The Dubbing Database

Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie is a 2017 American computer-animated superhero comedy film based on Dav Pilkey's children's novel series of the same name, produced by DreamWorks Animation and the last Dreamworks movie to be distributed by 20th Century Fox.

The film follows the adventures of two fourth graders, George Beard and Harold Hutchins, who are best friends and pranksters at Jerome Horwitz Elementary School. They hypnotize their mean-spirited principal, Mr. Krupp, into thinking that he is Captain Underpants, a dim-witted superhero they created in their homemade comic books. As Captain Underpants, Mr. Krupp becomes a crime-fighting hero and helps George and Harold save their school from the evil plans of Professor Poopypants, a mad scientist bent on world domination. Along the way, the trio must also deal with the sinister plans of Mr. Meaner, the school's vice principal, who wants to take over as the new principal.


Character Actor
George Beard (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
George Beard
Kevin Hart
Harold Hutchins (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
Harold Hutchins
Thomas Middleditch
Mr. Benjamin Krupp (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
Captain Underpants (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
Mr. Benjamin "Benny" Krupp / Captain Underpants
Ed Helms
Professor Poopypants (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
Professor Pee-Pee Diahreeahstein Poopypants Esq
Nick Kroll
Melvin Sneedly (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
Melvin Sneedly
Jordan Peele
Edith (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
Kristen Schaal
Ms. Ribble (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
Ms. Ribble
Dee Dee Rescher
Mr. Rected (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
Mr. Rected
Brian Posehn
Mr. Fyde (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
Mr. Fyde
Mel Rodriguez
Tommy (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
David Soren
Ms. Dayken (Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie)
Ms. Dayken
Susan Fitzer
Mrs. Beard Lynnanne Zager
Sad Girl Tiffany Lauren Bennicke
Mime James Ryan
Officer McPiggly Leslie David Baker
Goody Two-Shoes Girl Sugar Lyn Beard
Nobel Moderator Lesley Nicol
Nobel Audience Member Chris Miller
Balloon Girl Coco Soren


Song Singer(s)
Adam Lambert
Saturday Song (Cast Version)
Kevin Hart
Thomas Middleditch
Kevin Hart
Thomas Middleditch
Ed Helms
Captain Underpants Theme Song
Weird 'Al Yankovic
Saturday Song
Nathan Willett

International versions[]

Language Title
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Albanian) Albanian Kapiten Brekushi: Filmi epik
Kapiten Brekushi: Çështja e prejardhjes (alternative title)
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Catalan) Catalan Capità Calçotets. La seva primera pel·liculassa
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Croatian, Netflix) Croatian Kapetan Gaćeša: Prvi epski film
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Czech) Czech Kapitán Bombarďák ve filmu
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Danish)
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Danish, Netflix)
Danish Filmen om Kaptajn Underhyler
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Dutch) Dutch (Belgium) Kapitein Onderbroek: Het eerste grote avontuur
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Dutch) Dutch (Netherlands) Kapitein Onderbroek: Het eerste grote avontuur
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Filipino Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie
The Adventures of Captain Underpants (Later airings)
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Finnish) Finnish Kapteeni Kalsari: Elokuva
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (French, Canada) French (Canada) Les Aventures du Capitaine Bobette, le film
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (French, France) French (France) Capitaine Superslip
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (German) German Captain Underpants – Der supertolle erste Film
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Greek) Greek Καπετάν Βράκας
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Hebrew)
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo v2 (Hebrew)
Hebrew קפטן תחתונים: הסרט
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Hindi Captain Underpants: The First Epic Movie[2]
कैप्टन अंडरपैंट्स: द फर्स्ट एपिक मूवी (ZEE5)
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Hungarian) Hungarian Alsógatyás kapitány: Az első nagyon nagy film
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Icelandic) Icelandic Kafteinn Ofurbrók: Fyrsta stórmyndin
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Italian) Italian Capitan Mutanda - Il film
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Japanese) Japanese スーパーヒーロー・パンツマン
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Korean) Korean 캡틴 언더팬츠
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Chinese Mandarin) Mandarin 内裤队长
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Mizo Captain Underpants
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Norwegian)
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Norwegian, Netflix)
Norwegian Kaptein Supertruse: Den først episke filmen
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Persian, Arena Dubbing) Persian
(Arena Dubbing)
زیبای کاپیتان زیرشلواری
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Persian
کاپیتان زیرشلواری: اولین فیلم حماسی
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Persian
(Qualima, Afrinq)
کاپیتان زیرشلواری: اولین فیلم حماسی
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Persian
(Qualima, Namava)
کاپیتان زیرشلواری: اولین فیلم حماسی
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Persian, Soren) Persian
(Soren Studio)
کاپیتان بی تُنبان
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Persian
کاپیتان زیرشلواری: اولین فیلم حماسی
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Polish) Polish Kapitan Majtas: Pierwszy wielki film
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Brazilian Portuguese)
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Brazilian Portuguese, Netflix)
Portuguese (Brazil) As Aventuras do Capitão Cueca: O Filme
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (European Portuguese)
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (European Portuguese, Netflix)
Portuguese (Portugal) Capitão Cuecas: O Filme
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Romanian) Romanian Aventurile Căpitanului Underpants
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Serbian Kapetan Gaćerone: Prvi epski film
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Slovak Kapitán Bombarďák vo filme
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Slovene Kapitan Gatnik: Prvi epski film
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Spanish Latin America) Spanish (Latin America) Las aventuras del Capitán Calzoncillos: La película
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Spanish, Spain) Spanish (Spain) Capitán Calzoncillos: Su primer peliculón
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Swedish, Netflix) Swedish Kapten Kalsong: Filmen
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Thai) Thai กัปตันกางเกงใน เดอะมูฟวี่
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Turkish) Turkish Kaptan Düşükdon: Destansı İlk Film
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Ukrainian, Netflix) Ukrainian Капітан Підштанько: Перший епічний фільм
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Vietnamese) Vietnamese Bộ Đôi Siêu Quậy

Language Title
Captain Underpants Bulgarian Logo Bulgarian Капитан Гащи: Първото епично приключение
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Estonian Kapten Aluspesu: Esimene eepiline film
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Latvian Kapteinis Apakšbiksis. Pirmā leģendārā filma
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (English) Lithuanian Kapitonas Bekelnis
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Russian) Russian Капитан Подштанник: Первый эпический фильм

Language Title
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Arabic) Arabic كابتن أندربانتس: فيلم البطولات الأول
File:Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Cantonese).png
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Cantonese, Netflix)
Cantonese 底底超人大電影[3][4]
File:Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Traditional Chinese).png
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Traditional Chinese, Netflix)
Captain Underpants The First Epic Movie - logo (Traditional Chinese, Hami Video)
Chinese (Traditional) 內褲隊長

