Cyberchase theme song
The Cyberchase theme song was composed by David W. Shaw and Steve Pecile, and is played at the start of every episode.
English [ ]
Singers: ?
We're beating Hacker at his game
Don't tell me that he's trying to hack the Motherboard, we'll get him everytime
Cosmic worlds, freaky places that we've seen
We've got the power of one, two, three, four!
We'll meet him face to face
We'll stick together all the time!
The chase is on! Just wait
Singers: ?
Extended version [ ]
We're beating Hacker at his game
Don't tell me that he's trying to hack the Motherboard, we'll get him everytime
Cosmic worlds, freaky places that we've seen
We've got the power of one, two, three, four!
We'll meet him face to face
We'll stick together all the time!
The chase is on! Just wait
Freaky places that we've seen
We'll meet him face to face
We'll stick together all the time!
The chase is on! Just wait
Singers: ?
Cybermatt! Nous partons
Cybermatt! We're moving out!
Nous battrons Hacker à son jeu
We'll beat Hacker at his game
Please provide French lyrics if you can
Please provide French lyrics if you can
Des mondes virtuels! Des lieux étranges que l'on visite!
Some virtual worlds! Some strange places we visit!
Cybermousquetaires! De un, deux, trois, Quatre!
Cybermusketeers! Of one, two three four!
Partons pour le Cyberplanète!
Heading out for Cyberspace!
C'est sûr, on va le tenir nette!
For sure, we'll keep it clean!
Nous sommes comme les doigts d'une main!
We're like fingers on a hand!
Partons pour le Cyberespace!
Heading out for Cyberspace!
Partons au chasse! Allez!
On the chase! Let's go!
Singers: ?
Please provide Hebrew lyrics if you can
Korean [ ]
Singers: ?
Please provide Korean lyrics if you can
Singers: ?
Please provide Māori lyrics if you can
Polish [ ]
Singers: ?
Cyberłowcy dzielni
Brave cyberhunters
W przestrzeni znają miejsce swe
They know their place in space
I hacker nawet najsprytniejszy nie pokona nigdy nas w tej grze.
And even the smartest hacker will never defeat us in this game.
Sprzyja nam los, bo każdy z nas jest siebie wart.
Fate favours us, because each of us is worth each other.
Moc będzie z nami, więc raz, dwa, trzy, start
The force will be with us, so one, two, three, start
Gdy się nagle spotkać masz,
When you suddenly meet
Z hakerem twarzą w twarz
with a hacker face to face
Nie pękaj bracie, idź, idź!
Don't break brother, go, go!
Cyberprzestrzeni świat
Cyberspace world
Podziwia nas od lat
admired us for years
Cyberłowcą warto być!
It's worth being a cyberhunter!
Singers: ?
Cyberchase unidos!
Cyberchase united!
O Hacker vamos derrotar
We will defeat Hacker
Ele vai tentar de tudo, mas a Placa Mãe irá nos ajudar
He'll try everything, but the Motherboard will help us
Outros mundos, muito sites vamos ver
Other worlds, many sites that we will see
Nós somos fortes! Um, dois, três, quatro!
We are strong! One, two, three, four!
Vem pro Cyberchase
Come to Cyberchase
Somar para vencer
Add up to win
A nossa aventura vai começar
Our adventure will begin
Vem pro Cyberchase
Come to Cyberchase
É legal, você vai ver!
It's cool, you'll see!
Esse é o Cyberchase!
This is the Cyberchase!
Singers: ?
Ciber-Heróis chegaram!
The Cyber-Heroes have arrived!
E o Hacker não vai poder entrar
And Hacker won't be able to enter
O vilão chegou a cyberspace e não pode conquistar
The villain reached cyberspace and can't win
Mundo virtual, vou perseguir até ao fim
Virtual world, we'll chase until the end
Ciber-Heróis e um, dois, tres, quatro!
Cyber-Heroes and one, two, three, four!
Correndo no cyberspace
Running in cyberspace
Vivemos sempre assim
We always live like this
Lutamos sempre juntos, até o fim
We'll fight togther, until the end
Aventuras no cyberspace
Adventures in cyberspace
Somos Ciber-Heróis
We're the Cyber-Heroes
Russian (STS Kids) [ ]
Singers: ?
Please provide Russian lyrics if you can
Singers: ?
¡Cyberchase por siempre!
Cyberchase forever!
A Hacker vamos a vencer
We'll beat Hacker
Al fin lo atraparemos y así él temerá nuestro poder
Finally we'll get him, and thus he'll fear our power
Cyberchase, un mundo sin igual virtual
Cyberchase, a virtual world like no other
¡Preparense en un, dos, tres, quatro!
Get ready in one, two, three, four!
Aqui vamos, Cyberchase
Here we go, Cyberchase
Estamos por entrar
We're about to enter
Juntos hasta el final
Together until the end
Ya llega Cyberchase
Now here comes Cyberchase
¡Preparense, pues sí!
Get ready, yeah!
¡Ya comienza Cyberchase!
Now commences Cyberchase!
Spanish (Spain) [ ]
Singers: ?
¡Cyberchase, en marcha!
Cyberchase, on the go!
A Hacker vamos a vencer
We'll beat Hacker
Con Motherboard contamos para capturar malvados otra vez
With the help of Motherboard, we'll capture bad guys again
Con Grim Wreaker, hasta el último confín
With Grim Wreaker, to the ends of space
Y entre los cuatro en el cyber espacio
And among the four in cyberspace
Buscaremos sin parar
We'll seek nonstop
Enfrentándonos al mal
Confronting evil
Estando juntos hasta el fin
We'll be together until the end
Si en el cyber espacio estás
If you're in cyberspace
La persecución comienza
The chase begins
¡Pues esto es Cyberchase!
Because this is Cyberchase!
Missing versions [ ]
These versions of the theme songs have not surfaced anywhere online. They cannot be added anywhere on this page until either the audio or the lyrics are provided.
The song was left undubbed in the Czech , German , Greek , Hungarian , Italian , Taiwanese Mandarin , Romanian , Russian (KidsCo) , and Turkish dubs and it was left in instrumental in the European Portuguese (KidsCo) dub.