Dear Friend Across The River is a song that was sung in the 1st episode of Arcane by Powder after a devastating battle which took place upon the Bridge of Progress which led to their parents' deaths.
- Singer: Rachel Hardy (Powder)
Dear friend across the river My hands are cold and bare Dear friend across the river I'll take what you can spare I ask of you a penny My fortune, it will be I ask you without envy We raise no mighty towers Our homes are built of stone So come across the river And find...
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Nézz rám, kedves barátom, add át, mi nem kell már. Jöjj át a túlsó partról, vad szél húsomba váj. Adj hát egyetlen érmét, nincs más vagyonom, lásd. Nem lel engem irigység, mert mind egyformák volnánk, úgy élsz, mint ahogy én. Jöjj át a túlsó partról, itt vár egy más világ.
Look at me, my dear friend, Hand over what you don't need. Come across from the other shore, wild wind cuts into my flesh. So give a single coin, I have no other wealth, see. I will not be found (taken over) by envy, since we all would be the same. Come across from the other shore, Another world awaits you here.
Please provide Indonesian lyrics if you can
Caro amico al di là del fiume Le mie mani son fredde e nude Caro amico al di là del fiume Accetterò ciò che non ti serve Vorrei, ma senza invidia Un penny tutto per me La gioia avrò per questo Costruiamo torri giganti In base di pietra e [?] Il fiume puoi attraversare E poi...
Dear friend at the other side of the river My hands are cold and bare Dear friend at the other side of the river I'll take what you don't need Without envy, I would like A penny all for me I will get joy from this We build giant towers From stone and [?] You can cross the river And then...
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- Singer: Antonina Żbikowska (Powder)
Choć ja ża rzeką mieszkam To też podczuwam chłód Choć ja ża rzeką mieszkam To wiem co znaczy głód Czy mam monetę jedną? Czy możesz mi jedną dać? Podzielić się z przybłędą Są domy z kamienia Lecz brak jest wielki dręk Ten brzek tak wiele zmienia Więc chodź...
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- Singer: Maia Lazăr (Powder)
Om bun, de peste ape De frig, am inghetat Om bun, de peste ape Voi lua, ce poti sa-mi dai Un ban, cer de la tine Cand mi-e de ajutor Caci pentru cei ca mine Nu ridicam palate Ci case construim Hai vino peste ape Sa vezi...
- Singer: Vasilisa Savkina (Powder)
Мой друг за тёмной речкой Печальна жизнь моя О помощи сердечно К тебе взываю я Прошу, отбрось сомнения Подай мне медный грош Ты потеряешь пенни… Ведь мы не строим замков Живём в домах простых Приди же из-за речки Чтоб мне…
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