The Dubbing Database

The theme song of Animaniacs is, as its title suggests, the song that begins every episode of Animaniacs and its revival series (with the exception of episodes 65 and 83 of the original series). The song describes the set-up of Yakko, Wakko, and Dot's zany adventures and introduces several other major characters on the show (or, in the case of the reboot, poke fun at the modern-day world).

The theme was composed by Richard Stone, and the lyrics by creator Tom Ruegger. The original main title was directed by Rich Arons and animated by Tokyo Movie Shinsha (with additional scenes in seasons 3-5 by Wang), while the reboot's main title was animated by Snipple Animation Studios (with additional scenes being done in-house at Warner Bros. Animation).

The theme has been translated into 21 languages, including French (and partially in Freakazoid in Norwegian).

Original series[]


Singers: Rob Paulsen (Yakko), Jess Harnell (Wakko), Tress MacNeille (Dot), and Cast
It's time for Animaniacs!
And we're zany to the max!
So just sit back and relax,
you'll laugh 'til you collapse.
We're Animaniacs!

Come join the Warner Brothers
and the Warner Sister, Dot.
Just for fun we run around the Warner movie lot!
They lock us in the tower, whenever we get caught!
But we break loose and then vamoose
and now you know the plot!

We're Animaniacs!
Dot is cute, and Yakko yaks!
Wakko packs away the snacks,
While Bill Clinton plays the sax¹.
We're Animaniacs!

Meet Pinky and the Brain who want to rule the universe².
Goodfeathers flock together; Slappy whacks 'em with her purse!
Buttons chases Mindy, while Rita sings a verse!
The writers flipped; we have no script
Why bother to rehearse?

We're Animaniacs!
We have pay-or-play contracts!
We're zany to the max,
there's baloney in our slacks!

We're Animanie!
Totally insaney!
Here's the show's namey³!
Those are the facts!

¹ This lyric is only retained in season 1 (and the episode "The Animaniacs Suite"). In season 2, it is changed to "We've got wisecracks by the stacks". From season 3 onward, it is changed to "We pay tons of income tax".
² This lyric is only retained in the first two seasons. From season 3 onward, it is changed to "Meet Ralph and Dr. Scratchansniff, say hi to Hello Nurse".
³ This part of the opening is a "variable verse", where it changes depending on whatever episode. For simplicity sake, only the first variable verse is listed here, for the rest, please see here. Interestingly, the French version of the line used on this page was used in the original English version of episode 56.


This version uses the original English audio with Albanian subtitles as the songs in this dub lack proper dubbing.

Është koha të shikojmë animaniakët,
që i prezantojmë shumë të gëzuar.
Prandaj uluni dhe qetësohuni,
qeshni dhe argëtohuni me animaniaket!

Do shikoni vëllezërit Uorner
dhe motrën e tyre Uorner Dot.
Ne jemi kudo bashkë dhe vrapojmë gjithë kohës shumë.
Na mbyllin lart në kullë dhe nuk na kapin dot kurtë.
Arratisemi bashkë, ikim me vrap e të gjithë e dini se çfarë bëjmë.

Ne jemi animaniaket!
Dot është e lezetshme dhe Jako bën shaka.
Uako fiksohet pas ëmbëlsirave,
xhaxha Piteri i bie saksit.
Ne jemi animaniakët!

Takoni Pinkin dhe Breinin
që duan universin të sundojnë.
Së bashku rrinë pëllumbat
dhe ketri Slepi me Skipin.
Ai që po ndjekin është Mindi,
Ndërsa ne shkruajmë skenarët.
Kemi skenarët dhe i
përsërisim të gjithë bashkë.

Ne jemi animaniaket!
Na paguajnë për këto kontrata.
Jemi gjithmonë të gëzuar
dhe kemi ato që duam!
Ne jemi animaniake,
gjithmonë bëjmë gallatë dhe kemi fat.
Kjo është gjithçka!

It's time to look at the Animaniacs,
we present them with great joy.
So sit down and relax.
Laugh and have fun with the Animaniacs!

You'll see the Warner brothers.
and their Warner sister Dot.
We are everywhere together and we run all the time.
They lock us up in the tower and they can't catch us.
We run away, we all know what we do.

We're the Animaniacs!
Dot is cute and Yakko is joking.
Wakko obsesses over desserts,
Uncle Peter falls to the sax.
We are the Animaniacs!

Meet Pinky and the Brain.
They want to rule the universe.
Pigeons live together
and the squirrel Slappy with Skippy.
The one they're following is Mindy,
while we write the scripts.
We have the scripts and
we repeat them all together.

We are Animaniacs!
They pay us for these contracts.
We are always happy
and we have what we want!
We are animaniacs,
we always make mistakes and get lucky.
That's all!


Singers: Rafat Bazoo / رأفت بازو (Yakko), Zeyad Errafae'ie / زياد الرفاعي (Wakko), Fatma Saad / فاطمة سعد (Dot), and Cast

!ها ها قد حان حان الوقت
!لتشاهدونا فقط
,إنا جد مضحكون
.يا ليتكم تعلمون
!فمن الضحك ستنفجرون

,نحن الإخوة واكو وياكو
!وانا الأخت الصغرى دوت
!نجري نلعب نقفر نلهو نمرح نضحك وبلا حد
,يمسكون بنا مرة بعدها نعيد الكرة
!كل يوم يوم يوم يوم مغامرة

!ها قد حان حان الوقت
!لتروا جمال دوت
,ياكو يضحك من لا شي
.واكو يأكل كل شيء
!اعزف غنّ اي شيء

.ها هما برين وبنكي يريدان حكم العالم
!وها هي الطيور تبكي من ضرب سلابي المؤلم
!باتنز همه ميندي, ريتا تشدو وتمضي
!لا نملك اي نص و بسرنا سنفضي

!ها قاد حان حان الوقت
!لتشاهدونا فقط
,إنا جد مضحكون
.يا ليتكم تعلمون

!فنحن الكه كه
!كه كه كه كه
!دوما نكه كه
!نحن الضاحكون
!نضحك بجنون

Ha-ha, the time has come!
To watch nothing but us!
We're insanely funny,
oh, if only you guys knew.
You'll burst with laughter!

We're the brothers Wakko and Yakko,
I'm their little sister Dot!
We run, we play, we jump, we mess around,
we have fun and laugh to our hearts' content!
Once they come and catch us, 
we go out and do it all over again!
Every single day there's a new adventure!

Now the time has come!
To see Dot's beauty!
Yakko laughs at nothing,
while Wakko eats everything.
Play and sing anything!

Here are Brain and Pinky, trying to take over the world.
While the birds are crying from the pain Slappy gave them!
Buttons takes care of Mindy, Rita goes on ahead and sings!
We don't have any scripts, and our secrets we're just going to tell!

Now the time has come!
To watch nothing but us!
We're insanely funny,
oh, if only you guys knew.

'Cause we go "haha"!
Ha, ha, haha!
We're always laughing!
We're the Laughers!
We laugh like crazy!

Bulgarian (bTV Comedy)[]

Season 1 (ep.1 - 7)
Readers: Kamen Asenov / Камен Асенов (Yakko), Dimitar Zhivkov / Димитър Живков (Wakko),Angelina Slavova / Ангелина Славова (Dot), and Cast

Дойде и нашият Аниманиашки час!
Да се представим тук сега пред вас:
Няма да оставим никого да дреме,
ставайте и гледайте! За "Аниманиаците" е време!

Със вас са братя Уорнър и сестра им - Дот.
Побъркахме наоколо целия народ.
Заключиха ни в кулата, от нас се отърваха.
Но даже не помисляйте, че така ни спряха!

Никой да не дреме, за "Аниманиаците" е време!
Дот е сладка, Яко е як.
Уако пък не е глупак!
На Клинтън такта отмерва със крак.
Никой да не дреме, за "Аниманиаците" е време!

С нас са Брейн и Пинки.
Откачените картинки.
Добрите момчета са опасни,
но на Слапи ѝ са ясни.
Батънс Минди гони.
Рита пее за милиони.
Сценарият ни липсата го хвана.
Ще падне веселба голяма.
Никой да не дреме, за "Аниманиаците" е време!

Сключихме договор за щуро изпълнение.
Да го изпълним имаме намерение.
Ние сме "Аниманиаците!"
Луди без съмнение.
Пинки и Брейн са наред.
"Аниманиаци" - пълен напред!

It came our Animaniac's hour!
Let's introduce us in front of you right now:
We won't let anyone taking a nap,
get up and watch! It's time for the Animaniacs!

Warner brothers are with you and their sister - Dot.
We drove crazy around the whole nation.
They locked us in the tower, they got rid of us.
But don't you ever think about that they stopped us.

No one should take a nap, it's time for the Animaniacs!
Dot is cute, Yakko is cool.
Again Wakko is not stupid.
Clinton's tact is measured by foot.
No one should take a nap, it's time for the Animaniacs!

Brain and Pinky are with us.
The crazy cartoon guys.
The good guys are dangerous
but to Slappy is clear.
Buttons chases Mindy.
Rita sings for millions.
Our script got caught missing.
There will be a lot of fun.
No one should take a nap, it's time for the Animaniacs!

We've made a deal for a madcap performance.
We have an intention to perform it.
We are the Animaniacs!
Crazy without a doubt.
Pinky and Brain are alright.
Animaniacs - straight forward!

Season 1 (ep. 8 - 65)
Readers: Kamen Asenov / Камен Асенов (Yakko), Svetlomir Radev / Светломир Радев (Wakko),Angelina Slavova / Ангелина Славова (Dot), and Cast

Дойде и нашият Аниманиашки час!
Да се представим тук сега пред вас:
Няма да оставим никого да дреме,
ставайте и гледайте! За "Аниманиаците" е време!

С вас са братята Уорнър и сестра им - Дот.
Побъркахме наоколо целия народ.
Заключиха ни в кулата, от нас се отърваха.
Но даже не помисляйте, че така ни спряха!

Никой да не дреме, за "Аниманиаците" е време!
Дот е сладка, Яко - як.
Уако пък не е глупак!
На Клинтън такта отмерва с крак.
Никой да не дреме, за "Аниманиаците" е време!

С нас са Брейн и Пинки.
Откачените картинки.
Добрите момчета са опасни,
но на Слапи ѝ са ясни.
Батънс Минди гони.
Рита пее за милиони.
Сценарият ни липсата го хвана.
Ще падне веселба голяма.
Никой да не дреме, за "Аниманиаците" е време!

Сключихме договор за щуро изпълнение.
Да го изпълним имаме намерение.
Ние сме "Аниманиаците!"
Луди без съмнение.
Отшер има клин, привет!
"Аниманиаци" - пълен напред!

It came our Animaniac's hour!
Let's introduce us in front of you right now:
We won't let anyone taking a nap,
get up and watch! It's time for the Animaniacs!

The Warner brothers are with you and their sister - Dot.
We drove crazy around the whole nation.
They locked us in the tower, they got rid of us.
But don't you ever think about that they stopped us.

No one should take a nap, it's time for the Animaniacs!
Dot is cute, Yakko - cool.
Again Wakko is not stupid.
Clinton's tact is measured by foot.
No one should take a nap, it's time for the Animaniacs!

Brain and Pinky are with us.
The crazy cartoon guys.
The good guys are dangerous
but to Slappy is clear.
Buttons chases Mindy.
Rita sings for millions.
Our script got caught missing.
There will be a lot of fun.
No one should take a nap, it's time for the Animaniacs!

We've made a deal for a madcap performance.
We have an intention to perform it.
We are the Animaniacs!
Crazy without a doubt.
Otsher has clin, hello!
Animaniacs - straight forward!

Season 2
Readers: Kamen Asenov / Камен Асенов (Yakko), Svetlomir Radev / Светломир Радев (Wakko),Angelina Slavova / Ангелина Славова (Dot), and Cast

Дойде и нашият Аниманиашки час!
Да се представим тук сега пред вас:
Няма да оставим никого да дреме,
ставайте и гледайте! За "Аниманиаците" е време!

С вас са братя Уорнър и сестра им - Дот.
Побъркахме наоколо целия народ.
Заключиха ни в кулата, от нас се отърваха.
Но даже не помисляйте, че така ни спряха!

Никой да не дреме, за "Аниманиаците" е време!
Дот е сладка, Яко е як.
Уако пък не е глупак!
На Клинтън такта отмерва с крак.
Никой да не дреме, за "Аниманиаците" е време!

С нас са Брейн и Пинки.
Откачените картинки.
Добрите момчета са опасни,
но на Слапи ѝ са ясни.
Батънс Минди гони.
Рита пее за милиони.
Сценарият ни липсата го хвана.
Ще падне веселба голяма.
Никой да не дреме, за "Аниманиаците" е време!

Сключихме договор за щуро изпълнение.
Да го изпълним имаме намерение.
Ние сме "Аниманиаците!"
Луди без съмнение.
На заглавието е ред.
"Аниманиаци" - пълен напред!

It came our Animaniac's hour!
Let's introduce us in front of you right now:
We won't let anyone taking a nap,
get up and watch! It's time for the Animaniacs!

Warner brothers are with you and their sister - Dot.
We drove crazy around the whole nation.
They locked us in the tower, they got rid of us.
But don't you ever think about that they stopped us.

No one should take a nap, it's time for the Animaniacs!
Dot is cute, Yakko is cool.
Again Wakko is not stupid.
Clinton's tact is measured by foot.
No one should take a nap, it's time for the Animaniacs!

Brain and Pinky are with us.
The crazy cartoon guys.
The good guys are dangerous
but to Slappy is clear.
Buttons chases Mindy.
Rita sings for millions.
Our script got caught missing.
There will be a lot of fun.
No one should take a nap, it's time for the Animaniacs!

We've made a deal for a madcap performance.
We have an intention to perform it.
We are the Animaniacs!
Crazy without a doubt.
It's title's turn.
Animaniacs - straight forward!


Singers: Mario Mirković (Yakko), Željko Šestić (Wakko), Jasna Bilušić (Dot), and Cast

Mi Animanijaci smo!
Gle ludorija za čas!
Smijat će se na sav glas,
tko odluči gledat nas.
Je Animanijak!

Mi dečki braća Warner,
i ja cura sestra Dot!
U Warneru se zna da mi smo ludi sto na sat!
Zatvore nas u toranja,
al' vani smo za tren!
Kog' zeznemo taj misli da je maljem udaren!

Animanijaci smo!
Dot je slatka, Yakko jak!
Wakko jede kao slon,
Bill mu svira saksofon,
k'o Animanijak!

Jer Umac opet smišlja kako vladat svemirom.
Na istoj žici nikad nemoj stajat s Pljuskicom!
Gumbić spasi Mindy,
a Rita vježba glas!
Jer pisac zezne, nemaš tekst, bez probe znamo se!

Animanijaci smo!
Na papiru piše to!
Da šašavi smo mi,
to za tren ćeš vidjeti!

Mi Animani,
pravi vragolani!
(Bolji nego lani!)
To si i ti!

We are Animaniacs!
Here's antics for the class!
They will laugh out loud,
those who decide to watch us.
It's Animaniacs!

Us boys are the Warner Brothers,
and I'm their sister Dot!
At Warner, it is known that we are crazy around the clock!
They lock us up in the tower,
but we're out in no time!
When we screw him up, he thinks he's been hit with a sledgehammer!

We're Animaniacs!
Dot is cute, Yakko is strong!
Wakko eats like an elephant,
Bill plays his saxophone,
like an Animaniac!

Umac is figuring out how to rule the universe again.
Never stand on the same wire as Pljuska!
Button saves Mindy,
and Rita practices her voice!
Because the writer screws up, we don't have a script, we know each other without rehearsal!

We're Animaniacs!
That's what it says on paper!
That we are silly,
you will see that in a moment!

We're Animani,
real pranksters!
(Better than last year!)
That's you too!

Czech (ČT1)[]

Singers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko), TBA (Dot), and Cast

Jsme Animaci, vážení!
Cvoci řádně praštění!
Tak se usad´ na křesle,
ted´ chechtat budeš se.
My Animáci sme!

Jsme bratři Warnerovi, 
a já jejich sestra sem.
Máme chut´ se prohánět filmovým studiem!
A vždycky, když nás čapnou, 
do veže zavřou nás.
My dáme si však záležet a utečeme zas!

My máme málo chyb!
Dáda má šmrnc, Joko vtip.
Voko baští o sto šest,
Clinton válí pop i jazz.
Jsme parta snů a hvežd!

Dvě myši, Ruda s Kápem chtějí vládnout nad světem,
jen péřáci jsou svourní než je Kecka zamete!
Očko hodí Minku, a Rita zpívá všem!
Dnes autoři se zbláznily tak zkoušet nebudem!

My Animáci sme!
Máme smlouvy výhodné!
Jsme správně praštěné 
postavičky kreslené!

Sme vážně cvoci,
není to jen pocit!
(Ve dne ba i v noci!)
Animáci sme! A ne že ne!

We're Animaniacs, folks!
We're properly crazy!
So sit back in your chair, you're about to laugh.
We're Animaniacs!

We're the Warner Brothers, 
and I'm their sister.
We feel like running around the movie studio!
And every time we get caught, 
they put us in the tower.
But we'll make sure we escape once more!

We have very little flaws!
Dada's got spunk, Yoko's got wit.
Voko's eating by the hundreds, 
Clinton's playing pop and jazz.
We're a dream team of stars!

Two mice, Ruda and Kap, want to rule the world,
but the featherheads stick together until Kecka knocks them out!
Očko chases Minka, and Rita sings to everyone!
The writers have gone mad today, so we won't even bother trying!

We're Animaniacs!
We've negotiated a good deal!
We're properly wacky 
cartoon characters!

We're really crazy!
It's not just a feeling!
(By day, even by night!)
We're Animaniacs! Not that we're not!


Singers: Henrik Koefoed (Yakko), Peter Røschke (Wakko), Vibeke Dueholm (Dot), and Cast

Det' tid til Animaniacs
Vi er skøre til det maks
Latter er den bedste slags
Derfor skal man lige straks
Det' Animaniacs!

Vi er the Warner Brothers
Og en Warner-søster Dot
Vi farer rundt på studiet værre end en hottentot
Man ville os spærre inde i tårnet, vor kasjot
Men hver gang vi vil lege, ja
Så flygter vi da blot!

Se Animaniacs
Dot er sød og Yakko vaks
Wakko spiser gravet laks
Og Bill Clinton spiller sax
Til Animaniacs!

Vil Brain og Pinky verdensherredømmet overtage?
Kan duerne mon enes, så kan Slappy slappe af
Buttons jagter Mindy, og Rita siger lala
Forfatterflip, det rene pip
Nu siger vi pænt goddag!

Det' Animaniacs
Manuskriptet friskt fra fax
Kør humøret op på maks
Vi har gags af alle slags!

Den nye dille
Vi ellevilde
<variable sentence>
Det' Animaniacs
Vi kommer straks!

It's time for Animaniacs
We are crazy about it to the max
Laughter is the best kind
That's why you have to immediately
It's Animaniacs!

We are the Warner Brothers
And a Warner sister Dot
We run around the studio worse than a hottentot
They wanted to lock us in the tower, our casjot
But every time we want to play, yes
Then we just run away!

Watch Animaniacs
Dot is cute and Yakko is waxy
Wakko eats dug salmon
And Bill Clinton plays the sax
To Animaniacs!

Will Brain and Pinky take over the world?
If the pigeons can agree, Slappy can relax
Buttons chases Mindy and Rita says lala
Author flip, the pure beep
Now we say good morning!

It's Animaniacs
The manuscript fresh from the fax
Boost your mood to max
We have gags of all kinds!

The new craze
We loved it
<variable sentence>
It's Animaniacs
We'll be right back!

Dutch (Nickelodeon)[]

Singers: Rolf Koster (Yakko), Florus van Rooijen (Wakko), Monique van der Ster (Dot), and Cast

'T is tijd voor Animaniacs!
Zo doldwaas, je staat perplex!
Ga maar zitten en relax,
je lacht je een complex,
om Animaniacs!
Hier zijn de Warner Brothers,
en hun Warner-zusje Dot.
We maken heel veel lol,
al gaat er soms wel iets kapot!
Ze sluiten ons dan op,
naar wij zijn slimmer dan het slot!
We breken los, wij zijn de klos,
nu ken je ons complot!
De Animaniacs!
Dot is lief, en Yakko kletst!
Wakko eet allen maar snacks,
en Bill Clinton is heel flex,
in Animaniacs!
Kijk Pinky en de Brain op weg naar wereldheerschappij.
Als Slappy veren ziet is ze d'r als de kippen bij!
Buttons volgt Mindy, en Rita zingt weer blij!
We zijn het script, want zonder script,
voelt iedereen zich vrij!
De Animaniacs!
Ons contract heeft weinig tekst!
Onze lach is een reflex,
wij doen altijd wel iets geks!

De Animanie, wat ook weer ik ween-ie!
(Wij zijn nummer een-ie!)
 Animaniacs! Dat is niet niks!

It's time for Animaniacs!
So crazy, you’re perplexed!
Just sit back and relax,
you'll laugh at a complex.
to Animaniacs!

Here are the Warner Brothers
and their Warner Sister, Dot.
We have a lot of fun, although sometimes something breaks!
Then they lock us, to we’re smarter than the lock!
But we break loose, we’re the losers,
now you know our plot!

The Animaniacs!
Dot is cute, and Yakko yaks!
Wakko only eats the snacks,
While Bill Clinton is very flexible.
In Animaniacs!

See Pinky and the Brain on the way to world domination.
If Slappy sees Goodfeathers, she’s all over it!
Buttons chases Mindy, while Rita sings very happy!
We’re the script; because no script
Everyone feels free!

The Animaniacs!
Our contract has little text!
Our smiling is a reflex,
We always do something crazy!

The Animanie!
Totally insaney!
We’re number one-ie!
There’s no small feat!

Dutch (Boomerang)[]

Singers: Rolf Koster (Yakko), Florus van Rooijen (Wakko), Monique van der Ster (Dot), and Cast

Slappy en de

Slappy and the Goodfeathers


Singers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko), TBA (Dot), and Cast

Nyt alkaa Animaaniset!
Kohta kyllä sekoilet!
Istu alas rennosti,
ja sä naurat hurjasti,
siis Animaaniset!

Saat nähdä Warner-veljet,
on niillä sisko Dot!
Huvin vuoksi sotkemme me koko studion!
Ne torniin meidät sulkee, jos kiinni meidät saa!
Mut' karkaamme ja häivymme, nyt tiedät kuvion!

Nää Animaaniset!
Söpö Dot, ja Yakko "bleh"!
Wakko pistää ahminnaks,
Clinton panee soitannaks,
siis Animaaniset!

Näin Pinky sekä Brain ne tahtoo maailman valloittaa.
Sulkaisetkin yhteen ryntää, Slappy heitä kurmoottaa!
Nappi jahtaa Mindyy, kun Rita hoilottaa!
Ei käsistä, ei ohjaajaa,
ei juonentynkääkään!

Siis Animaaniset!
Sopimukset leimaan veks!
Kun tullaan hullummaks,
menee housut makkaraks!

Siis Animaani,
aivan seko kaali!
(Tää on homman nimi!)
Animaaniset! Nyt sekoilet!

Now begins Animaniacs!
You're going to go crazy!
Sit down and relax,
and you will laugh so hard,
it's Animaniacs!

You're gonna see the Warner brothers,
they have a sister, Dot!
We'll mess up the whole studio for fun!
They'll lock us up in the tower if they catch us!
But we'll escape and disappear, now you know the plot!

The Animaniacs!
Cute Dot, and Yakko "bleh"!
Wakko's got a big appetite,
Clinton's gotta make the call,
it's Animaniacs!

This is how Pinky and Brain want to conquer the world.
And when the Featheries get together, Slappy's gonna smack 'em down!
Button chases Mindy, while Rita's on the prowl!
No script, no director,
not even a clue!

It's Animaniacs!
The contracts are signed and sealed!
When it gets crazy,
your pants will fall down!

It's Animani,
just plain crazy in the head!
(That's the name of the game!)
Animaniacs! Now you're crazy!
Variable verses
Tää on homman nimi
Pinky sekä Brain
Lännen malliin
Citizen Kaney
Johan Af Granni
Notre Damey
Setä sekä täti
Tuli kauhee nälkä
Olen niin nami


Singers: Hervé Rey (Yakko), Michel Mella (Wakko), Barbara Tissier (Dot), and Cast

Voici l'heure des Animaniacs!
On a disjoncté un max!
Soyez cool, soyez relax,
sur le rire pas de taxe.
On est les Animaniacs!
Nous c'est Yakko et Wakko,
Je suis Dot, leur petite soeur!
Pour égayer le studio, on a joué les agitateurs!
Comme ça n'a pas beaucoup plu,
ils ont bouclé les Warners!
On s'est enfui et nous voici pour votre plus grand bonheur!
On est les Animaniacs!
Dot vous charme; Yakko s'éclaxe!
Wakko est super-voraxe, 
et Bill Clinton joue du sax.
On est les Animaniacs!
Y'a Minus et Cortex qui veulent diriger l'Univers.
Les pigeons font du zèle, Rififi pique une crise de nerf!
Toubeau poursuit Mindy, Rita déclame des vers!
Les auteurs flippent, on jette leur scripts et ça les désespère!
On est les Animaniacs!
On a signé des contraxes!
Nos folies vous désaxent,
suivez nous pour faire des frasques!

Les Animani, qui sement la zizanie!
(Qui ont des drôles des manies!)
Animaniacs! On s'marre un max!

It's time for Animaniacs!
We've gone completely crazy!
Be cool, be relaxed,
there' s no tax on laughter.
We are the Animaniacs!
We are Yakko and Wakko,
I'm Dot, their little sister!
To liven up the studio, we played the role of entertainers!
Since that didn't please them much,
they locked up the Warners!
We ran away and here we are for you to enjoy!
We are the Animaniacs!
Dot is charming, Yakko is having a blast!
Wakko is super hungry, 
and Bill Clinton plays the sax.
We are the Animaniacs!
There's Minus and Cortex who want to rule the Universe.
The pigeons are acting up, Rififi is freaking out!
Toubeau chases Mindy, Rita recites verses!
The authors are freaking out, we threw away their scripts and it' s hopeless!
We are the Animaniacs!
We've signed contracts!
Our madness will throw you off your game,
follow us to do some crazy stuff!

The Animani, who make trouble!
(Who have strange habits!)
Animaniacs! We have a lot of fun!


Singers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko), TBA (Dot), and Cast

Jetzt komm' die Animaniacs!
Irre komisch mit 'nem Knacks.
D'rum entspannt Euch ganz relaxed,
ihr lacht Euch eine Axt
bei Animaniacs!

Lacht mit den Warner Brothers,
und der Warner Schwester Dot!
auf dem Filmgelände albern wir herum voll Spott.
Man sperrt uns gern' im Turm ein, doch wenn man uns mal hat,
nehm' wir Reissauss und brechen aus
und jetzt kennt Ihr den Plot.

Die Animaniacs!
Dot ist süss, und Yakko quackst!
Wakko schnappt sich alle Snacks,
und Bill Clinton spielt das Sax,
bei Animaniacs.

Ja, Pinky und der Brain woll'n gern die ganze Welt regier'n.
Goodfeathers sind drei Tauben, Slappy knallt ihn was auf's Hirn.
Buttons jagt die Mindy, und Rita singt den Vers.
Der Autor spinnt, das Drehbuch hinkt,
wir proben gar nicht erst!

Wir Animaniacs!
Dank des Lebenszeitvertrag's,
sind komisch mit 'nem Knacks,
sind verrückt, dass Du's kaum packst!

Die Animanie, völlig plemplem,
(Jeder will sie seh'n, die...)
Die mit 'nem Knacks!

Now come the Animaniacs!
Crazy, funny with some cracks.
So just stay relaxed,
you will laugh your head off
at Animaniacs!

Laugh with the Warner Brothers
and the Warner sister Dot!
On the movie lot, we fool around full of fun.
They like to lock us up in the tower, but once they've got us,
We'll take our chance and break out
and now you know the plot.

The Animaniacs!
Dot is cute, and Yakko quacks!
Wakko snatches all the snacks,
and Bill Clinton plays the sax,
on Animaniacs.

Yes, Pinky and the Brain would like to rule the world.
Goodfeathers are three pigeons, Slappy smacks them upside the head.
Buttons chases Mindy, and Rita sings a verse.
The writers are crazy, the script is lame,
we don't even bother to rehearse!

Us Animaniacs!
Thanks to our lifetime contracts,
we' re funny with some cracks,
we're so crazy, you can't even imagine!

The animanie, totally crazy,
(Everybody wants to see them, the...)
The ones with some cracks!
Variable verses
Komm' zurück Shaney
Es grünt so grüni
Pinky und der Brainy
Citizen Kaney
Eisenhower Mamie
Nasi Gorengi
Shirley MacLainey
Krieg der Sterni
Wie mondäni
Isabelle Adjani

Greek (VHS)[]

Singers: Petros Damoulis / Πέτρος Δαμουλής (Yakko), Tasos Kostis / Τάσος Κωστής (Wakko),Rena Kazaku / Ρένα Καζάκου (Dot), and Cast

Είμαστε τα Ανιμάνιακς!
Η τρέλα μας βαριά σαν τανκς!
Γι' αυτό ξάπλα και ριλάξ,
Και θα γελάς σαν βλαξ
Με τα Ανιμάνιακς!

Τα αδέλφια είμαστε, Warner!
κι η αδελφή η Ντοτ!
Για πλάκα εμείς γυρνάμε τις ταινίες που 'ταν σποτ!
Στα σίδερα αν μας κλείσεις το σκάμε και μετά!
Μας ψάχνεις μην την ψάχνεις
Και σου το 'πα θα την πάθεις!

Με τ' Ανιμάνιακς!
Την κούκλα Ντοτ, τον Γιάκο μπλιάξ!
Τον Γουάκο που βουτάει
Απ' την πιατέλα σνακς!
Τα Ανιμάνιακς!

Ο Pinky κι ο Εγκέφαλος μοστράρουν για τη Γη!
Τα περιστέρια κούρνιασαν και η Slappy είναι σκληρή!
Ο Buttons κυνηγά τη Mindy, η Rita τραγουδά!
Οι συγγραφείς τρελάθηκαν,
Δεν έχουμε σενάριο!

Τρελά Ανιμάνιακς!
Τα πιο μόδιστρα καρτούν!
Σαλάμια στα μπατζάκια
Και αγκινάρες στα μαλλιά!
Δυο πόδια κι έλα,
Σπασμένα φρένα,
Χωρίς καδένα!
Τα Ανιμάνιακς!
Κοίτα τη βλαξ!

We are the Animaniacs!
Our madness is as heavy as tanks!
So lie back and relax,
And you'll be laughing like crazy
With the Animaniacs!

We're brothers, Warner!
And sister Dot!
Just for fun, we shoot the movies that were spots!
In irons, if you shut us down, we'll blow it after that!
You're looking for us, don't look for her
And you'll get her!

With Animaniacs!
Dot doll, Yakko Bliax!
Wakko diving
From the snack tray!
The Animaniacs

Pinky and Brain show up for the Earth!
The pigeons are perched and Slappy is tough!
Buttons chases Mindy, Rita sings!
The writers went crazy,
We don't have a script!

Crazy Animaniacs!
The most cartoon-y dressmakers!
Salami on the legs
And artichokes in the hair!
Two feet away, broken brakes,
No chain!
The Animaniacs!
Look at the blax!

Greek (K-TV)[]

Singers: Emmanuela Alexiou / Εμμανουέλα Αλεξίου (Yakko), Grigoris Galatis / Γρηγόρης Γαλάτης (Wakko), TBA (Dot).

Please provide Greek lyrics if you can

Greek (Boomerang)[]

Singers: Bámpis Alexandrópoulos / Μπάμπης Αλεξανδρόπουλος (Yakko, Wakko), Stefania Chougia / Στεφανία Χούγια (Dot), and Cast

Please provide Greek lyrics if you can

Είμαστε τα Ανιμάνιακς!

Είναι εδώ οι Warner Brothers
Κι η μικρούλα η Ντοτ εδώ!

(???) τρελαμένη
Και ονειροπαρμένη

Eímaste ta Animániaks!

Eínai edó oi Warner Brothers
Ki i mikroúla i Ntot edó!

(???) trelameni
Kai oneiroparméni

We are the Animaniacs!

Warner Brothers are here
And Little Dot here!

(???) crazy
And dreamy


Singers: Alon Noyman (Yakko), Ohad Shachar (Wakko), Sarit Vino-Elad (Dot), and Cast

אנחנו אנימניאקים!
חבורת משוגעים!
רק נסה להירגע, תצחק כמו משוגע
כאן אנימניאקים!
הנה בני משפחת וורנר, והבת ששמה הוא דוט
באולפנים של וורנר האחים עושים צרות
הם נועלים אותנו, כשאנו נתפסים
אך נשתחרר, נברח מהר בכלל העלילות
כאן אנימניאקים!
דוט יפה ויאקו בלה
וואקו עם הממתקים
כשביל קלינטון מאדים
כאן אנימניאקים!
כשפינקי והמוח משתלטים על העולם
כאן זוג יונים יחטוף בראש מסלאפי ככה סתם
כפתורים ומינדי, וריטה כמובן
הסרט רע, אין שום תסריט, אז למה מתאמצים?
כאן אנימניאקים!
ציורים וגם שכירים!
כולם משוגעים
עם גבינות ונקניקים!
קצת השתגענו
את כולם הטרפנו!
[משפט משתנה]
בלי ויכוחים!

We're Animaniacs!
A group of crazy people!
Just try to relax, you'll laugh like you're insane!
Here's Animaniacs!

Here are the sons of the Warner family,
And the daughter whose name is Dot!
In the Warner studios, the siblings make trouble!
They lock us up when we get caught,
But we will be freed, we will escape quickly in all plots!
Animaniacs here!
Beautiful Dot and Yakko, blah!
Wakko with the sweets,
As Bill Clinton turns red!
Animaniacs here!
When Pinky and the Brain take over the world!
A pair of pigeons will get a slap in the head from Slappy for no reason!
Buttons and Mindy, and Rita of course!
The movie is bad, there is no script, so why bother?
Animaniacs here!
We're cartoons and also employees!
Everyone is crazy,
With cheeses and sausages!
We've gone a little crazy,
Made everyone lunatic!
[variable verse]
No arguments!


Singers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko), TBA (Dot), and Cast

Most jön az Animánia!
Ez a móka új divat!
Ülj a kis hokedlira, 
A szívedig kihat!
Az Animánia!
Két kópé Warner fivér!
És a Warner hugi Dot!
hadd röhögjük át, amit Warner film adott!
Nincs aki minket bezár, hisz meglépünk legott,
És csapot papot elhagyunk, mert kell egy jó csapat!
Ez Animánia!
Dot a szép, és Yakko gaz!
Wakko nagy zabás igaz,
Ámde Clintoné a szax,
Ez Animánia!
Kis Bunkó és a Vész nagy ésszel hatalomra tör.
a Jómadár is elgyötört, ha Slappy tündököl.
Melák űzi Mindyt, míg Rita verset költ.
Míg ennyi mindent kiötölt a szerző kardba dőlt.
Ez Animánia!
Ide szerződés köt ma.
Van mindig jó duma,
Véle töltve lesz agya.
A filmek java,
Csábítja most haza!
(változó vers)

Now comes the Animania!
This fun is the new fashion!
Sit on the little stool,
Animania's effects reach all the way to your heart!

Two rascal Warner brothers and the Warner sister Dot
Let's laugh through what the Warner film gave us!
There's no one who can lock us up, 'cause we'll escape on the spot,
And we'll leave everything behind because we need a good team!

This is Animania,
Dot is beautiful and Yakko is vile
Wakko's a big eater, that's true,
Although Clinton has the sax.
This is Animania!

And Pinky and the Brain boldly rise to power
Even the Goodfeathers are tormented whenever Slappy shines
Buttons chases Mindy, while Rita writes a poem
In coming up with all these rhymes, the writer exerted himself to death.

This is Animania!
We are held here by contracts today
There's always a good joke,
Your mind will be full of them.
The best of movies
Entices you home
(variable verse)


Singers: Massimiliano Alto (Yakko), Davide Lepore (Wakko), Ilaria Latini (Dot)

Noi siamo gli Animaniacs!
Tre birboni a tutto gas!
Concedetevi un relax,
Da rider ci sarà
Sì, con gli Animaniacs!

Siamo i due fratelli Warner!
E la sorellina Dot!
Ne combiniamo un sacco negli studi Warner Bros.
Ci chiudono in prigione nella torre di lassù!
Ma poi ci liberiamo in barba a tutti i Belzebù!

Siamo gli Animaniacs!
Dot è dolce e Yakko è un gran bla bla!
Wakko mangia a volontà
Mentre Clinton suona il sax!
Siamo gli Animaniacs

C'è Mignolo col Prof che vuol dominare il mondo!
I tre Picciotti e Peste che li picchia in un secondo!
Bottone cerca Mindy mentre Rita canta un blues!
Che banda di animali, so che li amerai anche tu!

Siamo gli Animaniacs!
Siamo matti da legar!
Birboni a tutto gas!
Facciamo scherzi a molte star!
Siamo gli animali!
Matti più che sani!
(Non calpestarmi i piedi...)
Gli Animaniacs!
Eccoci qua!

We are the Animaniacs!
Three rascals at full throttle!
Treat yourself to relaxation,
As a rider he will be there
Yes, with the Animaniacs!

We are the two Warner brothers!
And little sister Dot!
We mix it up a lot at the Warner Bros. studios
They lock us in prison in the tower up there!
But then we free ourselves in spite of all the Beelzebubs!

We are the Animaniacs!
Dot is sweet and Yakko is a big blah blah!
Wakko eats to his heart's content
While Clinton plays the sax!
We are the Animaniacs

There's Pinky with the Brain who wants to dominate the world!
The three Goodfeathers and Slappy who beats them in a second!
Button looks for Mindy while Rita sings a blues!
What a bunch of animals, I know you will love them too!

We are the Animaniacs!
We're crazy as hell!
Rascals at full throttle!
We play pranks on many stars!
We are the animals!
Crazy more than healthy!
(Don't step on my toes...)
The Animaniacs!
Here we are!


Singers: Ryūsei Nakao / 中尾隆聖 (Yakko), Yū Mizushima / 水島 裕 (Wakko), Ikue Ōtani / 大谷 育江 (Dot), and Cast

行くぞ アニマニアックス
それ ハチャメチャに
笑い出したら 止まらないよ
行け アニマニアックス
俺たち ワーナー・ブラザース
あたしは シスター・ドット
映画の仕事は ゴキゲンさ
調子に乗って 捕まっても
抜け出して こりずに 大暴れ
行け アニマニアックス
ドットに ヤッコ
ワッコがそろい 恐いものなし
行け アニマニアックス
ピンキーとブレインの 悪だくみ
グッドフェザーズたちも はりきって
とんでもない 仲間たちと
台本は無視して いざ本番
行け アニマニアックス
何でもありさ それ ハチャメチャに
そう俺たちゃ 手に負えない
* でもカワイイ
アニマニアックス 始まるよ!

Ikuzo Animaniacs
Sore hachamecha ni
Warai de shitara
Tomaranai yo
Ike Animaniacs

Ore-tachi Warner Brothers
Atashi wa sister Dot
Eiga no shigoto wa gokigen sa
Chōshi ni notte tsukamatte mo
Nukedashite korizu ni ō-abare

Ike Animaniacs
Dot'to ni Yakko
Wakko ga soroi
Kowai mono nashi
Ike Animaniacs

Pinky to Brain no akuda kumi
Goodfeathers-tachi mo harikitte
Tondemonai nakama-tachi to
Daihon wa mushi shite iza honban

Ike Animaniacs
Gyara sae hairi ~ya
Nani demo ari sa
Sore hachamecha ni

Sō ore-tacha
Te ni oenai
<variable sentence>
Hajimaru yo!

Let's go, Animaniacs!
C'mon, act nonsensically!
Once laughter begins, it cannot be stopped!
Go, Animaniacs!
We're the Warner Brothers!
I'm the Sister, Dot!
Our movie job makes us cheery.
We like to do things at the spur of the moment, but keep getting caught.
Let's sneak away slyly and wreak havoc!
Go, Animaniacs!
Yakko's along with Dot.
When Wakko makes us complete,
We have nothing to fear.
Go, Animaniacs!
Pinky and the Brain's sinister plot.
Goodfeathers also are fired up.
With an outrageous group of friends,
We'll ignore the libretto and perform without rehearsal.
Go, Animaniacs!
We've entered into a contract,
So anything goes, c'mon, act nonsensically!
Indeed, we are too much to handle,
(But we're cute!)
Animaniacs begins!

Mandarin (Southwest China)[]

Singers: Tang Peng (Yakko), TBA (Wakko, Dot)

This dub, instead of using the typical theme song heard in other dubs, uses the instrumental for 13-波斯貓 by S.H.E as a backing track with that being dubbed over.

(Huh. You ready for this?)

在彩云的南边 有个快乐声产线
配的电影画片 相当呢经典
新角色 新演员 我们是新来呢成员

乱子壳是我是我 全新呢组合组合
分別是乱乱籽籽 还有可可
乱乱他就是大哥 籽籽他就是二哥
我们还有一个小妹 她就叫可可

乱乱他 就是相当说得
籽籽他 又是相当肿得
可可她 总是相当乱得
在一起 就叫乱子壳

乱子壳 我们爱唱歪歌
乱子壳 从头乱到了脚
乱子壳 到处散布快乐
我们就叫做 乱子壳

(Huh. You ready for this?)

Zài cǎiyún de nánbian yǒu gè kuài yuè shēng chǎn xiàn
Pèi de diànyǐng huàpiàn xiāngdāng ne jīngdiǎn
Xīn juésè xīn yǎnyuán wǒmen shì xīn lái ne chéngyuán

Luàn zǐ ké shì wǒ shì wǒ quánxīn ne zǔhé zǔhé
Fēnbié shì luàn luàn zǐ zǐ hái yǒu kěkě
Luàn luàn tā jiùshì dàgē zǐ zǐ tā jiùshì èr gē
Wǒmen hái yǒu yīgè xiǎo mèi tā jiù jiào kěkě

Luàn luàn tā jiùshì xiāngdāng shuō dé
Zǐ zǐ tā yòu shì xiāngdāng zhǒng dé
Kěkě tā zǒng shì xiāngdāng luàn dé
Zài yīqǐ jiù jiào luàn zǐ ké

Luàn zǐ ké wǒmen ài chàng wāi gē
Luàn zǐ ké cóngtóu luàn dàole jiǎo
Luàn zǐ ké dàochù sànbù kuàilè
Wǒmen jiù jiàozuò luàn zǐ ké.

(Huh. You ready for this?)

To the south of Caiyun, there is a happy sound production line
The accompanying movie pictures are quite classic.
New characters, new actors, we are the new members

Chaos Shell is me, it’s me, a brand new combination
They are Yakko, Wakko and Dot
Yakko is the eldest brother and Wakko is the second brother.
We also have a little sister, her name is Dot

Yakko is quite good at speaking
Wakko is quite swollen
Dot is always quite messy
When we are together, we are called Chaos Shell

Chaos Shell, we love to sing crooked songs
Chaos Shell is in chaos from head to toe
Chaos Shell spreads happiness everywhere
We call it Chaos Shell

Polish (dub)[]

Singers: Tomasz Kozłowicz (Yakko), Zbigniew Suszyński (Wakko), Jolanta Wilk (Dot), and Cast

To bracia Warner z siostrą Dot!
Zwariowany wielbią świat!
Psychoszajber nie wie że,
że my kochamy śmiech.
Bo przecież to nie grzech!
Zobaczycie braci Warner, 
i siostrzyczkę z nimi też!
Ich dowcipy szkolne dziś rozśmieszą was do łez!
Nie zamknie nas w tej wieży, 
ten zapasiony gbur!
Animaniacy są już tacy, 
śmiechem kruszą mur!
W tym filmie chce się być!
Występować, tańczyć, żyć!
Tu apetyt każdy ma, 
tutaj Clinton nawet gra.
Tu każdy czuje rytm!
Tu Pinky z Mózgiem rządzą, bo to we krwi mają swej.
Tu Slappy jak widzicie wszyscy, też nie nudzi się!
Cekin ściga Mindy, a Rita śpiewa wiersz!
Tu mamy fioła dookoła, ale coś w tym jest!
W tym filmie chce się żyć!
Występować, tańczyć, być!
Animaniacy dziś 
z wszystkich znowu będą drwić!

Animaniacy są już tacy!
Sam zobaczysz,
jak zdziwaczał świat!
Oglądaj nas!

It's the Warner brothers with their sister Dot!
Crazily adored by the world!
The psychedelic doesn't know that,
that we love laughter.
Because after all, it's not a sin!

You will see the Warner brothers, 
and their little sister with them too!
Today their schoolyard jokes will make you laugh to tears!
He won't lock us in this tower, 
that overstuffed bully!
The Animaniacs are just built like that, 
they crumble walls with their laughter!

This is the movie you'd want to be in!
To perform, to dance, to live in!
Here everyone has an appetite, 
even Clinton plays here.
Everyone feels the rhythm here!

Here Pinky and the Brain reign supreme, because it's in their blood.
And Slappy here, as you can see, doesn't get bored either!
Cekin chases Mindy, and Rita sings a poem!
Here we have fun all around, but there's something to it!

This is the movie you'd want to live in!
To perform, to dance, to be in!
Today the Animaniacs 
will mock everyone once again!

The Animaniacs are just built like that!
You will see for yourself,
how the world has gone wild!
Come watch us!

Polish (voice-over)[]

This voice-over has the same lyrics as the dubbed version.

Portuguese (Brazil)[]

Singers: José Leonardo (Yakko), Marco Antônio Costa (Wakko), Miriam Ficher (Dot), and Cast

O nosso show vai começar!
A cortina vai se abrir!
Então deixe e relaxe,
para assistir
Os Animaniacs!

Somos os irmãos Warner!
E eu sou a irmã Warner!
Mas esse camarada não nos deixa respirar!
Ele tranca a gente aqui, nem dá tempo de explicar!
E temos que correr, nós não podemos esperar!

Somos os Animaniacs!
Muito charme e gozação!
Apetite de avestruz
E muita diversão!
Somos os Animaniacs!

Tem gente querendo mandar tudo pro ar!
Gata e galinhas que não param de brigar!
Criança sapequinha e um casal muito feliz!
Gente sem miolo é o que não falta por aqui!

Somos os Animaniacs!
Legalmente contratados!
Nós fazemos o melhor,
Tudo pra você gostar!
Seus amigos!
Seus atores!
Seus bichinhos!
Os Animaniacs!
Somos demais!

Our show is about to start!
The curtain will open!
So let go and relax,
to watch
The Animaniacs!

We are the Warner brothers!
And I'm Sister Warner!
But this guy won't let us breathe!
He locks us in here, there's no time to explain!
And we have to run, we can't wait!

We are the Animaniacs!
Lots of charm and fun!
Ostrich appetite
And lots of fun!
We are the Animaniacs!

There are people who want to send everything to the air!
Cat and chickens that don't stop fighting!
A naughty child and a very happy couple!
There's no shortage of brainless people here!

We are the Animaniacs!
Legally hired!
We do the best,
Everything for you to like!
Your friends!
Your actors!
Your little animals!
The Animaniacs!
We're awesome!

Portuguese (Portugal)[]

Singers: Fernando Luís (Yakko), André Maia (Wakko), Manuela Couto (Dot), and Cast

Está na hora dos Animaniacs!
Os loucos Animaniacs!
Senta-te e espera pra ver,
Já não tardam a aparecer.
Os Animaniacs!

Somos os dois irmãos Warner.
E eu a Dot, a irmã Warner!
Andamos pela Warner,
A fugir ao guarda Warner!
Apanham-nos na Warner.
Mas fugimos da Warner!
E voltamos pra Warner.
E é confusão na Warner!

São os Animaniacs!
Os loucos Animaniacs!
A Dot é fofa, o Yakko não.
E o Wakko é comilão!
Os Animaniacs!

O Pinky e o Brain querem mandar no universo.
A Slappy e os Goodfeathers têm o seu quê de perverso!
Buttons persegue a Mindy e a Rita canta em verso!
Ninguém têm argumentos pra ensaiar a ensaiadela!

Os Animaniacs!
São de mais louco que há-cs!
São os cachorros-quentes,
Que nos tornam tão dementes!
Os Animaniacs!
É só criar a fama!
<variable line>
Os Animaniacs!
Melhor não há-cs.

It's time for Animaniacs!
The crazy Animaniacs!
Sit back and wait to see,
They won't be long to appear,
The Animaniacs!

We are the two Warner brothers.
And I'm Dot, the Warner sister!
We walk through Warner,
Escaping from the Warner guard
They catch us at Warner.
But we run away from Warner!
And we go back to Warner and it's confusion at Warner!

It's the Animaniacs!
The crazy Animaniacs!
Dot is cute, Yakko is not.
And Wakko is a glutton!
The Animaniacs!

Pinky and Brain want to rule the universe.
Slappy and the Goodfeathers have their own wicked streak!
Buttons chases Mindy, and Rita sings in verse!
No one's got any arguments to rehearse the rehearsal!

The Animaniacs!
Are the craziest there can be!
It's the hot dogs,
what make us so demented!
The Animaniacs!
It's just creating fame!
<variable line>
The Animaniacs!
There is nothing better!.


Singers: Sebastian Lupu (Yakko), Richard Balint (Wakko), Ioana Dagău (Dot), and Cast

Să-nceapă Animaniacii!
Cu noi o să vă distrați!
Cuminți de o să stați,
O să ne aplaudați!
Noi suntem Animaniacii!
Haideți cu frații Warner!
Și cu sora lor Dot!
Veseli fugim întruna în orice episod!
În turn ei ne închid, atunci când ne prind!
Dar noi scăpăm și alergăm și cred că deja v-ați prins!

Suntem Animaniacii!
Dot e drăguță și Yakko e hazliu!
Wakko e un durduliu!
Bill Clinton cântă târziu!
Suntem Animaniacii!
Ei sunt Pinky și cu Brain, vor să cucerească lumea!
Porumbeii stau alături, Slappy lovește cu poșeta!
Buttons se ia de Mindy, Rita cântă o vers!
Pixul s-a rupt și n-avem scenariu, nimic nu are sens!
Suntem Animaniacii!
Ori și când vom fi plătiți!
Mereu neobosiți,
Niciodată plictisiți!
Suntem Animaniacii!
Lipsiți de inhibiții!
Așa suntem noi drăguții!
Ăștia suntem noi!

Let the Animaniacs begin!
You will have fun with us!
how are you going to stay
You will applaud us!
We are the Animaniacs!
Come on with the Warner Brothers!
And with their sister Dot!
We happily run away constantly in any episode!
In the tower they lock us up, when they catch us!
But we escape and run and I think you already caught up!

Dot is cute and Yakko is funny!
Wakko is fat!
Bill Clinton sings late!
We are the Animaniacs!
They are Pinky and with Brain, they want to conquer the world!
The pigeons stand by, Slappy hits with the purse!
Buttons takes on Mindy, Rita sings a verse!
The pen broke and we have no script, nothing makes sense!
We are the Animaniacs!
Whenever and wherever we get paid!
Always tireless,
Never bored!
We are the Animaniacs!
No inhibitions!
That's how we are cute!
This is us!

Romanian (voice-over)[]

Reader: Mihai Cabel

Please provide Romanian lyrics if you can

Russian (STS)[]

Singers: Pyotr Markin / Пётр Маркин (Yakko), Roman Berchenko / Роман Берченко (Wakko), Alisa Kurganova / Алиса Курганова (Dot), and Cast

Добро пожаловать в кино!
Для радости придумано оно!
Вас сегодня удивит, 
огорошит, рассмешит.
Наша анимация!

Мы два брата анимашки,
ну а я сестрица Дот!
Мы вам студию покажем 
и расскажем анекдот!
Носик свой везде засунем, 
побузим и пошалим!
Нас даже не ловите, 
все равно мы убежим!

Это анимация!
Чудеса вас ждут, друзья!
Вакко булки пожирает,
ну а Клинтон джаз играет!
Это анимация!

Кто-то Землю заарканил, 
кто-то гнался - не догнал.
Кто антенны в уши вставил, 
кто-то еле убежал!
Сценаристы разбежались, 
да и текста больше нет.
Но мы сами разберемся 
и придумаем сюжет!

Здесь готовится сенсация!
Вдруг картинка оживает, 
вместе с музыкой мелькает.

На всей планете,
нас очень любят дети!
(Чудесней всех на свете!)
Смотрим, друзья!

Welcome to our show!
Created with joy in mind!
Today you'll be amazed, 
surprised, and amused.
It's our animation!

We're two animated brothers,
and I'm their sister Dot!
We'll show you around the studio 
and tell all kinds of jokes!
We'll stick our noses wherever we go, we'll fool around and make a fuss!
Don't even bother catching us, we'll just run away again!

This is animation!
Wonders await you, folks!
Wakko's eating rolls of bread,
while Clinton plays jazz!
It's animation!

Some of us pursue the Earth,
others are on the run and can't catch up.
Some of us have antennas in our ears, 
others just barely escaped!
The writers have gone mad, 
and the scripts are no more.
But we'll figure it out 
and come up with our own story!

A sensation is brewing here!
Suddenly the pictures come to life,
along with the sound of music.

All over the planet,
children love us very much!
(The most wonderful thing in the world!)
Come and see, folks!

Russian (Boomerang)[]

Singers: TBA (Yakko), TBA (Wakko), TBA (Dot), and Cast

Для Анимашек пробил час!
Пусто в голове у нас!
Мы вам сделаем массаж, 
И легко достанем вас.
Анимашек пробил час!

Зовут нас братья Уорнер, ну а я сестра их Дот!
Смеха ради мы гоняем где нам в голову взбредёт.
Нас то и дело ловят, и запирают нас!
Но мы опять скорей бежать, и так из раза в раз!

Анимашки нас зовут!
Дот краса, Якк - баламут!
Вакко мал, но ест как слон, 
Дует Клинтон в саксофон!
Анимашки нас зовут!

Два друга Мозг и Пинки мир хотят завоевать,
И сизарям не скучно, Слэппи любит их гонять.
Баттонс вслед за Минди, а Рита - распевать.
Кругом дурдом, как можно в нём хоть что-нибудь понять?

Анимашек пробил час!
Есть контракт у всех у нас.
Крупно в профиль и анфас, 
с колбасою про запас!

Для Анимашек!
Глупых симпатяшек!
(варьируемая строка)
Видно, пробил час!
Встречайте нас!

It's time for Animaniacs!
Our minds are completely blank!
We'll give you a massage, 
And then we'll tick you off with ease.
It's time for Animaniacs!

We're the Warner Brothers, and I'm their sister, Dot!
Just for fun, we go wherever we want to go!
Sometimes they catch us and lock us up!
But we'll escape again and again, and so on and so forth!

They call us Animaniacs!
Dot's a beauty, Yakk' is a jokester!
Wakko's small, but eats like an elephant, 
Clinton blows his saxophone.
They call us Animaniacs!

Two friends, Brain and Pinky, want to conquer the world.
And the grey-haired pigeons don't get bored, Slappy likes to push them around.
Buttons follows Mindy, and Rita likes to sing.
It's a complete madhouse, how can you make any sense of this?

It's time for Animaniacs!
We are all under a contract.
Up close and head-on,
with sausages to spare!

Here's to the Animaniacs!
Silly little cuties!
(variable line)
It's about time!
Welcome to the party!

Russian (VHS)[]

Reader: Dmitry Polonsky / Дмитрий Полонский (first part)

Мы Аниманьяки, мы мульти-фанаты,
Готовы смешить вас без всякой зарплаты!
Ведь наша работа - смешить до икоты.

My Animan'yaki, my mul'ti-fanaty,
Gotovy smeshit' vas bez vsyakoy zarplaty !
Ved' nasha rabota - smeshit' do ikoty.

We're Animaniacs, we're multi-fans,
Ready to make you laugh without any salary!
After all, our job is to make you laugh until you hiccup.


Singers: Rafael Monsalve (Yakko), Giset Blanco (Wakko), Elena Prieto (Dot), and Cast

Es hora de Animanía!
Estamos locos de atar!
Ven y siéntate a observar,
mucho te divertirás,
con Animanía!

Ven con los hermanos Warner,
y la hermana Warner, Dot.
Siempre estamos muy alegres entre alguna filmación!
Nos encierran en el tanque si nos logran atrapar.
No hay quien nos aguante si logramos escapar!

Somos Animanía!
Dot es bella, y Yakko no!
Wakko es un comelón,
cuando escucha el saxofón,
en Animanía!

Mira a Pinky y a Cerebro demostrando su poder,
junto a estos tres palomos que Slappy hará caer!
Botones y Mandy, y a Rita vas a ver.
Con escritores locos, no hay libretos que aprender!

¡Somos Animanía!
Nos pagan sin trabajar!
Estamos locos de atar, 
como nadie puede estar!

Somos animados,
de remate estamos!
(Por eso nos llamamos...)
¡Animanía! Es como es!

It's time for Animania!
We are out of our minds!
Come and sit back and watch,
you'll have a lot of fun,
with Animania!

Come with the Warner brothers,
and the Warner sister, Dot.
We're always very cheerful in between filming!
They lock us in the tower if they catch us.
But there's no holding us if we manage to escape!

We're Animania!
Dot is pretty, and Yakko is not!
Wakko is a big eater,
when he hears the saxophone,
in Animania!

See Pinky and the Brain show off their power,
along with these three pigeons that Slappy will knock down!
You'll see Buttons and Mandy, and Rita as well.
With such crazy writers, there's no scripts for us to learn!

We're Animania!
They pay us to not work!
We're out of our minds, 
like no one else could be!

We are animated,
we're really crazy!
(That's why we call ourselves...)
Animania! It is as it is!

The lyrics are slightly different and the vocals are re-recorded for the version aired in Spain.

Es hora de Animanía!
Estamos locos de atar!
Ven a ver la tele ya,
mucho te divertirás,
con Animanía!

Ven con los hermanos Warner,
y la hermana Warner, Dot.
Siempre estamos muy alegres entre alguna filmación!
Nos encierran en el tanque si es que nos logran coger.
No hay quien nos aguante si escapamos otra vez!

Somos Animanía!
Dot es guapa, y Yakko no!
Wakko es un comelón,
cuando escucha el saxofón,
en Animanía!

Mira a Pinky y a Cerebro demostrando su poder,
junto a estos tres palomos que Slappy hará caer!
Botones y Mandy, a Rita vas a ver.
Con escritores locos, no hay guiones que aprender!

¡Somos Animanía!
Nos pagan sin trabajar!
Estamos locos de atar, 
como nadie puede estar!

Somos animados,
de remate estamos!
¡Animanía! Es como es!

It's time for Animania!
We are out of our minds!
Come watch TV now,
you'll have a lot of fun,
with Animania!

Come with the Warner brothers,
and the Warner sister, Dot.
We're always very cheerful in between filming!
They lock us in the tower if they can catch us.
But there's no holding us if we escape again!

We're Animania!
Dot is pretty, and Yakko is not!
Wakko is a big eater,
when he hears the saxophone,
in Animania!

See Pinky and the Brain show off their power,
along with these three pigeons that Slappy will knock down!
You'll see Buttons and Mandy, Rita as well.
With such crazy writers, there's no scripts for us to learn!

We're Animania!
They pay us to not work!
We're out of our minds, 
like no one else could be!

We are animated,
we're really crazy!
Animania! It is as it is!


Singers: Roman Chupis (Yakko, Wakko), TBA (Dot), and Cast

Настала Мультиманія,
Нас не здихатись ніяк,
Забезпечена щодня,
Вам до колік реготня
Це Мультиманія!

Ми - веселі браття Ворнер.
Я - сестриця їхня Дот.
Студією носимось, не знаємо турбот,
Нехай нас замикають, та ми втечем от-от,
А там новий народиться, Сюжетний поворот.

Це Мультиманія!
Дот гарненька, Якко - зась!
Вакко їсть немов свиня,
Ну а Клінтон грає джаз.
Це Мультиманія!

Панують цілим світом Брейн і Пінкі уві снах,
А ось Пернаті хлопці, Слепі сумкою їх - бах!
Ґудзик-пес і Мінді, Ріта з нотами в зубах.
Сценаристи і сюжети показились на очах.

Це Мультиманія!
Маєм ми на це контракт.
Нас не здихатись ніяк,
Ми гучна компанія,
Бо ми скажені,
(змінна лінія)
Наше ім'я!

Nastala Mul"tymaniya,
Nas ne zdyxatys" niyak,
Zabezpechena shhodnya,
Vam do kolik rehotnya
Ce Mul"tymaniya!

My - veseli brattya Vorner.
Ya --sestrycya yixnya Dot.
Studiyeyu nosymos", ne znayemo turbot,
Nexaj nas zamykayut", ta my vtechem ot-ot,
A tam novyj narodyt"sya, Syuzhetnyj povorot.

Ce Mul"tymaniya!
Dot harnen"ka, Yakko - zas"!
Vakko yist" nemov svynya,
Nu a Klinton hraye dzhaz.
Ce Mul"tymaniya!

Panuyut" cilym svitom Brejn i Pinki uvi snax,
A os" Pernati xlopci, Slepi sumkoyu yix - bax!
Gudzyk-pes i Mindi, Rita z notamy v zubax.
Scenarysty i syuzhety pokazylys" na ochax.

Ce Mul"tymaniya!
Mayem my na ce kontrakt.
Nas ne zdyxatys" niyak,
My huchna kompaniya,
Bo my skazheni,
(zminna liniya)
Nashe im'ya!

Multimania has arrived,
We can't be breathless,
Provided daily,
Until you are full of laughter
This is Multimania!

We are the fun Warner Brothers.
I am their sister Dot.
We run around the studio, we don't know the worries,
Let them lock us up, but we will escape here and there,
And there a new one will be born, a plot twist.

This is Multimania!
Dot is pretty, Yakko - again!
Wakko eats like a pig
Well, Clinton plays jazz.
This is Multimania!

Brain and Pinky rule the world in dreams,
And here are the Feathered boys, Slappy with her bag - bang!
Buttons the dog and Mindy, Rita with notes in her teeth.
The screenwriters and the plots showed themselves.

This is Multimania!
We have a contract for this.
We can't be breathless,
We are a loud company,
Cause we're mad
(variable line)
Our name!

2020 reboot[]


Singers: Rob Paulsen (Yakko), Jess Harnell (Wakko), Tress MacNeille (Dot), and Cast
It's time for Animaniacs!
And we're zany to the max!
So just sit back and relax,
you'll laugh 'til you collapse.
We're Animaniacs!

Come join the Warner Brothers
and the Warner Sister, Dot.
Just for fun we run around the Warner movie lot!
They lock us in the tower, whenever we get caught!
But we break loose and then vamoose
and now you know the plot!

We're Animaniacs!
Dot has wit, and Yakko yaks!
Wakko packs away the snacks,
Our careers have made comebacks!
We're Animaniacs!

Meet Pinky and the Brain who want to rule the universe
A brand new cast who tested well in focus group research.
Gender-balanced, pronoun-neutral, and ethnically diverse
The trolls will say we're so passé, but we did meta first

We're Animaniacs!
You should see our new contracts!
We're zany to the max,
there's baloney in our slacks!

We're Animanie!
Totally insaney!
Have no shame-y¹!
Those are the facts!

¹ Once again, like the original, this is a variable verse that changes depending on the episode; a full list can be seen here.


Reader: Balys Pilvelis

Please provide Lithuanian lyrics if you can

Portuguese (Brazil)[]

Singers: Clécio Souto (Yakko), Marcus Jardym (Wakko), Marisa Leal (Dot), and Cast

O nosso show vai começar!
A cortina vai se abrir!
Então sente e relaxe,
para assistir
Os Animaniacs!

Somos os irmãos Warner!
E eu sou a irmã Warner!
Mas esse camarada não nos deixa respirar!
Ele tranca a gente aqui, nem dá tempo de explicar!
E temos que correr, nós não podemos esperar!

Somos os Animaniacs!
Muita astúcia e gozação!
Temos fome de voltar
Reanimados pra brilhar!
Somos os Animaniacs!

Tem o Pinky e o Cérebro pro mundo dominar!
E um elenco novo, que acabamos de testar!
Neutralidade de gênero e diversidade, enfim!
Os trolls vão reclamar, mas nós voltamos pra ficar!

Somos os Animaniacs!
Temos um novo contrato!
Voltamos ao que importa,
Essa mortadela é nossa!
Totalmente insanos!
(variable verse)
Os Animaniacs!
Somos demais!

Our show is about to start!
The curtain will open!
So sit and relax,
to watch
The Animaniacs!

We are the Warner brothers!
And I'm Sister Warner!
But this guy won't let us breathe!
He locks us in here, there's no time to explain!
And we have to run, we can't wait!

We are the Animaniacs!
Lots of wit and fun!
We have hunger to come back
Reanimated to shine!
We are the Animaniacs!

There are Pinky and the Brain, to dominate the world!
And a new cast, that we've just finished testing!
Gender neutrality and diversity, at last!
The trolls are going to complain, but we came back to stay!

We are the Animaniacs!
We have a new contract!
We're back to what matters,
This bologna is ours!
Totally insane!
(variable verse)
The Animaniacs!
We're awesome!

Russian (TVShows)[]

Singers: Pyotr Kovrizhnykh / Пётр Коврижных (Yakko, Wakko, Dot [when singing with the others]), Tatyana Abramova / Татьяна Абрамова (Dot [when singing by herself])

Добро пожаловать в кино!
Для радости придумано оно!
вас сегодня удивят, огорошат, рассмешат
Озорные анимашки!

Мы два брата анимашки,
ну а я сестрица Дот!
Мы вам студию покажем 
и расскажем анекдот!
Носик свой везде засунем, 
побузим и пошалим!
Нас даже не ловите, 
все равно мы убежим!

Чудеса вас ждут, друзья
Нас забыть никак нельзя
Мы крутые развлекашки 
Ваши вордлеры, мультяшки
Озорные анимашки!

С нами Пинки, с нами Брейн
Планеты и правитель МакОта
Тут новые герои
рассвешат вас до икоты
Этнически разнообразны
и гендерны ровны
Говорят мы устарели
но ничуть мы не скучны

Озорные анимашки
Ваши старые друзьяшки
И на всей планете нас
очень любят дети все

Мы анимашки 
Безумные мордашки
Дикие дурашки
Анимашки мы

Welcome to our show!
Created with joy in mind!
you will be surprised, stunned, and made to laugh today
Naughty animation!

We're two animated brothers,
and I'm their sister Dot!
We'll show you around the studio 
and tell all kinds of jokes!
We'll stick our noses wherever we go, we'll fool around and make a fuss!
Don't even bother catching us, we'll just run away again!

Miracles await you, friends.
There's no way to forget us
We are cool entertainment
Your wordlers, cartoons
Naughty animations!

Pinky is with us, Brain is with us
Planets and the ruler of Makota
There are new heroes here
amuse you to the point of hiccups
Ethnically diverse
and democratic equals
They say we're outdated
but we are not boring at all

Naughty animations
Your old friends
And on the whole planet of us
I love all children very much

We are animations
Crazy faces
Wild fools
We are animated

Russian (Flarrow Films)[]

Singers: ?

Для Анимашек пробил час!
Пусто в голове у нас!
Мы вам сделаем массаж, 
И легко достанем вас.
Анимашек пробил час!

Зовут нас братья Уорнер, ну а я сестра их Дот!
Смеха ради мы гоняем где нам в голову взбредёт.
Нас то и дело ловят, и запирают нас!
Но мы опять скорей бежать, и так из раза в раз!

Анимашки нас зовут!
Дот краса, Якко - баламут!
Вакко мал, но ест как слон, 
Анимашки нас зовут!

Встречайте Пинки и Брейна, мир хотят завоевать,
И новою команду фокус-групу проверять.
Баланс пола, обращении, и разве забывать.
Все тролли скажут "мы стары", но правду не сдержать.

Анимашек пробил час!
Контракт новый есть у нас.
Крупно в профиль и анфас, 
с колбасою про запас!

Для Анимашек!
Глупых симпатяшек!
Не стыдяшек! (Дот)
Видно, пробил час!
Встречайте нас!

It's time for Animaniacs!
Our minds are completely blank!
We'll give you a massage, 
and then we'll tick you off with ease.
It's time for Animaniacs!

We're the Warner Brothers, and I'm their sister, Dot!
Just for fun, we go wherever we want to go!
Sometimes they catch us and lock us up!
But we'll escape again and again, and so on and so forth!

They call us Animaniacs!
Dot is cute, Yakko - a jokester!
Wakko's small, but eats like an elephant,
They call us Animaniacs!

Meet Pinky and the Brain, they want to conquer the world,
And check the focus group with the new team.
Balance of gender, treatment, and perhaps forgetting.
All the trolls will say "we are old", but the truth cannot be contained.

It's time for Animaniacs!
We've got a new contract!
Up close and head-on,
with sausages to spare!

For Animaniacs!
Stupid little cuties!
No shame! (Dot)
Seems like it's time!
Watch us!

Spanish (Latin America)[]

Singers: Rafael Monsalve (Yakko), Giset Blanco (Wakko), Navid Cabrera (Dot), and Cast

Es hora de Animanía.
Estamos locos de atar.
Ven y siéntate a observar,
mucho te divertirás
con Animanía.

Ven con los hermanos Warner
y la hermana Warner, Dot.
Siempre estamos muy alegres fentre alguna situacion.
Nos encierran en el tanque si nos logran atrapar.
No hay quien nos aguante si logramos escapar.

Somos Animanía.
Dot es bella, y Yakko no.
Wakko aun es un comelón
Con la gran resurrección
de Animanía.

Mira a Pinky y a Cerebro demostrando su poder.
Se suma un elenco nuevo y se testeo mas de una vez.
Igualdad hasta en pronombres y en etica tambien.
Nos dicen "anticuados" pero igual nos quieren ver.

Somos Animanía
Ya acordamos regresar.
Estamos locos de atar como nadie puede estar.
Somos animados, de remate estamos.
(Varones no explicarlo)
Animanía! Es como es.

It's time for Animania!
We are out of our minds!
Come and sit back and watch,
you'll have a lot of fun,
with Animania!

Come with the Warner brothers,
and the Warner sister, Dot.
We're always very happy in any situation.
They lock us in the tank if they manage to catch us.
No one can stand us if we manage to escape.

We're Animania.
Dot is beautiful, and Yakko isn't.
Wakko is still a big eater
With the great resurrection
of Animania.

Look at Pinky and the Brain showing their power.
A new cast is added and it was tested more than once.
Equality even in pronouns and ethics too.
They call us "old-fashioned" but they still want to see us.

We're Animania!
We've already agreed to return.
We're crazy as hell as anyone can be.
We're animated, We're completely crazy.
(Men don't explain it)
Animania! It is what it is.

Freakazoid! version[]

In the Freakazoid! episode "Next Time, Phone Ahead", two snippets of the Animaniacs opening are shown.


Singers: ?

Freakazoid and Animaniacs were not dubbed in the same country as each other, thus, the voices here are different than the finalized Arabic dub of the show.

!حان وقت الأنيمينياكس
!لسنا عاقلين بل على العكس
،سنضحك كل شخص
من قدميه إلى الرأس

،مضحكون جدا
،يفعلونها عمدا
(ولا يضعون حدا)
!الأنيمينياكس! هيا إلى الرقص

It's time for the Animaniacs!
We're not sane, it's quite the opposite!
We will make everyone laugh,
from head to toe

They're super funny,
they do it on purpose
(And set no bounds)
Animaniacs! Let's get to dance!


Singers: ?

There is no Norwegian dub of the series, however the snippet of the opening theme was still dubbed.

Her kommer Animaniacs!
Og vi syns at vi er maks!
Bare sitt ned og slapp av,
hvis lattergjør deg glad!

Vi er helt gale,
kjemper det normale!
(Super originale!)
Animaniacs! Sangen er snapp!

Here comes Animaniacs!
And we think we're the best!
Just sit down and relax,
if laughing makes you happy!

We're completely crazy,
fighting the normal!
(Super original!)
Animaniacs! The song is snappy!


Singers: Yelena Shul'man / Елена Шульман and Vladimir Maslakov / Владимир Маслаков

This dub has different voices for the Warner Siblings, as well as different lyrics - the more familiar dub of Animaniacs hadn't yet premiered at the time Freakazoid was airing.

Аниманьяков пробил час!
А мы набросимся на вас!
Похохочем от души,
Защекочим, засмешим!

На самом деле
Мы просто пели!
(А вы смотрели)
Аниманьяк! Шоу для зевак!

Animaniacs' hour has struck!
And we'll pounce on you!
We'll laugh heartily, 
We'll tickle you, we'll make you laugh!

In fact, 
We were just singing!
(And you were watching)
Animaniac! Show for gawkers!


  • The opening theme was undubbed from the original English version in the Albanian (also subtitled in said language), Czech VHS (with a voice-over of the dub's title), Persian, and Russian VHS (partially voiceovered) dubs.
  • In most international dubs of Season 2 of the original series, the the line "While Bill Clinton plays the sax" is dubbed over "We've got wisecracks by the stacks".
  • In the original series, the Polish, Brazilian Portuguese, Czech, Sierra Recordings Greek and STS Russian dubs always use the same variable verse.
    • Ironically, episode 92 has the variable verse being sung instead of Yakko saying "Uhhhh...", even though it is not supposed to be like that.
    • The Polish, Brazilian Portuguese and Greek 2012 dubs has the variable verse being sung by the character(s) that appear in the scene (i.e. the 'here's the show's name-y' has Dot singing, while 'hunchback of Notre Dame-y' has Wakko singing). Russian 2003 always has the Warners singing together, and the Czech dub always has Dot singing.

Missing version[]

The Nova TV Bulgarian voice over has yet to surface online, and cannot be added to this page until it has.
