The Dubbing Database

Chú Chó Snoopy is the Vietnamese voice-over of The Charlie Brown and Snoopy Show. It has previously aired on VTC 11.


Character Actor
Voice-over Unidentified voice


Vietnamese title Original title
Vietnam United States
14 TBA Charlie Brown, Ngày Trồng Cây Đến Rồi It's Arbor Day, Charlie Brown
15 Nụ hôn đầu tiên của Charlie Brown It's Your First Kiss, Charlie Brown
18 No title given What a Nightmare, Charlie Brown!
19 Cậu Thật Tuyệt Vời, Charlie Brown You're the Greatest, Charlie Brown


Title cards[]

Closing cards[]


  • Some specials were cut mostly in half, probably due to time.
  • Like some other dubs, the series is paired with the television specials in this version.
  • This dub was made unofficially and illegally, without the permission of Lee Mendelson Film Productions, Peanuts Worldwide, or Wildbrain.
    • It's evident because of how this dub not only uses the original versions of a few specials, but on a few other specials, they use Japanese dubs as well.
      • Sometimes in a few specials, they would also use localized footage from the Japanese dubs and sync the audio up with English audio.