Pages that I will do in the future
Here is the list.
- Grojband
- The Wiggles series
- Dance Academy
- The Next Step
More coming soon!
Something cursed from Netflix Portugal
So for some reason Netflix has a different title than the CN one, even though It seems like it's the CN dub.
Side note - Articles I will make in the future
- Mondo TV
- About most Mondo TV shows
- About dubs of Gormiti (Marathon)
- About La Famiglia Spaghetti
I am so sorry...
I am so sorry everyone. I have quit to make the accounts everyone, since I failed my temporary hiatus. I am no longer making accounts anymore, but I am still playing Dragon Mania Legends everyone. My goal on DML is to reach Level 100, but I am no longer making accounts since my parents does not allow me to make accounts anymore. Thank you internet, and thank you accounts. So now I will have to say goodbye.
-The Glowing Flowers
UPDATE: I have second thoughts, so I will remain active, only on IEP Wiki, IEP Fanon Wiki, English Wikipedia and Romanian Wikipedia.
-The Glowing Flowers
Temporary Hiatus
Hello, I am announcing a temporary hiatus from I.E.P. Wiki.
I got globally blocked on Miraheze for no reason, and I am taking a temporary hiatus until July. However, I will still play Dragon Mania Legends and their content. I will also take an hiatus from Animated Shows, since I have TV Time downloaded and installed. Since my page that I created, Romania, is still on WIP. Someone needs to finish the page when I am on my temporary hiatus. I will not editing the pages until July. Also I need to do the exams whenever it is available. Thank you.
-The Glowing Flowers
Wanted Pages from The Glowing Flowers!
Since I am almost to 100 edits, here are my wanted pages that needs to be in the wiki. If the page is made, it will be removed from the list.
- Jarmies
The movies or series that was never dubbed or shown in Romania.
Hello, this is the Japanese Toilet. 🚽
This is my question: Can someone please tell me which shows and movies were never dubbed or shown in Romania please?
Here is the list for the shows and the movies that were never dubbed or shown in Romania! This is the example of how the list will look like!
- Show or movie title
Uh.. Hi?
Hi! I'm so glad that I'm joining the I.E.P Wiki! Hope you have a nice Sunday!
When I first visited this website, it looked SO awesome that I wanted to join!
Bang Bang and Cufo screenshots
Screenshots were taken at 6:32 pm CET today:
You can reply if you want me to make more screenshots.
Series of pages for possible dubs
I'm gonna be making my own pages on here for dubs that are possible coming, so in the event they do come, well I have the source for them premade.
Chuggington: Other Languages
I have made a Chuggington: Other Languages spreadsheets. Those spreadsheets will help me keep track of the language dubs I've found. Feel free to send me any language dubs that are not just on YouTube, but probably from other sources!
Identifiying these shows
Can somebody help identify these shows whose Arabic intros I found on ArabicOpeningToon's YouTube channel?
The first one appears to be about a giant king or something.
This Big Comfy Couch-esque show.
This show about bees and learning. The only character name I could make out was "BB".
Max's international voices
- English: Louis CK
- Arabic: Unknown
- Chinese: Unknown
- Dutch (Belgium): Sven De Leijer
- Dutch (Netherlands): Fedja van Huej
کتاب خوب
Hello dear friends
This blog introduces good and great books. To buy this book, visit our site
Broadcast areas for ALVINNN!!! ad the chipmunks
- Middle east (except for Iran, Israel, and Turkey)
- Northern Africa
- Brazil
- Portugal
Castilian Spanish
- Latin America
- The Caribbean
- Spain
- Denmark
- Netherlands
- Belguim (Flanders)
- France
- Belgium (Wallonia)
- Switzerland
- Canada
- French speaking Africa
- Germany
- Austria
- Switzerland
- Liechtenstein
- Greece
- Cyprus
- Israel
- Iceland
- Italy
- San Marino
- Switzerland
- Vatican city
- South Korea
- Jeju
- Russia
- Georgia (country)
- China
- Taiwan
- Hong Kong
- Macau
- Malaysia
Xilam Score Card Base
I found the Xilam Score Card Base that's for you, use GIMP or Paint.
If you have this image, post a comment to see!
What's The Big Idea? - Theme Song (Horror Version)
I ruined my favorite show because I'll able to watch only Teletubbies but banned!
Hugo is blue, and his eyes are white...
The girl worker's hair are white.
What's The Big Idea Page
English: What's The Big Idea? (CBeebies, JimJam, TVOKids)
French: C'est quoi l'idée ? (TFO, Zouzous)
Spanish: La Gran Pregunta
Portuguese: A Grande Descoberta
Italian: E tu che ne pensi? (JimJam)
Finnish: Mitä ihmettä?
Swedish: Vad är..? (SVT)
Chinese (Traditional): 小朋友大問題 (PTS, GOOD TV)
Korean: 꼬마 철학자 휴고 (EBS)
Norwegian: Men hvorfor det?
Polish: Hugo, co to znaczy?
Croatian: U cemu li je for a
Czech: To je ale nápad!
Thai: กระตุกต่อมคิดกับเจ้าหนูช่างสงสัย (GMM25)
Arabic: واتس ذا بيغ آيديا؟
What is the What's The Big Idea title in Japanese that’s Japanese phonetics missing?
Hello, I can’t find my favorite show what’s the big idea dubbed in Japanese, anyone who can help me to find this show dubbed in Japanese?
American Dad page
Gonna make it tomorrow. Planning:
Bulgarian: Американски татко
Czech: Americký táta
Dutch: American Dad!
English: American Dad!
French: American Dad!
German: American Dad!
Hebrew: אבא אמריקאי
Hungarian: Amerikai fater
Italian: American Dad!
Latvian: Amerikietiškas tėvelis
Polish: Amerykański tata
Portuguese (Brazil): American Dad!
Spanish (Mexico): Un Agente de Familia
Spanish (Spain): Padre Made in USA
Ukrainian: Американський тато!
sailor moon dubs
Sailor Moon is Japanese anime created by:Naoko Takeuchu,Toei Animetions and Viz Media.Here is list who dubbed Sailor Moon:
Sailor Moon is Japanes anime created by Naoko Takeuchi,Toei Animetions,and Viz Media.Here is list of dubs who dubbed
Albanian Bang Bang Luftëtarja e Hënës
Azerbaijani Gunes Tv Seylor Mun voice-over
Bulgarian 2seasons Super7 Unknow voice-over
Catalan K3 Sailor Moon
Croation NovaTv Mjesečeva ratnica
Danish DR1 Sailor Moon
Dutch TV4,Cartoon Network Sailor Moon
English …
Persian Little Einsteins!?!
This is alink i found while I was looking for dubs! -
UPDATE on German Arthur DVDs
So yeah its been 2 Weeks :/ Amazon is Pure S***
So i bought DVDs and VHSs from EBay ! and they are arriving tommorow because Today is a Holiday in Germany and the Mail doesnt come
I Bought these VHS and DVDs :
I cant believe it ! , I finally found a guy who can sell me German Arthur DVDS ! :) :) I watched the Dub as a Kid but i didnt had a vhs recorder back then so i finally found it ! , I upload Episodes to Vimeo soon ! .
Albanian Mew Mew Dub ?!
Hi ! , Its Mew :3 uhh... i mean me again !
So it was in febuary 2016 when i discovered there was an Albanian Mew Mew Dub Clips on YouTube
His Channel :
(VajzatYugiSailorMjau´s Channel is gone for whatever reason)
These clips he/her uploaded seemed pretty fake to o me 1.He Uploaded Only Clips Where there was nobody speaking | 2.The Logo Seems Pretty Pasted.
But a Month Later i discovered a post by the Tring TV Albania :
Too bad the Link is down now
But on the Albanian Wikipedia of the Channel Bang Bang
Its Labbled as " Fuqia Mjau Mjau "
@_@ So is there now an Albanian Dub ? , Im Confused....
CS4 Editing the Druzina Mjau Mjau Logo !
The Album za sličice Text is still there lets fix this !
Voila !
The Družina Mjau-Mjau Logo in all its glory :) !
SpongeBob SquarePants - Arabic (credits)
These are credits from the Arabic dub of SpongeBob. If you can type the credits in either Arabic, English, or both (doing either is recommended), then that would be appreciated.
Recommended Wiki's
- 1 Dubbing Info
- 1.1 English
- 1.2 Arabic
- 1.3 Croatian
- 1.4 Hebrew
- 1.5 Hindi
- 1.6 Polish
- 1.7 Spanish (Latin America)
- 1.8 Spanish (Spain)
- 1.9 Swedish
- 2 Blogs
- 2.1 English
- 3 Schedules and Satellites
- 3.1 English
- 3.2 Russian
- 3.3 Spanish (Spain)
- 4 Wikis
- 5 Miscellaneous
- 5.1 English
- Anime News Network
- Behind The Voice Actors
- Cartoons Serbia
- Charguigou
- Crtaći -- Srpski i Hrvatski Wiki
- Disney International Dubbing
- Hindi Dubbing Wiki
- Sailor Moon Dub Wiki
- Voice Acting Wiki
- ويكي الدبلجة المصرية
- Dubs Wiki
- אישים
- Hindi Dubbing Wiki
- Dubbingpedia
- Doblaje Wiki
- El Doblaje
- Dubbningshemsidan
- DubYardigans
- FrocuSat
- KingOfSat
- LyngSat
- FrocuSat
- Movistar+
- Logopedia Wiki