Acres of Fun is the theme song to Ellen's Acres.
- Singer: Emily Corrao
Welcome to acres of fun! Bring your imagination! The school day is over and playtime's begun! Welcome to acres of fun! With pirates and mermaids and old treasure places with spaceships and moonwalks and star blaster races with juggling monkeys and lions and clowns and cowboys from all of the old western towns! And spies and pies and goos and clues and purple powered bon-bon shoes and rabbits, bugs, and capes and rings and solar powered shiny things! A super fantastic, fun-filled, actually… high-speed growth, sounds great big, Actually… Ellen's Acres! Created by Larry Schwarz.
Raduj se pred obom gjezd! Izmišljaj sve zabave! U školu ćeš sutra, do tada igraj se! Zabava sad počinje! Tu su mora i kusari, sirene i mornari Rakete, planete i sjajne komete Džugleri, gorile i cirkuske sile Kauboji vrkati i to pravi pravcijati Špijuni svemirci, pite sočne Ljubičke se cipele, devićeno moćne Leptini, mačke, koliti, kunići Dabre, vidimi, čarobni štabići ???? ???? starih je najveći, najlakši! U stvari... Ovo je Elenin svet. Od Larija Švarca
Rejoice in front of both of you! Invent all the fun! You're going to school tomorrow, until then play! The fun begins now! There are seas and corsairs, mermaids and sailors Rockets, planets and brilliant comets Jugglers, gorillas and circus forces Cowboys whine and it's a real joke Space spies, juicy pies Purple shoes, incredibly powerful Leptins, cats, colitis, rabbits Beavers, you see, magic wands ???? ???? the old ones are the biggest, the easiest! In fact... This is Ellen's world. By Larry Schwarz