The Dubbing Database
Not to be confused with the original Rai dub.

Barbapapà is one of several Italian dubs of Barbapapa. Directly following the original 1976 dub made for Rai, this redub first aired on December 24, 2006 on Nickelodeon in Italy as a Christmas special; the dub began broadcasting regularly on January 1, 2007. Rai Gulp began airing the dub in July 2009, and it also aired on Nick Jr. starting the 31st of the same month.

This dub was a replacement for the original 1976 dub, and effectively it aired on more Italian channels, and was made widely available. All episodes of the dub were made available to stream on the RaiPlay service, though as of writing they have since been removed. An Italian Barbapapa YouTube channel was created late 2021, where episodes of this dub are hosted routinely.

A redub of the 1999 anime spin-off バーバパパ 世界をまわる also aired on Rai YoYo at an unknown date, featuring the same voice cast as the 2006 redub, with the same title of "Barbapapà". DeA Junior however, a channel which also airs the show, gives it the title of Barbapapa' in giro per il mondo.


Character Actor[1]
Barbapapa (Barbapapa)
バーバパパ (バーバパパ 世界をまわる)
Luca Semeraro
Barbamama (Barbapapa)
バーバママ (バーバパパ 世界をまわる)
Maddalena Vadacca
Barbidou (Barbapapa)
バーバズー (バーバパパ 世界をまわる)
Loretta Di Pisa
Barbouille (Barbapapa)
バーバモジャ (バーバパパ 世界をまわる)
Paolo De Santis
Barbabelle (Barbapapa)
バーバベル (バーバパパ 世界をまわる)
Anna Mazza
Barbidur (Barbapapa)
バーバブラボー (バーバパパ 世界をまわる)
Cinzia Massironi
Barbotine (Barbapapa)
バーバリブ (バーバパパ 世界をまわる)
Federica Valenti
Barbibul (Barbapapa)
バーバピカリ (バーバパパ 世界をまわる)
Renato Novara
Barbalala (Barbapapa)
バーバララ (バーバパパ 世界をまわる)
Sabrina Bonfitto
Claudine (Barbapapa)
Tosawi Piovani
François (Barbapapa)
Irene Scalzo
Luca Semeraro
Technical staff
Dialogue adaptator
Dubbing director
Luca Semeraro


  • This is one of a few dubs to have individual voices for the Barbapapas in the first season, whereas in the original the narrator voiced all the characters.
  • All of the songs in the original series - sung by Roberto Vecchioni and Mele Verdi in the first season and by Carlo Lippi and Orietta Berti in the second - are reused from the first dub.
    • Unlike the first dub, in which the theme song was redubbed in the second season, the theme song from the first season was reused for both seasons.
  • The voice cast of the dub would end up being the uniform voices for the characters in Italian, as they would be reused in the redub of Around the World, and later in the 2019 reboot One Big Happy Family!.
  • In Albania, the dub occassionally airs unofficially through the secondary audio track of Çufo and Bang Bang - the Albanian dub uses this dub as a base.
  • One episode of the バーバパパ 世界をまわる redub was featured on Nick Jr Italy's website.

