The Dubbing Database

De Utrolige is the Danish dub of The Incredibles. It is available on Disney+.


Character Actor
Bob Parr (The Incredibles)
Mr. Incredible (The Incredibles)
Robert Parr / Hr. Utrolig
Thorbjørn Hummel
Helen Parr (The Incredibles)
Elastigirl (The Incredibles)
Mrs. Incredible (The Incredibles)
Helen Parr / Elastipigen
Sofie Staugaard
Violet Parr (The Incredibles)
Violet Parr (supersuit) (The Incredibles)
Violet Parr
Maja Iven Ulstrup
Dash Parr (The Incredibles)
Dash Parr (supersuit) (The Incredibles)
Dash Parr
Kristian Holst White
Jack-Jack Parr (The Incredibles)
Jack-Jack Parr
Original audio is retained
Buddy Pine (The Incredibles)
Incrediboy (The Incredibles)
Buddy Pine / Syndrom
Thure Lindhardt
Lucius Best (The Incredibles)
Frozone (The Incredibles)
Lucius Best / Frozone
Lars Bom
Mirage (The Incredibles)
Tammi Øst
Edna Mode (The Incredibles)
Edna Mode
Pia Rosenbaum
Nyhedsoplæser Torben Sekov
Mrs. Hogenson (The Incredibles)
Fru Hogenson
Lily Weiding
Rick Dicker (The Incredibles)
Kurt Ravn
Gilbert Huph (The Incredibles)
Hr. Huph
Anders Bircow
Bernie Kropp (The Incredibles)
Hr. Kropp
Donald Andersen
Tony Rydinger (The Incredibles)
Jasper Spanning
Bomb Voyage (The Incredibles)
Bomb Voyage
Patrick Osmond
Timm Mehrens
Kari McKeen (The Incredibles)
Annevig Schelde Ebbe
Honey Best Puk Scharbau
The Underminer (The Incredibles)
Peter Zhelder
Veninde Marie Søderberg
Skoleinspektør Peter Zhelder
Additional voices
Peter Secher Schmidt
Timm Mehrens
Lars Thiesgaard
Jens Jacob Tychsen
Puk Scharbau
Søren Ulrichs
Vibeke Dueholm
Lars Lippert
Christian Tranberg Hansen
Pauline Rehné
Mads Sætter-Lassen
Sasia Mølgaard
Sander Abel Paulsen
Thomas Mørk
Technical staff
Dialogue director
Lars Thiesgaard
Dialogue translator
Hans Kristian Bang
Dubbing studio
Sun Studio Denmark
Recording and editing
Jørn Jespersen
Studio producer
Susanne Bonfils
Svend Christiansen
Creative executive
Kirsten Saabye