"CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA" is the first opening theme of ドラゴンボールZ, it is used from episode 1 up to 199. Additionally, this song was also used as the opening theme in most of the movies of the same series.
- Singer: Hironobu Kageyama / 影山ヒロノブ
光る 雲を突き抜けフライアウェイ(フライアウェイ) 体中に 広がるパノラマ 顔を 蹴られた地球が怒って(怒って) 火山を爆発させる 溶けた北極の中に 恐竜が居たら 玉乗り仕込みたいね チャラ ヘッチャラ(CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA) 何が起きても 気分はへのへの河童 チャラ ヘッチャラ 胸がパチパチするほど 騒ぐ元気玉…スパーキング! 空を 急降下ジェットコースター(コースター) 落ちて行くよ パニックの楽園へ 景色 逆さになると愉快さ(愉快さ) 山さえ お尻に見える 悩む時間はないよ 何処かに潜む「吃驚!」に逢いたいから チャラ ヘッチャラ 頭空っぽの方が 夢詰め込める チャラ ヘッチャラ 笑顔ウルトラZで 今日もアイヤイヤイヤイヤイ チャラ ヘッチャラ 何が起きても 気分はへのへのカッパ チャラ ヘッチャラ 胸がパチパチするほど 騒ぐ元気玉⋯⋯スパーキング!
Hikaru Kumo wo Tsukinuke FURAI AWEI (FURAI AWEI) Karadajuu ni Hirogaru PANORAMA Kao wo Kerareta Chikyuu ga Okotte (Okotte) Kazan wo Bakuhatsu Saseru Toketa Koori no Naka ni Kyouryuu ga Itara Tamanori Shikomitai ne CHARA HETCHARA Nani ga Okite mo Kibun wa Henoheno Kappa CHARA HETCHARA Mune ga PACHIPACHI suru hodo Sawagu Genki-dama...SUPĀKINGU! Sora wo Kyuukouka JETTOKŌSUTĀ (KŌSUTĀ) Ochite Yuku yo PANIKKU no Sono he Keshiki Sakasa ni naru to Yukai sa (Yukai sa) Yama sae Oshiri ni Mieru Nayamu Jikan wa nai yo Dokoka ni Hisomu "Bikkuri!" ni Aitai kara CHARA HETCHARA Atama Karappo no Hou ga Yume Tsumekomeru CHARA HETCHARA Egao URUTORA ZETTO de Kyou mo AIYAIYAIYAIYAI CHARA HETCHARA Nani ga Okite mo Kibun wa Henoheno KAPPA CHARA HETCHARA Mune ga PACHIPACHI suru hodo Sawagu Genki-dama...SUPAAKINGU!
Breaking through the shining clouds, I fly away (fly away) The panorama spreads throughout my body. Kicked in the face, the Earth gets angry (angry), Making a volcano explode. If, within the melting polar icecaps, If there's a dinosaur, I want to train it to balance on a ball. CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No matter what happens, I won't be bothered one bit CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA As long as my heart beats loud, The Energy Sphere roars CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA I'd rather empty my head, so I could stuff it with dreams. CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA With a smile that's Ultra-Z, Even today goes Aye-yi-yi-yi-yi... Sparking!
- Singer: Xeberri
Banoa hemendik zeru goian zehar, goian zehar larala, hamabi margo biziz jantzita Sumendi garretan biribilka, biribilka banoa lur galdutik betirako Jo eta den hau apurtuta ihesi Inor bada hobeto muturrak hautsi eta zapaltzeko Neu Nagusi Jo Ta Hautsi Ez dit inork egingo barrerik, nire lepotik Neu Nagusi Jo Ta Hautsi Igerian ez dago arrainik, irabaztekorik niri Neu Nagusi Jo Ta Hautsi Ez da sortu munduan munstrorik, ni jatekorik Neu Nagusi Jo Ta Hautsi Beti dut irria ezpainetan, irabazten dudanetan
I will go from here through the sky above, above larala, dressed in twelve vivid colors Round and round in the flaming volcanoes I'm gone from the lost land forever This hit and run is broken If anyone is better to break ends and crush Hit Me Mainly No one will laugh at me, because of my neck Hit Me Mainly There's no fish swimming, nothing to beat me Hit Me Mainly No monster has been created in the world to eat me Hit Me Mainly I always have envy on my lips, when I win
(Shortened version)
(Extended version)
- Singer: Luk Ka Chun / 陸家俊
以熱誠堆積這個地方 不需要停手 (不需要停手) 從未害怕後退 不想編織一串藉口 你若然能一起與我並肩 多一個朋友 (多一個朋友) 前路自會覓到璀璨到日後 天是否想我暫時去靜候 來救地球 救地球 才有自由 有自由 永不休 那天到千秋 願世界上沒有一分鐘戰鬥 彼此不會再擔憂 那天到永久 願世界上沒有卑污的佔有 然後在那裏也會有自由 有敵人攻擊這個地方 請給予援手 (請給予援手) 無論流汗滴血 子彈終於給我沒收 我但求尋找到愛與幸福 不需要逃走 (不需要逃走) 明日是個萬眾歡笑宇宙 天是否想我暫時去靜候 來救地球 救地球 才有自由 有自由 永不休 那天到千秋 願世界上沒有一分鐘戰鬥 彼此不會再擔憂 那天到永久 願世界上沒有卑污的佔有 然後是到處有自由 那天到千秋 願世界上沒有一分鐘戰鬥 彼此不會再擔憂 那天到永久 願世界上沒有卑污的佔有 然後在那裏也會有自由
- Singers: Andrew Cheung Shung Kei / 張崇基, Peter Cheung Shung Tak / 張崇德
薩雅人 生於這個地方 稱呼叫悟空 (稱呼叫悟空) 無論力氣 步法 身手彷彿一片疾風 有條龍 叱吒半個夜空 可幫你成功 (可幫你成功) 能令萬世達到心意去造夢 天 是否知道壞人要利用 來到地球 爆地球 唯有神龍 有神龍 轉吉凶 細蚊 伯爺公 為了正義力保七粒珠更勇 七粒一起會溝通 有奸 也有忠 若要勝利定必身心都會痛 仍然望世界到處會大同 薩雅人 生於這個地方 稱呼叫悟空 (稱呼叫悟空) 無論力氣 步法 身手彷彿一片疾風 有條龍 叱吒半個夜空 可幫你成功 (可幫你成功) 能令萬世達到心意去造夢 天 是否知道壞人要利用 來到地球 爆地球 唯有神龍 有神龍 轉吉凶 細蚊 伯爺公 為了正義力保七粒珠更勇 七粒一起會溝通 有奸 也有忠 若要勝利定必身心都會痛 然後在世界會大同 細蚊 伯爺公 為了正義力保七粒珠更勇 七粒一起會溝通 有奸 也有忠 若要勝利定必身心都會痛 仍然望世界到處會大同
- Singer: Manel Català
Volant, volant, sempre amunt, sempre amunt. En anar, tu amb mi: tots dos junts lluitarem. Volant, volant, sempre amunt, sempre amunt. Na-na-na. Mai un amic sol no deixarem. Junts, podrem fer esclatar un iceberg. Unim les nostres mans, fem front al mal que ens persegueix. Llum, foc, destrucció! El món pot ser només una runa: això no ho consentirem. Llum, foc, destrucció! Els enemics de sempre hem de vèncer, lluitant fins a la fi. Llum, foc, destrucció! La pau a tot l'univers ha de néixer. Hem de fer un món molt més just. Llum, foc, destrucció! La força de la veritat mai no morirà. No morirà mai, mai, mai, mai, mai, mai, mai...
Flying, flying, always up, always up. While you go with me: we'll both fight. Flying, flying, always up, always up. Na-na-na. We won't ever let a friend alone. Together, we can blow up an iceberg. Let's join our hands, let's face the evil that's pursuing us. Light, fire, destruction! Our world can be only a rune: we won't allow that. Light, fire, destruction! We must always vanquish our enemies, fighting until the end. Light, fire, destruction! Peace in all universe must be born. We must make a world that's a lot more just. Light, fire, destruction! The power of truth won't ever die. Won't ever die, die, die, die, die, die, die...
- Singer: ?
Sada mi letimo visoko i daleko Spremni svojim putem krenuti Slobodni zauvijek Sve se trese još borba nije gotova Sada smo jači od zla, Jači smo no ikada Vidiš li kako gori vatra i puca led Imaš moć spasiti svijet Na putu smo do pobjede Ša la, hej ša la U tebi gori vatra koja nosi mir Ne odustaj nikada Ša la, hej ša la Otvori svoje srce neka sija, još Samo korak do cilja Ša la, hej ša la Osjeti snagu ona je tvoja moć Vodi te u dragonballza Ša la, hej ša la Samo ako vjeruješ ti možeš sve Do pobjede!
English (Japan)[]
(Initially only released on CDs, Used in StarTimes Kids)
- Singer: Hironobu Kageyama / 影山ヒロノブ
Breaking through the shining cloud I'm gonna fly away (Fly away) Spreading through my body Feel the power through my soul Kicked in the face, this earth is mad as a fire brigade (Fire brigade) Can't you feel it building up for her to blow? If there ever was a dinosaur in a mound of icicles I would wanna train it to ride a ball CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No matter if ever anything could happen, nothing can stop me now CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Oh, my heart just keep sparking up like a ball of flame Oh, yes, it make me fired up CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No matter if ever anything could happen, nothing can stop me now CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Oh, my heart just keep sparking up like a ball of flame Oh, yes, it make me fired up Sparking!
English (Philippines)[]
TV Version
- Singers/Band: Age of Wonder
- Singer: Gino Padilla
Come slide down rainbows in the sky Let's fly away (Fly away) Like a bird, you're free to see the boundless face of the Earth Let the wind blow you like a kite and glide away (Glide away) Far beyond the clouds, you'll find another place If the road ahead you seems so cold and gray, when night never turns to day, don't you be afraid Go fly away CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No time to hesitate Go on and search the Earth Within it lies a magic surprise CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Be cool, don't be afraid You got the power to get you through the darkest night CHA-LA Zooming round and round the endless sky like a coaster (Coaster) Hold on tight, or you may find yourself trapped in a maze When that happens, you may think you won't ever find your way (Find your way), as the paths that you may take all seem the same If the road ahead you seems so cold and gray, when night never turns to day, don't you be afraid Go fly away CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No time to hesitate Go on and search the Earth Within it lies a magic surprise CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Be cool, don't be afraid You got the power to get you through the night CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No time to hesitate Go on and search the Earth Within it lies a magic surprise CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Be cool, don't be afraid You got the power to get you through the darkest night CHA-LA
- Singer: Arturo Sabugueiro
Atravesei unha nube brillante (atravesei) E o meu corpo tinguiuse de moitas cores distintas Aproveitei a explosión do volcán (do volcán) E o planeta perdeu a súa vida dun golpe Se é que un dinosauro atopo no meu camiño, Estou disposto a todo, a todos esmagarei, a todos Nada, nada! Estou disposto a todo A calquera cousa que veña Nada, nada! O río cruzarei moi veloz E aos peixes asustarei Nada, nada! Estou disposto a todo A meterme na boca do lobo (aínda que me devore) Nada, nada! Hoxe tamén manterei a miña cara sorrinte A pesar de todo. A pesar de todo. A pesar de todo.
I crossed a bright cloud (crossed) And my body was dyed many different colors I took advantage of the eruption of the volcano (of the volcano) And the planet lost its life in one fell stroke If a dinosaur comes my way, I'm ready for anything, I'll crush everyone, everyone Nothing, nothing! I am ready for everything To whatever comes Nothing, nothing! I will cross the river very fast And I will frighten the fishes Nothing, nothing! I am ready for everything To put me in the mouth of the wolf (even if it devours me) Nothing, nothing! Today I will also keep my smiling face In spite of everything. In spite of everything. In spite of everything.
- Singer: Fred Röttcher
Wir fliegen immer höher, hier sind wir frei (sind wir frei) Wir sind bereit unsren Weg zu gehen hier oben kann uns nichts geschehen Die Erde bebt, denn unser Kampf ist noch nicht vorbei (nicht vorbei) Doch unser Wunsch wird irgendwann in Erfüllung gehen Siehst du, wie das Eis zerbricht kannst du das Feuer sehn? Wir müssen den Kampf bestehen Unsre Welt wird sonst irgendwann untergehen CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Gib niemals auf, ich weiß, das Feuer brennt in dir Bald hast du dein Ziel erreicht CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Öffne dein Herz, du hast die Macht, alles zu tun Ich weiß, du kannst es schaffen CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Spürst du die Kraft, die tief in deiner Seele wohnt? Sie führt dich zu den Dragon Balls CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Dein Traum wird irgendwann wahr, doch der Weg Ist noch so wei-ei-ei-ei-eit
We fly higher and higher, here we are free (we are free) We are ready to go our way nothing can happen to us up here The earth is shaking, because our fight is not over (not over) But our wish will eventually come true Do you se how the ice breaks, can you see the fire? We have to fight the battle Otherwise our world will eventually come to an end CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Never give up, I know the fire is burning inside you Soon you will have reached your goal CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Open your heart, you have the power to do anything I know you can do it CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Do you feel the power that lives deep in your soul? It leads you to the Dragon Balls CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Your dream will eventually come true, but the path Is still so far away-ay-ay-ay-ay
- Singer: Ami Mandelman / עמי מנדלמן
עפים אנחנו דרך ענני האור למרום לעוף מתפשט בכל הגוף כדור הארץ הכועס מזעיף את פניו עוד מעט יתפרץ כאן הר הגעש אם בתוך הקרח הנמס דינוזאור מסתתר אצעד גם על גבו עם כדור הדרגון בול הזוהר צ'לה היי צ'לה בכל מקרה אני מרגיש כזאת עוצמה צ'לה היי צ'לה מרגיש כל כך חזק אני אציל את העולם צ'לה היי צ'לה הראש מלא הרבה הרבה חלומות צ'לה היי צ'לה לחייך בלי לפחד.. גם היום איי אייי איי איי
We fly through the clouds of light To rise to flight spreads throughout the body Angry Earth scowls Soon the volcano will erupt here If inside the melting ice a dinosaur is hiding I'll also walk on his back With the glowing Dragon Ball SHA-LA HEY SHA-LA In any case, I feel such power SHA-LA HEY SHA-LA Feel so strong I will save the world SHA-LA HEY SHA-LA The head is full of many, many dreams SHA-LA HEY SHA-LA smile without fear.. also today ay ay ay ay
Indonesian (album releases)[]
These are the 2 Indonesian versions of CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA that have been released on audio cassettes in 1995 (Upper - TV-Size ver. by Boulevard, Lower - extended ver. by Virgo Ramayana). Neither versions were used by Indosiar.
- Boulevard ver.
Terbanglah melayang tinggi, Jagoanku! (Jagoanku!) Son Goku pendekar tujuh mustika naga Tegap dan perkasa, Jagoanku! (Jagoanku!) Menembus awan dan langit yang biru Oh, dia hebat juga dia sakti Tenaga supernya, juga pukulan bola matahari SHA-LA HEY SHA-LA Jadi kuning rambutnya berubah, HEY LO HEY LO hebat SHA-LA HEY SHA-LA Jadi dahsyat tenaga pukulanya juga jurus kungfu-nya SHA-LA HEY SHA-LA Gentar semua musuh dibuatnya, takut mereka takut SHA-LA HEY SHA-LA Tanpa ampun musuh digempurnya Dragon Ball aiyaiyaiyaiya
Fly up high, My Hero! (My Hero!) Son Goku, the warrior of seven dragon gems (He's) strong and mighty, My hero! (My Hero!) (His level is) beyond the blue clouds and skies Oh, he is superb and powerful (With his) super strength, and the solar fist CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA Into yellow his hair has turned, HEY LO HEY LO amazing CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA His punching strength becomes more terrific And his kungfu techniques, too CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA He made the enemies tremble, scared they are scared CHA-LA HEAD CHA-LA He mercilessly battled his enemies Dragon Ball aiyaiyaiyaiya
- Virgo Ramayana ver.
Dragon Ball, jagoan paling hebat Membasmi musuh datang dengan pukulan Goku dan Vegita, itu namanya Membuat takut musuh karena janjinya Dan biar cinta kedamaian, namun si jahat datang Terpaksalah melawan Pukulan matahari Juga jurus-jurus maut, musuh pun ketakutan Tendangan dewa-dewa Energinya dari langit Hoooooo~ Piccolo juga Gohan Duet sahabat setia, turut maju membantu Musuh pun langsung lari Karena Dragon Ball jagoan Hoooooo~ Dragon Ball!
Dragon Ball, the greatest hero(es) They take off enemies with (their) punches Goku and Vegeta, those are their names (They) made enemies scared with their promise And even though (they) love peace, but (when) the evil ones come (They) must fight (them) Solar fist(s) And finishing techniques, the enemies are scared Divine kick(s) The energy (comes) from the sky Hoooooo~ Piccolo and Gohan Duet of loyal friends, come forward to help The enemies run right away Because of the Dragon Ball hero(es) Hoooooo~ Dragon Ball!
Korean (Daewon)[]
- Singer: Park Jeong-min / 박정민
반짝이는 구름을 헤치고 날아라 (날아라) 몸 속에 활짝 펴지는 환상의 파노라마 얼굴을 채이고 지구가 화가 나서 (화가 나서) 화산을 폭발시켜 버렸네 녹아내린 차디찬 얼음 속에 공룡이 있다면 젖은 김을 담그고 싶어라 신나 신나게 무슨 일이 일어나도 기분은 신나서 라랄라 신나 신나게 가슴이 두근두근거릴 만큼 굉장한 활력의 구슬 신나 신나게 어린이들의 착한 마음은 꿈을 꾸기에 좋지 신나 신나게 웃음 띤 울트라 제트로 오늘도 야 야 야 야 야 출발!
banjjag-ineun guleum-eul hechigo nal-ala (nal-ala) mom sog-e hwaljjag pyeojineun hwansang-ui panolama eolgul-eul chaeigo jiguga hwaga naseo (hwaga naseo) hwasan-eul pogbalsikyeo beolyeossne nog-anaelin chadichan eol-eum sog-e gonglyong-i issdamyeon jeoj-eun gim-eul damgeugo sip-eola sinna sinnage museun il-i il-eonado gibun-eun sinnaseo lalalla sinna sinnage gaseum-i dugeundugeungeolil mankeum goengjanghan hwallyeog-ui guseul sinna sinnage eolin-ideul-ui chaghan ma-eum-eun kkum-eul kkugie johji sinna sinnage us-eum ttin ulteula jeteulo oneuldo ya ya ya ya ya chulbal!
Fly through the sparkling clouds (fly) A fantastic panorama that opens up inside your body The face is full and the earth is angry (angry) It erupted a volcano If there is a dinosaur in the melted cold ice I want to soak in the wet steam Excitingly exciting No matter what happens, the mood is exciting lalala Excitingly exciting A ball of great energy that makes your heart pound Excitingly exciting The kind hearts of children are good for dreaming Excitingly exciting Today with the smiling Ultra Jet, ya ya ya ya ya Let's go!
Portuguese (Brazil)[]
(Parisi Vídeo, First dub of TV Specials)
- Singer: Rodrigo Firmo
- Álamo version
O céu resplandece e ao meu redor (e ao meu redor) Vou voar e estrelas brilham entre as nuvens sem fim Só a verdade vai cruzar pelo céu azul (pelo céu azul) E a verdade vai crescer dentro de mim Como um vulcão que entra em erupção Sua lava vai espalhar Verá toda fúria do dragão... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Não importa o que aconteça Sempre tenho a força e o poder... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Vibrante o meu coração sente emoção E tem amor p'ra dar... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Não pense em nada só escuta Sonhos dentro do coração... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Não importa o que aconteça Tudo vai ficar melhor
The sky shines and around me (and around me) I'll fly and stars will shine through the endless clouds Only truth will cross the blue sky (the blue sky) And the truth will grow inside me Like a volcano that erupts Its lava will spill You'll see all the fury of the dragon... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No matter what happens I always have the strength and the power... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Vibrant my heart feels emotion And has love to give... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Don't think about anything just listen Dreams inside my heart... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No matter what happens Everything will get better
- Parisi Vídeo version
O céu resplandece e ao meu redor Como as estrelas brilham entre as nuvens sem fim? Só a verdade vai cruzar pelo céu azul A verdade vai crescer dentro de mim Como um vulcão que entra em erupção Suas lavas a espalhar Verá e escoita a fúria do dragão... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Não importa o que aconteça Sempre tenho a força e o poder... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Vibrante o meu coração sente emoção E tem o amor p'ra dar... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Não pense em nada só escuta Sonhos dentro do coração... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Não importa o que aconteça Tudo vai ficar melhor
The sky shines and all around me How do the stars shine among the endless clouds? Only the truth will cross the blue sky The truth will grow inside me Like a volcano erupting Its lava spreading You'll see and hear the dragon's fury... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No matter what happens I always have the strength and the power... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA My heart is vibrant with emotion And has love to give... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Don't think about anything just listen Dreams inside my heart... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No matter what happens Everything will get better
- Singer: ?
Klizim kroz oblake ja letim, mogu sve (mogu sve) Snaga nosi telo dušu hrani puni jeee Borimo se napeto je plamen guta sve (guta sve) Zar ne osećaš taj žar sto pali tee Kada bih dinosaur bio moooj kroz planine bih strpljivo sa njim zmajeve kugle ja tražiooo Sada mogu sve, šta god da desi se šta god da budeee mene ne dotičeee Sada mogu sve, smeje se duša smeje se imam jee ajajaj Sada mogu sve, jer moje srce puno je nadeee pred vama na dlanu jeee Sada mogu sve, odavde sjaj što pali mee
Spanish (Latin America)[]
- Singer: Ricardo Silva
El cielo resplandece a mi alrededor (alrededor) Al volar, destellos brillan en las nubes sin fin... Con libertad puedes cruzar hoy el cielo azul (el cielo azul) Despierta furia un golpe de pronto en ti... Como si un volcán hiciera una erupción Derrite un gran glaciar Podrás ver de cerca un gran dragón... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No importa lo que suceda Siempre el ánimo mantendré... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Vibrante mi corazón siente emoción ¡Haré una Genkidama! CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No pienses nada solo escucha Sueños hay en tu corazón... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No importa lo que suceda sonreire El día de hooooooy
The sky shines around me (around me) As I fly, sparkles shine in the endless clouds... You can freely cross the blue sky today (the blue sky) A sudden blow awakens fury in you... As if a volcano erupted Melt a great glacier You'll be able to see a great dragon up close.... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No matter what happens I'll always keep my courage up... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Vibrant my heart feels excitement I'll make a Genkidama! CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA Don't think anything just listen Dreams are in your heart... CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA No matter what happens I'll smile Today's day
Spanish (Spain)[]
- Singer: Jordi Cubino
Volando, volando, siempre arriba, siempre arriba Lalala, tú y yo, lucharemos los dos. Volando, volando, siempre arriba, siempre arriba Lalala, nunca a un amigo abandonaremos. Juntos, podemos romper un iceberg, unamos nuestras manos, combatamos al mal que nos persigue. ¡Luz, fuego, destrucción! El mundo puede ser una ruina, no lo podemos permitir. ¡Luz, fuego, destrucción! A nuestros enemigos hay que vencer, luchando hasta el final. ¡Luz, fuego, destrucción! La paz en el universo ha de nacer, hemos de hacer un mundo mejor. ¡Luz, fuego, destrucción! La fuerza de la verdad nunca morirá, no morirá no no no no no no no.
Flying, flying, always up, always up Lalala, you and me, we'll both fight. Flying, flying, always up, always up Lalala, we'll never abandon a friend. Together, we can break an iceberg, let's join hands, Let's fight the evil that pursues us. Light, fire, destruction! The world can be a ruin, we cannot allow it. Light, fire, destruction! Our enemies must be defeated, fighting to the end. Light, fire, destruction! Peace in the universe must be born, we must make a better world. Light, fire, destruction! The force of truth will never die, it won't die no no no no no no no no no no no no.
- Singer: Jaume Costa [unverified]
He travessat un núvol gegant, travessat (travessat) I el meu cos ha obtingut dotze colors diferents He aprofitat l'explosió del volcà (del volcà) I el planeta va perdre la seua vida d'un colp Si amb un dinosaure em trobe en el camí Estic disposat a tot. A tots els esclafaré. A tots. No res, no res! Estic disposat a tot A qualsevol cosa que vinga No res, no res! Travessaré el riu ràpidament Els peixos espantaré No res, no res! Estic disposat a tot A clavar-me en la gola del llop (encara que em devore) No res, no res! Hui també mantindré la cara somrient A pesar de tot. A pesar de tot. A pesar de tot.
I've crossed a giant cloud, crossed (crossed) And my body has gotten twelve different colors I took advantage of the volcano's explosion (volcano's) And the planet lost its life in one fell swoop If I meet a dinosaur on the way I am ready for everything. I will crush them all. To all Nothing, nothing! I am ready for everything To whatever comes Nothing, nothing! I will cross the river quickly I will scare the fish Nothing, nothing! I am ready for everything To stab me in the throat of the wolf (even if it devours me) Nothing, nothing! I will also keep a smiling face today In spite of everything. In spite of everything. In spite of everything.
Other versions[]
To see Rock the Dragon, the French opening or other openings, see here.