The Dubbing Database
Not to be confused with the dub of the original 1989 film, the dub of the 1992 TV series, or the Brazilian Portuguese dub of the same name.

A Pequena Sereia is the European Portuguese dub of The Little Mermaid. It was released in theaters in Portugal on May 25, 2023.


Character Actor[1][2]
Ariel (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Ariel 2 (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Soraia Tavares
Eric (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Príncipe Eric
Ricardo Soler
Ursula (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Vanessa (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Úrsula / Vanessa
Tânia Alves (as Ursula)
Inês Melo (as Vanessa)
Soraia Tavares (as Vanessa, vocalizations)
King Triton (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Rei Tritão
André Gago
Sebastian (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
João Frizza
Flounder (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Ricardo Lagartinho
Scuttle (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Ana Cloe
Berry Seller (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Vendedora de Bagas
Queen Selina (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
A Rainha
Dora Cruz
Sir Grimsby (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Sir Grimsby
Rui Paulo
Lashana (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Cheila Lima
Rosa (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Sissi Martins
Mulligan (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Michel Simeão
Hawkins (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Luís Barros
Joshua (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Rui Neto
Perla (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Sandra de Castro
Indira (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Carla Mendes
Mala (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Daniela Onís
Flower Seller (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Vendedora de Flores
Caspia (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Paloma del Pillar
Cabin Boy (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Rapaz do Navio
José Antunes
Coconut Seller (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Vendedor de Cocos
Pedro Bargado
Market Vendor (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Vendedora do Mercado
Mila Belo
Hat Seller (The Little Mermaid, 2023)
Vendedor de Chapéus
Carlos Macedo
Additional voices
Nuno Pimenta
Paloma del Pillar
Pedro Bargado
Ricardo Monteiro
Rita Ruaz
Rita Tristão
Sandra de Castro
Simon Frankel
Sissi Martins
Sofia David
Tomás Aragão
Vânia Pereira
Carlos Macedo
Carla Mendes
Daniela Onís
Inês Melo
João Brás
José Antunes
José Grácio
Luís Barros
Luís Nascimento
Madalena Guedes
Mateus Líbano Monteiro
Technical staff
Dubbing direction
Maria Camões
Dialogue adaptation
Carlos Freixo (1998 version)
Maria Camões (2023 version)
Dialogue translation
André Silva
Musical direction
Manuel Rebelo
Lyrical adaptation
Lia Graça (1998 version)
André Silva (2023 version)
Mixing studio
Shepperton International
Creative direction of the Portuguese version
Candelas López
European Portuguese version
Disney Character Voices International, Inc.
NOS Audiovisuais


The Portuguese soundtrack to The Little Mermaid was released onto music platforms on May 18, 2023.

Song Singer(s)
Fora do Mar
(Part of Your World)
Soraia Tavares
Profundo Mistério do Mar
(Fathoms Below)
Ricardo Soler
Michel Simeão
Luis Barros
Fora do Mar (Reprise)
(Part of Your World, Reprise)
Soraia Tavares
Aqui no Mar
(Under the Sea)
João Frizza
Águas Não Exploradas
(Wild Uncharted Waters)
Ricardo Soler
Pobres Almas Tão Sós
(Poor Unfortunate Souls)
Tânia Alves
Nunca Antes
(For the First Time)
Soraia Tavares
Vai Beijar
(Kiss the Girl)
João Frizza
Ana Cloe
Ricardo Lagartinho
(The Scuttlebutt)
Ana Cloe
João Frizza
Fora do Mar (Reprise II)
(Part of Your World, Reprise II)
Soraia Tavares


