Beyblade is the English dub of 爆転シュートベイブレード.
Name changes[]
- All the people's names are changed from Japanese except for Kai Hiwatari's and Daichi Sumeragi's.
- Takao Kinomiya is Tyson Granger.
- Rei Kon is spelled as Ray Kon, real given name Raymond.
- Max's family name went from Mizuhara to Tate.
- Manabu Saien is renamed to just Kenny and his nickname Kyoju (Professor) is changed to Chief.
- Hiromi Tachibana is Hilary Tachibana.
- Other people got their names changed too.
- Nobuo is Billy.
- Akira is Andrew.
- Hiruta is Carlos.
- Rai Chen is Lee Wong.
- Mao Chen is Mariah Wong.
- Daitokuji Kaichou is Stanley A. Dickenson.
Made up characters[]
- There are a few made up characters.
- Dizzi is a beast but in Kenny's computer.
- A.J. Topper and Brad Best are the announcers.