The Dubbing Database

Battle for Terra, originally screened as Terra, is a 2007 American computer-animated action-adventure science fiction film, based on the short film Terra, about a race of beings on a peaceful alien planet who face destruction from colonization by the displaced remainder of the human race. The film was directed by Aristomenis Tsirbas who conceived it as a hard-edged live-action feature with photo-real Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) environments. The close collaboration with producing partner and investor Snoot Entertainment redirected the project to become fully animated and appeal to younger audiences. The film features the voices of Evan Rachel Wood, Luke Wilson, Brian Cox and James Garner (In his last major film role before his death) among others.

It debuted on September 8, 2007 at the Toronto International Film Festival. It was widely released in the United States on May 1, 2009. The film was originally shot in 2D but was made in such a way that a second camera could be added to the film. After the film was shown at festivals and distributors showed an interest in it, a small team was hired to render the entire film again from the perspective of the second camera for true 3D visual effects. It won the Grand Prize for Best Animated Feature at the 2008 Ottawa International Animation Festival.

International versions[]

Language Title
Battle For Terra (English) French Battle for Terra
Battle For Terra (English) German Terra
Battle For Terra (English) Hebrew הקרב על הכוכב
Battle For Terra (English) Hungarian Harc a Terra bolygóért
Battle For Terra (English) Italian Battaglia per la Terra
Battle For Terra (English) Latvian Cīņa par planētu Terra
Battle For Terra (Polish) Polish Terra
Battle For Terra (English) Portuguese (Brazil) Batalha por T.E.R.A.
Battle For Terra (English) Portuguese (Portugal) Em Defesa da Terra
Battle For Terra (Russian) Russian Битва за планету Терра
Battle For Terra (English) Serbian Борба за планету Теру
Battle For Terra (English) Slovene Bitka za planet Terra 3D
Battle For Terra (English) Spanish (Latin America) Batalla por terra
Battle For Terra (English) Spanish (Spain) Objetivo Terrum
Battle For Terra (Turkish) Turkish Terra'yı kurtarmak
Battle For Terra (Russian) Ukrainian
Битва за планету Терра
Battle For Terra (Russian) Ukrainian
Битва за планету Терра