabel 1 (formerly)
Boomerang (formerly)
Junior (formerly)
K-Toon (formerly)[6]
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Greek Αλφ, ο Εξωγήινος ANT1 (formerly)[7]
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Icelandic Geimálfurinn ALF[8] Stöð 2 (formerly)
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Italian ALF Rai 2 (formerly)
Rete 4 (formerly)
Italia 1 (formerly)
Boomerang (formerly)
Boing (formerly)[9]
San Marino RTV (formerly)[10]
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Norwegian
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Polish ALF TVP1 (formerly)[11]
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Portuguese (Brazil) Alf, o ETeimoso[12] Rede Globo (formerly)
SBT (formerly)[13]
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Russian Альф: Мультсериал NTV (formerly)[14]
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Spanish (Latin America) Alf, la serie animada Canal 13 (formerly)
Boomerang (formerly)
Teleamazonas (formerly)
Teletica (formerly)
Repretel 4 (formerly)
Repretel 11 (formerly)[15]
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Swedish
Tecknade ALF VHS
ALF The Animated Series - logo (English) Turkish ALF'ten Masallar Star TV (formerly)[16]

