The Dubbing Database

Captain Zed and the Zee Zone is a British-Scottish-Canadian-American animated television series, produced by Collingwood O’Hare for Scottish Television Film Enterprises in association with DIC Entertainment and Shanghai Morning Sun Animation Co., Ltd. and distributed by HIT Communications PLC.

International versions[]

Language Title Channels
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) Arabic كابتن زد MBC 3 (formerly)[4]
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) Croatian Kapetan Zaspan unknown
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) Czech Kapitán Zed : Hlídka snů TV Nova (formerly)[5]
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) French Capitaine Z et la patrouille des rêves France 3 (formerly)
Télétoon (formerly)[6]
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) German Captain Zed und die Traumpatrouille RTL II (formerly)
Nickelodeon (formerly)
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) Italian Capitan Zeta TMC (formerly)[7]
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) Mandarin (China) 梦境巡警 Dragon Club (formerly)
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) Polish Kapitan Zed: strefa snu TVP1 (formerly)
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) Portuguese (Brazil) Zed, o protetor dos sonhos
Capitão Zed
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) Spanish (Latin America) El capitán Z y la zona Z ZAZ (formerly)
Canal Once (formerly)
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) Spanish (Spain) El capitán Z de la zona Z TVE1 (formerly)
Minimax (formerly)
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) Swedish unknown TV4 (formerly)[8]
Captain Zed and the Zee Zone - logo (English) Ukrainian Капітан Зед і Зона Зі
Капітан Зед. Патруль снів
Капітан Зед
ICTV (formerly)

