The Dubbing Database
The Dubbing Database

Animaniakët is the Albanian dub of Animaniacs. It airs intermittently on Çufo.


Character Actor
Yakko (Animaniacs)
Jako Uorner
Julian Canameti[1]
Wakko (Animaniacs)
Uako Uorner
Lorenc Kaja[2]
Dot (Animaniacs)
Dot Uorner
Manjola Merlika[3]
Dr. Scratchansniff (Animaniacs)
Doktor Skraçënsnif
Bujar Asqeriu
Mjekëroshi (55)
Sansej (56)
Hello Nurse (Animaniacs)
Pershendetje Infermiere
Unidentified voice
Ralph (Animaniacs)
Ralph T. Guard
Gëzim Rudi
Bujar Asqeriu
("The Warners and the Beanstalk")
Thaddeus Plotz (Animaniacs)
Thaddeus Plotz
Piro Malaveci
Uollter (62, 64)
Pinky (Animaniacs)
Ilir Muhametaj[4]
The Brain (Animaniacs)
Arben Derhemi[5]
Slappy (Animaniacs)
Rozina Prendi
Skippy (Animaniacs)
Ray Kasemi
Pesto (Animaniacs)
Enkel Gurakuqi
Benihanesi (60)
Gunter (65)
Bobby (Animaniacs)
Gent Bejko
Nut (54)
Porki (65)
Squit (Animaniacs)
Bledi Naska
Baluni (61)
drejtori (65)
Minerva Mink (Animaniacs)
Jessika Kasemi
Kiki (53)
Daniel Bum (51) Gëzim Rudi
Mejan (55)
prezantuesi (56, 65)
Stikibombi (58)
Huper (60)
Bini (62)
Doktor Roman (64)
trolli (66)
Krebsi (52) Alkeo Doko
djali i vogël (54)
djali (62, 64)
Sasha (53, 63) Anisa Dervishi
Henipen (60)
Mami (61)
Lana (53, 63) Mirela Naska
Pi (60) Vladimir Saliu
Keti (61, 63) Sonja Leço
vajza e vogël (64)
Babi (61, 63) Armand Peza
Samueli (62)
Uid Memlo (65
Benihanesi (62) Sheri Mita
Neptuni (63)
Lon (65)
Haui (66)
Kiki (63) Klodjana Keco
Robin (66)
Mami i Mindit (63, 66) Albana Sançolli
Badi (65) Denard Xhillari
Bags Bani (65) Dritan Boriçi
Niko Lena
Technical staff
Translator and adapter
Aida Bulku
Adrian Guri
Sound and effects editor
Besmir Basho
Suela Xhonuzi


Albanian title Original title
51 No title given Branimaniacs
No title given The Warners and the Beanstalk
Pengesa Slepi Frontier Slappy
52 Uljet dhe ngritjet Ups and Downs
Ruloja i vogël trim The Brave Little Trailer
Po, gjithmonë Yes, Always
53 I Ikuri nga Mendja Drive-Insane
Të Dashurat Girlfeathers
54 Breini takon Braunin Brain Meets Braun
Takoni Minervën Meet Minerva
55 Zbulimi i Floririt Gold Rush
Nhë Dhuratë e Florinjtë A Gift of Gold
56 No title given Schnitzelbank
Formula Helpinki The Helpinki Formula
Batoni dhe Balona Les Boutons et le Ballon
Kung Buja Kung Boo
57 Uornerat ndihmojnë në Mbrojtjen e vendit Of Course, You Know This Means Warners
Mbi një pemë Up a Tree
No title given Wakko's Gizmo
58 Takoni Xhon Breinin Meet John Brain
Do të të nuhas më vonë Smell Ya Later
59 No title given Ragamuffins
Slepi në fshat Woodstock Slappy
60 No title given Karaoke-Dokie
Kryqëzuesi i Kafkave The Cranial Crusader
Pula që më deshi mua The Chicken Who Loved Me
61 Baluni dhe fëmijët Baloney and Friends
Super Baton Super Buttons
Keti Ka-Bum: Leksionet e patentës Katie Ka-Boom: The Driving Lesson
62 Slepi e Lumtur dhe e Frikësuar Scare Happy Slappy
Magjistari 1 Witch One
Makbethi MacBeth
63 Që nuk ruan dot një vezë With Three You Get Eggroll
Sirena Mindi Mermaid Mindy
Keti Ka-Bum Katie Ka-Boom: Call Waiting
64 Shikoni po vjen polici Lookit the Fuzzy Heads
Nuk ka fytyrë si shtëpia No Face Like Home
65 Speciale për 65 Vjetorin e vëllezërve Uorner The Warners' 65th Anniversary Special
66 Merrni motrën dhe vëllain tim ju lutem Take My Siblings Please
Mindi 500 The Mindy 500
Mëngjes i Sëmurë Morning Malaise
67 Ne nuk jemi pëllumba We're No Pigeons
Mindi që ndalon me bilbil Whistle Stop Mindy
Keti Ka-Bum: Takimi i anulluar Katie Ka-Boom: The Broken Date
68 Mami im më Majami Miami Mama-Mia
Pëllumbi mbi Çati Pigeon on the Roof
69 Une jam i çmendur I'm Mad
Bobi në humr të keq Bad Mood Bobby
Keti Ka-Bum: Njolla Katie Ka-Boom: The Blemish
No title given Fake
70 Egërsia Deduces Wild
U prehtë në Paqe Rest in Pieces
Unë dhe ti U.N. Me
71 No title given Super Strong Warner Siblings
Arrëthyesi Slepi Nutcracker Slappy
Shprehja e re e Uakos Wakko's New Gookie
Tërmet, Tërmet A Quake, A Quake
72 E folura ndryshe Variety Speak
Tre tenorë dhe ti mbetesh jashtë Three Tenors and You're Out
73 Një ditë e vështirë për Uornerat A Hard Day's Warner
Më lër rehat Gimme a Break
Të lutem. Të lutem. Të lutem. Fondacioni i jetës Please Please Please Get a Life Foundation
74 No title given The Tiger Prince
No title given All the Words in the English Language
Fëmija me kapelë The Kid in the Lid
Metoda drejt çmendurinë së saj Method to her Madness
77 Kënga e Presidentëve The Presidents Song
Mos na shkelni Do Not Tread Us
Kthimi i Flakës The Flame Returns


Dubbing credits[]


Voice credits[]

Episode cards[]



  • This dub is unlicensed and was produced illegally.
  • Like most Albanian dubs that air on Bang Bang and Çufo, all songs are undubbed and subtitled.
  • There is no localized title card for the main series, but there is one for one of the segment shows, Slappy Squirrel. Other on-screen text is also subtitled instead of being fully localized.
  • In the theme song, the Warners refer to Bill Clinton as "xhaxha Piteri" (Uncle Peter).
    • In season one, the line after "totally insane-y" that is meant to change with each episode is always translated as "dhe kemi fat" (and we are lucky). Starting with season two however, they started subtitling each individual line.
    • Also, in season one, the final line is translated as "Animaniakët... Kjo është gjitçka!" (Animaniacs... that's all!). In season two onwards, this line remains mostly the same, however Animaniakët is translated as "Animaniak" (Animaniac).
  • When the Albanian end credits are finished playing, the original credits play in full right after, with the same instrumental.
  • The font for the subtitles is Birch.
  • This dub starts out with episode 51 in season 1, "Branimaniacs/The Warners and the Beanstalk/Frontier Slappy", and continues from there. This is because it was likely dubbed from a DVD release.
    • One thing that supports this is how "The Warners and the Beanstalk" has no title card, just like in the DVD release of that episode.
  • After not airing for a long time, the dub finally re-aired on Çufo starting December 7, 2020, likely due to the release of the 2020 reboot which came out a few weeks earlier.
    • The dub re-aired until December 23, 2020, and after that it was taken off the schedule and replaced with Zenki.[6][7] Strangely, the last time slot of the show on that day was only 25 minutes for only one episode as opposed to two, and the episode that aired was S3E8 ("The Presidents Song / Don't Tread on Us / The Flame Returns, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow"). S3E6 and 7 were strangely skipped, and it is unknown if those episodes or any episodes after S3E8 were dubbed.

See also[]

