The Dubbing Database

Barbapapa i jego rodzinka (also known as Barbapapa - szczęśliwa rodzinka! or simply Barbapapa) is the Polish dub of Barbapapa en famille !. It premiered on Nick Jr. in Poland on December 14, 2020. The second episode was published earlier on the Nick Jr. website on December 7. The second season of the dub premiered on May 27, 2024.


Character Actor[1]
Barbapapa (Barbapapa, 2019)
Dariusz Odija
Barbamama (Barbapapa, 2019)
Olga Bończyk
Barbidur (Barbapapa, 2019)
Sebastian Machalski
Barbibul (Barbapapa, 2019)
Rafał Fudalej
Barbouille (Barbapapa, 2019)
Maksymilian Michasiów
Barbotine (Barbapapa, 2019)
Anna Wodzyńska
Barbalala (Barbapapa, 2019)
Magdalena Herman-Urbańska
Barbabelle (Barbapapa, 2019)
Magdalena Wasylik
Barbidou (Barbapapa, 2019)
Jakub Szyperski
Papa Bum (ep. 2b) Zbigniew Konopka
Mama Bum (ep. 2b) Małgorzata Boratyńska
Lob (ep. 10b) Sebastian Perdek
Leon Agnieszka Mrozińska
Lulu Beata Jankowska-Tzimas
Listonosz (ep. 28a) Karol Osentowski
Sebastian Perdek
Additional voice
Norbert Kaczorowski
Theme song singers
Magdalena Wasylik
Dariusz Odija
Title voice-over
Patryk Ignaczak
(series title in season 1, titles of eps. 1-13, the credits of ep. 2)
Sebastian Perdek
(titles of eps. 14-26)
Jakub Urlich
(series and episode titles in season 2)
Technical staff
Commissioned by
Nickelodeon Polska
Dubbing studio
Małgorzata Boratyńska
Bartek Fukiet (season 1)
Magdalena Dwojak (season 2)
Przemysław Jóźwik (season 1)
Paweł Siwiec (season 2)
Jan Graboś (season 1)
Paweł Siwiec (season 2)
Przemysław Jóźwik (season 1)
Krzysztof Podolski (season 2)
Agata Mitura (season 2)
Dariusz Paprocki (season 2)
Musical director
Agata Warda (season 1)
Adam Krylik (season 2)
Production manager
Roksana Dziadek (season 1)
Katarzyna Fijałkowska (season 2)
Content supervisor
Aleksandra Dobrowolska


Polish title English title Premiere[2]
1 Drzewo Barbapapy The Barbapapa Tree December 14, 2020
Urodziny Barbabrzdąców The Barbababies' Birthday
2 Barba-Bum Bada-Bam December 7, 2020 (
December 15, 2020 (Nick Jr.)
Barbamarsjanie The Barbamartians
3 Borys Boris December 16, 2020
Dziki z natury Born to be Wild
4 Pieczenie chleba Making Bread December 17, 2020
Pestka z makiem From One Pit to Another
5 Nie ma jak rodzinka The Tenderest Bond of All December 18, 2020
Pomarańczowe imperium The Orange Empire
6 Łowcy tajemnic It's Only a Mystery... December 19, 2020
Bitwa The Battle
7 Barbawkręt Barbaprank!
Wilkoberek The Wolf of Halloween October 30, 2021
8 Tablet The Competition Prize December 20, 2020
Wspaniałe wąsiska Marvelous Moustaches
9 Niech się dzieje sprawiedliwość Let Justice Be Done December 21, 2020
Wielkie wiosenne porządki The Great Spring Clean
10 Podwójne wyzwanie Double Dare You December 22, 2020
Lob Roy
11 Wszędzie dobrze, gdzie nas nie ma The Grass Is Always Greener December 23, 2020
Kiedy dorosnę When I Grow Up
12 Barbajaskiniowcy The Cave Barbapapas December 24, 2020
Małe potwory The Little Monsters
13 Kolacja idealna The Perfect Dinner December 25, 2020
Kotki The Kittens
14 Na tropie skarbu The Treasure Hunt April 12, 2021
Wyprawa na łono natury Going Into the Wild
15 Ocean różu The Fuchsia Ocean April 13, 2021
Na ratunek planecie Zero Waste
16 Czkawkizm Hiccupism April 14, 2021
Ciszej, proszę Silence Please
17 Ciastokrad Where Did It Go Barbabravo? April 15, 2021
Wielka zła kura The Big Bad Hen
18 Dla mamy Clock and Dance April 16, 2021
Barbaheca Barbapileup
19 Święty Mikołaj Father Christmas! December 25, 2021
Obiecujemy, tato We Promise, Papa
20 Bajkowa sztafeta Relay Tales April 19, 2021
Świat Barbabrzdąców The Barbababies’ World
21 Kozucha Łakomczucha Greedyguts April 20, 2021
Gdzie jest Bali? Where Is Bali?
22 Sekret Babrabłyska Barbabright Has a Secret April 21, 2021
Super hiper megaśny Super Duper Cool
23 Barbatelewizja Barba TV April 22, 2021
Muzeum The Museum
24 Barbalesio nigdy nie odmawia Barbazoo Can't Say "No" April 23, 2021
Sobowtór The Doppelganger
25 Barbafitek źle się czuje Barbabravo Is Not Feeling Well April 26, 2021
Cierpliwości, Barbafitku… Be Patient Barbabravo...
26 Siedem potraw The Seven Foods April 27, 2021
Idealny portret The Perfect Portrait


  • The theme song does not have a role-call for the Barbapapas; instead it was replaced with regular lyrics, like the Hungarian and Finnish Yle TV2 dubs.
  • The episode "We Promise, Papa" was skipped, due to only the first segment of episode 19 airing on Nick Jr.
  • The transformation phrase that is said whenever the Barbapapas shapeshift has been translated as "Fiku-mik, barbatrik!".

