The Dubbing Database

"Beyond" is a song from Disney's 2024 computer-animated feature film Moana 2, It is performed by the character Moana, voiced by Auli’i Cravalho. In the song, who questions where her journey will take her until she ultimately accepts adventuring beyond her home while promising herself she will return to her loved ones. Following the first film, Opetaia Foa'i and Mark Mancina also composed a pop version (with Gramma Tala's lines removed) which was performed by the voice of Moana, Auli’i Cravalho, featuring Te Vaka. The End Credit Version was released on November 7, 2024.

As it happened in the first film with a Tahitian, Māori and Hawaiian version, a Māori version was also made and released simultaneously with its original English version. A Hawaiian, Samoan and Tahitian version has also been confirmed to be released soon.


Singer: Auli’i Cravalho (Moana) and Rachel House (Gramma Tala)
I know these stars above the ocean
Now new skies call me by name
And suddenly, nothing feels the same
I know the path that must be chosen
But this is bigger than before
Winds have changed, tides turn me far away from shore

What waits for me, forever far from home
From everything and everyone I’ve ever known?

What lies beyond, under skies I’ve never seen?
Will I losе myself between my home and what’s unknown?
If I go bеyond leaving all I love behind
With the future of our people still to find
Can I go beyond?

There is destiny in motion
And it’s only just begun
Now will this life I’ve worked so hard for come undone?

They’re calling me, I must reply
But if I leave how could I ever say goodbye?

What lies beyond on the vast, uncharted sea?
Will I lose myself between all that we know right here
What’s out there beyond, leaving all I love behind
With the future of our people still to find?
Can I go beyond?

If I’m not here to hold her hand
Will she grow to understand?

I’ll always be right beside you
But perhaps you’re meant for more
I can’t see where your story leads
But we never stop choosing who we are

I’ll go beyond and although I don’t know when
I will reach these sands again, ’cause I know who I am
I am Moana of the land and of the sea
And I promise that is who I’ll always be
I must go, I will go, they will know
What lies beyond!

Continental Europe Version[]

Singer: Auli’i Cravalho (Moana) and Rachel House (Gramma Tala)
I know these stars above the ocean
Now new skies call me by name
And suddenly, nothing feels the same
I know the path that must be chosen
But this is bigger than before
Winds have changed, tides turn me far away from shore

What waits for me, forever far from home
From everything and everyone I’ve ever known?

What lies beyond, under skies I’ve never seen?
Will I losе myself between my home and what’s unknown?
If I go bеyond leaving all I love behind
With the future of our people still to find
Can I go beyond?

There is destiny in motion
And it’s only just begun
Now will this life I’ve worked so hard for come undone?

They’re calling me, I must reply
But if I leave how could I ever say goodbye?

What lies beyond on the vast, uncharted sea?
Will I lose myself between all that we know right here
What’s out there beyond, leaving all I love behind
With the future of our people still to find?
Can I go beyond?

If I’m not here to hold her hand
Will she grow to understand?

I’ll always be right beside you
But perhaps you’re meant for more
I can’t see where your story leads
But we never stop choosing who we are

I’ll go beyond and although I don’t know when
I will reach these sands again, ’cause I know who I am
I am Vaiana of the land and of the sea
And I promise that is who I’ll always be
I must go, I will go, they will know
What lies beyond!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Auli’i Cravalho
I know these stars above the ocean
Now new skies call me by name
And suddenly, nothing feels the same
I know the path that must be chosen
But this is bigger than before
Winds have changed, tides turn me far away from shore

What waits for me, forever far from home
From everything and everyone I’ve ever known?

What lies beyond, under skies I’ve never seen?
Will I losе myself between my home and what’s unknown?
If I go bеyond leaving all I love behind
With the future of our people still to find
Can I go beyond?

There is destiny in motion
And it’s only just begun
Now will this life I’ve worked so hard for come undone?

They’re calling me, I must reply
But if I leave how could I ever say goodbye?

What lies beyond on the vast, uncharted sea?
Will I lose myself between all that we know right here
What’s out there beyond, leaving all I love behind
With the future of our people still to find?
Can I go beyond?

If I’m not here to hold her hand
Will she grow to understand?

I’ll go beyond and although I don’t know when
I will reach these sands again, ’cause I know who I am
I am Moana of the land and of the sea
And I promise that is who I’ll always be
I must go, I will go, they will know
What lies beyond!

Continental Europe Version[]

Singer: Auli’i Cravalho
I know these stars above the ocean
Now new skies call me by name
And suddenly, nothing feels the same
I know the path that must be chosen
But this is bigger than before
Winds have changed, tides turn me far away from shore

What waits for me, forever far from home
From everything and everyone I’ve ever known?

What lies beyond, under skies I’ve never seen?
Will I losе myself between my home and what’s unknown?
If I go bеyond leaving all I love behind
With the future of our people still to find
Can I go beyond?

There is destiny in motion
And it’s only just begun
Now will this life I’ve worked so hard for come undone?

They’re calling me, I must reply
But if I leave how could I ever say goodbye?

What lies beyond on the vast, uncharted sea?
Will I lose myself between all that we know right here
What’s out there beyond, leaving all I love behind
With the future of our people still to find?
Can I go beyond?

If I’m not here to hold her hand
Will she grow to understand?

I’ll go beyond and although I don’t know when
I will reach these sands again, ’cause I know who I am
I am Vaiana of the land and of the sea
And I promise that is who I’ll always be
I must go, I will go, they will know
What lies beyond!

Arabic (Egypt)[]

Singer: Carmen Suleiman / كارمن سوليمان (Moana) and Amal Asaad / أمل أسعد (Gramma Tala)

كل النجوم حافظة موقعها
في تانيين بينادوني
طيب ولفين واخداني الأيام
في سكة جديدة ليا أختارها
وأسيب طريقي دا لمين
أدي الريح من جديد تاخدني وتروح
أمشي وأسيب أهلي واللي عارفاه
ومن جديد ألاقي نفسي طير وحيد

في البُعد هناك
فيه نجوم تانيين غير دول
هل هيضيع مني الطريق وأتوه وسط المجهول
في البُعد هناك
هبقى سايبة اللي عارفاه
بس حاسة فيه مستقبل بتمناه
في البُعد اللي هناك

الأقدار مستنياني
والبداية جات خلاص
هل كل اللي حققته دا مني هيضيع
بس الأجداد بينادوني
طب أمشي إزاي وأقضي عمري فيه بعاني

في البُعد هناك
في بحور كتير بعيد
هل هيضيع مني الطريق وأتوه وسط الجديد
واللي ألقاه هناك
هبقى سايبة اللي عارفاه
بس حاسة فيه مستقبل بتمناه
في البُعد اللي هناك

هل هتفهم لو مشيت
إن أنا عنها إتخليت

دايمًا هكون أنا جنبك
ما تخافيش من المكتوب
أنا ما أعرفش حكايتك هتاخدك لفين
بس برضه مش لازم ننسى أبداً حقيقتنا

في البُعد هناك
حتى إن كان مكان جديد
هرجع تاني من بعيد
ومش هتوه عشان

أنا موانا
بنت الأرض والمحيط
ومش ممكن أنسى دا مهما لفيت
مهما يكون المجهول مش هيطول
في البُعد هناك


Singer: Nadezhda Kovacheva / Надежда Ковачева (Moana) and Anelia Shishkova / Анелия Шишкова (Gramma Tala)

По име знам звездите горе
Нов копнеж, неудържим, промъква се и всичко в мен гори
Това е път, избран отдавна
Но днес залогът става друг
Ветровете ме зоват далеч оттук

Ще стигна ли?
Сърцето казва "стой"
Да тръгна ли?
Дали това е избор мой?

Далечен свят
Небеса над мен смълчат
Но ще мога ли без своя дом и без подслон във далечен свят?
Да оставям този бряг
И отново да потърся верен знак
Вън от моя свят

Има роля тук съдбата
Бавно следва своя план
Щом всеки ход е може би предначертан

Предците ми издигат глас
Да тръгна ли?
За сбогом е настанал час

Далечен свят
Там, сред хиляди вълни
Ще изгубя ли неща любими от преди?
Във далечен свят
Да оставя този бряг
И отново да потърся верен знак
Вън от моя свят

Със нея бях до този ден
И дано ме разбере

Аз винаги ще съм наблизо
Но може би път имаш свой
О, защо се тревожиш толкова?

Далечен свят
Без дори да знам кога
Ще докосна пак брега
Щом знам коя съм аз
Аз съм Ваяна
Океанът в мен трепти
И не мога да изгубя себе си
Знам едно
Пътя мой
Следвам го
Далечен свят


Singer: Sinnie Ng / 吳倩怡 (Moana) and Lin Yuk Yee 練玉儀 / (Gramma Tala)



自我都必須振作 即使充滿險阻
連繫各地 這個偉大的理想



連繫各地 這個最大的願望


不需擔心 一直陪伴你
但係 注定你會飛更高


自我確定 這個信念不變改
不退縮 沒停步 再越過

Knowing the constellations, I understand the stars
But faraway skies are calling me
A sudden change resembling a new start

Following the design of the fates, I have no choice
These obstacles were never faced
Drifts on the sea are making me feel exiled
Direction unknown
In a land far away
On an unfamiliar trail
Familiar faces are no longer seen

Sailing to a distant land
Travelling under the endless skies
I, myself, must rise up against the obstacles
Throwing myself afar
Leaving my loved ones
Connecting all lands in this great ideal
Where would it come true?

The fates are in my hands
How far is it from here
I am afraid that my contributions will be forgotten

I hear the calls
Yet I linger
I must say goodbye
Yet how do I accept just like this?

Sailing to a distant land
Exploring in the deep seas
I, myself, must rise up
I won't be discouraged
Throwing myself afar
Leaving my loved ones
Connecting all lands in the greatest ideal known
I must sail afar

If I can't hold (her) hands close
Let our minds be alike

Fear not, for I will always be besides you
But you are destined to fly higher

I cannot predict your life
But you can choose to be who you really are

I am determined to go
To give my whole life without hesitation
To stand firm, not changing my mind
My direction is clear
Be a voyager
Not fearing the constant change of the world
Assuring myself that my principles are not changing
I won't cower, I won't stop, I will rise above
To fulfill my ideal


Singer: Ana Fernández Pellicer (Moana) and Lola Oria (Gramma Tala)

El cel nocturn damunt les
ones em guiava a cada tram,
però un nou estel fa arribar un reclam.
Caldrà que explori noves ones.

No puc triar si no hi ha opcions.
Digue'm vent,
que m'empeny a nous horitzons,

com deixo a part
les llar, les emocions,
i els que he estimat?
Si marxo què m'hi espera al fons?

No sé fins on,
on s'acaba el mar o el vent?
En quin punt perdré el corrent
o s'obrirà un nou món.

Vull saber fins on.
Des d'allò que estimo tant,
fins on marxo per poder seguir endavant.
La qüestió és fins on.

Que el destí de les persones
no s'atura, és un batec.
Tot el que aquí vaig construir
s'acaba en sec.

Hi ha una veu,
"Respon-la aviat",
però a quin preu?
Fins quan ha de durar el comiat?

No sé fins on,
on m'empeny el nou vaivé?
En quin punt potser em perdré.
Puc explorar en el mar

si no sé pas fins on?
Des d'allò que estimo tant
fins on marxo per poder seguir endavant.
La qüestió és fins on.

Si no em pot prendre fort la mà,
potser no ho entendrà.

Saps que allà on vas t'hi acompanyo,
però potser el camí és més lluny.

No sé fins on.
Però per lluny que em porti el mar,
tornaré a la meva llar.
Soc el meu propi pont.

Sóc la Vaiana!
El lligam humà i marí.
Puc prometre ser fidel al meu camí.
Sé el meu nom.
No sé com,
però tothom
sabrà fins on!


Singer: Mia Negovetić (Moana) and Radojka Šverko (Gramma Tala)

Poznavala sam zvijezdu svaku,
Al se mijenja neba zov
Cijeli moj je svijet odjednom nov,
Jer odluka je već u zraku
I sve je jači plimni val,
Vjetar ko da kaže 'ostavi taj žal'
I što ću sad? Da slijedim lude sne
I napustim svoj dragi dom i ljude sve?

Što čeka me ispod novog neba to?
Da li zaboravit ću to i naše ovale?
Što ću sad da sevim lude sve
I napustim svoj dragi dom i ljude sve?

Što ćeka me ispod novog neba tog?
Da l' zaboravit ću dom i naše obale?
Što to ćeka me? Sve što volim, sve što znam
Ovaj narod, ovaj otok ostavljam
Što li čeka me? Potomak sam roda slavnog

Moj je zanat naći put,
Zar sav je trud do sada bio uzalud
Sad kaže glas 'sve ostavljaj, već kuca čas'
Pa pozdravi svoj rodni kraj

Što ćeka me na toj divljoj pučini?
Da l' zaboravit ću sve što ovdje znamo svi?
Zbog tog što ćeka me,
Sve što volim, sve što znam
Ovaj narod, ovaj otok ostavljam
Što li čeka me?
I da l' će njene ručice, ikad sjećati me se?

Zauvijek ću biti s tobom,
Al svoj cilj ti traži sad

Što čeka me? To će sve mi otkrit se
Jer je prava istina da saznam tko sam ja
Ja sam Vaiana!
I na moru i na tlu

Uvijek znajte da ću s vama biti tu
Hitam sad, jurim sad
Saznat sve što čeka me


Singer: Michaela Tomešová (Moana) and Ludmila Molínová (Gramma Tala)

Svůj osud mám teď ve svých rukou
Slyším dálek volání
Už nic není jako dřív, to vím
Té volbě mé se nedá vyhnout
Co se mi vítr snaží říct?
A proč příliv mě teď vábí víc než dřív?
Hlas ve mně zní, stačí se rozhodnout
Vše opustit a do neznámé dálky plout

K těm končinám
Mnohem dál než útes ční
Co když v půlce cesty mé mě síly opustí?
Plout k těm končinám
A svých nejbližších se vzdát
Nerozloučí nás ta cesta na pořád?
Tam v těch končinách!

Čeká na mě další zkouška
Vím, že je mi souzená
A co když na té cestě ztratím vše, co mám?
Proč ve mně zní hlas předků dál?
Mám za ním jít a na vždy sbohem vám všem dát?

K těm končinám
S větrem závod musím svést
Rozhodnout se, kterou z hvězd se můžu nechat vést
Mám plout k těm končinám
A svých nejbližších se vzdát?
Nerozloučí nás ta cesta na pořád?
Tam v těch končinách

Bude to těžké loučení
Časem snad to příjme líp
Já vždycky vím, kde tě najdu
Jen si věř, je v tobě víc

K těm končinách
Pojedu svést, boj s osudem
Pak se vrátím zpátky sem
Teď dávám svůj slib všem
Já jsem Vaiana, oceán je mi souzený
A tu touhu ve mně nikdo nezmění
Cestou svou, s jistotou
Musím plout k těm končinám!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Michaela Tomešová

Svůj osud mám teď ve svých rukou
Slyším dálek volání,
už nic není jako dřív, to vím
Té volbě mé se nedá vyhnout
Co se mi vítr snaží říct?
A proč příliv mě teď vábí víc než dřív?
Hlas ve mně zní, stačí se rozhodnout
vše opustit a do neznámé dálky plout

K těm končinám! Mnohem dál než útes ční
Co když v půlce cesty mé mě síly opustí?
Plout k těm končinám a svých nejbližších se vzdát
Nerozloučí nás ta cesta napořád?
Tam v těch končinách

Čeká na mě další zkouška, vím, že je mi souzená
a co když na té cestě ztratím vše, co mám?
Proč ve mě zní hlas předků dál?
Mám za ním jít a navždy sbohem vám všem dát?

K těm končinám! S větrem závod musím svést
Rozhodnout se, kterou z hvězd se můžu nechat vést
Mám plout k těm končinám a svých nejbližších se vzdát?
Nerozloučí nás ta cesta napořád?
Tam v těch končinách

Bude to těžké loučení, s časem snad to přijme líp
K těm končinám pojedu svést boj s osudem
Pak se vrátím zpátky sem, teď dávám svůj slib všem!

Já jsem Vaiana, oceán je mi souzený
A tu touhu ve mně nikdo nezmění
Cestou svou s jistotou  musím plout
k těm končinám!

I have got my fate in my hands now
I can hear a distant call
Nothing is the same anymore, I know
I can't run from this choice
What the wind wants to tell me?
And why the tide pulls me more than ever before?
The voice echoes in me, I just have to make a choice
leave everything and sail into the unknown

Into those shores! Far beyond that gap
What If my strength would fade away in the middle of the way?
Sail into those shores, and leave my close ones
Will this journey be able to disconnect us?
Out there at those shores

Next dare awaits me, I know it's destined to me
and what if lose everything I have at this way?
Why the call of ancestors still echoes in me?
Do I follow it and say goodbye to you all?

Into those shores! I have to play with the wind
Make a choice, which way should I let to lead me
Do I sail into those shores, and leave my close ones?
Will this journey be able to disconnect us?
Out there at those shores

This will be a hard farewell, but it's going to be easier after time
At those shores I will fight with my fate
Then I will come back, showing respect to all

I am Vaiana, ocean is destined to me
Nobody will ever change this desire in me
I have to sail my way with certainty
Into those shores!


Singer: Clara Rugaard-Larsen (Moana) and Pia Rosenbaum (Gramma Tala)

Her kender jeg hver eneste stjerne
Men jeg hører mit navn blive kaldt
Og det' som at det forandrer alt
Mit mål er langt væk i det fjerne
Det' ikke længsel eller lyst
Strømmen sender mig langt væk fra vores kyst
Men kan jeg klare det
Så langt væk hjemmefra
Fra alting her
Min søster og min mor og far

Det fjerne sted
Et helt andet himmelhvælv
Måske mister jeg mig selv
Får ikke sjælen med
Til det fjerne sted
Langt fra det vi kender her
Finde nøglen til en fremtid der vil mere
På det fjerne sted

Jeg er nok født til lange rejser
Jeg skulle sejle havet tyndt
Det liv skal ikke slutte før det er begyndt
Det kalder på mig
Og kræver svar
Skal jeg sige farvel
Og bare rejse hjemmefra

Det fjerne sted
I et uudforsket hav
Måske mister jeg mig selv
På vejen fra barndomshjem
Møder det fjerne sted
Langt fra dem jeg elsker her
Findes nøglen til en fremtid der vil mere
På det fjerne sted

Når hun nu ikke kan høre min sang
Vil hun mon forstå engang

Jeg vil altid være ved din side
Men du kunne være bestemt til mere
Jeg kan ikke se hvor din historie vil føre dig hen
Men vi vælger hver dag hvem vi ønsker at være

Jeg tager afsted
Skønt jeg ikke ved hvorhen
Og jeg vender hjem igen
For jeg ved hvem jeg er
Jeg er Viana
Født på land og drev til hav
Folkets visdom, mine minder og min navn
Har jeg med til de ved hvad der er
Det fjerne sted

Dutch (Belgium)[]

Singer: Laura Tesoro (Moana) and Hilde Norga (Gramma Tala)

Ik dacht dat ik de sterren kende
Maar iets nieuws roept nu mijn naam
En alles voelt nu plots anders aan
Ik moet op zoek naar 't onbekende
Nog onbekender dan hiervoor
Het tij gekeerd, de wind blaast me op een ander spoor

Wat vind ik daar, ver van wat ik vertrouw?
Van iedereen en alles waar ik zo van hou

Nog verder gaan, onder ongekende lucht
Moet ik kiezen voor een vlucht, naar daar en vol gevaar
Als ik verder ga, of verbreek ik elke band
Op m'n zoektocht naar de toekomst van ons land
Kan ik verder gaan?

Er verschuift iets in mijn roeping
Mijn verstand zet ik opzij
Hoe laat ik alles wat ik liefheb achter mij?

Ik hoor hen weer; 'Vaiana snel'
Maar als ik ga, hoe zeg ik iedereen vaarwel?

Toch verder gaan, op dit onbestemde pad
Moet ik kiezen tussen dat wat ik al ken van hier
Moet ik nog verder gaan, en verbreek ik elke band
Op m'n zoektocht naar de toekomst van ons land
Kan ik verder gaan

Of denkt ze dat ik haar verliet
Als ze mij niet naast zich ziet?

Ik zal altijd in de buurt zijn
Maar jij bent bestemd voor meer
Ik kan niet zien hoe jouw verhaal zich ontvouwt
Maar we bepalen altijd zelf wie we zijn

'k Zal verder gaan, en ik zweer bij zon en maan
Ik zal ooit weer naast haar staan, de hemel kent mijn naam
'Ik ben Vaiana', van het land en van de zee
Ik beloof, dat draag ik altijd met me mee
Angst opzij, want door mij weten zij
Hoe 't verder gaat!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Laura Tesoro

Ik dacht dat ik de sterren kende
Maar iets nieuws roept nu mijn naam
En alles voelt nu plots anders aan
Ik moet op zoek naar 't onbekende
Nog onbekender dan hiervoor
Het tij gekeerd, de wind blaast me op een ander spoor

Wat vind ik daar, ver van wat ik vertrouw?
Van iedereen en alles waar ik zo van hou

Nog verder gaan, onder ongekende lucht
Moet ik kiezen voor een vlucht, naar daar en vol gevaar
Als ik verder ga, of verbreek ik elke band
Op m'n zoektocht naar de toekomst van ons land
Kan ik verder gaan?

Er verschuift iets in mijn roeping
Mijn verstand zet ik opzij
Hoe laat ik alles wat ik liefheb achter mij?

Ik hoor hen weer; 'Vaiana snel'
Maar als ik ga, hoe zeg ik iedereen vaarwel?

Toch verder gaan, op dit onbestemde pad
Moet ik kiezen tussen dat wat ik al ken van hier
Moet ik nog verder gaan, en verbreek ik elke band
Op m'n zoektocht naar de toekomst van ons land
Kan ik verder gaan?

Of denkt ze dat ik haar verliet
Als ze mij niet naast zich ziet?

'k Zal verder gaan, en ik zweer bij zon en maan
Ik zal ooit weer naast haar staan, de hemel kent mijn naam
Ik ben Vaiana, van het land en van de zee
Ik beloof, dat draag ik altijd met me mee
Angst opzij, want door mij weten zij
Hoe 't verder gaat!

I thought that I understood the stars
But now, something new is calling my name
In a suddenly everything feels very different
I have to go on search for the unknown
Even more unknown than before
The tide has turned, the wind blows me on a different path

What will I find there, so far from what I trust?
Of everyone and everything that I love so much

Going even further, under unprecedented skies
Do I have to choose for a flight, to where and full of danger
If I'm going further, even if I break every tie
My quest for the future of our land
Can I go further?

There's something shifting in my calling
I put my reasoning aside
How will I leave everything I love behind?

I'm hearing it again; 'Vaiana snell'
But when I go, how do I say everyone farewell?

Yet going further, on this undetermined path
Will I have to choose between what I already know from here
Do I have to go even further, even if I break every tie
My quest for the future of our land
Can I go further?

Or does she think I left her behind
If she doesn't see me at her beside?

I'm going further, and I swear by the sun and the moon
I will stand ever next to her again, heaven knows my name
I am Vaiana, from the land and from the sea
I promise, I always carry it with me
Fear aside, because due to me they will know
How it goes further on!

Dutch (Netherlands)[]

Singer: Vajèn van den Bosch (Moana) and Marjolein Touw (Gramma Tala)

Ik dacht dat ik de sterren kende
Een nieuwe lucht roept nu mijn naam
En alles voelt plotseling anders aan
Ik moet op zoek naar 't onbekende
Nog onbekender dan hiervoor
Tij gekeerd, wind blaast me op een ander spoor

Wat wacht mij daar, ver van wat ik vertrouw?
Van iedereen en alles waar ik zo van hou

Nog verder gaan, onder onbekende lucht
Moet ik kiezen voor een vlucht, naar daar en vol gevaar
Als ik verder ga, of verbreek ik elke band
Op m'n zoektocht naar de toekomst van ons land
Kan ik verder gaan?

Er verschuift iets in mijn roeping
Mijn verstand zet ik opzij
Hoe laat ik alles wat ik liefheb achter mij?

Ik hoor ze weer; 'Oh kom toch snel'!
Maar als ik ga, hoe zeg ik iedereen vaarwel?

Toch verder gaan, op dit onbestemde pad
Moet ik kiezen tussen dat wat ik al ken van hier
Nog verder daarheen gaan, en verbreek ik elke band
Op m'n zoektocht naar de toekomst van ons land
Kan ik verder gaan

Of denkt ze dat ik haar verliet
Als ze mij niet naast zich ziet?

Ik sta altijd aan je zijde
Maar jij bent bestemd voor meer
Ik kan helaas niet zien hoe jou verhaal zich zou ontvouwen
Maar we bepalen altijd zelf wie we zijn

'k Zal verder gaan, en ik zweer bij zon en maan
Ik zal ooit weer bij ze staan, de hemel kent mijn naam
'Ik ben Vaiana', van het land en van de zee
Ik beloof, dat draag ik altijd met me mee
Angst opzij, want door mij weten zij
Hoe 't verder gaat!


Singer: Kelly Tulvik (Moana) and Marika Vaarik (Gramma Tala)

Ma justkui tundsin taevatähti
Taevas nüüd, mu nime teab
Ja endine teiseks saama peab
Kui kõhelda ei ole mahti,
Sest nüüd on kõrged panused
Pöördus tuul, hoovus viib kaldast eemale

Kuis minna siit
Minna nii kaugele
Ja jäta kõik, kes kallid on
Ja jäta need

Mis ootab seal?,
Kus on võõrad taevateed
Kas ma jään sel kaugel teel veel endaks - Kes küll teab?
Siis kui lahkun ma
Võtan kõik, kes armsad-head
Oma rahva, kelle saatus teele veab
Kas saan minna ma?

Saatus ikka võtab oma
Kõik on alles algamas
Ja kas võib elu tõesti hoobilt muutuda

Mind hüüab maa, pean vastama
Kui lahkuda
Nii hüvasti ma öelda saan

Mis ootab seal?,
Kus on tundmatumad veed
Kas ma jään sel kaugel teel veel võõraks kodule?
Ja seal kus kauge maa
Võtan kõik, mis on sealt head
Oma rahva, kelle saatust veel ei tea
Kas võin minna ma?

Kuid tema kätt ei hoia ma
Kas siis hiljem mõistab ta

Ma olen siin sinu kõrval, kuid kas võiks ka rohkem veel?

Siis lähen ma
Ja las olla teadmata,
kuna koju jälle saan,
siis tean, kes olen ma
Siin on Vaiana!
Kui on maad ja mered meil
Ja ma luban olen ikka ainult see

Purjed sean,
Sõitma pean,
Siis ma tean,
Mis ootab seal?!


End Credits Version[]

Singer: Belle Mariano

Mga tala lahat kilala
Ngunit may naririnig
Mga ulap, bago ang tinig
Alam ang dapat na tahakin
'Di 'to tulad lang noon
Hangin at alon nilalayo ako

S'an hahatid? Kung nais ilayo
Sa nagisnan kinalakhan ng puso ko

'Nong daratnan? Kung hanggana'y lampasan
Sa ibang kalangitan 'di ba maliligaw?
Anong daratnan? Pag iniwan ang mahal
Aming lahi, aming bukas 'di alam
Anong daratnan?

May tadhanang nanunubok
Simula pa lamang 'to
Handa bang isugal pinaghirapan ko?

Tinatawag at susundan
Kung aalis, paalam ba'y walang hanggan?

'Nong daratnan? Sa ibang karagatan?
'Pag tahana'y nalayo maiiba'ng daan?
Ano bang daratnan? Pag iniwan ang mahal
Aming lahi, aming bukas 'di alam
Anong daratnan?

Kapag iniwan siyang bigla
Maintindihan kaya?

May daratnan, 'di alam kung kailan
Babalik dahil alam aking pinagmulan
Ako si Moana! Lupa at karagatan
Sa sarili, ay tapat, sumpa ko man
Hahayo, lalayo, nang puso
May madatnan

The stars, all familiar
Yet I hear something
The clouds, before the voice
I know the path to take
But this isn't like before
The wind and waves pull me away

Where will it lead? If I must be taken
Far from what I’ve known, the place my heart grew up

What awaits? If I cross the edge
Into a different sky, will I lose my way?
What awaits? If I leave behind what I love
Our heritage, our future—I do not know
What awaits?

There’s a destiny that tests me
This is just the beginning
Am I ready to risk what I’ve worked so hard for?

A call beckons and I must follow
If I leave, will my farewell be forever?

What awaits? In another ocean?
When destiny takes me far, will the path change?
What awaits? If I leave behind what I love
Our heritage, our future—I do not know
What awaits?

If I leave it suddenly
Will they understand?

There’s something waiting, though I don’t know when
I’ll return, for I know where I come from
I am Moana! Land and ocean
True to myself, even if bound by vows
I’ll go, I’ll venture forth with a heart
To find what’s waiting


Singer: Yasmine Yamajako (Moana) and Susanna Haavisto (Gramma Tala)

Mä tunnen tähdet merten yllä
Uusi merkki voimallaan sai äkisti kaiken muuttumaan
On tieni valmis, tiedän kyllä
Vaan tämä isompaa nyt on
Tuulet käy, on niiden voima suunnaton
Ne minne vie?

Jäis koti kauas pois, sen ihmiset ja kaikki mihin luottaa voin

On arvoitus, uusi taivas tähtineen
Eksyksiin jos sinne meen, en kotiin löydäkään
Jos käyn tehtävään
Jäävät rakkaat ratkomaan tulevaa saa, joka etsii muotoaan
Jos käyn tehtävään

Kansa luonnettansa muovaa
Kukkaan vasta puhkeaa
Sen voiko lähtö mun nyt täysin lannistaa?

Mua kutsutaan, sen tunnen niin
En tahtois vaan mä hyvästellä teitäkään

On arvoitus, meret uudet aavoineen
Eksyksiin jos sinne meen, mä en pystykään suureen tehtävään
Jäävät rakkaat ratkomaan tulevaa saa, joka etsii muotoaan
Voisinko sen jättää taa?

Ja jos en käykään vierellään
Voiko koskaan ymmärtää?

Mä enhän viereltäs poistu
Mut ehkä sua oottaa muu
En voi tietää, mihin sun tarina johtaa, mutta me voidaan aina valita, keitä ollaan

Käyn tehtävään
Vaikken päivää tiedäkään, tämän rannan vielä nään
Kun sentään tiedän tään:
Olen Vaiana – tyttö saaren, aavojen
Minä lupaan: siitä koskaan muutu en
Lähden nyt, heittäydyn, arvoitus niin ratkeaa

I know the stars above the oceans
A new sign with its power suddenly changed everything
My path is ready, I am aware
But this is bigger now
Winds are blowing, their power is enormous
Where do they lead?

Home would be left far behind, along with its people and everything I can count on

There’s a riddle, a new sky with its stars
I’ll go missing if I go there, I won’t find home no more
If I begin this task
My beloveds will stay here to solve the future that’s still finding its shape
If I begin this task

My people is shaping their character
They’re only blossoming
Would my departure put a complete stop to it?

I’m being called, I can feel it
I just don’t want to say goodbye to any of you

There’s a riddle, new oceans with their horizons
I’ll go missing if I go there, and I can’t handle this great task
My beloveds will stay here to solve the future that’s still finding its shape
Could I leave all that behind?

And if I don’t stay by her side
Will she ever be able to understand?

I won’t leave your side
But maybe something else awaits you
I can’t know where your story leads, but we can always choose who we are

I begin this task
Although I don’t know when, I will see this shore again
As at least I know this:
I am Vaiana – the girl of an island and horizons
I promise you: this will never change
I depart now, I throw myself in, that’s how the riddle is solved

French (Canada)[]

Singer: Cerise Calixte (Moana) and Johanne Garneau (Gramma Tala)

La mer est le miroir des étoiles
Mais celles-ci enflamment le ciel
Et dans mon cœur, allument une étincelle
Le choix peut me sembler évident
Mais le défi est bien plus grand
Les vents tournent et m'éloignent du sable blanc

Pourquoi partir si loin de la maison,
De nos amis et de tous ceux que nous aimons ?

Aller plus loin, d'autres cieux m'ont invitée
Mais j'ai peur de m'égarer, de me perdre en chemin
Si je vais plus loin, quitter tout ce que j'aimais
Pour ce futur que l'océan nous promet
Dois-je aller plus loin ?

C'est un destin en devenir
Qui demande à s'accomplir
Je ne laisserai jamais la peur nous envahir

J'entends l'appel, il m'ensorcelle
Mais si je pars, je devrai leur dire au revoir

Aller plus loin, sur l'océan infini
En acceptant ce défi, quitte à perdre mon âme
En allant voir plus loin, quitter tout ce que j'aimais
Pour ce futur que l'océan nous promet
Dois-je aller plus loin ?

Si je ne suis pas là pour elle
Me le pardonnera-t-elle ?

Je serai là tout près de toi
Mais accepte de voir plus grand
J'ignore où ton histoire te conduira
Mais ce sont tes choix qui font de toi ce que tu es

J'irai plus loin, je reviendrai au printemps
Marcher sur le sable blanc, car je sais qui je suis
Je suis Moana, de la terre et de la mer
Et je promets que je serai toujours fière
Explorons, dépassons l'horizon
Allons plus loin !

The sea is the mirror of the stars
But these ones light up the sky
And in my heart, a small spark lights up
The choice may seem clear to me
But the challenge is much bigger
The winds shift and push me away from the white sand

Why go so far from home,
From our friends and everyone that we love?

Going farther, other skies have invited me
But I'm afraid of going astray, of losing my way
If I go farther, leaving everything I loved
For this future that the ocean has promised us
Do I have to go farther?

It's a destiny in the making
One seeking to be fulfilled
I will never let fear overcome us

I hear the call, it enchants me
But if I leave, I will have to tell them goodbye

Going farther, on the boundless ocean
By accepting this challenge, even if I lose my soul
By going to look even further away, leaving everything I loved
For this future that the ocean promised us
Do I have to go farther?

If I'm not there for her
Will she forgive me?

I will always be there right next to you
But please think about the bigger picture1
I don't know where your story will take you
But these are the choices that will make you who you are

I'll go farther, I'll return in the spring
Walk on the white sand, because I know who I am
I am Moana, of the land and the sea
And I promise that I'll always be proud
Let's explore, let's go beyond the horizon
Let's go farther!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Cerise Calixte

La mer est le miroir des étoiles
Mais celles-ci enflamment le ciel
Et dans mon cœur, allument une étincelle
Le choix peut me sembler évident
Mais le défi est bien plus grand
Les vents tournent et m'éloignent du sable blanc

Pourquoi partir si loin de la maison,
De nos amis et de tous ceux que nous aimons ?

Aller plus loin, d'autres cieux m'ont invitée
Mais j'ai peur de m'égarer, de me perdre en chemin
Si je vais plus loin, quitter tout ce que j'aimais
Pour ce futur que l'océan nous promet
Dois-je aller plus loin ?

C'est un destin en devenir
Qui demande à s'accomplir
Je ne laisserai jamais la peur nous envahir

J'entends l'appel, il m'ensorcelle
Mais si je pars, je devrai leur dire au revoir

Aller plus loin, sur l'océan infini
En acceptant ce défi, quitte à perdre mon âme
En allant voir plus loin, quitter tout ce que j'aimais
Pour ce futur que l'océan nous promet
Dois-je aller plus loin ?

Si je ne suis pas là pour elle
Me le pardonnera-t-elle ?

J'irai plus loin, je reviendrai au printemps
Marcher sur le sable blanc, car je sais qui je suis
Je suis Moana, de la terre et de la mer
Et je promets que je serai toujours fière
Explorons, dépassons l'horizon
Allons plus loin !

Sea is the reflection of the stars
But they light up the sky
And lit a park inside my heart
My choice may seem obvious
But this challenge is far bigger
Winds turn and move me away from white sand

Why go so far away from home
From our friends and all those we love?

To go farther, other skies have invited me
But I’m afraid to go astray, to lose my way
If I go farther, leaving everything I’ve ever loved
For the future the ocean promises us
Should I go farther?

It’s a future in the making
It asks to come to pass
I will never let fear overrun us

I hear their call, it bewitches me
But if I leave, I’ll have to say them goodbye

To go farther on the endless sea
Accepting this challenge, even at the risk of losing my soul
To go to see farther, leaving everything I’ve ever loved
For the future the ocean promises us
Should I go farther?

If I’m not here for her
Will she forgive me?

I’ll go farther, I’ll come back in springtime
Walking on white sand ’cause I know who I am
I am Moana! of the land and of the sea
And I promise I’ll always be proud
Let’s explore, let’s go beyond the horizon
Let’s go farther!

French (France)[]

Singer: Cerise Calixte (Moana) and Christine Delaroche (Gramma Tala)

La mer est le miroir des étoiles
Mais celles-ci enflamment le ciel
Et dans mon cœur, allument une étincelle
Le choix peut me sembler évident
Mais le défi est bien plus grand
Les vents tournent et m'éloignent du sable blanc

Pourquoi partir si loin de la maison,
De nos amis et de tous ceux que nous aimons ?

Aller plus loin, d'autres cieux m'ont invitée
Mais j'ai peur de m'égarer, de me perdre en chemin
Si je vais plus loin, quitter tout ce que j'aimais
Pour ce futur que l'océan nous promet
Dois-je aller plus loin ?

C'est un destin en devenir
Qui demande à s'accomplir
Je ne laisserai jamais la peur nous envahir

J'entends l'appel, il m'ensorcelle
Mais si je pars, je devrai leur dire au revoir

Aller plus loin, sur l'océan infini
En acceptant ce défi, quitte à perdre mon âme
En allant voir plus loin, quitter tout ce que j'aimais
Pour ce futur que l'océan nous promet
Dois-je aller plus loin ?

Si je ne suis pas là pour elle
Me le pardonnera-t-elle ?

Je serai là tout près de toi
Mais accepte de voir plus grand
J'ignore où ton histoire te conduira
Mais ce sont tes choix qui font de toi ce que tu es

J'irai plus loin, je reviendrai au printemps
Marcher sur le sable blanc, car je sais qui je suis
Je suis Vaiana, de la terre et de la mer
Et je promets que je serai toujours fière
Explorons, dépassons l'horizon
Allons plus loin !

The sea is the mirror of the stars
But these ones light up the sky
And in my heart, a small spark lights up
The choice may seem clear to me
But the challenge is much bigger
The winds shift and push me away from the white sand

Why go so far from home,
From our friends and everyone that we love?

Going farther, other skies have invited me
But I'm afraid of going astray, of losing my way
If I go farther, leaving everything I loved
For this future that the ocean has promised us
Do I have to go farther?

It's a destiny in the making
One seeking to be fulfilled
I will never let fear overcome us

I hear the call, it enchants me
But if I leave, I will have to tell them goodbye

Going farther, on the boundless ocean
By accepting this challenge, even if I lose my soul
By going to look even further away, leaving everything I loved
For this future that the ocean promised us
Do I have to go farther?

If I'm not there for her
Will she forgive me?

I will always be there right next to you
But please think about the bigger picture1
I don't know where your story will take you
But these are the choices that will make you who you are

I'll go farther, I'll return in the spring
Walk on the white sand, because I know who I am
I am Moana, of the land and the sea
And I promise that I'll always be proud
Let's explore, let's go beyond the horizon
Let's go farther!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Cerise Calixte

La mer est le miroir des étoiles
Mais celles-ci enflamment le ciel
Et dans mon cœur, allument une étincelle
Le choix peut me sembler évident
Mais le défi est bien plus grand
Les vents tournent et m'éloignent du sable blanc

Pourquoi partir si loin de la maison,
De nos amis et de tous ceux que nous aimons ?

Aller plus loin, d'autres cieux m'ont invitée
Mais j'ai peur de m'égarer, de me perdre en chemin
Si je vais plus loin, quitter tout ce que j'aimais
Pour ce futur que l'océan nous promet
Dois-je aller plus loin ?

C'est un destin en devenir
Qui demande à s'accomplir
Je ne laisserai jamais la peur nous envahir

J'entends l'appel, il m'ensorcelle
Mais si je pars, je devrai leur dire au revoir

Aller plus loin, sur l'océan infini
En acceptant ce défi, quitte à perdre mon âme
En allant voir plus loin, quitter tout ce que j'aimais
Pour ce futur que l'océan nous promet
Dois-je aller plus loin ?

Si je ne suis pas là pour elle
Me le pardonnera-t-elle ?

J'irai plus loin, je reviendrai au printemps
Marcher sur le sable blanc, car je sais qui je suis
Je suis Vaiana, de la terre et de la mer
Et je promets que je serai toujours fière
Explorons, dépassons l'horizon
Allons plus loin !

Sea is the reflection of the stars
But they light up the sky
And lit a park inside my heart
My choice may seem obvious
But this challenge is far bigger
Winds turn and move me away from white sand

Why go so far away from home
From our friends and all those we love?

To go farther, other skies have invited me
But I’m afraid to go astray, to lose my way
If I go farther, leaving everything I’ve ever loved
For the future the ocean promises us
Should I go farther?

It’s a future in the making
It asks to come to pass
I will never let fear overrun us

I hear their call, it bewitches me
But if I leave, I’ll have to say them goodbye

To go farther on the endless sea
Accepting this challenge, even at the risk of losing my soul
To go to see farther, leaving everything I’ve ever loved
For the future the ocean promises us
Should I go farther?

If I’m not here for her
Will she forgive me?

I’ll go farther, I’ll come back in springtime
Walking on white sand ’cause I know who I am
I am Vaiana! of the land and of the sea
And I promise I’ll always be proud
Let’s explore, let’s go beyond the horizon
Let’s go farther!


Singer: Nutsa Topuria / ნუცა თოფურია (Moana) and Eka Dolidze / ეკა დოლიძე (Gramma Tala)

ამ ზეცის ლანდს, წყალში რომ მოჩანს
ალბათ გაფრთხილება სურთ
მე ვარსკვლავებს დავუჯერებ დღეს
და თითქოს უკან მოიტოვა
ეს ჩემი წარსული და ვგრძნობ
მიხმობს ზეცა, ახლა ისევ ვირჩევ გეზს
სულ წინ და წინ
ამ ხმელეთისგან შორს
ჰორიზონტის კვლავ
მიღმა გადამაფრენს დრო
და მიქრიან
ცვალებადი ქარები
ვკარგავ თავს, მაგრამ ვიცი
იქ ამოუცნობს ვძლევ
არ არის გვიან
გავუყვები კვალდაკვალ
მიზნის მისაღწევად გამოვნახავ გზას
გადავლახავ ზღვარს?
ბედი ისე დატრიალდა
აქ ძველს აზრი აღარ აქვს
და ყველაფერი ნუთუ კვლავ შეიცვლება?!
მიხმობენ იქ
მეც გავცემ ხმას
პასუხად კი
ვემშვიდობები ჩემს სახლ-კარს
და მიქრიან
ცვალებადი ქარები
ვკარგავ თავს, მაგრამ ვიცი
იქ ამოუცნობს ვძლევ
არ არის გვიან
გავუყვები კვალდაკვალ
მიზნის მისაღწევად გამოვნახავ გზას
გადავლახავ ზღვარს?
და თუ მის გვერდით ვერ ვარ დღეს
ვიცი, ის მე გამიგებს
ყოველთვის ვიქნები შენთან
და გირჩევ, უსმინე გულს
ვერ ვხედავ შენი გზა საით მიდის
მაგრამ ჩვენ ვირჩევთ, როგორები ვიყოთ
და მიქრიან
ცვალებადი ქარები
ვხვდები და ვიაზრებ დღეს
მას, თუკი ვინ ვარ მე
მე ვარ მოანა
ამიტომაც დავძლევ შიშს
გპირდებით, რომ გამოვნახავ სავალს გზის
ამას ვგრძნობ, წავალ შორს, არასდროს
არის გვიან

am zetsis lands, ts’q’alshi rom mochans
albat gaprtkhileba surt
me varsk’vlavebs davujereb dghes
da titkos uk’an moit’ova
es chemi ts’arsuli da vgrdznob
mikhmobs zetsa, akhla isev virchev gezs
sul ts’in da ts’in
am khmeletisgan shors
horizont’is k’vlav
mighma gadamaprens dro
da mikrian
tsvalebadi karebi
vk’argav tavs, magram vitsi
ik amoutsnobs vdzlev
ar aris gvian
gavuq’vebi k’valdak’val
miznis misaghts’evad gamovnakhav gzas
gadavlakhav zghvars?
bedi ise dat’rialda
ak dzvels azri aghar akvs
da q’velaperi nutu k’vlav sheitsvleba?!
mikhmoben ik
mets gavtsem khmas
p’asukhad k’i
vemshvidobebi chems sakhl-k’ars
da mikrian
tsvalebadi karebi
vk’argav tavs, magram vitsi
ik amoutsnobs vdzlev
ar aris gvian
gavuq’vebi k’valdak’val
miznis misaghts’evad gamovnakhav gzas
gadavlakhav zghvars?
da tu mis gverdit ver var dghes
vitsi, is me gamigebs
q’oveltvis viknebi shentan
da girchev, usmine guls
ver vkhedav sheni gza sait midis
magram chven virchevt, rogorebi viq’ot
da mikrian
tsvalebadi karebi
vkhvdebi da viazreb dghes
mas, tuk’i vin var me
me var moana
amit’omats davdzlev shishs
gp’irdebit, rom gamovnakhav savals gzis
amas vgrdznob, ts’aval shors, arasdros
aris gvian


Singer: Debby van Dooren (Moana) and Angelika Bender (Gramma Tala)

Ich weiß, ich kenn das Bild der Sterne
Doch was Neues ruft nach mir
Plötzlich ändert sich mein Leben hier
Denn es zwingt mich in die Ferne
Doch das ist größer als zuvor
Neuer Wind, die Strömung reißt mich hoch empor

Was liegt vor mir? Verlass ich mein Zuhaus
Und segel fort von diesem so geliebten Ort?

Wag ich den Schritt? Bin den Sternen auf der Spur
Was ertwartet mich dort nur? Werd ich mich selbst verlier’n?
Wag ich diesen Schritt? Lass ich, was ich liebe, geh’n?
Und was wird mit meinem Volk dann wohl gescheh’n?
Wag ich diesen Schritt?

Das Schicksal ist jetzt in Bewegung
Alles nimmt nun seinen Lauf
Geb ich mein Leben, das ich liebe, dafür auf?

Sie rufen mich, muss reagier’n
Doch wenn ich geh, werd ich vielleicht mein Volk verlier’n

Wag ich den Schritt? Und werd ich auf rauer See
Mich verlieren und versteh’n, was ich dort jenseits find?
Wag ich diesen Schritt? Lass ich, was ich liebe, geh’n?
Und was wird mit meinem Volk dann wohl gescheh’n?
Wag ich nun den Schritt?

Wenn ich nicht für sie da sein kann
Versteht sie es wohl irgendwann?

Ich bin stets an deiner Seite
Du bist vielleicht für mehr bestimmt
Ich weiß nicht, wo dich deine Reise hinführt
Aber wir hör’n nie auf zu entscheiden, wer wir wirklich sind

Ich wag den Schritt und ich weiß zwar noch nicht, wann
Ich wohl wiederkehren kann, doch ich weiß, wer ich bin
Ich bin Vaiana! Land und Meer sind mein Zuhaus
Und ich schwöre, nein, ich gebe niemals auf
Ich muss geh’n, ich will seh’n und versteh’n
Was jenseits liegt

End Credits Version[]

Singer: SOPHIA

Ich weiß, ich kenn das Bild der Sterne
Doch was Neues ruft nach mir
Plötzlich ändert sich mein Leben hier
Denn es zwingt mich in die Ferne
Doch das ist größer als zuvor
Neuer Wind, die Strömung reißt mich hoch empor

Was liegt vor mir? Verlass ich mein Zuhaus
Und segel fort von diesem so geliebten Ort?

Wag ich den Schritt? Bin den Sternen auf der Spur
Was erwartet mich da nur? Werd ich mich selbst verlier’n?
Wag ich diesen Schritt? Lass ich, was ich liebe, geh’n?
Und was wird mit meinem Volk dann wohl gescheh’n?
Wag ich diesen Schritt?

Das Schicksal ist jetzt in Bewegung
Alles nimmt nun seinen Lauf
Geb ich mein Leben, das ich liebe, dafür auf?

Sie rufen mich, muss reagier’n
Doch wenn ich geh, werd ich vielleicht mein Volk verlier’n

Wag ich den Schritt? Und werd ich auf rauer See
Mich verlieren und versteh’n, was ich dort jenseits find?
Wag ich diesen Schritt? Lass ich, was ich liebe, geh’n?
Und was wird mit meinem Volk dann wohl gescheh’n?
Wag ich nun den Schritt?

Wenn ich nicht für sie da sein kann
Versteht sie es wohl irgendwann?

Ich wag den Schritt und ich weiß zwar noch nicht, wann
Ich wohl wiederkehren kann, doch ich weiß, wer ich bin
Ich bin Vaiana! Land und Meer sind mein Zuhaus
Und ich schwöre, nein, ich gebe niemals auf
Ich muss geh’n, ich will seh’n und versteh’n
Was jenseits liegt

I know that I know the picture of the stars
But something new is calling out to me
Suddenly my life here is changing
Because I’m being forced into the distance
But this is bigger than before
New wind, the current’s dragging me up

What lies before me? Do I leave my home
And sail away from this so beloved place?

Do I take the step? I’m following the path of the stars
What might be waiting for me there? Will I lose myself?
Do I take this step? Do I let go of what I love?
And by doing so what could happen to my people?
Do I take this step?

Destiny is in motion now
Everything’s running its course
Do I give up on this life I love for this?

They’re calling me, I have to react
But if I go I might lose my people

Do I take the step? And in rough seas
Will I lose myself and understand what I will find beyond?
Do I take this step? Do I let go of what I love?
And by doing so what could happen to my people?
Do I take the step now?

If I can’t be there for her
Could she understand it one day?

I’m taking the step and although I don’t know yet when
I might be able to return, I know who I am
I am Moana1! Land and sea are my home
And I swear that, no, I will never give up
I must go, I want to see and understand
What lies beyond


Singer: Marina Satti / Μαρίνα Σάττι (Moana) and Vina Papadopoulou / Βίνα Παπαδοπούλου (Gramma Tala)

Τα αστέρια ξέρω να διαβάζω
Νέοι ουρανοί με αναζητούν
Και ζωή να αλλάξω με καλούν
Από τους φόβους μου αδειάζω
Μα αυτό είναι ακόμα πιο σκληρό
Οι άνεμοι με τραβούν πέρα απ' τον γιαλό

Ποιος θα μου πει, ποια δύναμη θα βρω;
Για μια φυγή από όσους και όσα αγαπώ

Τι υπάρχει αλλού;
Άστρα που δεν έχω δει
Και αν η πίστη μου χαθεί στα βάθη του ουρανού;
Αν θα πάω αλλού
Ό,τι αγάπησα, αν χαθεί
Και το μέλλον του λαού μου ακροβατεί
Πώς θα πάω αλλού;

Έχει πάρει η μοίρα φόρα
Κι όλα μόλις ξεκινούν
Μα όσα έχω κάνει στη ζωή μου αν θα σβηστούν

Εγώ είμαι αυτή, που αλλού θα πάει
Μα ποιος θα πει, το αντίο που την καρδιά τρυπάει;

Τι υπάρχει αλλού;
Πέρα απ' τη γνωστή γραμμή
Που η ζωή μου, η μισή θα μείνει στο νησί
Κι η άλλη κάπου αλλού
Ό,τι αγάπησα, αν χαθεί
Και το μέλλον του λαού μου ακροβατεί
Πώς να πάω αλλού;

Πόσο θα λείψω στη μικρή;
Θα μάθει κάποτε γιατί

Πάντα θα βρίσκομαι πλάι σου
Είσαι για μας κάτι ιερό
Δεν μπορώ να δω πού οδηγεί η ιστορία σου
Μα ποτέ δεν παύουμε να επιλέγουμε το ποιοι είμαστε

Θα πάω αλλού
Σ' άλλες άκρες του ουρανού
Εκεί που αρχίζει το παντού
Φωνάζω κι όλοι ακούν:
Είμαι η Βαϊάνα!
Του νερού και της στεριάς
Παίρνω όρκο, πάντα θα 'μαι αυτή για σας
Ας μην αργώ, ξεκινώ, πάω να βρω!
Τι υπάρχει αλλού!

Ta astéria xéro na dhiavázo
Néoi ouranoí me anazitoún
Kai zoí na alláxo me kaloún
Apó tous fóvous mou adhiázo
Ma aftó ínai akóma pio skliró
Oi ánemoi me travoún péra ap' ton yialó

Poios tha mou pi, poia dhínami tha vro;
Yia mia fiyí apó ósous kai ósa agapó

Ti ipárkhi alloú;
Ástra pou dhen ékho dhi
Kai an i písti mou khathí sta váthi tou ouranoú;
An tha páo alloú
Ó,ti agápisa, an khathí
Kai to méllon tou laoú mou akrovatí
Pós tha páo alloú;

Ékhi pári i moíra fóra
Ki óla mólis xekinoún
Ma ósa ékho káni sti zoí mou an tha svistoún

Egó ímai aftí, pou alloú tha pái
Ma poios tha pi, to andío pou tin kardhiá tripái;

Ti ipárkhi alloú;
Péra ap' ti gností grammí
Pou i zoí mou, i misí tha míni sto nisí
Ki i álli kápou alloú
Ó,ti agápisa, an khathí
Kai to méllon tou laoú mou akrovatí
Pós na páo alloú;

Póso tha lípso sti mikrí;
Tha máthi kápote yiatí

Pánda tha vrískomai plái sou
Ísai yia mas káti ieró
Dhen boró na dho poú odhiyí i istoría sou
Ma poté dhen pav́oume na epilégoume to poioi ímaste

Tha páo alloú
S' álles ákres tou ouranoú
Ekí pou arkhízi to pandoú
Fonázo ki óloi akoún:
Ímai i Vaïána!
Tou neroú kai tis steriás
Paírno órko, pánda tha 'mai aftí yia sas
As min argó, xekinó, páo na vro!
Ti ipárkhi alloú!

I know how to read the stars
New skies seek for me
And they call me to change my life
I get rid of my fears
This is even tougher (than before)
The winds pull me away from the shore

Who will tell me, what strength I will find?
For an escape from everything and everyone I love

What exists elsewhere?
Stars that I have never see
And if my faith gets lost in the depths of the sky?
If I go elsewhere
If everything that I love gets lost
And the future of my people is in jeopardy
How will I go elsewhere?

Fate has taken a direction
And everything is just beginning
But what if everything that I have done in my live get erased

I am her, where else will she go?
But who will say the "goodbye" that pierces the heart?

What exists elsewhere?
Beyond the familiar horizon
That half of my life will be on the island
And the other half somewhere else
If everything that I love gets lost
And the future of my people is in jeopardy
How can I go elsewhere?

How much will the little one miss me?
She'll find out why, someday

I will always be by your side
You are something sacred to us
I can't see where your story is going
But we never stop choosing who we were

I will go elsewhere
On the other sides of the sky
Where the everywhere begins
I shout and everyone listens:
I am Vaiana!
Of water and of land
I swear, I will always be the one for you
Let's not be late,I'm starting, I'm going to find!
What exists elsewhere!


Singer: Meshi Kleinstein / משי קלינשטיין (Moana) and Effi Ben-Israel / אפי בן ישראל (Gramma Tala)

את כל הכוכבים הכרתי
השמיים בשמי קוראים
חיי עומדים להיות כל כך שונים
אין לי שום ברירה אחרת
כי יש כאן משהו כה גדול,
שסוחף כמו גאות הרחק מכל

אז איך אוכל
להפליג כל כך רחוק
מכל מי שיקר
ובליבי עמוק?

מה יש שם עוד
תחת שמיי המסתורין?
איזה חושך לי ממתין
בתוך הלא נודע?
אם הרחק אנדוד
לעזוב את אהוביי
בלי כל אופק, בלי עתיד ובלי תקווה
איך כך שוב אנדוד?

יש עתיד נראה באופק
רק דרוש לנו קצת זמן
כי לא יכול להיות שכל זאת כבר נגדע

קוראים בשמי
אם כך אשמע
איך אעזור
אז איך אוכל להיפרד?

מה יש שם עוד,
עוד בים המסתורין?
איזה חושך לי ממתין
בתוך הלא נודע?
מה נמצא שם עוד?
לעזוב את אהוביי
בלי כל אופק, בלי עתיד ובלי תקווה
איך אשוב לנדוד?

אם לא אחזיק עוד את ידה
התבין היא לבדה?

אני כל הזמן אהיה פה
אך בוודאי יש עוד לשאול
במסע הקודם לא היית גדולה מספיק להבין
כמה את עלולה להפסיד
או ללמוד

אז עוד אנדוד
לא יודעת עוד מתי
שוב אראה את אהוביי
יודעת מי אני
אני מואנה
של הים ושל האי
ונשבעתי שאשמור על עולמי
אין מנוס, אעזוב, בלי לחשוב
מה יש שם עוד!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Meshi Kleinstein / משי קלינשטיין

את כל הכוכבים הכרתי
השמיים בשמי קוראים
חיי עומדים להיות כל כך שונים
אין לי שום ברירה אחרת
כי יש כאן משהו כה גדול,
שסוחף כמו גאות הרחק מכל

אז איך אוכל
להפליג כל כך רחוק
מכל מי שיקר
ובליבי עמוק?

מה יש שם עוד
תחת שמיי המסתורין?
איזה חושך לי ממתין
בתוך הלא נודע?
אם הרחק אנדוד
לעזוב את אהוביי
בלי כל אופק, בלי עתיד ובלי תקווה
איך כך שוב אנדוד?

יש עתיד נראה באופק
רק דרוש לנו קצת זמן
כי לא יכול להיות שכל זאת כבר נגדע

קוראים בשמי
אם כך אשמע
איך אעזור
אז איך אוכל להיפרד?

מה יש שם עוד,
עוד בים המסתורין?
איזה חושך לי ממתין
בתוך הלא נודע?
מה נמצא שם עוד?
לעזוב את אהוביי
בלי כל אופק, בלי עתיד ובלי תקווה
איך אשוב לנדוד?

אם לא אחזיק עוד את ידה
האם תבין היא לבדה?

אז עוד אנדוד
לא יודעת עוד מתי
שוב אראה את אהוביי
יודעת מי אני
אני מואנה
של הים ושל האי
ונשבעתי שאשמור על עולמי
אין מנוס, אעזוב, בלי לחשוב
מה יש שם עוד!

Et kol hakochavim hikarti
Hashamayim bishmi kor'im
Chaiyai omdim lihiyot kol kach shonim
En li shum brera acheret
Ki yesh kan mashu ko gadol,
Shesochef kemo ge'ut harchek mikol

Az ech uchal
Lehaflig kol kach rachok
Mikol mi sheyakar
U'velibi amok?

Ma yesh sham od
Tachat shmey hamistorin?
Eyze choshech li mamtin
Betoch halo noda?
Im harchek endod
La'azov et ahuvai
Bli kol ofek, bli atid u'vli tikva
Ech kach shuv endod?

Yesh atid nir'eh ba'ofek
Rak darush lanu ktsat zman
Ki lo yachol lihiyot shekol zot kvar nigda

Kor'im bishmi
Im kach eshma
Ech e'ezor
Az ech uchal lehipared?

Ma yesh sham od,
Od beyam hamistorin?
Eyze choshech li mamtin
Betoch halo noda?
Ma nimtsa sham od?
La'azov et ahuvai
Bli kol ofek, bli atid u'vli tikva
Ech ashuv lindod?

Im lo achzik od et yada
Ha'im tavin hi levada?

Az od endod
Lo yoda'at od matai
Shuv er'eh et ahuvai
Yoda'at mi ani
Ani moana
Shel hayam veshel ha'i
Venishbati she'eshmor al olami
En manos, e'ezov, bli lachshov
Ma yesh sham od!

I've known all the stars
The skies call me by name
My life is about to drastically change
I have no other choice
Because there's something so big here,
That sweeps away like the tides far away from it all

So how can I
Sail so far away
From all those dear,
Deep within my heart?

What else is out there
Beneath the mysterious skies?
What type of darkness awaits me
In the unknown?
If I wander far away
Leaving all my loved ones behind
With no horizon, no future, and no hope
How can I wander this way?

There's a future ahead
We just need some time
Because all of this cannot be cut short

They call my name
So I listen
How can I help,
Then how will I say goodbye?

What else is out there,
More of the mysterious sea?
What type of darkness awaits me
In the unknown?
What more is out there?
Leaving all my loved ones behind
With no horizon, no future, and no hope
How can I wander again?

If I won't hold her hand anymore
Will she understand on her own?

So I will wander
I don't yet know when
Will I see my loved ones again
I know who I am
I am Moana
Of the sea and of the island
And I swear to protect my world
There's no escape, I will leave, without thinking
What else is out there!


Singer: Shruti Rane / श्रुति राणे (Moana) and Madhuri Bhatia​ / माधुरी भाटिया (Gramma Tala)

इन तारों से मेरा तो नाता ,
अब नए तारे ले मेरा नाम,
ना जाने क्या होगा अब अंजान ?
है फर्स निभाना मुझको आता पर ये राहे तो है कुछ और,
गैर हवाए चाहे छोड़ दू मैं ये छोर ।

ले जा रहा,
मुझे कौन यहां से दूर,
मेरे घर से और मेरे इस जहां से दूर।

है क्या उस पार ?
उन बेगाने तारों में,
और अनजाने खत्रों में क्या खोदूंगी सबको ?
जाऊं जो उस पार,
पीछे छोड़ मैं अपनों को,
क्या मैं पूरा कर सकूँगी उनके सपनों को ?
कैसे जाऊं उस पार ?

किसमत का लिखा फसाना।
मेरे लिए है अनजाना तो क्या मेरी तक्तीर में लिखा है मिट जाना,

होते रहे मुझे को सदा,
पर अपनों को, मैं कैसे कहूं अलविदा

है क्या उस पार ?
है बस काली गहराई,
है मीलों तन्हाई,
अपने तो सब इस पार।
क्या पाऊं उस पार ?
पीछे छोड़ मैं अपनों को,
क्या मैं पूरा कर सकूँगी उनके सपनों को।
कैसे जाऊं उस पार ?

जो मैं कभी लौटी ना, मुझे माफ करूँगी ना ?

मैं सदा ही संग तेरे हूँ, पर तुझे खीचे नई डोर।
मैं नहीं जानती तुम्हारी जंदगी कितनी बदलेगी
पर उसमें हम कितना बदले वो हमारे हाथों में है।

जाऊं उस पार जाऊं,
जानू न कब लौटूंगी।
पर मैं लौट के आऊंगी, यकीन ये खुद पे है,
हूँ मैं मोआना।
मेरे सागर और जमीन,
ना छोड़ूँगी मैं कोई भी कमी।
हाँ अब तो, है मुझको, देखना वो,
जो है उस पार।...

ina tārōṁ sē mērā tō nātā ,
aba na'ē tārē lē mērā nāma,
nā jānē kyā hōgā aba an̄jāna ?
hai pharsa nibhānā mujhakō ātā para yē rāhē tō hai kucha aura,
gaira havā'ē cāhē chōṛa dū maiṁ yē chōra .
lē jā rahā,
mujhē kauna yahāṁ sē dūra,
mērē ghara sē aura mērē isa jahāṁ sē dūra.

hai kyā usa pāra ?
una bēgānē tārōṁ mēṁ,
aura anajānē khatrōṁ mēṁ kyā khōdūṅgī sabakō ?
jā'ūṁ jō usa pāra,
pīchē chōṛa maiṁ apanōṁ kō,
kyā maiṁ pūrā kara sakūm̐gī unakē sapanōṁ kō ?
kaisē jā'ūṁ usa pāra ?

kisamata kā likhā phasānā.
mērē li'ē hai anajānā tō kyā mērī taktīra mēṁ likhā hai miṭa jānā,

hōtē rahē mujhē kō sadā,
para apanōṁ kō, maiṁ kaisē kahūṁ alavidā

hai kyā usa pāra ?
hai basa kālī gaharā'ī,
hai mīlōṁ tanhā'ī,
apanē tō saba isa pāra.
kyā pā'ūṁ usa pāra ?
pīchē chōṛa maiṁ apanōṁ kō,
kyā maiṁ pūrā kara sakūm̐gī unakē sapanōṁ kō.
kaisē jā'ūṁ usa pāra ?

jō maiṁ kabhī lauṭī nā, mujhē māpha karūm̐gī nā ?

maiṁ sadā hī saṅga tērē hūm̐, para tujhē khīcē na'ī ḍōra.
maiṁ nahīṁ jānatī tumhārī jandagī kitanī badalēgī
para usamēṁ hama kitanā badalē vō hamārē hāthōṁ mēṁ hai.

jā'ūṁ usa pāra jā'ūṁ,
jānū na kaba lauṭūṅgī.
para maiṁ lauṭa kē ā'ūṅgī, yakīna yē khuda pē hai,
hūm̐ maiṁ mō'ānā.
mērē sāgara aura jamīna,
nā chōṛūm̐gī maiṁ kō'ī bhī kamī.
hām̐ aba tō, hai mujhakō, dēkhanā vō,
jō hai usa pāra....


Singer: Fanni Faluvégi (Moana) and Aranka Halász (Gramma Tala)

Sok utat rejt az égi térkép,
Új fény gyúl az éj kékjén.
Egy jelet küld, üzen, érzem én.
Most lépni kell, nincs esély másképp!

Érzem, hogy változik a szél,
Lelkesít, felhevít, lelkem mégis fél.
Hogy hagyhatnék most mindent hátra én,
Egy sejtésért, egy bizonytalan jóslatért?

Mit rejt az ég?
Ködös fénye útra hív,
Csupa kétség vége szép,
Sorsom mit diktál,
Titkot rejt az ég.
Hogyan küzdjek népemért?
Mi a jó út, mi az ár egy válaszért,
Mondd, mit rejt az ég?

Ez egy végzetes nagy lépés,
Fájó döntés, nem vitás,
Úgy fáj a változás,
Ám kell, hogy tisztán láss!
Egy új cél hív, hogy többé válj,
Már búcsúznál,
Elszakadni mégis fáj!

Mit rejt az ég,
És a távolság miért hív?
Kap-e választ majd e szív,
A sors miért fordult így,
Hogy mit rejt még az ég?
Hova hajt egy őserő,
És a múltból hogyan épül új jövő?
Szólj hát, fénylő ég!

Érti-e majd, hogy miért tettem,
Tőle messze miért mentem.

Mindig itt leszek örök társként
Menj, tudd meg mit rejt a sors

Vár rám az ég,
És a végzet útra hív,
Tudnom kell, mit rejt e szív,
A fény ős lángot szít.

Menj hát Vaiana!

Sose látott messzeség,
Odaszólít, ahogy egy lesz föld és ég.
Mennem kell,
Látnom kell!
Áruld el, mit rejt az ég!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Radics Gigi

Sok utat rejt az égi térkép,
Új fény gyúl az éj kékjén.
Egy jelet küld, üzen, érzem én.
Most lépni kell, nincs esély másképp!

Érzem, hogy változik a szél,
Lelkesít, felhevít, lelkem mégis fél.
Hogy hagyhatnék most mindent hátra én,
Egy sejtésért, egy bizonytalan jóslatért?

Mit rejt az ég?
Ködös fénye útra hív,
Csupa kétség vége szép,
Sorsom mit diktál,
Titkot rejt az ég.
Hogyan küzdjek népemért?
Mi a jó út, mi az ár egy válaszért,
Mondd, mit rejt az ég?

Ez egy végzetes nagy lépés,
Fájó döntés, nem vitás,
Úgy fáj a változás,
Ám kell, hogy tisztán láss!
Egy új cél hív, hogy többé válj,
Már búcsúznál,
Elszakadni mégis fáj!

Mit rejt az ég,
És a távolság miért hív?
Kap-e választ majd e szív,
A sors miért fordult így,
Hogy mit rejt még az ég?
Hova hajt egy őserő,
És a múltból hogyan épül új jövő?
Szólj hát, fénylő ég!

Érti-e majd, hogy miért tettem,
Tőle messze miért mentem.

Vár rám az ég,
És a végzet útra hív,
Tudnom kell, mit rejt e szív,
A fény ős lángot szít.

Menj hát Vaiana!

Sose látott messzeség,
Odaszólít, ahogy egy lesz föld és ég.
Mennem kell,
Látnom kell!
Áruld el, mit rejt az ég!

The sky’s map hides many paths,
A new light ignites in the blue of night.
It sends a sign, a message—I feel it.
Now I must step forward; there’s no other way!

I feel the wind is changing,
It excites, ignites, yet my soul still fears.
How can I leave everything behind,
For a hunch, for an uncertain prophecy?

What does the sky conceal?
Its misty light calls me forth,
Doubts abound, but the end is beautiful.
What does my fate decree?
Secrets lie hidden in the sky.
How do I fight for my people?
What’s the right path, what’s the price for an answer?
Tell me, what does the sky conceal?

This is a fateful, immense step,
A painful decision, no doubt—
Change aches deeply,
But I must see clearly!
A new goal calls, to become more,
Even as I bid farewell,
Parting still wounds my heart.

What does the sky conceal,
And why does the distance call me?
Will this heart find answers,
Why has fate turned like this,
And what else does the sky conceal?
Where does primal power lead,
And how does a new future rise from the past?
Speak, glowing sky!

Will they understand why I’ve done this,
Why I went far away from them?

The sky awaits me,
And destiny calls me forth.
I must know what this heart hides,
The light ignites an ancient flame.

Go now, Vaiana!

Unseen distances call me,
Drawing me where earth and sky unite.
I must go,
I must see!
Reveal to me, what does the sky conceal?


Singer: Agla Bríet Einarsdóttir (Moana) and Hanna María Karlsdóttir (Gramma Tala)

Ég þekki hafsins stjörnur allar
Himnar nýir mig kalla á
Og skyndilega breytast mun allt þá
Ég sé þá leið sem á mih kallar,
En þetta er stærra en fyrr var það
Vindar blása í fangið út á reginhaf

Hvað bíður mín?
Um eilíf fjarri dvel
Frá öllu eg öllum sem að áður þekkti ég?

Hvað handan er?
Mun ég hannski týna mér
Milli heim sem þekkt ég hef og þess sem óþekkt er?
Ef ég lengra fer
Yfirgefa allt sem ég ann
Jafnvel framtíð fólksins sem ég ekki fann
Ef ég lengra far

Nú mun hlutskipti mitt breytast
Það er rétt að hefjast nú
En var þá kannski alveg röng öll vegferð sú?

Þau kalla á mig, ég svara verð
En hvernig get ég fólkið kvatt ef fer þá ferð

Hvað handan er?
Út á hafsins viðáttu
Mun ég kannski týna mér með gjald sem þekki ég?
Og þess sem handan er
Yfirgefa allt sem ég ann
Meðan framtíð fólksins sem ég ekki fann
Fet ég alla leið?

Ef held ég ekki hennar hönd
Mun hún skilja okkar bönd?

Ég verð alltaf þétt við hlið þer
En kannski er þér ætlað meir
Ég sé ekki hvert sagan þín leiðir
En við hættum aldrei að velja hverjar við erum

Ég lengra fer
Þó ég viti ekki en
Hvenær heim ég aftur kem
Þvi ég veir hver ég er,
Ég er Vaiana,
Bæði tengd við land og sæ
Og ég lofa að það er sú sem ég er æ
Fara verð,
Geri ferð,
Vitum þá hvað handan er

I know all of the ocean's stars
New skies call me
And suddenly everything will then change
I see the path that calls me,
But this is bigger than it was before
Winds blow against me out to the vast ocean

What waits for me?
Do I dwell forever far
From everything and everyone that I once knew?

What is beyond?
Will I perhaps lose myself
Between the world that I've known and what's unknown?
If I go beyond
Leave behind everything that I love
Even the future of the people that I didn't find
If I go beyond

Now my destint will change
It's only just begun now
But then were all of my journeys perhaps completely wrong?

They're calling me, I must reply
But how can I say goodbye to the people if I embark on that journey?

What lies beyond?
Out at the vastness of the sea
Will I perhaps lose myself with a price that I know?
And what's beyond
Leave behind everything that I love
While I haven't found the future of our people
Will I go beyond?

If I don't hold her hand
Will she understand our bonds?

I'll always be right beside you
But maybe more is meant for you
I don't see where your story leads
But we never stop choosing who we are

I'll go beyond
Even though I still don't know
When I'll come back home
Because I know who I am,
I am Vaiana,
Connected to both the land and sea
And I promise that's who I'll always be
I must go,
I will go,
Then we'll know what lies beyond


End Credits Version[]

Singer: Lyodra Ginting

Bintang di atas laut itu kembali memanggilku
Oh, ternyata sungguh berbeda
Kutahu jalan yang kupilih
Walau pun lebih menantang
Arus laut bawaku pergi jauh

Ku harus siap
Meninggalkan semua yang kutahu
Dan semua yang kusayang

Jauh di sana
Di bawah langit baru
Di tempat yang belum pernah kuketahui
Mampukah aku?
Meninggalkan semua
Tuk mencari masa depan yang baru?
Mampukah aku?

Apakah yang kan terjadi dengan semua hal yang telah aku lakukan selama ini?
Panggilannya semakin kuat
Bisakah ku berani untuk berpisah?

Jauh di sana
Yang nanti kan terjadi?
Samakah yang ada di sini
Dengan yang ada di luar sana?
Meninggalkan semua
Tuk mencari masa depan yang baru
Mampukah aku?

Ku hanya bisa berharap
Agar semua mengerti

Ku kan pergi
Penuhi panggilanku
Dan kupastikan aku kan kembali pulang
Aku Moana
Darat, laut kutempuh
Ku berjanji memberi yang terbaik
Penuhi panggilan yang ada
Jauh di sana

The stars above the ocean are calling me back
Oh, it turns out to be so different
I know the path I’ve chosen
Even though it’s more challenging
The ocean current takes me far away

I have to be ready
To leave everything I know behind
And everyone I love

Beyond there
Beneath the new sky
In a place I have never known
Is it possible for me?
Leave everything behind
To seek a brand-new future
Is it possible for me?

What will happen to everything I have done all this time?
The call is growing stronger
Can I be brave enough to say goodbye?

Beyond there
What will happen in the future?
Will what happens here be the same
As what happens out there beyond?
Leave everything behind
To seek a brand-new future
Is it possible for me?

I just wish
Everyone will understand

I will go
To answer its call
And I’ll make sure that I return home
I am Moana
I’m crossing the land and the sea
I promise to give my best
I’ll answer the call that lies ahead
Beyond there


Singer: Chiara Grispo (Moana) and Angela Finocchiaro (Gramma Tala)

Lassù c’è un cielo che ormai conosco
Non è più lui a chiamarmi e
D’un tratto io non so scegliere
Adesso tutto appare enorme
Rispetto a prima, e dovrò
Affrontare altri venti, ma non so

Che cosa mi succederà se andrò
Oltre quel reef, laggiù oltre l’oceano?

Che troverò oltre quel che ho visto io?
Perderò me stessa e il mio popolo se andrò?
Cosa troverò? Lascio ciò che amo qua
Al futuro del mio mondo che accadrà?
Chissà come andrà?

Il destino sta mutando
Tutto ora cambierà
E forse andrà distrutto ogni mio sforzo qua

Li sento già chiamare, ma
Sarà un addio? Potrò mai ritornare qua?

Che troverò che mi aspetta ancor più in là?
Perderò me stessa tra l’ignoto e l’isola?
Ma quanto ci vorrà? Lascio ciò che amo qua
Al futuro del mio mondo che accadrà?
Chissà come andrà?

Quando io non sarò con lei
Potrà perdonarmi mai?

Io sarò qui al tuo fianco
Ma sei destinata a molto più
Non so dove la tua storia ti condurrà
Ma non smettiamo mai di scegliere chi siamo

Io partirò e ritornerò, perché
So chi sono, ho un ruolo e lo devo assolvere
Questa è Vaiana, sono terra ed acqua, sai
Quel che importa è ch’io non lo scordi mai
Scoprirò che vedrò quando andrò
Oltre quel reef

There’s a sky I know up there
It’s no longer calling me and
I can’t choose all at once
Now everything seems bigger
Than before, and I must
Face other winds, but I don’t know

What’s going to happen to me if I go
Beyond that reef, over there, beyond the ocean?

What will I find beyond what I’ve seen?
Will I lose myself and my people if I go?
What will I find? I’m leaving everything I love here
What will happen to the future of my world?
Who knows how this ends?

Destiny is shifting
Now everything is changing
And my every effort may be destroyed here

I can hear them calling me, but
Is this a goodbye? Will I ever come back here?

What will I find, waiting for me even beyond?
Will I lose myself between the unknown and that island?
How long will it take? I’m leaving everything I love here
What will happen to the future of my world?
Who knows how this ends?

When I’m not here with her
Can she ever forgive me?

I’ll be here by your side
But you’re destined for much more
I can’t tell where your story will lead you
But we never stop to choose who we are

I’m going to leave and I will come back, ’cause
I know who I am, I have a role and I have to carry it out
This is Vaiana, I’m land and water, you know
What matters is that I never forget it
I’ll find out what I’ll see when I go
Beyond that reef

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Chiara Grispo

Lassù c’è un cielo che ormai conosco
Non è più lui a chiamarmi e
A un tratto io non so scegliere
Adesso tutto appare enorme
Rispetto a prima, e dovrò
Affrontare altri venti, ma non so

Che cosa mi succederà se andrò
Oltre quel reef, laggiù oltre l’oceano

Che troverò oltre quel che ho visto io?
Perderò me stessa e il mio popolo se andrò?
Cosa troverò? Lascio ciò che amo qua
Al futuro del mio mondo che accadrà?
Chissà come andrà?

Il destino sta mutando
Tutto ora cambierà
E forse andrà distrutto ogni mio sforzo qua

Li sento già chiamare, ma
Sarà un addio? Potrò mai ritornare qua?

Che troverò che mi aspetta ancor più in là?
Perderò me stessa tra l’ignoto e l’isola?
Ma quanto ci vorrà? Lascio ciò che amo qua
Al futuro del mio mondo che accadrà?
Chissà come andrà?

Quando io non sarò con lei
Potrà perdonarmi mai?

Io partirò e ritornerò, perché
So chi sono, ho un ruolo e lo devo assolvere
Questa è Vaiana, sono terra ed acqua, sai
Quel che importa è ch’io non lo scordi mai
Scoprirò che vedrò quando andrò
Oltre quel reef

There’s a sky I know up there
It’s no longer calling me and
Suddenly I can’t choose
Now everything seems bigger
Than before, and I must
Face other winds, but I don’t know

What’s going to happen to me if I go
Beyond that reef, over there, beyond the ocean?

What will I find beyond what I’ve seen?
Will I lose myself and my people if I go?
What will I find? I’m leaving everything I love here
What will happen to the future of my world?
Who knows how this will end?

Destiny is shifting
Now everything is changing
And my every effort may be destroyed here

I can hear them calling me, but
Is this a goodbye? Will I ever come back here?

What will I find, waiting for me even beyond?
Will I lose myself between the unknown and that island?
How long will it take? I’m leaving everything I love here
What will happen to the future of my world?
Who knows how this will end?

When I’m not here with her
Can she ever forgive me?

I’m going to leave and I will come back, ’cause
I know who I am, I have a role and I have to carry it out
This is Vaiana, I’m land and water, you know
What matters is that I never forget it
I’ll find out what I’ll see when I go
Beyond that reef


Singer: Tomona Yabiku / 屋比久知奈 (Moana) and Mari Natsuki / 夏木マリ (Gramma Tala)

煌めく星の光 今私を呼んで
全てを 変えてしまうのね
選ぶべき道は 分かっていたけど
この風が 引き離してしまったの
どうすればいい 知らない場所
遠い海 何が待ってるの?

その向こう 果てしない空に
自分見失い 彷徨ってしまうの
ねえ 行けるの 愛する人たち
すべてを置き去りにして ああ

動き出した 運命が
そう 始まったばかり
間違えばすべて 水の泡
呼ぶ声に 応えなければ
でも言えない 言えない ”さよなら”

その向こう 果てしない海に
自分見失い 彷徨ってしまうの
ねぇ 行けるの 愛する人たち
みんなを置き去りにして ああ
私がいなくて 大丈夫かしらね

いつもそばで 見ている
お前は 海に選ばれた
物語の先は わからない
でもどんな自分になるかは 決められる

その向こう 戻ると信じて
さあ漕ぎ出そう そうよ私は

この海と ともに
自分で 在りつづけるために
誓うの 海の果てさえも

Kirameku hoshi no hikari ima watashi o yonde
Subete o kaeteshimau no ne
Erabu beki michi wa wakatteita kedo
Kono kaze ga hikihanashiteshimatta no
Dō sureba ii shiranai basho
Tōi umi nani ga matteru no?

Sono mukō hateshinai sora ni
Jibun miushinai hōkō tte shimau no
Nē ikeru no aisuru hitotachi
Subete o okizari ni shite ā
Koeteyuku no

Ugokidashita unmei ga
Sō hajimatta bakari
Machigaeba subete mizunoawa
Yobu koe ni kotaenakereba
Demo ienai ienai sayonara

Sono mukō hateshinai umi ni
Jibun miushinai hōkō tte shimau no
Nexe ikeru no aisuru hitotachi
Minna o okizari ni shite ā
Koeteyuku no
Watashi ga inakute daijōbu kashira ne

Itsumo soba de miteiru
Omae wa umi ni erabareta
Monogatari no saki wa wakaranai
Demo donna jibun ni naru ka wa kimerareru

Sono mukō modoru to shinjite
Sā kogi desōsō yo watashi wa
Watashi wa moana

Kono umi to tomoni
Jibun de aritsuzukeru tameni
Chikau no umi no hate sae mo

End Credits Version[]

Singer: ME:I / ミーアイ

今私を呼んで 全てを変えてしまうのね
分かっていたけど この風が引き離してしまったの
どうすればいい 知らない場所
遠い海 何が待ってるの?

果てしない空に 自分見失い 彷徨ってしまうの
ねえ 行けるの 愛する人たち
すべてを置き去りにして ああ

そう 始まったばかり 間違えばすべて 水の泡
呼ぶ声に 応えなければ
でも言えない 言えない ”さよなら”

果てしない海に 自分見失い 彷徨ってしまうの
ねぇ 行けるの
愛する人たち みんなを置き去りにして ああ
私がいなくて 大丈夫かしらね

その向こう 戻ると信じて
さあ漕ぎ出そう そうよ私は

この海と ともに
自分で 在りつづけるために
誓うの 海の果てさえも

Kirameku hoshi no hikari
Ima watashi o yonde subete o kaeteshimau no ne
Erabu beki michi wa
Wakatteita kedo kono kaze ga hikihanashiteshimatta no
Dō sureba ii shiranai basho
Tōi umi nani ga matteru no?

Sono mukō
Hateshinai sora ni jibun miushinai hōkō tte shimau no
Nē ikeru no aisuru hitotachi
Subete o okizari ni shite ā
Koeteyuku no

Ugokidashita unmei ga
Sō hajimatta bakari machigaeba subete mizunoawa
Yobu koe ni kotaenakereba
Demo ienai ienai sayonara

Sono mukō
Hateshinai umi ni jibun miushinai hōkō tte shimau no
Nexe ikeru no
Aisuru hitotachi minna o okizari ni shite ā
Koeteyuku no
Watashi ga inakute daijōbu kashira ne

Sono mukō modoru to shinjite
Sā kogi desōsō yo watashi wa
Watashi wa moana

Kono umi to tomoni
Jibun de aritsuzukeru tameni
Chikau no umi no hate sae mo


Singer: Nazima Jänıbekova / Назима Жәнібекова (Moana) and Güljiyan Ospanova / Гүлжиян Оспанова (Gramma Tala)

Жұлдыздарды білсем ғой деуші ем
Өзге әлем қол бұлғайды
Бар өмірім өзгерді бірден
Қарсылық та жоқ менде мүлдем
Баяғы кездей емес бұл
Әкетпекші соққан дауыл

Өскен ұям
Менің туған өлкем
Бәрін де мен
Бір сәтте қалайша қиям?

Ол жақ қандай?
Бәрі маған беймәлім
Қиналмас па екен жаным?
Дұрыс па таңдауым?
Ал ол жақ қандай?
Барсам егер бел байлап
Өз елімнен, сүйгенімнен шалғайға
Бара аламын ба?

Енді басталды ғой деуші ем
Жалын атқан жас күнім
Не болады енді өмірім менің?

Олар шақырады
Мені жолға
Бірақ бұлай
Қоштасамын қалай, қалай?

Ол жақ қандай?
Жұмбақ әлем беймәлім
Қиналмас па екен жаным?
Дұрыс па таңдауым?
Ал ол жақ қандай?
Кетсем егер бел байлап
Өз елімнен, сүйгенімнен шалғайға
Бара аламын ба?

Қалмасам қазір жанында
Алғын өскен шағында?

Әрдайым мен қасыңдамын
Бірақ сенің мақсатың көп
Алда не күтіп тұрғанын білмеймін,
бірақ кім болатынымызды өзіміз шешеміз.

Ол жақ қандай?
Білмесем де барамын
Осы болды қалауы
Амалын табамын
Бұл мен, Моана
Жер мен судың перзенті
Табиғатым бұл енді

Не барын
Барам сонда!

Zhuldyzdardy bilsem ghoī̆ deūshi em
Özge älem qol bulghaī̆dy
Bar ömirim özgerdi birden
Qarsylyq ta zhoq mende müldem
Bayaghy kezdeī̆ emes bul
Äketpekshi soqqan daūyl

Ösken uyam
Mening tūghan ölkem
Bärin de men
Bir sätte qalaī̆sha qīyam?

Ol zhaq qandaī̆?
Bäri maghan beī̆mälim
Qīnalmas pa eken zhanym?
Durys pa tangdaūym?
Al ol zhaq qandaī̆?
Barsam eger bel baī̆lap
Öz elimnen, süī̆genimnen shalghaī̆gha
Bara alamyn ba?

Endi bastaldy ghoī̆ deūshi em
Zhalyn atqan zhas künim
Ne bolady endi ömirim mening?

Olar shaqyrady
Meni zholgha
Biraq bulaī̆
Qoshtasamyn qalaī̆, qalaī̆?

Ol zhaq qandaī̆?
Zhumbaq älem beī̆mälim
Qīnalmas pa eken zhanym?
Durys pa tangdaūym?
Al ol zhaq qandaī̆?
Ketsem eger bel baī̆lap
Öz elimnen, süī̆genimnen shalghaī̆gha
Bara alamyn ba?

Qalmasam qazir zhanynda
Alghyn ösken shaghynda?

Ärdaī̆ym men qasyngdamyn
Biraq sening maqsatyng köp
Alda ne kütip turghanyn bilmeī̆min,
biraq kim bolatynymyzdy özimiz sheshemiz.

Ol zhaq qandaī̆?
Bilmesem de baramyn
Osy boldy qalaūy
Amalyn tabamyn
Bul men, Moana
Zher men sūdyng perzenti
Tabīghatym bul endi

Ne baryn
Baram sonda!

I used to say, "I wish I knew the stars"
Another world waves a hand
My whole life changed instantly
I don't even have any objections at all
This isn't like old times
The storm that blew is going to take me
Far away

My nest where I grew up
My native land
How do I leave
Even everything in one moment?

What is that land like?
Everything is unknown to me
Will my soul not suffer?
Is my choice correct?
And/But what is that land like?
If I decide and go
Far away from my own people, from what I loved
Can I go?

I'd say, "Now it has started"
The day of my youth, which shot a flame
What will happen to my life now?

They call
Me to the path
But how will I
Say goodbye like this, how?

What is that land like?
The mysterious world is unknown
Will my soul not suffer?
Is my choice correct?
And/But what is that land like?
If I decide and leave
Far away from my own people, from what I loved
Can I go?

If I don't stay by her side now
Will she understand when she grows up?

I'm always with you
But you have many goals
I don't know what lies ahead,
but we ourselves decide who we will be.

What is that land like?
I'm going even if I don't know
Their wish was this
I'll find their way
This is me, Moana
A child of earth and water
Now this nature of mine
Won't change

I don't know
What's there
I'll go there!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Nazima Jänıbekova / Назима Жәнібекова

Жұлдыздарды білсем ғой деуші ем
Өзге әлем қол бұлғайды
Бар өмірім өзгерді бірден
Қарсылық та жоқ менде мүлдем
Баяғы кездей емес бұл
Әкетпекші соққан дауыл

Өскен ұям
Менің туған өлкем
Бәрін де мен
Бір сәтте қалайша қиям?

Ол жақ қандай?
Бәрі маған беймәлім
Қиналмас па екен жаным?
Дұрыс па таңдауым?
Ал ол жақ қандай?
Барсам егер бел байлап
Өз елімнен, сүйгенімнен шалғайға
Бара аламын ба?

Енді басталды ғой деуші ем
Жалын атқан жас күнім
Не болады енді өмірім менің?

Олар шақырады
Мені жолға
Бірақ бұлай
Қоштасамын қалай, қалай?

Ол жақ қандай?
Жұмбақ әлем беймәлім
Қиналмас па екен жаным?
Дұрыс па таңдауым?
Ал ол жақ қандай?
Кетсем егер бел байлап
Өз елімнен, сүйгенімнен шалғайға
Бара аламын ба?

Қалмасам қазір жанында
Алғын өскен шағында?

Ол жақ қандай?
Білмесем де барамын
Осы болды қалауы
Амалын табамын
Бұл мен, Моана
Жер мен судың перзенті
Табиғатым бұл енді

Не барын
Барам сонда!

Juldyzdardy bilsem ǵoı deýshi em
Ózge álem qol bulǵaıdy
Bar ómirim ózgerdi birden
Qarsylyq ta joq mende múldem
Baıaǵy kezdeı emes bul
Áketpekshi soqqan daýyl

Ósken uıam
Meniń týǵan ólkem
Bárin de men
Bir sátte qalaısha qıam?

Ol jaq qandaı?
Bári maǵan beımálim
Qınalmas pa eken janym?
Durys pa tańdaýym?
Al ol jaq qandaı?
Barsam eger bel baılap
Óz elimnen, súıgenimnen shalǵaıǵa
Bara alamyn ba?

Endi bastaldy ǵoı deýshi em
Jalyn atqan jas kúnim
Ne bolady endi ómirim meniń?

Olar shaqyrady
Meni jolǵa
Biraq bulaı
Qoshtasamyn qalaı, qalaı?

Ol jaq qandaı?
Jumbaq álem beımálim
Qınalmas pa eken janym?
Durys pa tańdaýym?
Al ol jaq qandaı?
Ketsem eger bel baılap
Óz elimnen, súıgenimnen shalǵaıǵa
Bara alamyn ba?

Qalmasam qazir janynda
Alǵyn ósken shaǵynda?

Ol jaq qandaı?
Bilmesem de baramyn
Osy boldy qalaýy
Amalyn tabamyn
Bul men, Moana
Jer men sýdyń perzenti
ÓzgermeıdiTabıǵatym bul endi

Ne baryn
Baram sonda!

I used to say, "I wish I knew the stars"
Another world waves a hand
My whole life changed instantly
I don't even have any objections at all
This isn't like old times
The storm that blew is going to take me
Far away

My nest where I grew up
My native land
How do I leave
Even everything in one moment?

What is that land like?
Everything is unknown to me
Will my soul not suffer?
Is my choice correct?
And/But what is that land like?
If I decide and go
Far away from my own people, from what I loved
Can I go?

I'd say, "Now it has started"
The day of my youth, which shot a flame
What will happen to my life now?

They call
Me to the path
But how will I
Say goodbye like this, how?

What is that land like?
The mysterious world is unknown
Will my soul not suffer?
Is my choice correct?
And/But what is that land like?
If I decide and leave
Far away from my own people, from what I loved
Can I go?

If I don't stay by her side now
Will she understand when she grows up?

What is that land like?
I'm going even if I don't know
Their wish was this
I'll find its way
This is me, Moana
A child of earth and water
Now this nature of mine
Won't change

I don't know
What's there
I'll go there!


Singer: Kim Su-yeon / 김수연 (Moana) and Jeong Young-ju / 정영주 (Gramma Tala)

나는 바다 위 저 별을 알아
새로운 하늘 날 불러
모든 것이 달라진 거야
꼭 가야 한다는 걸 알지만
내겐 너무나 큰 세상
바람과 파도가 나를 이끌어

사랑하는 사람들을 떠나
알 수 없는 아주 먼 곳 두려워 나

저 너머로 새로운 하늘 아래
아득한 그곳에서 날 잃을지 몰라
저기 너머로 모든 걸 남겨두고
오직 우리 미래만을 향해서
갈 수 있을까

거부할 수 없는 운명
이제 시작된 거야
내 전부를 다 잃어버릴지도 몰라

저 구름에 답해야 해
하지만 나 이곳을 어떻게 떠나

저 너머로 끝이 없는 수평선
혼란 속을 헤매다
날 잃을지 몰라
저기 저 너머로 모든 걸 남겨두고
오직 우리 미래만을 향해서
갈 수 있을까

곁에 머물지 못해도
이해받을 날 올까

늘 내가 곁에 있겠지만
넌 훨씬 대단하단다
너의 이야기가 어떨진 모르겠다만
이야기를 끝없이 만들어 나가는 건 우리야

저 너머로 언제쯤 이곳으로
돌아올지 몰라도
나를 믿으니까
나는 모아나
땅과 바다를 품고
약속할게 늘 내가 보여줄게

기대해 반드시 갈 거야 저 너머로

naneun bada wi jeo byeol-eul al-a
saeloun haneul nal bulleo
modeun geos-i dallajin geoya
kkog gaya handaneun geol aljiman
naegen neomuna keun sesang
balamgwa padoga naleul ikkeul-eo

salanghaneun salamdeul-eul tteona
al su eobsneun aju meon gos dulyeowo na

jeo neomeolo saeloun haneul alae
adeughan geugos-eseo nal ilh-eulji molla
jeogi neomeolo modeun geol namgyeodugo
ojig uli milaeman-eul hyanghaeseo
gal su iss-eulkka

geobuhal su eobsneun unmyeong
ije sijagdoen geoya
nae jeonbuleul da ilh-eobeoliljido molla

jeo guleum-e dabhaeya hae
hajiman na igos-eul eotteohge tteona

jeo neomeolo kkeut-i eobsneun supyeongseon
honlan sog-eul hemaeda
nal ilh-eulji molla
jeogi jeo neomeolo modeun geol namgyeodugo
ojig uli milaeman-eul hyanghaeseo
gal su iss-eulkka

gyeot-e meomulji moshaedo
ihaebad-eul nal olkka

neul naega gyeot-e issgessjiman
neon hwolssin daedanhadanda
neoui iyagiga eotteoljin moleugessdaman
iyagileul kkeut-eobs-i mandeul-eo naganeun geon uliya

jeo neomeolo eonjejjeum igos-eulo
dol-aolji mollado
naleul mid-eunikka
naneun moana
ttang-gwa badaleul pumgo
yagsoghalge neul naega boyeojulge

gidaehae bandeusi gal geoya jeo neomeolo

I know that star(s) over the sea.
The new sky(ies) calls me.
Everything has changed.
I know that I must go,
But the world is too big for me.
The wind and the wave pulls me.

Left the beloved ones,
I go to somewhere far unknown, I am scared.

Beyond over there, under new sky,
Far away, I may lose myself.
To beyond over there, leaving everything behind,
Can I go toward-
Our only future?

The fate that I can't deny,
It has started.
I may lose everything of my own.

I must answer to the cloud(s).
But I can't leave here.1

Beyond over there, the borderless horizon,
I may lose myself-
After wandering in the chaos.
To beyond over there, leaving everything behind,
Can I go toward
-Our only future?

Will there be the day-
Be understood if I am not stay beside?

I will always be your side,
But you are more than me.
I am not sure how your story will be,
But it's us that make the story endlessly.

Beyond over there, I don't know-
When will I(we) get back here,
But I believe in me.
I am Moana.
Holding the land and the sea,
I promise, I will always show you,

Look forward to it, no matter what, I will go, beyond over there.

End Credits Version[]

Singer: NAYEON / 나연

난 바다 위 저 별을 알아
새로운 하늘 날 불러
모든 것이 달라진 거야
꼭 가야 한단 걸 알지만
내겐 너무나 큰 세상
바람과 파도가 나를 이끌어
사랑하는 사람들을 떠나
알 수 없는 아주 먼 곳 두려워 난

저 너머로
새로운 하늘 아래
아득한 그곳에서
날 잃을지 몰라
저기 너머로
모든 걸 남겨두고
오직 우리 미래만을 향해서
갈 수 있을까

거부할 수 없는 운명
이제 시작된 거야
내 전부를 다 잃어버릴지도 몰라
저 부름에 답해야 해
하지만 난 이곳을 어떻게 떠나

저 너머로
끝이 없는 수평선
혼란 속을 헤매다
날 잃을지 몰라
저기 저 너머로
모든 걸 남겨두고
오직 우리 미래만을 향해서
갈 수 있을까

곁에 머물지 못해도
이해받을 날 올까

저 너머로
언제쯤 이곳으로
돌아올지 몰라도
나를 믿으니까
나는 모아나
땅과 바다를 품고
약속할게 늘 내가 보여줄게

갈 거야
저 너머로

Nan bada wi jeo byeoreul ara
Saeroun haneul nal bulleo
Modeun geosi dallajin geoya
Kkok gaya handan geol aljiman
Naegen neomuna keun sesang
Baramgwa padoga nareul ikkeureo
Saranghaneun saramdeureul tteona
Al su eomneun aju meon got duryeowo nan

Jeo neomeoro
Saeroun haneul arae
Adeukhan geugoseseo
Nal ireulji molla
Jeogi neomeoro
Modeun geol namgyeodugo
Ojik uri miraemaneul hyanghaeseo
Gal su isseulkka

Geobuhal su eomneun unmyeong
Ije sijakdoen geoya
Nae jeonbureul da ireobeoriljido molla
Jeo bureume dapaeya hae
Hajiman nan igoseul eotteoke tteona

Jeo neomeoro
Kkeuchi eomneun supyeongseon
Honran sogeul hemaeda
Nal ireulji molla
Jeogi jeo neomeoro
Modeun geol namgyeodugo
Ojik uri miraemaneul hyanghaeseo
Gal su isseulkka

Gyeote meomulji motaedo
Ihaebadeul nal olkka

Jeo neomeoro
Eonjejjeum igoseuro
Doraoljji mollado
Nareul mideunikka
Naneun Moana
Ttanggwa badareul pumgo
Yagsokhalge neul naega boyeojulge

Gal geoya
Jeo neomeoro

I know the stars above the sea
A new sky is calling me
Everything has changed
I know I have to leave, but still
It's such a big world for me
The wind and the waves guide me
Leaving the loved ones behind
I'm afraid of a very far place that I don't know

Under a new sky
In that distant place
You might lose me
Over there
Leaving everything behind
Heading only towards our future village
Will I be able to make it there?

An irresistible fate
It just started
I might lose my everything
I have to answer that call
But how can I leave this place?

an endless horizon
Wandering in confusion
You might lose me
Over there. Over there
Leaving everything behind
Heading only towards our future village
Will I be able to make it there?

Even if I can't stay with you
Will you understand me someday?

I don't know when but
I might come back
Because you believe in me
I'm Moana
Embracing the Amber Sea
I promise, I will always show you the way

Wait for me
I'll be there
Beyond there


Singer: Vanda Siliņa (Moana) and Indra Burkovska (Gramma Tala)

Es mācīšos šīs zvaigznes pazīt.
Debess … nu projām sauc,
Tik negaidot, visu izmainot.
Man zināms ceļš, ko tālāk jāiet,
Un tas būs grūtāks, tā man šķiet,
Griežas vējš, projām dzen, tālāk doties liek,

Kas gaida tur?
No mājām vienmēr tāls,
No dārgajiem,
Un pārējiem, ko mīlējām.

Kas tālāk sauc?
Tur zem svešām debesīm,
Dzīvi zaudēt var jau drīz,
Kad nezināmais skauj, ejot tur kur sauc.
Savos ???
Gribu meklēt ļaudīm cerību dot vēl.
Vai man iet, kur sauc?

Kur liek liktenis tur staigāt,
Tā lai ??? vien
Vai dzīve šī būs tikai liesma, kura dziest.

Kāds mani sauc,
Man jādot vārds,
Bet kā lai iet?
Ja mājās ??? kāds.

Kas tālāk sauc?
??? pērkon ???
Dzīvi zaudēt var jau drīz,
Un visu zināmo.
??? tas tālāk sauc.
Gribu meklēt, lai var cerēt ļaudis vēl.
Vai man ir kur saukt?

Bez manis mūžs būs mazliet grūts,
Vai jebkad man piedots būs?

Ļauj vienmēr būt man tev blakus,
Bet varbūt daudz vairāk spēj,
Ō, par ko tu tik ļoti raizējies

Iešu, kur sauc,
Lai gan nav pat zināms kā,
Un zinu jāiet man,
Jo es – Vaiana!
Kas ar jūru mieru nes,
Un es solos, pat ???
Jāiet prom!
Iešu prom!
Atklāt to,
Kas mani sauc!


Singer: Gabija Lokytė (Moana) and ??? (Gramma Tala)

Galvojau, kad žinau žvaigždynus
Ir dangus šaukia vardu
Kaip anksčiau dėja negyvenu
Dvejones esu ištrynus
Bet tai daugiau, nei aš galiu
Vėjai nenušė toli nuo šių krantų

Kaip man palikt tai? Toli jau nuo namų
Ir nuo visų, kuriuos pažįstu ir myliu

Anapus nežinia, po padangėm aš viena
O prarasiu ten save, namus ir kas atrasta
Jei eisiu į nežinią
Meilė jums liks praeity, su visa mūsų žmonių ateitimi
Ten virš nežinios

Glūdi likimas judesy
Na ir tai tiktai pradžia
Ir tai, ką pasiekiau lyg šiol bus atšaukta

Mane jie šaukia, atsiliepiu
Bet kaip išeit ir kaip ištarti jums sudie?

Anapus nežinia, ten vandens platybėse
Aš save prarasiu ten, ką žinom mes dabar
Ir kas yra anapus?
Meilė jums liks praeity, su visa mūsų žmonių ateitimi
Ten virš nežinios

Kodėl šalia aš nebuvau?
Kai užaugs, supras vėliau

Aš visada šalia būsiu
Bet tu verta daugiau

Anapus nežinia, nors ir nežinau kada
Aš prisiekiu grįšiu čia, tvirtai žinau kas aš
Esu Vajana, aš nuo žemės ir vandens
Duodu žodį, liksiu tuo, kuo ir esu
Privalau jau išvykt ir atskleist
Kas virš ribų!

I thought, that I knew the stars
And the sky calls me by name
However I'm not living like before
I've erased my doubts
But this is more than I'm capable of
The winds have brought me far away from these shores

How can I leave it? Far away from home
And from everyone, that I know and love

Beyond lies the unknown, I'm alone under the skies
I will lose myself there, my home and what was found
If I go to the unknown
My love will be in the past, with all of our people's future
Over the unknown

Destiny lies in movement
And this is just the start
And everything I've reached till now will be reversed

They're calling me, I respond
But how can I ever leave and tell you goodbye?

Beyond lies the unknown, in the vast waters
I will lose myself there, and what we know now
And what lies beyond?
My love will be in the past, with all of our people's future
Over the unknown

Why was I not by her side?
When she grows up, she will understand later

I will always be by your side
But you are worth more than that 

Beyond lies the unknown, even though I don't know when
I swear I will return, I firmly know who I am
I am Vaiana, I am from land and the water
I give my word, I will stay who I am
I must leave now and reveal
What's over the bounds

Mandarin (China)[]

Singer: Morlin Liu / 刘美麟 (Moana) and Li Qi / 李琪 (Gramma Tala)

一瞬间 回不到从前

潮水将我推远 风向已改变


如何在未知中寻找 不迷失方向


它在等待 我的回答
怎么告别 我才能不后悔离开

也许迷失在无人指引 茫茫海上




让我去 我会去 不犹豫

wǒ zǎo yǐ shú xī zhè piàn xīng chén
xīn de zhào huàn què chū xiàn
yī shùn jiān huí bù dào cóng qián

wǒ méi yǒu shí jiān yóu yí bù jué
shéi gào sù wǒ yào zěn me zuò
cháo shuǐ jiāng wǒ tuī yuǎn fēng xiàng yǐ gǎi biàn

yào qù nǎ lǐ
lí kāi wǒ de gù xiāng
wǒ de yī qiè
wǒ ài de měi gè liǎn páng

néng fǒu yuǎn háng
qù kàn bù jiàn de de fāng
rú hé zài wèi zhī zhōng xún zhǎo bù mí shī fāng xiàng
rú guǒ wǒ yuǎn háng
zǒu chū tā men de mù guāng
hái yǒu tài duō shàng wèi wán chéng de mèng xiǎng
néng fǒu qù yuǎn háng

mìng yùn zài shí jiān zhōng liú zhuǎn
tā zài zhè yī kè chū xiàn
ér wǒ de cóng qián huì bù huì yān xiāo yún sàn

tā zài děng dài wǒ de huí dá
zěn me gào bié wǒ cái néng bù hòu huǐ lí kāi

néng fǒu yuǎn háng
chéng zhe jīng tāo hé jù làng
yě xǔ mí shī zài wú rén zhǐ yǐn máng máng hǎi shàng
jiù ràng wǒ yuǎn háng
zǒu chū tā men mù guāng
hái yǒu tài duō shàng wèi wán chéng de mèng xiǎng
néng fǒu qù yuǎn háng

rú guǒ wǒ bù zài tā shēn biān
tā hái huì bù huì lǐ jiě

nǐ yīng gāi fàng shǒu qù yuǎn fāng
wǒ yǒng yuǎn zài nǐ shēn páng

wǒ bù zhī dào nǐ de gù shì huì zěn yàng fā zhǎn
dàn gù shì de měi yī yè dōu yào yóu nǐ lái xiě

wǒ yào yuǎn háng
suī rán kàn bù jiàn zhōng diǎn
wǒ huì dào dá nà piàn tiān
wǒ yī dìng néng shí xiàn
wǒ shì mò ā nà
shǔ yú hǎi yáng hé dà de
yǒng bù gǎi biàn
wǒ huì yǒng yuǎn shì zì jǐ
ràng wǒ qù wǒ huì qù bù yóu yù
ràng wǒ yuǎn háng

I have known the stars
But now a new calling has appeared
Suddenly, it was all in the past

I do not have time to hesitate
Who can tell me what to do
The tides push me far away as the winds change

Where do I go?
Away from my home
My everything
Every face I love

Can I go on a voyage?
To a place unseen
How must one explore in the unknown without losing their way?
If I go on a voyage
Away from their sight
As there are too many unachieved dreams
Can I go on a voyage?

As fate turns with time
It appears at this moment
Now will my past be no longer?

They are awaiting my reply
How do I bid farewell so I will not regret leaving

Can I go on a voyage?
Riding the stormy waves
I might get lost on the vast ocean without direction
So let me voyage
Leaving their sight
As there are too many unachieved dreams
Can I go on a voyage?

If I am not by her side
Will she understand still

You should let go and set sail
I will always be by your side

I do not know how your story unfolds
But every page of the story shall be written by you

I will go on the voyage
Although the finish line cannot be seen
I will reach those skies
I will achieve
I am Moana
Of the ocean and the land
I will always be myself
Let me go, I will go, not hesitating
Let me voyage

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Morlin Liu / 刘美麟

一瞬间 回不到从前

潮水将我推远 风向已改变


如何在未知中寻找 不迷失方向


它在等待 我的回答
怎么告别 我才能不后悔离开

也许迷失在无人指引 茫茫海上


让我去 我会去 不犹豫

wǒ zǎo yǐ shú xī zhè piàn xīng chén
xīn de zhào huàn què chū xiàn
yī shùn jiān huí bù dào cóng qián

wǒ méi yǒu shí jiān yóu yí bù jué
shéi gào sù wǒ yào zěn me zuò
cháo shuǐ jiāng wǒ tuī yuǎn fēng xiàng yǐ gǎi biàn

yào qù nǎ lǐ
lí kāi wǒ de gù xiāng
wǒ de yī qiè
wǒ ài de měi gè liǎn páng

néng fǒu yuǎn háng
qù kàn bù jiàn de de fāng
rú hé zài wèi zhī zhōng xún zhǎo bù mí shī fāng xiàng
rú guǒ wǒ yuǎn háng
zǒu chū tā men de mù guāng
hái yǒu tài duō shàng wèi wán chéng de mèng xiǎng
néng fǒu qù yuǎn háng

mìng yùn zài shí jiān zhōng liú zhuǎn
tā zài zhè yī kè chū xiàn
ér wǒ de cóng qián huì bù huì yān xiāo yún sàn

tā zài děng dài wǒ de huí dá
zěn me gào bié wǒ cái néng bù hòu huǐ lí kāi

néng fǒu yuǎn háng
chéng zhe jīng tāo hé jù làng
yě xǔ mí shī zài wú rén zhǐ yǐn máng máng hǎi shàng
jiù ràng wǒ yuǎn háng
lí kāi tā men de mù guāng
hái yǒu tài duō shàng wèi wán chéng de mèng xiǎng
néng fǒu qù yuǎn háng

rú guǒ wǒ bù zài tā shēn biān
tā hái huì bù huì lǐ jiě

wǒ yào yuǎn háng
suī rán kàn bù jiàn zhōng diǎn
wǒ huì dào dá nà piàn tiān
wǒ yī dìng néng shí xiàn
wǒ shì mò ā nà
shǔ yú hǎi yáng hé dà de
yǒng bù gǎi biàn
wǒ huì yǒng yuǎn shì zì jǐ
ràng wǒ qù wǒ huì qù bù yóu yù
ràng wǒ yuǎn háng

Mandarin (Taiwan)[]

Singer: Makav / 真愛 (Moana) and Tsui Kuo-Fu / 崔幗夫 (Gramma Tala)

突然之間 一切將改變

風吹動潮水 帶我遠離海岸


為了族人 找尋未來的希望

我曾經的努力 難道沒了蹤影


為了族人 找尋未來的希望





往前走 不回頭 會知道

yǐ wèi zhī xiǎo rì yuè gēn xīng chén
xīn tiān jì zhèng zài hū huàn
tū rán zhī jiān yī qiè jiāng gǎi biàn

wǒ de shǐ mìng dài wǒ wǎng qián chuǎng
yǒu bié yú guò qù de guān gǎn
fēng chuī dòng cháo shuǐ dài wǒ yuǎn lí hǎi àn

qián tú máng máng
lí kāi wǒ de gù xiāng
gào bié yī qiè
hé wǒ rèn shí de měi gè rén

gāi wǎng hé fāng
nà tiān kōng bù céng yǎn wàng
huì bù huì zài gù xiāng hé wèi zhī mí shī fāng xiàng
ruò háng xiàng yuǎn fāng
pāo kāi suǒ ài wǎng qián chuǎng
wèi le zú rén zhǎo xún wèi lái de xī wàng
gāi háng xiàng yuǎn fāng

mìng yùn de chǐ lún zài zhuǎn dòng
yī qiè zhǐ shì gāng kāi qǐ
wǒ céng jīng de nǔ lì nán dào méi le zōng yǐng

zhào huàn bù xī
bì xū huí yīng
rú guǒ yuǎn xíng
zài jiàn yào rú hé shuō chū lái

gāi wǎng hé fāng
nà dà hǎi wèi zhī shén mì
huì bù huì zài shú xī shì wù hé mí máng wèi lái zhī jiān shī qù fāng xiàng
pāo kāi suǒ ài wǎng qián chuǎng
wèi le zú rén zhǎo xún wèi lái de xī wàng
yào háng xiàng yuǎn fāng

rú guǒ bù néng xié shǒu péi bàn
tā zhǎng dà shì fǒu míng bái

wǒ dōu huì zài nǐ shēn biān de
nǐ zhù dìng chéng dān gèng duō

wǒ wú fǎ yù jiàn nǐ wèi lái de gù shì
kě shì wǒ men xuǎn zé yǒng yuǎn dōu dé zhōng yú zì jǐ

háng xiàng yuǎn fāng
bù zhī dào hé nián hé yuè
wǒ cái néng jiù de zhòng huí
wǒ zhī dào wǒ shì shuí
wǒ yī jiù shì wǒ
shǔ yú zhè dà hǎi dà de
bù néng wàng jì
háng hǎi zhě shì wǒ shǐ mìng

wǎng qián zǒu bù huí tóu huì zhī dào
gāi wǎng hé fāng

I thought I knew the sun, the moon and the stars
New skies are calling
Suddenly, everything is going to change

My destiny brings me forward
Unlike my perception before
The wind drifts the tides and washes me away from the shore

A future unknown
Leaving my home
Bidding farewell to everything
And everyone I know

Where do I go?
The skies that I have never seen
Will I lose my way between my home and unknown
If I sail afar
Leaving my loved ones to go forward
To find hope for the future of our tribe
I shall sail afar

The fates are turning
Everything has just been opened up
Will my hard work be gone without a trail?

The calls don't die
I must reply
If I set sail
How do I say goodbye?

Where do I go?
The unknown magical seas
Will I lose my way between the known and the unknown future?
Leaving my loved ones to go forward
To find hope for the future of our tribe
I shall sail afar

If I can't be holding her hand
Will she understand when she is grown up?

I will be by your side
You are destined to bear more

I can't predict how your story goes
But we shall always choose to be faithful to ourselves

Sailing afar
I do not know when
I can return
(But) I know who I am
I am still myself
Of the seas and of the land
I won't forget
Being a voyager is my destiny

Go forward, don't look back, then I'll know
Where to go


Singer: Jaedyn Randell (Moana) and Rachel House (Gramma Tala)

Haramai rā ho a hī tūroa
Te rangi tū iho nei
Tai ā uri e hora ake nei
He au nō tahora nui āta
Ka tūhuraina ake tā
Tāwhiri kohimu kia tānga rua
Hau pūkeri pura au i mamao
I tawhiti me he mānu rere i au?
Kia kauria?
Kōnga a au ka whētuki
Māna wā ka pātuki tai papae kia kau?
Nā kia kauria
Ka mahue iho mai
Tāku ngākau, ma wai rā e atawhai?
Kia kauria?
Koia nei te ara tātai
Kua eke noa te wā
Kia ea ai ngā wawata o ngā tīpuna
Ā tai pari-pari tē pai
Kia tahuri
Kīnga pari ngao kūrā?
Kia kauria?
Ngā ngaru tūātea
Ki te awe māpara, māna wā māia
Tēnā kia kauria?
Ka mahue iho mai
Ko te whānau maku rā tāi atawhai
Kia kauria?
Kia ārahina ahau e koe
Te noho mokemoke
Kei roto i te pōuri te mārama whitia mai nā
Te kite i tō ārahi
Tō tāua māna nō tua whakarere
Kia kauria
Ki one taurikura
Kau tonu te waka
Kau ki uta rā:
‘’Nei ā Moana!’’
‘’O Waitā, o Waitī!‘’
‘’He oati, taku ara tātai!’’
Nei pūmau nei ahau te ara rou
Ka kauria!

An enduring, rising call has arrived
Here above the sky
I’m the one here that has to go
I have to carefully go to the open sea
I should explore it further 
Because it has beckoning for too long

Strong winds drive me far away 
What if I sail to the distance?

Should I go away?
They’re calling me with distress
Will I emerge again, to drive off the shore alone?
If I go away?
I will leave everything behind
My heart, who will take care of them?
Should I go away?

This is the path that was set in order
The time has come 
For the wishes of the ancestors to be fulfilled

When the tide flows over
It will get overturned
How will I have the strength to sail?

Should I go away?
To the breaking waves
In the distant future, will be time to be brave
When I will go away
I will leave everything behind
I have to take care of my family
Should I go away?

If I can’t lead you
Will you be alone?

There is light in the darkness
Seeing your guidance 
Is your strength to leave beyond

I will go away
To the prosperous shore
I will go across with the canoe
Then come back to our home:
‘’Here is Moana!’’
‘’Of Maya, of Taygeta!’’
‘’It’s my promise, that I will keep!’’
I am faithful to this path
To go away!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Kaaterama Pou

Haramai rā ho a hī tūroa
Te rangi tū iho nei
Tai ā uri e hora ake nei
He au nō tahora nui āta
Ka tūhuraina ake tā
Tāwhiri kohimu kia tānga rua
Hau pūkeri pura au i mamao
I tawhiti me he mānu rere i au?
Kia kauria?
Kōnga a au ka whētuki
Māna wā ka pātuki tai papae kia kau?
Nā kia kauria
Ka mahue iho mai
Tāku ngākau, ma wai rā e atawhai?
Kia kauria?
Koia nei te ara tātai
Kua eke noa te wā
Kia ea ai ngā wawata o ngā tūpuna
Ā tai pari-pari tē pai
Kia tahuri
Kīnga pari ngao kūrā?
Kia kauria?
Ngā ngaru tūātea
Ki te awe māpara, māna wā māia
Tēnā kia kauria?
Ka mahue iho mai
Ko te whānau maku rā tāi atawhai
Kia kauria?
Kia ārahina ahau e koe
Te noho mokemoke
Kia kauria
Ki one taurikura
Kau tonu te waka
Kau ki uta rā:
‘’Nei ā Moana!’’
‘’O Waitā, o Waitī!‘’
‘’He oati, taku ara tātai!’’
Nei pūmau nei ahau te ara rou
Ka kauria!

An enduring, rising call has arrived
Here above the sky
I’m the one here that has to go
I have to carefully go to the open sea
I should explore it further 
Because it has beckoning for too long

Strong winds drive me far away 
What if I sail to the distance?

Should I go away?
They’re calling me with distress
Will I emerge again, to drive off the shore alone?
If I go away?
I will leave everything behind
My heart, who will take care of them?
Should I go away?

This is the path that was set in order
The time has come 
For the wishes of the ancestors to be fulfilled

When the tide flows over
It will get overturned
How will I have the strength to sail?

Should I go away?
To the breaking waves
In the distant future, will be time to be brave
When I will go away
I will leave everything behind
I have to take care of my family
Should I go away?

If I can’t lead you
Will you be alone?

I will go away
To the prosperous shore
I will go across with the canoe
Then come back to our home:
‘’Here is Moana!’’
‘’Of Maya, of Taygeta!’’
‘’It’s my promise, that I will keep!’’
I am faithful to this path
To go away!


Singer: Nora Gjestvang (Moana) and Ida Lind (Gramma Tala)

Jeg kjente til konstellasjoner
Nå kan stjernene mitt navn
Jeg må dra langt fra min trygge havn
Finne sivilisasjoner
Vet ikke hva jeg vil få se
Vinden snur og tidevannet drar meg med

Vil ikke dra fra det som jeg forlot,
fra alt jeg vet og alt jeg kan, og seile mot ny horisont
Imot nye himmelstrøk må jeg legge ut på søk
Jeg hører unisont "mot ny horisont"
Alt jeg elsker blir igjen
mens jeg søker langt vekk etter fremtiden
mot ny horisont

Skjebnen har satt kursen for meg
Og nå står jeg her og ser mot fremmed front
Var dette i virkeligheten lånt?

De kaller meg, det krever svar
Setter jeg seil? Forlater jeg alt det jeg har?

Ny horisont
Seile ut i ukjent hav
Kan jeg finne det vi søker
Og så komme hjem fra en ny horisont?
Alt jeg elsker blir igjen
mens jeg søker langt vekk etter fremtiden
mot ny horisont

Hva om jeg ikke blir her nå?
Vil hun noen gang forstå?

Jeg er i all evighet med deg,
Men kanskje du er ment for mer
Jeg kan ikke se hvor historien din leder,
men vi slutter aldri å velge hvem vi er

Ny horisont
Og når jeg har funnet den, skal jeg komme hjem igjen,
for jeg vet hvem jeg er: jeg er Vaiana!
Jeg er både land og hav
Og jeg lover, jeg vet hva jeg er laget av

Jeg må ut, jeg drar ut, seiler mot ny horisont


Singer: Weronika Bochat (Moana) and Dorota Stalińska (Gramma Tala)

Choć wiele dróg wskazują gwiazdy
Dziś ta jedna wzywa mnie
Popłynąć mam, ale nie wiem gdzie
Czy wiele jest w legendach prawdy?
Choć nowe brzegi mi się śnią
Co gdy wiatr wywieje mnie na drogę złą?

Jak odejść, gdy tu bliskich mam i dom?
Jak spełniać sny, gdy zawsze tak odległe są?q

Na nowy ląd mam popłynąć śladem gwiazd
Gdzie nie zgubię się wśród fal
Gdy dziś wypłynę w dal aż na nowy ląd
Już nie będzie drogi wstecz
Naszą przyszłość z tą melodią będę nieść
Aż na nowy ląd

Za horyzont płynąć w morze
Czy się świat nie kończy tam?
I czy zobaczę jeszcze ludzi, których znam?

Wzywają mnie
Już nadszedł czas
Wyruszyć chcę
Lecz jak mam tu pożegnać was?

Na nowy ląd płynąć mam przez wiele dni
Światło gwiazdy niech się tli
Bo gdy wyruszę stąd
Aż tam na nowy ląd
Już nie będzie drogi wstecz
Naszą przyszłość z tą melodią będę nieść
Aż na nowy ląd

Gdybym zgubić miała się
Czy pamiętać będziesz mnie?

Ja zawsze będę przy tobie
Wsłuchaj się w tych przodków głos
Nie wiem dokąd cię ta przygoda zaprowadzi
Ale wiem, że będziesz wierna swojemu ja

Na nowy ląd
Gdy dopłynę w świetle dnia
Wrócić zawsze radę dam
Bo znam już swoje ja
Jestem Vaiana

Z Motunui ruszam dziś
Ale serce moje tutaj będzie bić
Niechaj mnie niesie prąd
Płynę stąd na nowy ląd

End Credits Version[]

Singer: nita

Choć wiele dróg wskazują gwiazdy
Dziś ta jedna wzywa mnie
Popłynąć mam, ale nie wiem gdzie
Czy wiele jest w legendach prawdy?
Choć nowe brzegi mi się śnią
Co gdy wiatr wywieje mnie na drogę złą?

Jak odejść, gdy tu bliskich mam i dom?
Jak spełniać sny, gdy zawsze tak odległe są?

Na nowy ląd mam popłynąć śladem gwiazd
Gdzie nie zgubię się wśród fal
Gdy dziś wypłynę w dal aż na nowy ląd
Już nie będzie drogi wstecz
Naszą przyszłość z tą melodią będę nieść
Aż na nowy ląd

Za horyzont płynąć w morze
Czy się świat nie kończy tam?
I czy zobaczę jeszcze ludzi, których znam?

Wzywają mnie
Już nadszedł czas
Wyruszyć chcę
Lecz jak mam tu pożegnać was?

Na nowy ląd płynąć mam przez wiele dni
Światło gwiazdy niech się tli
Bo gdy wyruszę stąd
Aż tam na nowy ląd
Już nie będzie drogi wstecz
Naszą przyszłość z tą melodią będę nieść
Aż na nowy ląd

Gdybym zgubić miała się
Czy pamiętać będziesz mnie?

Na nowy ląd
Gdy dopłynę w świetle dnia
Wrócić zawsze radę dam
Bo znam już swoje ja
Jestem Vaiana

Z Motunui ruszam dziś
Ale serce moje tutaj będzie bić
Niechaj mnie niesie prąd
Płynę stąd na nowy ląd

Though there are many ways that the stars show
Only one called me out today
I shall sail, but I don't know where
Is there much of the truth in the legends?
Though I dream about new shores
What if the wind blows me the wrong way out?

How do I leave, if I have close ones and home here?
How do I fulfill my dreams, when they are so distant?

Into the new land, I have to sail following the mark of stars
Where I won't lose myself behind the waves
When I will sail far into the new land today
There won't be a way back
I will carry our future out with this melody
Into the new land

I'll sail behind the sea horizon
Isn't the word ending there?
Will I see people I know again?

They call me
The time has already come now
I want to start a journey
But how to say goodbye to you all again?

I shall sail into the new land for many days
Let the glow of the star smolder
Because when I set out from here
Into the new land
There won't be a way back
I will carry our future out with this melody
Into the new land

If I lost myself there
Will you still remember me?

Into the new land
If I sail in the light of day
I will always be able to come back
Because I know who I am
I am Vaiana

I'm leaving Motunui today
But my heart will always beat here
Let the tide carry me
I sail out from here into the new land

Portuguese (Brazil)[]

Singer: Any Gabrielly (Moana) and Rejani Humphreys (Gramma Tala)

Conheço todas as estrelas
Mas um novo céu chamou
E eu senti que algo em mim mudou

Eu sei qual deve ser a escolha
Mas é tão grande quanto o mar
Novos ventos me afastam do meu lar

O que há por vir?
Mais uma vez eu vou me despedir
De tudo que me fez quem sou

O que há além sob os céus que eu nunca vi
O que eu perco se eu seguir um rumo que eu não sei
Se eu for além e deixar pra trás meu lar?
Pro futuro do meu povo encontrar
Como vou além?

O destino se desenha
Desafia a previsão
Será que as coisas que eu já fiz serão em vão?

Eu posso ouvir os seus sinais
Mas se eu partir a dor do adeus será demais

O que há além nesse mar que não tem fim?
O que eu perco se eu seguir pra longe do que eu sei
Pra ver o que há além e deixar pra trás meu lar?
Pro futuro do meu povo encontrar
Como vou além?

Será que quando não me achar
Ela vai me perdoar?

Vou sempre estar ao seu lado
Não percebe?
Que há algo a mais
Eu não sei onde sua história vai te levar
Mas a busca por quem somos nunca encerra

Eu vou além
Só o tempo vai provar
Mas eu juro retornar
Porque eu sei quem sou
Eu sou Moana!

Terra e mar estão em mim
E prometo que vou sempre ser assim
Sei quem sou, sou quem sou, e eu vou
Chegar além

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Any Gabrielly

Conheço todas as estrelas
Mas um novo céu chamou
E eu senti que algo em mim mudou

Sei qual deve ser a escolha
Mas é tão grande quanto o mar
Novos ventos me afastam do meu lar

O que há por vir?
Mais uma vez eu vou me despedir
De tudo que me fez quem sou

O que há além,
Sob os céus que eu nunca vi?
O que eu perco se eu seguir
Um rumo que eu não sei
Se eu for além?

E deixar pra trás meu lar
Pro futuro do meu povo encontrar
Como vou além?

O destino se desenha
Desafia a previsão
Será que as coisas que eu já fiz
Serão em vão?

Eu posso ouvir
Os seus sinais
Mas se eu partir
A dor do adeus será demais

O que há além,
Nesse mar que não tem fim?
O que eu perco se eu seguir
Pra longe do que eu sei
Pra ver o que há além?

E deixar pra trás meu lar
Pro futuro do meu povo encontrar
Como vou além?

Será que quando não me achar
Ela vai me perdoar?

Eu vou além
Só o tempo vai provar
Mas eu juro retornar
Porque eu sei quem sou
Eu sou Moana!

Terra e mar estão em mim
E prometo que vou sempre ser assim
Sei quem sou, sou quem sou, e eu vou
Chegar além

I know all the stars
But a new sky called me
And I felt something changed within me

I know what to choose
But it's as big as the sea
New winds take me away from my home

What is yet to come?
Once more I'm leaving
Everything that made me

What lies beyond,
Under skies I've never seen?
What do I lose if I take
An unknown direction
If I go beyond?

And leave my home behind
To find the future of my people
How can I go beyond?

Fate starts showing
Challenging predictions
Will everything I've done
Be in vain?

I can hear
Your calls
But if I leave
The pain of parting will be too much

What is beyond,
In this endless sea?
What do I lose if I venture
Into unknown lands1
To see what lies beyond?

And leave my home behind
To find the future of my people
How can I go beyond?

Will she forgive me
When she doesn't find me?

I'm going beyond
Only time will prove
But I promise I'll return
Because I know who I am
I am Moana!

I bear the land and the sea
And I promise I'm never changing
I know who I am, I am who I am, and I'm going

Portuguese (Portugal)[]

Singer: Sara Madeira (Moana) and Helena Montez (Gramma Tala)

Sobre o mar
Não há estrelas novas
Mas um céu pra me chamar
Igual aqui nada vai ficar
Eu sei o caminho certo agora
Mas isto nunca foi maior
Muda o vento e a maré que eu exploro

O que espera por mim
Ficar distante eu vou
Deixar a vida
E o que me faz ser quem sou

O que está mais longe?
Sobre os céus que nunca vi
Poderei perder-me ali
No que ninguém explorou
Se eu for mais longe

O que adoro eu deixei
Há um futuro que não sei se encontrarei
Será que vou mais longe?

O destino ocorre agora
Está só a começar
Então será que a conquista vai durar?

Estão a chamar
Respondo já
Mas se eu partir
Dizer adeus para mim não dá

O que está mais longe
No mar que não conheci
Poderei perder-me ali
Entre onde estou tão bem
E o que está mais longe

O que adoro eu deixei
Há um futuro que não sei se encontrarei
Será que vou mais longe?

Longe daqui não estou presente
Será que ela compreende?

Eu estarei sempre ao teu lado
Mas tu podes fazer melhor
Não vejo onde a tua história te leva
Mas parar de escolher quem somos

Eu vou mais longe
Só que quando eu não sei
A esta areia voltarei
Pois quem sou eu sei bem
Sou a Vaiana

Sou do mar, sou da areia
Sou do mar, da terra vim
A promessa é que eu vou manter-me assim
Pronta estou, agora vou, assim chegou
O que está mais longe

No new stars shine
Above the sea
But there's a sky calling me
Nothing will be the same around here
Now I know the right way
But this has never been this big
The wind and the shore I explore change

What waits for me
I'll keep my distance
Leave behind my life
And what makes me be me

What lies farther?
Above skies I've never seen
I could get lost up there
In what nobody ever explored
If I go farther

I left behind what I treasure
There's a future I'm not sure about finding
Am I going farther?

Destiny runs now
It just started
So will my achievements last?

They're calling me
I'll answer now
But if I leave
It's too hard for me to say goodbye

What lies farther?
In the sea I've never known
I could get lost there
Between where I feel fine
And what lies farther

I left behind what I treasure
There's a future I'm not sure about finding
Am I going farther?

Away, I can't be around here
Does she understand it?

I'll always be by your side
But you can do better
I can't see where your fate takes you
But don't you ever stop choosing who we are

I'll go farther
I just don't know when
I'll return to these sands
Because I know well who I am
I am Vaiana

I'm from the sea, I'm from the sand
I'm from the sea, I come from the land
My promise is that I'll always be like that
I'm ready, I'm leaving now, it's finally here
What lies farther


Singer: Ana Bianca Popescu (Moana) and Mirela Nicolau (Gramma Tala)

Credeam că știu ce-i scris în stele…
Dar alt cer se-așterne-n drum
Iar marea mea s-a schimbat acum…

Eu sper că temerile mele
O să dispară ca un val
Vântul rece mă desprinde iar de mal…

Dar dacă plec, ce se va întâmpla?
Pe toți cei dragi... nu știu dacă-i voi revedea…

Spre orizont
Sub un cer nedeslușit
Navigând la nesfârșit
Înspre necunoscut

Către orizont
Las în urmă insula…
Soarta noastră e purtată de o stea!
Către orizont…

Viața merge mai departe
Însă într-o bună zi
Tot ce-am clădit din greu se va putea sfârși!
E prea târziu să mă-ndoiesc
Dar pe ai mei cum aș putea să-i părăsesc?

Spre orizont
Pe oceanul infinit
Voi găsi ce mi-am dorit
Sau mă voi rătăci în vastul orizont?

Las în urmă insula…
Soarta noastră e purtată de o stea!
Către orizont…

Dar oare m-ar putea ierta,
Dacă-o voi abandona?

Voi fi mereu lângă tine,
Dar tu știi ce ți-e menit…

Spre orizont!
Dar promit că într-o zi
Eu aici voi reveni, știu bine cine sunt:
Eu sunt Vaiana!

Între mare și uscat!
Sunt aceeași, niciodată n-am uitat!

Plec acum, chiar acum,
Pe-acest drum!
Spre orizont!


Singer: Nazima Zhanibekova / Назима Жанибекова (Moana) and Gulzhiyan Ospanova / Гульжиян Оспанова (Gramma Tala)

Я вижу знаки в звёздном небе
Новый свет меня зовёт
Он жизнь мою вновь перевернёт

Я знаю свыше брошен жребий
Но как принять свою судьбу?
Ветру перемен отпор дать не смогу

Как мне уплыть на край земли одной,
оставить дом и окунуться в мир другой?

Но я пойду
В море за своей звездой
Обниму чужой прибой
И я ответ найду
За звездой пойду
Берег тает за кормой
Я народ свой никогда не подведу
За звездой пойду

Мы во власти высшей силы
Нам не всё дано понять
И счастье вмиг возможно просто потерять
Но сделан шаг, судьба, встречай
Не знаю как, но я должна сказать "прощай"

И я пойду
По неведомым морям
Вопреки всем якорям
В бескрайний океан
Я за звездой пойду
Берег тает за кормой
Я народ свой никогда не подведу
За звездой пойду

Если вместе нам не быть,
Сможешь ли меня простить?

Я всегда с тобой, всегда рядом, но тебя зовёт твой род
Мне неведом финал твоей истории
Но пусть тебя ведёт твоя душа

И я пойду
И признаюсь, я боюсь
Но я знаю, что вернусь
Ведь мой начертан путь

Да, я Моана

Я дочь моря и земли
Обещаю, есть надежды свет вдали
За своей, за звездой, в мир другой
Да, я пойду

Ya vizhu znaki v zvyozdnom nebe
Novyy svet menya zovyot
On zhiznʹ moyu vnovʹ perevernyot

Ya znayu svyshe broshen zhrebiy
No kak prinyatʹ svoyu sudʹbu?
Vetru peremen otpor datʹ ne smogu

Kak mne uplytʹ na kray zemli odnoy,
ostavitʹ dom i okunutʹsya v mir drugoy?

No ya poydu
V more za svoyey zvezdoy
Obnimu chuzhoy priboy
I ya otvet naydu
Za zvezdoy poydu
Bereg tayet za kormoy
Ya narod svoy nikogda ne podvedu
Za zvezdoy poydu

My vo vlasti vysshey sily
Nam ne vsyo dano ponyatʹ
I schastʹye vmig vozmozhno prosto poteryatʹ
No sdelan shag, sudʹba, vstrechay
Ne znayu kak, no ya dolzhna skazatʹ "proshchay"

I ya poydu
Po nevedomym moryam
Vopreki vsem yakoryam
V beskrayniy okean
Ya za zvezdoy poydu
Bereg tayet za kormoy
Ya narod svoy nikogda ne podvedu
Za zvezdoy poydu

Yesli vmeste nam ne bytʹ,
Smozheshʹ li menya prostitʹ?

Ya vsegda s toboy, vsegda ryadom, no tebya zovyot tvoy rod
Mne nevedom final tvoyey istorii
No pustʹ tebya vedyot tvoya dusha

I ya poydu
I priznayusʹ, ya boyusʹ
No ya znayu, chto vernusʹ
Vedʹ moy nachertan putʹ

Da, ya Moana

Ya dochʹ morya i zemli
Obeshchayu, yestʹ nadezhdy svet vdali
Za svoyey, za zvezdoy, v mir drugoy
Da, ya poydu

I see sings in the starry sky
A new light is calling me
It will turn my life around again

I know the lot has been cast from above
But how can I accept my fate?
I won't be able to resist the winds of chance

How can I sail to the edge of the world alone,
Leave my home, and diving into another world?

But I will go
To the sea following my star
I'll embrace the foreign tide
And I will find the answer
I will follow the star
The shore fades behind my stern
I will never let my people down
I will follow the star

We are at the mercy of a higher force
We can't understand everything
And happiness can simply lost in a moment
But the step is taken, fate, meet me
I don't know how, but I must say "goodbye"

And I will go
Across uncharted seas
Despite all anchors
Into the boundless ocean
I will follow the star
The shore fades behind my stern
I will never let my people down
I will follow the star

If we can't be together,
Will you be able to forgive me?

I am always with you, always by your side, but your kin calls to you
I don't know the ending of your story
But let your soul guide you

And I will go
And I admit I'm afraid
But I know I'll return
For my path is set

Yes, I am Moana

I am the daughter of the sea and land
I promise, there is a light of hope ahead
For my (star), following the star, into another world
Yes, I will go

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Nazima Zhanibekova / Назима Жанибекова

Я вижу знаки в звёздном небе
Новый свет меня зовёт
Он жизнь мою вновь перевернёт
Я знаю свыше брошен жребий
Но как принять свою судьбу
Ветру перемен отпор дать не смогу
Как мне уплыть на край земли одной
Оставить дом и окунуться в мир другой

Но я пойду
Моря за своей звездой
Обниму чужой прибой и я ответ найду
За звездой пойду
Берег тает за кармой
Я народ свой никогда не подведу
За звездой пойду

Мы во власти высшей силы
Нам не всё дано понять
И счастье вмиг возможно просто потерять
Но сделав шаг, судьба встречай

Не знаю как
Но я должна сказать прощай

И я пойду по неведанным морям
Вопреки всем якорям
Бескрайний океан
Я за звездой пойду
Берег тает за кармой
Я народ свой никогда не подведу
За звездой пойду

Если вместе нам не быть
Сможешь ли меня простить?

И я пойду, и признаюсь я боюсь
Но я знаю, что вернусь
Ведь мой начертан путь

Да, я Моана
Я как море и земли
Обещаю, и с надеждой свет вдали
За своей
За звездой
Мир другой
Да я пойду

Ya vizhu znaki v zvyozdnom nebe
Novyy svet menya zovyot
On zhiznʹ moyu vnovʹ perevernyot
Ya znayu svyshe broshen zhrebiy
No kak prinyatʹ svoyu sudʹbu
Vetru peremen otpor datʹ ne smogu
Kak mne uplytʹ na kray zemli odnoy
Ostavitʹ dom i okunutʹsya v mir drugoy

No ya poydu
Morya za svoyey zvezdoy
Obnimu chuzhoy priboy i ya otvet naydu
Za zvezdoy poydu
Bereg tayet za karmoy
Ya narod svoy nikogda ne podvedu
Za zvezdoy poydu

My vo vlasti vysshey sily
Nam ne vsyo dano ponyatʹ
I schastʹye vmig vozmozhno prosto poteryatʹ
No sdelav shag, sudʹba vstrechay

Ne znayu kak
No ya dolzhna skazatʹ proshchay

I ya poydu po nevedannym moryam
Vopreki vsem yakoryam
Beskrayniy okean
Ya za zvezdoy poydu
Bereg tayet za karmoy
Ya narod svoy nikogda ne podvedu
Za zvezdoy poydu

Yesli vmeste nam ne bytʹ
Smozheshʹ li menya prostitʹ?

I ya poydu, i priznayusʹ ya boyusʹ
No ya znayu, chto vernusʹ
Vedʹ moy nachertan putʹ

Da, ya Moana
Ya kak more i zemli
Obeshchayu, i s nadezhdoy svet vdali
Za svoyey
Za zvezdoy
Mir drugoy
Da ya poydu

I see sings in the starry sky
A new light is calling me
It will turn my life around again
I know the lot has been cast from above
But how can I accept my fate?
I won't be able to resist the winds of chance
How can I sail to the edge of the world alone,
Leave my home, and diving into another world?

But I will go
To the sea following my star
I'll embrace the foreign tide
And I will find the answer
I will follow the star
The shore fades behind my stern
I will never let my people down
I will follow the star

We are at the mercy of a higher force
We can't understand everything
And happiness can simply lost in a moment
But the step is taken, fate, meet me
I don't know how, but I must say "goodbye"

And I will go
Across uncharted seas
Despite all anchors
Into the boundless ocean
I will follow the star
The shore fades behind my stern
I will never let my people down
I will follow the star

If we can't be together,
Will you be able to forgive me?

And I will go
And I admit I'm afraid
But I know I'll return
For my path is set
Yes, I am Moana
I am the daughter of the sea and land
I promise, there is a light of hope ahead
For my (star), following the star, into another world
Yes, I will go


Singer: Ivona Rambosek / Ивона Рамбосек (Moana) and Maja Odžaklijevska / Маjа Оџаклиjевска (Gramma Tala)

Знам звезда сјај и већ док сањам
Нови свод сад ме зове
У трену тек нешто мења се
И прави пут у души знам ја
Ал' ово веће је но пре
Ветрови, таласи, снажно вуку ме

Сад одем ли далеко заувек
Од сваког и од свега што ја познајем.
Ван граница
Испод звезда далеких
Да ли себе дала бих том свету незнаном?
Ако одем ван
Све што волим остављам
Још будућност наших људи тражим ја
Дал да пођем сад?

Моја судбина се буди
То почетак тек је њен
Дал то сав труд живота старог слама се?

Сад зову ме
Већ време је
Ал' бол је јак
И немогућ је растанак!

Ван граница
Изнад мора бескрајних
Да ли себе дала бих, свих знања овдашњих
За свет ван граница?
Све што волим остављам
Још будућност наших људи тражим ја!
Дал да пођем сад?

Њој не бих руку држала...
Дал би зрела схватила?

Увек ћу ту бити за те
Ал дал твој и виши циљ?
О, зашто си тако забринута?
Ја крећем ван
Нашег мора одлучна!
За нов свет сад спреман сам, јер ја знам ко сам ја!
Ја сам Вајана!
Ко од мора проткана!
Ја се кунем да ћу увек бити та!
Знамо шта је то скривено
Ван граница!

Znam zvezda sjaj i već dok sanjam
Novi svod sad zove me
U trenu tek nešto menja se
I pravi put u duši znam ja
Al' ovo veće je no pre
Vetrovi, talasi, snažno vuku me

Sad odem li daleko zauvek
Od svakog i od svega što ja poznajem.
Van granica
Ispod zvezda dalekih
Da li sebe dala bih tom svetu neznanom?
Ako odem van
Sve što volim ostavljam
Još budućnost naših ljudi tražim ja
Dal da pođem sad?

Moja sudbina se budi
To početak tek je njen
Dal to sav trud života starog slama se?

Sad zovu me
Već vreme je
Al' bol je jak
I nemoguć je rastanak!

Van granica
Iznad mora beskrajnih
Da li sebe dala bih, svih znanja ovdašnjih
Za svet van granica?
Sve što volim ostavljam
Još budućnost naših ljudi tražim ja!
Dal da pođem sad?

Njoj ne bih ruku držala...
Dal bi zrela shvatila?

Uvek ću tu biti za te
Al dal tvoj i viši cilj?
O, zašto si tako zabrinuta?
Ja krećem van
Našeg mora odlučna!
Za nov svet sad spremna sam, jer ja znam ko sam ja!
Ja sam Vajana!
Ko od mora protkana!
Ja se kunem da ću uvek biti ta!
Znaćemo šta je to skriveno
Van granica!


Singer: Lenka Kopuncová Fecková (Moana) and Lucia Vráblicová (Gramma Tala)

Zo súhvezdí už mnohé poznám
Dnes ma láka nový svet
A zrazu viem, istôt dávnych nie
Už diaľka čaká nevýslovná
Úloha veľká predo mnou
Vietor v diaľ ma ženie, láka od brehov
Kadiaľ mám ísť, tou šírkou neznámou?
Preč od všetkých, do vĺn, čo sú mi nástrahou

Do diaľok zájsť, k novým hviezdam úchvatným
Nádej mám, že nestratím svoj svet, čo v srdci ctím
Mám do diaľok zájsť, nechať zem, čo v láske mám
Možno šťastie, ktoré hľadám nájsť sa dá
Mám do diaľok zájsť?

Osud niečo pre mňa skrýva
Viem, že púť mám pred sebou
A po nej kráčať musím ďalej s odvahou
Dnes voľbu mám, čas uteká
Ak zbohom dám, tak kto vie či sa vrátim k Vám

Do diaľok zájsť, more brázdiť búrlivé
Nádej mám, že niekto vie kam vlny môžu niesť
A mám do diaľok zájsť, nechať svet, čo v láske mám
Možno šťastie, ktoré hľadám nájsť sa dá
Mám do diaľok zájsť?

Kto bude v búrkach pri mne stáť?
Pochopí môj dôvod snáď...

Vždy s tebou som, vždy tu stojím
No, ktovie kam kráčať máš?

Do diaľok zájsť a hoc opúšťam svoj kmeň
Aj tak späť sa vrátim sem, lebo kam patrím viem
Ja som Vaiana! More, piesok v láske mám
A vždy správnou cestou pôjdem prisahám
Kamsi vpred, dať sa niesť, vyletieť,
do diaľok zájsť!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Celeste Buckingham

Zo súhvezdí už mnohé poznám
Dnes ma láka nový svet
A zrazu viem, istôt dávnych nie
Už diaľka čaká nevýslovná
Úloha veľká predo mnou
Vietor v diaľ ma ženie, láka od brehov
Kadiaľ mám ísť, tou šírkou neznámou?
Preč od všetkých, do vĺn, čo sú mi nástrahou

Do diaľok zájsť, k novým hviezdam úchvatným
Nájdem mám, že nestratím svoj svet, čo v srdci ctím
Mám do diaľok zájsť, nechať zem, čo v láske mám
Možno šťastie, ktoré hľadám nájsť sa dá
Mám do diaľok zájsť?

Osud niečo pre mňa skrýva
Viem, že púť mám pred sebou
A po nej kráčať musím ďalej s odvahou
Dnes voľbu mám, čas uteká
Ak zbohom dám, tak kto vie či sa vrátim k Vám

Do diaľok zájsť, more brázdiť búrlivé
Nádej mám, že niekto vie kam vlny môžu niesť
A mám do diaľok zájsť, nechať svet, čo v láske mám
Možno šťastie, ktoré hľadám nájsť sa dá
Mám do diaľok zájsť?

Kto bude v búrkach pri mne stáť?
Pochopí môj dôvod snáď
Do diaľok zájsť a hoc opúšťam svoj kmeň
Aj tak späť sa vrátim sem, lebo kam patrím viem
Ja som Vaiana! More, piesok v láske mám
A vždy správnou cestou pôjdem prisahám
Kamsi vpred, daj sa niesť, vyletieť,
do diaľok zájsť!

I already know many of the constellations
Today a new world is tempting me
And suddenly I know the old certainties are gone
The distance unspeakable awaits
A big task before me
The wind is pushing me so far, beckons me from the shores
Which way should I go, through the width of the unknown?
Away from everyone, into the waves that are my snare

Into the distances go, to new stars breathtaking
I have a hope that I wont lost, what I hold in my heart
Into the distances I should go, leave the land that I love
Maybe the happiness I seek can be found
Into the distances I should go?

Fate is hiding something for me
I know I have a journey ahead of me
And I must walk it with courage
Today I have a choice, time is running out
If I say goodbye, who knows if I'll come back to you

Into the distances go, to sail the stormy sea
I have a hope that someone knows where the waves can carry
And into the I have distance go, leave the land that I love
Maybe the happiness I seek can be found
Into the distances I should go?

Who will stand by me in the storms?
Will understand my reason perhaps
Into the distances go and yet I am leaving my tribe
I will at once come back, because I know where I belong
I am Vaiana! Sea, sand in love I have
And I promise, the right way I will always go
Somewhere forward, let be carried, soar,
into the distances go!


Singer: Katja Ajster Kataya (Moana) and ??? (Gramma Tala)

Poznam to pot med oceanom
Kliče pot in me ???
Naenkrat pa vse drugače je
Poznam že dobro pot izbrano
A ta je večja kot doslej
Plima tokrat nosi daleč me naprej

Kaj čaka me
Za vselej daleč stran 
Od vsakogar in pač od vsega kar poznam?

Kaj daleč je?
Tam drugačno je nebo
In v neznano in lahko s poti zaidem še
Če grem daleč stran
Naj pustim kar rada imam
Naj v iskanje se prihodnosti podam
Grem lahko še tje

To usode so koraki
To začetek je poti
Življenje staro se drobi mi pred očmi

Pustila bi vse kar imam
A če bom šla
Kako svobodno vse oddam?

Kaj čaka me
Sredi morja širega
Ko v valovih se morda še sama izgubim?
A nekaj čaka me
Naj pustim kar rada imam
Naj v iskanje se prihodnosti podam
Grem lahko še tje

A če ob njej me več ne bo
Bo kdaj razumela to?

Ob tebi bom, nič ne skrbi
A morda sledi še več
O, zakaj si tako zaskrbljena?
Ne vem kam te zgodba pelje
Ampak vedno izberemo kar nam je namenjeno

Šla bom še tje
Ampak enkrat, kdo ve kdaj,
Se vrnila bom nazaj
Zato ker vem kdo sem
Jaz sem Vaiana
Meni morje, valovi
In prisegam da bom vse do konca dni
Čas je, grem
rem, zdaj vem
Da izvem
Kaj čaka me

I know that path amid the ocean
The path is calling me and ???
But suddenly everything is different
I already know well the chosen path
However, this one is bigger so far
This time, the tide is carrying me far away ahead

What's waiting for me
Forever far away
From everyone and certainly from everything that I know?

What lies far away?
The sky is different there
And I can go into unknown and even go astray from the path
If I go further away
Let me give up what I love
Let me go in search of the future
I can go even there

Those are steps of fate
This is the beginning of the path
My old life is crumbling before my eyes

I would give up everything that I have
But if I go
How can I give everything away freely?

What's waiting for me
In the middle of the wider sea
When I could get lost myself in the waves?
But something is waiting for me
Let me give up what I love
Let me go in search of the future
I can go even there

But if I'm not by her side anymore
Will she ever understand?

I'll be by your side, don't worry
But, perhaps even more is coming
Oh, why are you so worried?
I don't know to where the story is leading you
But we always choose what's meant for us

I'll go even there
But once, who knows when,
I'll return,
Because I know who I am
I am Vaiana
The sea and the waves belong to me
And I swear that I'll be (Vaiana) to the end
It is time, I'm going
I'm going, now I know
To discover
What's waiting for me)

Spanish (Latin America)[]

Singer: Sara Paula Gómez Arias (Moana) and Angélica Aragón (Gramma Tala)

Conozco las constelaciones
Desconozco esta señal pues siento que todo va a cambiar
Un nuevo rumbo al firmamento
El desafío es mayor
Las mareas hoy me arrastran la razón

Que me hace ir tan lejos de mi hogar
He de partir, dejar mi mundo entero atrás

¿Qué habrá al final?
Un misterio a descubrir
Lo que nunca conocí me aleja de mi hogar
¿Si voy al final
Cuánto amor me faltará?
¿Si me marcho, este pueblo dónde irá?
Llegaré al final

El destino ya está en marcha
Esto acaba de empezar
Lo que he creado se podría derrumbar

Mi nombre oí, el cielo habló
Si he de partir, difícil es decir adiós

¿Qué habrá al final de ese mar sin explorar?
¿Cómo puedo decidir si dejo todo atrás?
¿Qué habrá allá al final?
¿Cuánto amor me faltará?
¿Si me marcho, este pueblo dónde irá?
Puedo ir al final

¿Si no la puedo ver crecer
Lo podrá ella comprender?

Siempre estaré a tu lado
Pero puede que haya algo más
No veo a donde te llevará tu historia pero nunca dejamos de elegir quienes somos de verdad

Iré al final
Pero antes o después
A esta arena volveré
Pues yo sé bien quien soy
¡Yo soy Moana!
De la tierra y del mar
Y prometo que así siempre será
Sé quien soy, donde estoy y yo voy…
¡Hasta el final!

I know the constellations
I don't know about this sign because I feel that everything is going to change
A new flight into the skies
The challenge is greater
The tides are pulling my reason in

How I have to go very far from my home
I will be going, leaving my entire world behind

What will happen in the end?
A mystery to discover
The one that I never met is drawing me away from my home
If I reach the end
How much love will I miss?
If I leave, where will this village go?
I'll make it to the end

Destiny is already in full swing
It has just begun
The one who created it may soon collapse

I heard my name, the skies have spoken
If I have to leave, it's hard to say goodbye

What will there be at the end of that uncharted sea?
How can I decide if I'm going to leave everything behind?
What will there be in the end?
How much love will I miss?
If I leave, where will this village go?
I can go the end

If I can't see her grow up
will she be able to understand why?

I will always be at your side
But there might be something more
I don't know where your story will take you, but we'll never stop choosing who we really are

I'll go to the end
But sooner or later
I will return to this sand
Because I know well who I am
I am Moana!
Of the land and the sea
And I promise that I will always be like this
I know who I am, where I am and I'm going...
To the end!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Emilia Mernes

Conozco las constelaciones
Desconozco esta señal
Hoy siento que todo va a cambiar
Un nuevo rumbo al firmamento
El desafío es mayor
Las mareas hoy me arrastran
La razón que me hace ir tan lejos de mi hogar
He de partir
Dejar mi mundo entero atrás

¿Qué habrá al final?
Un misterio a descubrir
Lo que nunca conocí me aleja de mi hogar
Si voy al final
¿Cuánto amor me faltará?
Si me marcho ¿este pueblo dónde irá?
Llegaré al final

El destino ya está en marcha
Esto acaba de empezar
Lo que he creado se podría derrumbar

Mi nombre oí
El cielo habló
Si he de partir
Difícil es decir adiós

¿Qué habrá al final de ese mar sin explorar?
¿Cómo puedo decidir si dejo todo atrás?
¿Qué habrá allá al final?
¿Cuánto amor me faltará?
Si me marcho ¿este pueblo dónde irá?
Puedo ir al final

Si no la puedo ver crecer
¿Lo podrá ella comprender?

Iré al final
Pero antes o después
A esta arena volveré
Pues yo sé bien quien soy
Yo soy Moana

De la tierra y del mar
Y prometo que así siempre será
Sé quien soy, donde estoy y yo voy
¡Hasta el final!

I know the constellations
I don't know this sign
Today I feel that everything's going to change
A new direction to the sky
The challenge is best
The tides drag me today
The reason that makes me go so far from my home
I have to leave
Leave my whole world behind

What will be at the end?
A mystery to discover
which I never knew kept me away from home
If I go beyond
How much love will I leave behind?
If I go, where will this town go?
I will go beyond

Destiny is already underway
This has just begun
Which I have created could break

I heard my name
The sky spoke
If I have to leave
It's difficult to say goodbye

What will be at the end of this unexplored ocean?
How can I decide to leave everything behind?
What will be there at the end?
How much love will I leave behind?
If I go, where will this town go?
I can go beyond

If I can't see her grow,
how will she understand?

I will go beyond
But before or after
This sand will return
So I know who I am
I am Moana

From the land and the sea
And I promise that it always will be
I know who I am, where I am, and where I'm going
Until the end!

Spanish (Spain)[]

Singer: María Parrado (Moana) and Amparo Bravo (Gramma Tala)

Conozco las constelaciones
Desconozco esta señal pues siento que todo va a cambiar
Un nuevo rumbo al firmamento
El desafío es mayor
Las mareas hoy me arrastran la razón

Que me hace ir tan lejos de mi hogar
He de partir, dejar mi mundo entero atrás

¿Qué habrá al final?
Un misterio a descubrir
Lo que nunca conocí me aleja de mi hogar
¿Si voy al final
Cuánto amor me faltará?
¿Si me marcho, este pueblo dónde irá?
Llegaré al final

El destino ya está en marcha
Esto acaba de empezar
Lo que he creado se podría derrumbar

Mi nombre oí, el cielo habló
Si he de partir, difícil es decir adiós

¿Qué habrá al final de ese mar sin explorar?
¿Cómo puedo decidir si dejo todo atrás?
¿Qué habrá allá al final?
¿Cuánto amor me faltará?
¿Si me marcho, este pueblo dónde irá?
Puedo ir al final

¿Si no la puedo ver crecer
Lo podrá ella comprender?

Siempre estaré a tu lado
Pero puede que haya algo más
No veo a donde te llevará tu historia pero nunca dejamos de elegir quienes somos de verdad

Iré al final
Pero antes o después
A esta arena volveré
Pues yo sé bien quien soy
¡Yo soy Vaiana!
De la tierra y del mar
Y prometo que así siempre será
Sé quien soy, donde estoy y yo voy…
¡Hasta el final!

I know the constellations
I don't know about this sign because I feel that everything is going to change
A new flight into the skies
The challenge is greater
The tides are pulling my reason in

How I have to go very far from my home
I will be going, leaving my entire world behind

What will happen in the end?
A mystery to discover
The one that I never met is drawing me away from my home
If I reach the end
How much love will I miss?
If I leave, where will this village go?
I'll make it to the end

Destiny is already in full swing
It has just begun
The one who created it may soon collapse

I heard my name, the skies have spoken
If I have to leave, it's hard to say goodbye

What will there be at the end of that uncharted sea?
How can I decide if I'm going to leave everything behind?
What will there be in the end?
How much love will I miss?
If I leave, where will this village go?
I can go the end

If I can't see her grow up
will she be able to understand why?

I will always be at your side
But there might be something more
I don't know where your story will take you, but we'll never stop choosing who we really are

I'll go to the end
But sooner or later
I will return to this sand
Because I know well who I am
I am Vaiana!
Of the land and the sea
And I promise that I will always be like this
I know who I am, where I am and I'm going...
To the end!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Emilia Mernes

Conozco las constelaciones
Desconozco esta señal
Hoy siento que todo va a cambiar
Un nuevo rumbo al firmamento
El desafío es mayor
Las mareas hoy me arrastran
La razón que me hace ir tan lejos de mi hogar
He de partir
Dejar mi mundo entero atrás

¿Qué habrá al final?
Un misterio a descubrir
Lo que nunca conocí me aleja de mi hogar
Si voy al final
¿Cuánto amor me faltará?
Si me marcho ¿este pueblo dónde irá?
Llegaré al final

El destino ya está en marcha
Esto acaba de empezar
Lo que he creado se podría derrumbar

Mi nombre oí
El cielo habló
Si he de partir
Difícil es decir adiós

¿Qué habrá al final de ese mar sin explorar?
¿Cómo puedo decidir si dejo todo atrás?
¿Qué habrá allá al final?
¿Cuánto amor me faltará?
Si me marcho ¿este pueblo dónde irá?
Puedo ir al final

Si no la puedo ver crecer
¿Lo podrá ella comprender?

Iré al final
Pero antes o después
A esta arena volveré
Pues yo sé bien quien soy
Yo soy Vaiana

De la tierra y del mar
Y prometo que así siempre será
Sé quien soy, donde estoy y yo voy
¡Hasta el final!

I know the constellations
I don't know this sign
Today I feel that everything's going to change
A new direction to the sky
The challenge is best
The tides drag me today
The reason that makes me go so far from my home
I have to leave
Leave my whole world behind

What will be at the end?
A mystery to discover
which I never knew kept me away from home
If I go beyond
How much love will I leave behind?
If I go, where will this town go?
I will go beyond

Destiny is already underway
This has just begun
Which I have created could break

I heard my name
The sky spoke
If I have to leave
It's difficult to say goodbye

What will be at the end of this unexplored ocean?
How can I decide to leave everything behind?
What will be there at the end?
How much love will I leave behind?
If I go, where will this town go?
I can go beyond

If I can't see her grow,
how will she understand?

I will go beyond
But before or after
This sand will return
So I know who I am
I am Vaiana

From the land and the sea
And I promise that it always will be
I know who I am, where I am, and where I'm going
Until the end!


Singer: Wiktoria Johansson (Moana) and Irene Lindh (Gramma Tala)

Hur långt kan nya stjärnor föra
När himlen kallar mig vid namn
Och manar mig att söka fjärran hamn?
Det finns ett val jag måste göra
Men det är större än förut
Har jag mod att ta mig ännu längre ut?

Att lämna alla
Och allt jag nånsin känt
Det måste ske
För nu har våra vindar vänt

Långt härifrån
Bortom allt jag hittills sett
Och om ödet styr mig rätt
Så finns vår framtid där
Långt bort härifrån
Allt jag älskar lämnas kvar
Måste segla för att söka efter svar
Långt bort härifrån

Måste ut på djupa vatten
Livet skiftar nu och här
Allt som jag kämpat för kan falla helt isär

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Det stormar nu
Djupt i min själ
För säg mig hur
Jag skulle kunna ta farväl?

Långt härifrån
Bortom allt som känts så tryggt
Och det liv som vi har byggt
En färd mot okänt hav
Långt bort härifrån
Allt jag älskar lämnas kvar
Måste segla för att söka efter svar
Långt bort härifrån

Om jag försvinner kan hon då
Någon dag trots allt förstå?

Alltid finns jag här vid din sida
Men är du ämnad för mеr?
Jag vet inte vart ditt liv ska leda
Men vi slutar aldrig välja vilka vi är

Långt härifrån
Bortom allt jag vet och sen
Ska jag nå vår strand igen
För jag vet vem jag är
Jag är Vaiana
Färdas hav och land så fri
Och för alltid är det den jag ska förbi
Jag ska förstå, vad jag kan nå, min färd ska gå
Långt härifrån


Singer: Myra Molloy / ไมร่า มอลลอย (Moana) and Sumali Suthiratham
สุมาลี สุธีรธรรม
(Gramma Tala)


และทุก ๆ คนต้องพรากจากจร









ฉันต้องไป ฉันจะไป พบสิ่งใด

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Myra Molloy / ไมร่า มอลลอย


และทุก ๆ คนต้องพรากจากจร







ฉันต้องไป ฉันจะไป พบสิ่งใด


Singer: Ezgi Erol (Moana) and Şebnem Ünaldı (Gramma Tala)

Takım yıldızlarını tanırım,
Yenileri çağırıyor
Ve hayatım, hep aynı kalmaz
Hangi yolu seçsem, bilirim
Bu öncekinden de büyük
Rüzgâr değişti, gel-git cezbediyor

Ne olur ki, uzakta evimden?
Seyrederken tanıdıklarımdan başka

Ne yatıyor, görmediğim gök altında
Bunların arasında, e kaybolur muyum?
Öteye gitsem, bıraksam sevdiğim her şeyi
Bu halkımın geleceğini bulmaya
Gitsem mi oraya?

Harekette bir umut var
Yeni başladı daha,
Kurduğum düzenim bozulabilir mi?

Çağırıyorlar, yanıt ister
Terk edersem, nasıl ayrılırım buradan?

Ne yatıyor, bilinmez denizlerde
Kaybolabilir miyim bilinen ve bilinmeyen arasında
Sevdiklerim arkamda
Halkımın geleceğini ararken,
Gitsem öteye…

Elini tutamadıysam, büyüdükçe anlar mı?

Hep yanında ben olacağım,
Ama, layıksın fazlasına
Hikayenin nereye gittiğini göremiyorum
Ama kim olduğumuzu seçmeyi hiç bırakmayız

Uzaklara, bilmesem de ne zaman geri döneceğimi
Kimim biliyorum
Adım Moana!
Karanın ve denizin
Hiç değişmeyeceğime ant içerim

Oraya varıp,
Orada ne var?

I know the constellations,
(But) now new ones are calling me.
And my life, it won’t stay the same.
Whichever path I choose, I know
It’s bigger than before.
The wind has changed, the tides pull me in with their allure.

What could it be, far from my home?
Beyond all that I know and love

What lies out there, under skies I haven’t seen
Would I be lost in between them?
If I go beyond, leaving everything I love,
To find the future of my people,
Should I go there?

There’s hope in the journey
It’s only just begun,
But will it disrupt the life I’ve built?

They’re calling me, they want an answer
If I leave, how will I part from here?

What lies out there, on the unknown seas
Could I get lost between what’s known and what’s unknown,
With my loved ones behind,
While seeking my people’s future?
Should I go beyond…

If I can’t hold her hand, will she understand me as she grows up?

I will always be by your side,
But, you deserve more
I can’t see where your story goes
But we never stop choosing who we are

To far-off places, even if I don’t know when I’ll return,
I know who I am
My name is Moana!
Of the land and the sea,
(And) I vow that I will never change

When I arrive,
What will I find there?
I will see!

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Ülkü Hilal Çiftçi

Takım yıldızlarını tanırım,
Yenileri çağırıyor
Ve hayatım, hep aynı kalmaz
Hangi yolu seçsem, Bilirim
Bu öncekinden de büyük
Rüzgâr değişti, gel-git cezbediyor

Ne ola ki, uzakta evimden?
Seyrederken tanıdıklarımdan başka

Ne yatıyor, bilmediğim gök altında
Onların arasında, e kaybolur muyum?
Öteye gitsem, bıraksam sevdiğim her şeyi
Bu halkımın geleceğini bulmaya
Gitsem mi oraya?

Harekette bir umut var
Yeni başladı daha,
Kurduğum düzenim bozulabilir mi?

Çağırıyorlar, yanıt ister
Terk edersem, nasıl ayrılırım buradan?

Ne yatıyor, bilinmez denizlerde
Kaybolabilir miyim bilinen ve bilinmeyen arasında
Sevdiklerim arkamda
Halkımın geleceğini ararken,
Gitsem öteye…

Elini tutamadıysam, büyüdükçe anlar mı?

Uzaklara, bilmesem de ne zaman geri döneceğimi
Kimim biliyorum
Adım Moana!
Karanın ve denizin
Hiç değişmeyeceğime ant içerim

Oraya varıp,
Orada ne var?

I know the constellations,
(But) now new ones are calling me.
And my life, it won’t stay the same.
Whichever path I choose, I know
It’s bigger than before.
The wind has changed, the tides pull me in with their allure.

What could be out there, far from home?
Beyond all that I know and love

What lies out there, under skies I don’t know
Would I be lost in between them?
If I go beyond, leaving everything I love,
To find the future of my people,
Should I go there?

There’s hope in the journey
It’s only just begun,
But will it disrupt the life I’ve built?

They’re calling, they want an answer
If I leave, how will I part from here?

What lies out there, in the unknown seas
Could I get lost between what’s known and what’s unknown,
With my loved ones behind,
While seeking my people’s future?
Should I go beyond…

If I can’t hold her hand, will she understand me as she grows up?

To far-off places, even if I don’t know when I’ll return,
I know who I am
My name is Moana!
Of the land and the sea,
(And) I vow that I will never change

When I arrive,
What will I find there?
I will return!


Singer: Marharyta Meleshko / Маргарита Мелешко (Moana) and Iryna Doroshenko / Ірина Дорошенко (Gramma Tala)

Ці зорі знаю з пелюшок я
Нині інші ваблять знов і щось гнітить,
Щось тривожить кров

Тож невідоме обираю
Та все складніше, ніж було
Вир несе, мене захоплює циклон

Що в тій пітьмі?
Воно перемогло відрізавши від тих хто дарував тепло

За небокрай
До незнаних вод і зір
Маю йти наперекір всьому у ту пітьму
Аж за небокрай
Цій землі скажу "прощай"
Бо майбутнє варте жертви тож нехай
Де той небокрай?

Жереб кинуто рішуче
Я долаю цей поріг
Чи повернусь у дім, що став мов оберіг?
Я відгукнусь на поклик ваш
Про те боюсь
А що як вороття - міраж?

За небокрай
У безмежний океан
Я піду наперекір
Бо вірю в свій талант
Тож за небокрай
Цій землі скажу "прощай"
Бо майбутнє варте жертви тож нехай
Де той небокрай?

Якщо без мене ти зростеш
Чи цей зов почуєш теж?

Я завжди поруч з тобою
Втім повір, це все пролог

За небокрай
Рідний острів мій маяк
Я вернусь не знаю як
У цей чудесний дім

Бо я Ваяна!

Духи моря і землі
Я прошу вас завжди будьте ким були
Далі звуть
Тож у путь
Адже суть
Мій небокрай!

Tsi zori znayu z pelyushok ya
Nyni inshi vablyatʹ znov i shchosʹ hnitytʹ,
Shchosʹ tryvozhytʹ krov

Tozh nevidome obyrayu
Ta vse skladnishe, nizh bulo
Vyr nese, mene zakhoplyuye tsyklon

Shcho v tiy pitʹmi?
Vono peremohlo vidrizavshy vid tykh khto daruvav teplo

Za nebokray
Do neznanykh vod i zir
Mayu yty naperekir vsʹomu u tu pitʹmu
Azh za nebokray
Tsiy zemli skazhu "proshchay"
Bo maybutnye varte zhertvy tozh nekhay
De toy nebokray?

Zhereb kynuto rishuche
YA dolayu tsey porih
Chy povernusʹ u dim, shcho stav mov oberih?
YA vidhuknusʹ na poklyk vash
Pro te boyusʹ
A shcho yak vorottya - mirazh?

Za nebokray
U bezmezhnyy okean
YA pidu naperekir
Bo viryu v sviy talant
Tozh za nebokray
Tsiy zemli skazhu "proshchay"
Bo maybutnye varte zhertvy tozh nekhay
De toy nebokray?

Yakshcho bez mene ty zrostesh
Chy tsey zov pochuyesh tezh?

YA zavzhdy poruch z toboyu
Vtim povir, tse vse proloh

Za nebokray
Ridnyy ostriv miy mayak
YA vernusʹ ne znayu yak
U tsey chudesnyy dim

Bo ya Vayana!

Dukhy morya i zemli
YA proshu vas zavzhdy budʹte kym buly
Dali zvutʹ
Tozh u putʹ
Adzhe sutʹ
Miy nebokray!

These stars I've known since I was small
Now others beckon again, and something oppresses me
Something unsettles my blood

So I choose the unknown
But it's harder than before
The whirlpool pulls, a cyclone captures me

What lies in that darkness?
It has won by cutting me off from those who gave me warmth

Beyond the horizon
To unknown waters and stars
I must go against everything into that darkness
Even beyond the horizon
I will say "goodbye" to this land
For the future's worth the sacrifice, so let it be
Where is that horizon?

The die is cast decisively
I cross this threshold
Will I return to the home that has become like an amulet?
I’ll answer your call
But I'm afraid
What if the return is a mirage?

Beyond the horizon
Into the endless ocean
I will go against everything
For I believe in my talent
So, beyond the horizon
I will say "goodbye" to this land
For the future's worth the sacrifice, so let it be
Where is that horizon?

If you grow without me
Will you hear this call as well?

I'm always by your side
but believe me, this is all the prologue

Beyond the horizon
My homeland is my beacon
I will return, I don’t know how
To this wondrous home

For I am Moana!

Spirits of the sea and land
I ask you, always be who you are
Expanses call
So, let's hit the road
For the essence is
My horizon!


Singer: Yoon Nguyên (Moana) and Thuỳ Lan (Gramma Tala)

Chòm sao trên cao ngày nào dẫn lối tôi
Liệu có sai vùng trời tối đen?
Và làm sao tôi ở lại nơi chốn thân quen
Giờ đây tôi đã lỡ nghe thấy tiếng gọi
Nơi từng cơn sóng xô ngoài xa khơi
Cơn gió đưa tôi về đến nơi chưa ai từng tới
Tạm biệt nơi đây
Để lại biết bao buồn vui
Tạm biệt hết nhé những tháng năm sẻ chia với người thân

Một bờ bến mới
Nổi trôi giữa thênh thang bầu trời
Liệu tôi có cô đơn chơi vơi, buông lơi bao điều tôi thương
Ở nơi chân trời mới
Là bao giấc mơ cho tương lai
Người dân phía sau chung một khát khao
Mong ngày mới
Nơi biển khơi chờ ta.

Tôi thấy số phận mình đang xoay vần
Chỉ lối soi đường từng bước chân
Liệu bao giấc mơ tôi từng đắp xây sẽ luôn bền vững
Người gửi trao tôi một niềm tin mới
Liệu người có thấu, có biết bao lời chưa nói với ai

Một bờ bến mới
Trên cơn sóng mênh mông một thời
Liệu tôi có cô đơn chơi vơi
Mông lung vì điều sắp tới
Vì ở chân trời đó
Là bao giấc mơ cho tương lai
Người dân phía sau chung một khát khao
Chẳng phôi phai
Lướt trên những ngọn gió.

Liệu ngày nào đó ta phải buông tay
Sao sống tốt cho trọn hôm nay

Bao nhiêu năm ta luôn cạnh bên con
Nhưng ta thấy giờ con đã lớn
Bà hổng biết câu chuyện của con sẽ dẫn tới đâu
Nhưng chúng ta không bao giờ ngưng lựa chọn mình sẽ là ai.

Một bờ bến mới
Chờ tôi nhé bao nhiêu chông gai
Chẳng biết đến khi nào về lại
Nhưng không ngần ngại bước tới
Vì tôi Moana
Là đại dương là đất là cây
Và xin hứa tôi luôn là chính tôi không đổi thay
Vươn thật cao
Như vì sao
Tôi chạy lao về điều xa hơn.

End Credits Version[]

Singer: Yoon Nguyên

Chòm sao trên cao ngày nào dẫn lối tôi
Liệu có sai vùng trời tối đen?
Và làm sao tôi ở lại nơi chốn thân quen
Giờ đây tôi đã lỡ nghe thấy tiếng gọi
Nơi từng cơn sóng xô ngoài xa khơi
Cơn gió đưa tôi về đến nơi chưa ai từng tới
Tạm biệt nơi đây
Để lại biết bao buồn vui
Tạm biệt hết nhé những tháng năm sẻ chia với người thân

Một bờ bến mới
Nổi trôi giữa thênh thang bầu trời
Liệu tôi có cô đơn chơi vơi, buông lơi bao điều tôi thương
Ở nơi chân trời mới
Là bao giấc mơ cho tương lai
Người dân phía sau chung một khát khao
Mong ngày mới
Nơi biển khơi chờ ta.

Tôi thấy số phận mình đang xoay vần
Chỉ lối soi đường từng bước chân
Liệu bao giấc mơ tôi từng đắp xây sẽ luôn bền vững
Người gửi trao tôi một niềm tin mới
Liệu người có thấu, có biết bao lời chưa nói với ai

Một bờ bến mới
Trên cơn sóng mênh mông một thời
Liệu tôi có cô đơn chơi vơi
Mông lung vì điều sắp tới
Vì ở chân trời đó
Là bao giấc mơ cho tương lai
Người dân phía sau chung một khát khao
Chẳng phôi phai
Lướt trên những ngọn gió.

Liệu ngày nào đó ta phải buông tay
Sao sống tốt cho trọn hôm nay

Một bờ bến mới
Chờ tôi nhé bao nhiêu chông gai
Chẳng biết đến khi nào về lại
Nhưng không ngần ngại bước tới
Vì tôi Moana
Là đại dương là đất là cây
Và xin hứa tôi luôn là chính tôi không đổi thay
Vươn thật cao
Như vì sao
Tôi chạy lao về điều xa hơn.

Missing versions[]

There are a few versions of this song that have not been released yet.

  • Arabic (Standard)
  • Hawaiian
  • Samoan
  • Tahitian


  • A Filipino and Indonesian version of Beyond (End Credits Version) was made for promotion, these versions also replaced the orginal English audio in Indonesian and Filipino theaters.
  • Cerise Calixte's were re-used in the film's Canadian French dub, except that all mentions of "Vaiana" were re-dubbed to "Moana".
  • Both Spanish dub used the same lyrics due to both studios wanting Emilia Mernes to sing the end credits version of Beyond.
  • German, Hungarian, Japanese, Korean, Māori, Polish, Slovak, Spanish and Turkish are the only dubs that had other singers sing the end credits version of Beyond.