The Dubbing Database

De kleine prins is the Hollandic Dutch dub of The Little Prince. It was released in theaters in theaters in Netherlands on July 29, 2015.


Character Actor
The Little Girl (The Little Prince, 2015)
Het kleine meisje
Jada Borsato
The Aviator (The Little Prince, 2015)
The Aviator 2 (The Little Prince, 2015)
De vliegenier
Bram van der Vlugt
The Little Prince (The Little Prince, 2015)
The Little Prince 2 (The Little Prince, 2015)
De kleine prins
Olivier Banga[1]
The Mother (The Little Prince, 2015)
De moeder
Jantine van den Bosch[2]
The Fox (The Little Prince, 2015)
De vos
Ruben Nicolai
The Rose (The Little Prince, 2015)
De roos
Loretta Schrijver

