The Dubbing Database
Not to be confused with the film or the stage version with the same name.

"Defying Gravity" is a song from the American epic musical fantasy film Wicked, It is performed by Elphaba Thropp, portrayed by Cynthia Erivo, alongside Galinda Upland, portrayed by Ariana Grande-Butera. It is an adaptation of the stage version with the same name. The song appears as the finale of the film, ending with Elphaba's signature "battle cry". The climactic shot of the film's sequence when Elphaba does the cry while high up in the sky at sunset pays homage to the "cherry picker effect" used in the stage show with her cape growing much larger in size, billowing in the wind.

As a homage to the stage show, countries that received a local stage production re-used the lyrics from it in the film. The Korean dub, Brazilian Portuguese dub and Latin American Spanish dub also invited the portrayers of Elphaba and Galinda from their stage productions to dub the characters in the film.


Singer: Cynthia Erivo (Elphaba Thropp) and Ariana Grande-Butera (Galinda Upland)
Elphaba, why couldn’t you have stayed calm for once, instead of flying off the handle?

I hope you’re happy
I hope you’re happy now
I hope you’re happy how
You’ve hurt your cause forever
I hope you think you’re clever

I hope you’re happy
I hope you’re happy too
I hope you’re proud how you
Would grovel in submission
To feed your own ambition

So, though I can’t imagine how
I hope you’re happy right now

Elphie, listen to me: just say you’re sorry.
You can still be with the Wizard
What you’ve worked and waited for
You can have all you ever wanted
I know, but I don’t want it
No, I can’t want it anymore

Something has changed within me, something is not the same
I’m through with playing by the rules of someone else’s game
Too late for second guessing, too late to go back to sleep
It’s time to trust my instincts, close my eyes and leap

It’s time to try defying gravity
I think I’ll try defying gravity
And you can’t pull me down

Can’t I make you understand
You’re having delusions of grandeur?

I’m through accepting limits ’cause someone says they’re so
Some things I cannot change, but till I try I’ll never know
Too long I’ve been afraid of losing love I guess I’ve lost
Well, if that’s love it comes at much too high a cost

I’d sooner buy defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye, I’m defying gravity
And you can’t pull me down

Come with me. Think of what we could do together.

Unlimited: together we’re unlimited
Together we’ll be the greatest team there’s ever been
Glinda, dreams, the way we planned ’em
If we work in tandem
There’s no fight we cannot win

Just you and I defying gravity
With you and I defying gravity
They’ll never bring us down

Are you coming?

I hope you’re happy
Now that you’re choosing this
You too. I hope it brings you bliss
I really hope you get it
And you don’t live to regret it
I hope you’re happy in the end
I hope you’re happy, my friend

No! Leave her alone! She hasn’t done anything wrong!
I’m the one you want! I’m the one you want! It’s me!

It’s me!
So if you care to find me look to the western sky
As someone told me lately, everyone deserves a chance to fly
And if I’m flying solo at least I’m flying free
To those who’d ground me take a message back from me

Tell them how I am defying gravity
I’m flying high defying gravity
And soon I’ll match them in renown

Unlimited, unlimited, unlimited
And nobody in all of Oz
No wizard that there is or was
Is ever gonna bring me down

I hope you’re happy
Look at her! She’s wicked! Kill her!
Bring me down
No one mourns the wicked
So we’ve got to bring her down



Singer: Kerana / Керана (Elphaba Thropp) and Yana Yancheva / Яна Янчева (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Bulgarian lyrics if you can


Singer: Elis Ochmanová (Elphaba Thropp) and Natálie Grossová (Galinda Upland)

Elfie, poslechni mě.
Poslechni mě, řekni jim, že toho lituješ.

Pořád můžeš lehce vyhrát
Čaroděj zná sílu tvou
Může ti dát vše, po čem toužíš

Já vím
Ale já to nechci
Už vážně ne
Nikdy víc

Něco se vážně mění
Úplně jiná jsem
Už nejsem bázlivá
A spřádám si svůj vlastní sen
Už žádné zaváhání
Už nic čemu ustoupím
Já dávno znám svůj instinkt
Když jsem svá je líp.

Už vím, jak dá se vznášet nad zemí
Já vím, jak dá se vznášet nad zemí
A prohrát odmítám

To vše je na cíli tvé
Tvé plány jsou úplně hloupé

Já už mám dost všech lidí
Jen pouhé ovce jsou
Vím, že mám poslání
A neváhám, mám sílu svou.
Už dávno víru ztrácím
Velké lásky hned se vzdám
Já přísahám, že raději svobodu svou mám

Já už se dávno vznáším nad zemí
Všem zamávám, já se vznáším nad zemí
A prohrát odmítám

Náš cíl je blíž, jsme na dosah
Náš cíl je blíž
My budeme nejslavnější tandem,
co kdyby byl, Glindo
Snít je ve dvou snadné

Když svou sílu najdem

Jsme teď mnohem silnější
Jen ty a já se vznášet nad zemí
Ve dvou se krásně vznášet nad zemí
Poletíme dál

Jsi doufám šťastná
Proč snít jen potají

Já vím, i tvé sny čekají

Tvůj život plní štěstí je tam kousek za rozcestím
Jsi doufám šťastná v oblacích
Přítele v tobě chci mít

Já poznat západ toužím
Vzlétnou výš teď velkou šanci mám
Chci létat jen tak solo
Ne, nejsem jednou z vás
Pryč s tím, co tíží
Chci být volná jako pták

Už vím jak dá se vznášet nad zemí
Já vím jak dá se vznášet nad zemí
A starým časům sbohem dát

Můj cíl je blíž

Občané Oz, mezi námi je nepřítel, který musí být nalezen a ?. Nevěřte ničemu, co řekne. Ta dívka ukradla naší Grumérii. Je to ďábel!

Můj cíl je blíž

Její zelená kůže je zcela nepopiratelným vnějším důkazem jejího pokřiveného charakteru. Tato deformace, ta odpudivost, to je zlá čarodějnice!

Nikdo ze Země Oz
Ani čaroděj a jeho moc
Mě nezničí, já mám svůj plán!

Jsi doufám šťastná!

Čarodějka (blbá?)

Mám svůj plán

Elphie, listen to me.
Listen to me, tell them you're sorry

You can still easily win
The wizard knows your power
He can give you everything you desire

I know
But I don't want it
I really don't anymore

Something is really changing
I'm completely different
I'm no longer timid
And I'm creating my own dream
No more hesitating
I won't step back for anything
I already know my instincts
It's better when I am myself

I already know how one can float above the ground
I know how one can float above the ground
And I refuse to lose

That's all for your goals
Your plans are totally stupid

I've had enough of all the people
They're just sheep
I know I have a calling
And I'm not hesitating, I have my power
I've been losing faith for a long time now
I'll give up great love right away
I swear I prefer my freedom

I've been floating above ground for a long time now
I'll wave to everyone, I'm floating above the ground
And I refuse to lose

Our goal is closer, we're within reach
Our goal is closer
We'll be the most famous pair
that ever was, Glinda
It's easy to dream when there's two of you

We'll find our strength

We're much stronger now
Just you and I floating above the ground
It's easy to float above the ground when there's two of you
We'll fly on

I hope you're happy
Why only dream secretly

I know, your dreams are waiting as well

Your life full of happiness is just behind the crossroad
I hope you're happy in the clouds
I want to have a friend in you

I wish to get to know the west
Now is my big chance to fly higher
I want to fly solo
No, I'm not one of you
Do away with what burdens me
I want to be free as a bird

I know now how one can float above the ground
I know now how one can float above the ground
And to bid goodbye to the days past

My goal is closer

Citizens of Oz, there is an enemy among us that must be found and ?. Don't believe anything she says. The girl stole our Grumery(?). She's the devil!

My goal is closer

Her green skin is an undeniable evidence of her twisted character. This deformation, this revulsion, this wicked witch!

Nobody from the Land of Oz
Not even the wizard with his power
Will destroy me, I have my plan!

I hope you're happy!

The (stupid?) Witch!
Kill her!

I have my plan


Singer: Andrea Lykke Oehlenschlæger (Elphaba Thropp) and Johanne Milland (Galinda Upland)

Elphaba, det her er jo meget større end os. Ku’ du ikke ha’ bevaret roen for en gangs skyld, i stedet for at fare sådan op?

Er du så glad nu? Det håber jeg, du er
Jeg håber, du især er glad for, hvordan du lige er blevet en fredløs pige

Om jeg er glad nu? Er du da glad, måske?
Gør det dig glad at se dig selv stå der og bukke, som var du deres dukke?

Jeg håber virkelig, du har valgt 
en vej, du er glad for trods alt

Du kan stadig stå med troldmanden
Husk din kamp for at nå det her
Det var dit mål, dit store ønske

Det ved jeg godt
Men det’ for sent nu
Nej … og jeg ønsker aldrig mer’

Noget er helt forandret
Intet er helt som før
Jeg følger ikke mere de regler, andre siger, jeg bør
Kan ikke vende om nu – bare falde i søvn igen
Jeg må gi’ slip på frygten før, jeg ta’r det spring

Der gør mig fri af det, der tynger mig
Jeg ser mig ikke tilbage

Hvorfor vil du ikke forstå?
Det her er jo helt uopnåeligt

Jeg sprænger alle grænser, jeg ikke selv har valgt
Hvem ved, hvad jeg kan nå, hvis ikke jeg har prøvet alt?
Var bange for at miste
Og hvis det er kærlighed
Kan kærligheden for min skyld lade mig være i fred

Vil gøre mig fri af det, der tynger mig
Jeg ser mig ikke tilbage

Vores fremtid er uendelig
Jeg ved, vi kan bli’ det bedste hold i hele Oz, Glinda
Vi kan sprænge rammen
Hvis vi gør det sammen
Vi kan gøre, hvad vi vil

Når vi bli’r fri fra det, der tynger os
Vi gør os fri af det, der tynger os
Vi ser os ikke tilbage 

Bare du er glad nu 
Nu, du har valgt din vej 

Og jeg ønsker det samme for dig 

Jeg håber, du vil finde 
det, du håber på at vinde 
Hvorend din rejse ta’r dig hen 
Bare du er lykkelig, min ven 

Det’ mig 
Så se mod vest, og find mig 
Det himmelvælv bli’r mit 
Som nogen sagde for nyligt: 
Alle har fortjent at flyve frit 
Jeg bli’r måske alene
Der er værre ting at bli’
De holdt mig nede – I kan hilse dem og sige:

Jeg si’r farvel til at det, der tynger mig
Jeg flyver højt, og intet tynger mig
Fordi jeg kæmper for en sag


Og ingen her i hele Oz 
Ingen troldmand, der vil styre os 
Får lov at holde mig tilbage 

Bare du er lykkelig 

Fri os fra det onde - hende!

… mig tilbage 

Fri os fra det onde 
Hun må bringes her tilbage

Dutch (Belgium)[]

Singer: Sandrine Van Handenhoven (Elphaba Thropp) and Ianthe Tavernier (Galinda Upland)

Elphaba, dit is zo grootser dan ons. Waarom kan je voor één keer niet kalm blijven, in plaats van altijd door het lint te gaan?

'k Hoop dat je blij bent!
'k Hoop dat je blij bent nu!
Je bent hier continu,
je kansen te verknallen,
je toekomst aan 't vergallen!

'k Hoop dat jij blij bent!
'k Hoop dat jij blij bent zo!
Ambitie tekent jou,
dat buigen en dat knielen,
dat likken aan die hielen!

Is dit dan werkelijk wat je wou?
Dus dit is blij zijn voor jou

Inwoners van Oz! Wees niet bang zijn. Ik ben niet bang. 't Is de tovenaar die bang moet zijn van mij! Elphie, luister naar mij, luister naar mij. Zeg gewoon dat het je spijt!

't Is nog altijd niet verloren
Deze kans krijg je niet meer
Hij geeft je alles zo wat ge wilde
Dat is zo, maar ik, ik wil niet
Nee, nu ik kan 't niet.. echt niet meer

Er is iets veranderd in mij, er is iets stuk gedaan
Kan niet meer lopen, want de weg die anderen terug gaan
Ik kies voor nieuwe wegen, ik kies voor verandering
't Is tijd ik volg mijn instinct, ogen dicht en spring

Ik grijp de macht, ik lach om zwaartekracht
Genoeg gewacht, ik lach om zwaartekracht
En niemand haalt mij neer

Koppig, zo ken ik wel
Maar nu zelfs voor reden niet vatbaar

Ik ga me niet meer begrenzen, ik volg mijn eigen spoor
Ondanks het zwaar zal zijn, moet ik het wagen, ik ga ervoor
Zolang op zoek naar liefde, uit angst voor de eenzaamheid
Is dit dan liefde, dan was zonde van m'n tijd

Dit is mijn dag, ik lach om zwaartekracht
Ik wil, ik kan, en keek naar m'n zwaartekracht
En niemand haalt mij neer

Kom mee met mij. Bedenk wat we kunnen doen tezamen

Geen grenzen meer, er zijn voor ons geen grenzen meer
Tezamen zijn wij het beste team nu dat er is
Glinda, dromen die wij planden
Als de beste tandem
Geen strijd is zwaar voor ons twee

Dus grijp de macht, en lach om zwaartekracht
Genoeg gewacht, dus lach om zwaartekracht
En niemand haalt ons neer

'k Hoop dat je blij bent!
Nu dat je kiest voor dit!
Jij ook. Wat ook je toekomst is
Dat alles uit mag komen
Al je wensen en je dromen
Ik geef je al mijn vriendschap mee
'k Hoop dat je blij bent voor twee

Nee! Laat haar met rust! Ze heeft niets verkeerds gedaan
Mij moet je hebben! Mij moeten jullie hebben! Pak mij! Pak mij!

Wel, nu!
Dus als je t'rug bent naast mij, kijk dan maar naar de lucht
Zoals ik net geleerd heb, hier beleef ik niet de hoogste vlucht
En ook al vlieg ik solo, ik vlieg tenminste vrij
Geef al die and’ren, deze boodschap namens mij

Dit is mijn dag, ik lach om zwaartekracht
Ja, genoeg gewacht, dus lach om zwaartekracht
En niemand haalt mij ooit nog neer

Geen grenzen meer
Geen grenzen meer
Geen grenzen meer

Nee, niemand in het land van Oz
Geen tovenaar, die er is of was
Nee, nooit meer haalt er h'r iemand―

Nee, nooit neer..
Aah-Aah-Aah.. neer!

Dutch (Netherlands)[]

Singer: Gaia Aikman (Elphaba Thropp) and Vajèn van den Bosch (Galinda Upland)

Elphaba, waarom moet je zo driftig zijn en steeds zo vlammend losgaan?

Ben je gelukkig?
Heb je het voor mekaar?
Of zijn er hier en daar,
nog kansen te verknallen,
relaties te vergallen?

Ben jij gelukkig?
Trots op je meesterplan?
Zoals jij slijmen kan!
Jij bent de definitie,
van brandende ambitie

Ben je gelukkig nu en blij?
Da's dan een raadsel voor mij!

Inwoners van Oz! Niet bang zijn. Ik ben niet bang. De tovenaar moet bang zijn voor mij! Elphie, luister naar me, het is nog niet te laat! Zeg gewoon sorry

Je kunt nu nog bij hem blijven
Aan zijn zij, bij de tovenaar
Dan heb je alles wat je wilde
Dat is zo, maar ik wil het niet
Nee, nu ik kan het niet.. het is klaar

Ik heb een deur gesloten, ik heb iets weggedaan
Kan niet meer lopen langs dat pad dat alle and'ren gaan
Te laat voor angst of twijfel, 't is tijd voor verandering
Ik ga mezelf vertrouwen, ogen dicht en spring

Ik grijp de macht, ik lach om zwaartekracht
Genoeg gewacht, ik lach om zwaartekracht
En niemand houd mij vast

Jij was altijd eigenwijs
Nu ben je niet meer bereikbaar

Ik ga geen grens aanvaarden als iemand zegt, 'dat moet'
Steeds vastberaden zijn, je grens verleggen is juist goed
Om niet alleen te leven, vocht ik een verloren strijd
Dat zie ik nu en het was zonde van m'n tijd

Dit is mijn dag, ik lach om zwaartekracht
Ik wil, ik mag, en ik lach om zwaartekracht
En niemand houdt mij vast

Kom mee met mij. Bedenk wat we kunnen doen tezamen

Geen grenzen meer, er zijn voor ons geen grenzen meer
Wij twee zijn het allerbeste team dat er bestaat
Glinda, noem ons in één adem
Dan werken we samen
Onderweg van droom naar daad

Dus grijp de macht, en lach om zwaartekracht
Genoeg gewacht, dus lach om zwaartekracht
En niemand houd ons vast

Ben je gelukkig?
Dit is toch wat je wou?
Jij ook. Ik hoop het ook voor jou
Dat alles uit mag komen
Al je wensen en je dromen
Ik geef je al mijn vriendschap mee
Wees maar gelukkig voor twee

Nee! Laat haar met rust! Ze heeft niets verkeerds gedaan
Mij moet je hebben! Mij moeten jullie hebben! Pak mij! Pak mij!

Ja, mij!
Dus als je mij wilt vinden, kijk dan maar naar de lucht
Zoals ik pas geleerd heb, toveren is de allerhoogste vlucht
En ook al vlieg ik solo, ik vlieg tenminste vrij
Geef al die and’ren, deze boodschap namens mij

Dit is mijn dag, ik lach om zwaartekracht
Genoeg gewacht, dus lach om zwaartekracht
En niemand haalt mij ooit nog neer

Geen grenzen meer
Geen grenzen meer
Geen grenzen meer

Nee, niemand die mij pakken kan
Geen tovenaar, geen vrouw, geen man
Nee, jullie zien mij hier nooit meer

Nee, nooit meer..
Aah-Aah-Aah.. meer!


Singer: Nele-Liis Vaiksoo (Elphaba Thropp) and Saara Pius (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Estonian lyrics if you can


Singer: Laura Voutilainen (Elphaba Thropp) and Saara Aalto (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Finnish lyrics if you can

French (France)[]

Singer: Cylia Assohou (Elphaba Thropp) and Mathilde De Carné (Galinda Upland)

Elphaba, ce qu'on a vu ça nous dépasse. Tu ne te rends pas compte ? C'était dur de te contrôler pour une fois ? Plutôt que de montrer dans les tours ?

J'espère que t'es fière,
J'espère que t'es fière de toi !
J'espère que t'es fière, car
Tu refais les mêmes erreurs,
J'espère que tu t'crois supérieure !
J'espère que t'es fière,
J'espère que t'es fière aussi.
J'espère que t'es fière
Comme quand tu rampes dès qu'on t'impressionne,
Tu ne vois que c'que tu ambitionnes !
Même si là je m'imagine pas,
J'espère que t'es fière de toi !

Elphie, écoute-moi. Écoute-moi, tu... tu n'as qu'à dire que tu es désolée.

Tu peux encore voir le magicien,
Voir le fruit de tes efforts,
Enfin avoir tout c'que tu voulais.
Je sais.
Mais ça, non merci.
Je dois penser autrement.

Je vis un changement en moi,
Je ne suis plus la même.
À mon tour d'apprendre
À ne compter vraiment que sur moi-même.
Mon avenir se dessine,
J'appliquerai mes principes.
C'est à ça que je me destine,
Je m'élance,... j'suis libre !

Maintenant je dois défier la gravité.
J'aimerais bien défier la gravité,
Et tu m'arrêteras pas !

Moi j'aimerais bien te croire,
Mais tu es en pleine folie de grandeurs.
J'vais plus accepter d'limites
Ou qu'on choisisse mes mots.
Certaines choses découragent,
Mais j'essaierai car il me faut !
Perdre l'amour m'a fait peur,
J'avoue, c'est ma défaite.
Et si l'amour c'est comme ça,
Moi je ne suis pas prête !

Je saute le pas défiant la gravité,
Dites-moi au revoir, j'vais la gravité,
Et vous ne m'arrêtetrez pas !

Viens avec moi. Pense à tout ce qu'on pourrait faire... toutes les deux.

Toutes lea deux, oui, illimitées
Pour être la meilleure des équipe jamais créée.
Glinda, toi et moi en tandem,
Et fidèles à nous-mêmes.
Ensemble on s'rait invincibles !

Juste toi et moi défiant la gravité,
Oui, toi et moi défiant la gravité,
Rien ne nous arrêtera !

Alors, tu viens ou pas ?

J'espère que t'es fière
Maintenant que tu as choisi.
Toi aussi.
T'es une fille bien remplie.
J'espère que tu s'ras fière de ta vie,
Que tu s'ras heureuse, mon amie !

C'est moi !

Si vous cherchez où je suis,
Retournez-vous vers l'Ouest !
Récemment on me l'a dit :
«Chacun doit avoir sa chance de voler» !
Et si je vole en solo, c'est librement, et puis
À mes ennemis j'ai un message comme promis:

Dites-leur que moi je défie la gravité,
Je vole si haut défiant la gravité,
Ils enterdront parler de moi !

Et.... non, personne au pays d'Oz!

Tu es hereuse, j'espère !
Quelle horreur, la sorcière !
Tuez-la !
M'arrêteras... !
(Personne ne pleure aux sorcières !
Elle ne doit s'en ira...)
Paaaaaaaaaaaas !
(Paaaaaaaaaas !)


Singer: Nata Nakhophia / ნატა ნაყოფია (Elphaba Thropp) and Likuna Tutisani / ლიკუნა თუთისანი (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Georgian lyrics if you can


Singer: Sabrina Weckerlin (Elphaba Thropp) and Sophia Riedl (Galinda Upland)

Elphaba, kannst du nicht einmal Ruhe bewahren und nicht wieder so in die Luft gehen?

Bist du jetzt glücklich?
Sag, bist du glücklich jetzt?
Du hast dich durchgesetzt
Und gegen dich entschieden
Ich hoff, du bist zufrieden

Bist du jetzt glücklich?
Und bist du stolz auf dich?
Und glaubst du, lohnt es sich
Zu buckeln und zu schleichen
Um Ziele zu erreichen?

Ich weiß zwar nicht genau, wieso
Doch hoff ich, du bist nun froh

Elphie, jetzt hör mal zu, hör zu: du musst dich nur entschuldigen.
Du kannst ihm erneut begegnen
Als ob nichts gewesen wär
Deinen Traum, den kannst du haben
Ich weiß, jedoch ich will’s nicht
Nein, ich kann’s niemals, jemals mehr

Denn nun ist alles anders, etwas in mir erwacht
Ich halt die Regeln nicht mehr ein, die mir ein andrer macht
Ich habe jetzt entschieden, dass ich, statt zu träumen, leb
Ich schließe meine Augen, ich lass los und schweb

Und fühl mich frei, so frei und schwerelos
Nur mir noch treu und frei und schwerelos
Und niemand fängt mich ein

Bist du denn noch bei Verstand?
Das wäre das Ende, kein Anfang

Mir setzt man keine Grenzen, ich halt mich nicht mehr dran
Auch wenn nicht alles geht, ich will selbst sehen, was ich kann
Zu lang wollt’ ich geliebt sein, darum spielte ich ihr Spiel
Ist das der Preis für Liebe, kostet sie zu viel

Jetzt bin ich frei, so frei und schwerelos
Aus und vorbei, ich bin frei und schwerelos
Und niemand fängt mich ein

Komm mit mir. Denk nur, was wir erreichen können, gemeinsam!

Den Träumen nach, komm, flieg mit mir den Träumen nach
Zusammen sind wir ein Superteam, wir können flieh’n
Glinda, über alle Grenzen
Weil wir uns ergänzen
Keine Macht, die uns besiegt

Nur noch wir zwei, so frei und schwerelos
Zusammen frei, so frei und schwerelos
Und niemand fängt uns ein

Kommst du mit?

Ich hoff, du schaffst es
Und du bist glücklich so
Du auch. Ich hoff, auch du bist froh
Ich hoff, du wirst nie trauern
Und wirst später nichts bedauern
Ich wag mich weiter in die Welt
Weil deine Freundschaft mich hält

Nein! Lasst sie in Ruhe! Sie hat ja nichts getan!
Mich wollt ihr haben! Mich wollt ihr haben! Nur mich!

Seht mich!
Sucht mich am Himmel dort, wo Nacht den Tag besiegt
Wie jemand neulich sagte, leben heißt zu lernen, wie man fliegt
Und wenn ich auch allein flieg, wähl ich doch selbst mein Ziel
Ihr Erdenkriecher könnt nicht ahnen, was ich fühl

Ich flieg vorbei, ich bin frei und schwerelos
Nur mir noch treu und frei und schwerelos
Und ich gehör nur mir allein

Den Träumen nach, den Träumen nach, den Träumen nach
Und niemand hier, im Lande Oz
Und wär sein Zauber noch so groß
Erreicht mich oder fängt mich ein

Ich hoff, du schaffst es
Da ist sie, die Hexe! Fangt sie!
Fängt mich ein
Keiner weint um Hexen
Darum fangt die Hexe ein


Elphaba, can’t you keep your calm for once instead of flying off the handle like that again?

Are you happy now?
Tell me, are you happy now?
You’ve asserted yourself
And decided against yourself
I hope you’re satisfied

Are you happy now?
And are you proud of yourself?
And do you think it’s worth it
To bow and to crawl
To reach your goals?

Although I don’t exactly know why
I hope you’re happy now

Elphie, just listen now, listen: you just have to apologize.
You can meet him again
As if nothing had happened
You can have your dream
I know, but I don’t want it
No, I can never anymore

Because now everything’s different, something in me is awakening
I’m no longer abiding by the rules someone else makes for me
I’ve now decided that instead of dreaming I’ll live
I’ll close my eyes, let loose and float

And feel free, so free and weightless
Only true to myself and free and weightless
And no one will capture me

Are you out of your mind?
That would be the end, not a beginning

No one will set boundaries for me, I won’t stick by them anymore
Even if not everything works out, I want to see for myself what I can do
For too long I’ve wanted to be loved, so I played their game
If that’s the price of love, it costs too much

Now I’m free, so free and weightless
It’s over and done with, I’m free and weightless
And no one will capture me

Come with me. Just think of what we could accomplish, together!

After dreams, come, fly with me after dreams
Together we are a super-team, we can flee
Glinda, beyond any boundary
Because we complete each other
There’s no power that can defeat us

Just the two of us, so free and weightless
Free together, so free and weightless
Elphaba: And no one will capture  us

Are you coming?

I hope you make it
And that this will make you happy
You too. I hope you’re happy too
I hope you will never mourn
And you will never regret anything in the future
I’m venturing further into the world
Because your friendship sustains me

No! Leave her alone! She didn’t do anything!
I’m the one you want! I’m the one you want! Just me!

Look at me!
Look for me in the sky where night conquers day
As someone lately said, living means learning to fly
And even if I’m flying solo, I’ll choose my destination myself
You earth crawlers can’t conceive what I’m feeling

I’m flying away, I’m free and weightless
Only true to myself and free and weightless
And I belong to myself alone

After dreams, after dreams, after dreams
And nobody here in the land of Oz
However big their magic may be
Will reach me or capture me

I hope you make it
There she is, the witch! Catch her!
Will capture me
No one mourns witches
So capture the witch

Capture her!


Singer: Shiri Maimon / שירי מימון (Elphaba Thropp) and Alona Alexander / אלונה אלכסנדר (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Hebrew lyrics if you can


Singer: Nikolett Gallusz (Elphaba Thropp) and Aisha Kardffy (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Hungarian lyrics if you can


Singer: Elísabet Ormslev (Elphaba Thropp) and Sigríður Ósk Hrafnkelsdóttir (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Icelandic lyrics if you can


Singer: Laura Panzeri (Elphaba Thropp) and Claudia Paganelli (Galinda Upland)

Elphaba, perché non sei rimasta calma per una volta, invece di perdere la pazienza?

Sei compiaciuta sembra
Sei compiaciuta adesso?
La rabbia ha compromesso ogni tuo obbiettivo
Sei furba, lo credevo

Sei compiaciuta pare
Sei compiaciuta tu?
A quanto vedo il tuo scopo è il successo
È un vile compromesso

Sarai felice mi auguro
Ma in cuor mio sembra di no

Elphie, ascoltami. Di’ che ti dispiace.
Puoi restare con il mago
Questo, in fondo, è quel che vuoi
Puoi avere tutto ciò in cui speri
Lo so, ma che importa?
No, non importa da ora in poi

Le mie idee cambiano in me, cambio anch’io, non so il perché
È giusto prendermi un ruolo che appartiene a me
Non devo esitare, adesso è il momento di
Basarmi sui miei istinti, compiere un salto da lì

La gravità dovrà inchinarsi a me
Si piegherà, dovrà inchinarsi a me
E non mi fermerai

Elphaba, tu ora hai
Soltanto manie di grandezza

Io non accetto limiti, non dirmi altri “no”
Cambiare si potrà, ma se non provo non saprò
Temevo che avrei perso un amore che non c’è
Se quello è amore, è troppo il prezzo anche per me

Di fronte a me non vedo limiti
Capisco ormai che potrei sconfiggere
Qualunque gravità

Vieni con me. Pensa a ciò che potremmo fare insieme.

Il limite, con te non è un limite
Potremmo cambiare il mondo insieme, io e te
Glinda, abbiamo dei sogni e un piano
Se noi due ci uniamo
Niente può batterci mai

Di fronte a te non vedo limiti
Ma la gravità dovrai sconfiggerla
Chi può fermarci adesso?

Vieni con me?

Non hai più dubbi
Spero tu sia felice
Anche tu.
Che tu possa aver pace
E andare sempre avanti
Senza avere mai rimpianti
In cuor mio spero che tu sia
Felice sempre, amica mia

No! Lasciatela stare! Non ha fatto niente di male!
È me che volete! È me che volete! Solo me, solo me!

In me
Si specchia il cielo ad ovest, dove mi troverai
Qualcuno un giorno mi disse: «Se vorrai spiccare il volo, vai»
La libertà è il diritto di andare via da qui
Se vuoi fermarmi devi prima prendermi

La gravità non sarà un limite
Non mi tratterrà, dovrà inchinarsi a me
E nessuno lo impedirà

No ai limiti, no ai limiti, no ai limiti
Nessun mago in tutta Oz
E neanche qualcun altro può
Nessuno al mondo mai mi avrà

Abbi gioia per sempre
Morte a lei, a morte, strega!
Mi avrà
Non si piange il male
La riporteremo qua


Elphaba, why didn’t you stay calm for once, instead of losing your temper?

You look pleased
Are you pleased now?
Your anger damaged your every goal
I used to think you were clever

You look pleased
Are you pleased?
By the look, your purpose is success
It’s a vile compromise

I hope you’re happy
But in my heart I don’t think so

Elphie, listen to me. Say you’re sorry.
You can stay with The Wizard
This is what you wish for deep down
You could have everything you hope for
I know, but what does it matter?
No, it doesn’t matter from now on

My ideas are changing within me, I’m changing too but I don’t know why
It’s right to step into a role I belong
I don’t have to hesitate, now it’s time to
Rely on my instincts and take a leap from there

Gravity must bow down to me
It will truckle, it must bow down to me
And you won’t stop me

Elphaba, now you’re just having
Delusions of grandeur

I don’t accept the limits, don’t tell me more “no”
I can change, but if I don’t try I won’t know
I’ve feared that I’d lose love that has never been
If that’s love, the cost is too high even for me

I see no limits in front of me
Now I know I can defeat
Any gravity

Come with me. Think of what we could do together.

Limit, with you that isn’t a limit
You and I could change the world together
Glinda, we have dreams and a plan
If we combine
Nothing will ever be able to beat us

I see no limits in front of you
But you have to defeat gravity
Who can stop us now?

Are you coming with me?

You no longer harbor doubts
I hope you’re happy
You too.
May you have peace
And always move forward
Without having any regrets
In my heart I hope you’ll be
Happy forever, my friend

No! Leave her alone! She didn’t do anything wrong!
It’s me you want! It’s me you want! Just me, just me!

In me
The western sky is reflected, that’s where you’ll find me
One day someone told me: “If you want to take wing, go”
Liberty is the right of get away from here
If you want to stop me, you must first catch me

Gravity won’t be a limit
It won’t hold me, it must bow down to me
And nobody is going to stop me

No to limits, no to limits, no to limits
No wizard in all of Oz
Neither someone else can
Nobody in the world will ever have me

May you have joy forever
Death to her, put her to death, that Witch!
Will have me
We don’t mourn evil
We’ll bring her back




Singer: Park Hye-na / 박혜나 (Elphaba Thropp) and Jeong Sun-ah / 정선아 (Galinda Upland)

그러니까 제발 좀 진정해. 불같이 화내지 말고!

최고다 진짜!
행복한 네 얼굴
모든 걸 이렇게 다 망쳐 버리다니
너 정말 대단하다

장하다 정말!
어여쁜 니 모습
참 자랑스럽더라
야망을 위해서 굽신거리던 모습

널 이해 할 수 없지만
행복을 빌어 줄게

마법사님께 돌아가.
간절히 원했잖아
평생동안 기다렸잖아

이젠 원치 않아
아니, 돌아갈 수 없어 난

뭔가가 달라졌어, 내 안의 무언가.
이젠 의미 없어, 남들이 정한 규칙들.
난 깨어나 버렸어, 돌아가긴 늦었어.
내 직감을 따를래, 눈을 꼭 감고..

날아올라, 중력을 벗어나
하늘 높이 날개를 펼 거야
날 막을 순 없어

제정신이 아니야.
과대 망상하고 있어, 넌!

한계는 무너졌어
내 길을 갈거야
시도하기 전엔
그 누구도 알 수 없어
너무나 오랫동안
두려워한 것 같아
받아본 적도 없는
사랑 잃을까봐

이제는 나 중력을 벗어나
날아올라 날개를 펼칠 거야
날 막을 순 없어

뭐든 할 수 있어, 우리 둘이서.

한계 따윈 없을거야
우리들은 환상적인 팀이 될 거야.
우리, 함께 꿈 꾸고.

함께 이뤄내고
최고가 될 수 있어
너와 내가 중력을 벗어나
저 끝없는 하늘을 난다면
우릴 막을 순 없어

같이 갈거지?

행복을 빌어
네가 선택한 길
너를 축복할게
다 이룰 수 있기를
후회 따위는 없기를
행복해야 해, 친구야
너의 행복을 빌게

(나 여기있어)
바로 나!
나를 찾고 싶다면 서쪽 하늘을 봐!
누군가 얘기했어,
한 번쯤 날개를 펼쳐봐!
홀로 날고 있지만 나는 자유로워
이제는 너무 멀리 와버린 거야!

전해줘 나 모든걸 떨쳐내고
저 끝없는 세상을 본다고
나는 꼭 돌아온다고!

Unlimited, unlimited, unlimited..

이 오즈에,
그 누구도
어떤 마법사도 나를
끌어내릴 순 없어, 이젠!

행복해야 해!
사악한 저 위키드!


끔찍한 저 위키드!
절대 놓칠 수 없다!


Geureonikka jebal jom jinjeonghae. bulgachi hwanaeji malgo!

Choegoda jinjja!
Haengbokhan ne eolgul
Modeun geol ireoke da mangchyeo beoridani
Neo jeongmal daedanhada

Janghada jeongmal!
Eoyeoppeun ni moseup
Cham jarangseureopdeora
Yamang-eul wihaeseo gupsingeorideon moseup

Neol ihae hal su eopjiman
Haengbogeul bireo julge

Mabeopsanimkke doraga.
Ganjeolhi wonhaetjanha
Pyeongsaengdong-an gidaryeotjanha

Ijen wonchi anha
Ani, doragal su eopseo nan

Mwongaga dallajyeosseo, nae anui mueonga.
Ijen uimi eopseo, namdeuri jeonghan gyuchikdeul.
Nan kkaeeona beoryeosseo, doragagin neujeosseo.
Nae jikgameul ttareullae, nuneul kkok gamgo..

Naraolla, jungnyeogeul beoseona
Haneul nopi nalgaereul pyeol geoya
Nal mageul sun eopseo

Jejeongsini aniya.
Gwadae mangsanghago isseo, neon!

Hangyeneun muneojyeosseo
Nae gireul galgeoya
Sidohagi jeonen
Geu nugudo al su eopseo
Neomuna oraetdong-an
Duryeowohan geot gata
Badabon jeokdo eomneun
Sarang ilheulkkabwa

Ijeneun na jungnyeogeul beoseona
Naraolla nalgaereul pyeolchil geoya
Nal mageul sun eopseo

Mwodeun hal su isseo, uri duriseo.

Hangye ttawin eopseulgeoya
Urideureun hwansangjeogin timi doel geoya.
Uri, hamkke kkum kkugo.

Hamkke irwonaego
Choegoga doel su isseo
Neowa naega jungnyeogeul beoseona
Jeo kkeuteomneun haneureul nandamyeon
Uril mageul sun eopseo

Gachi galgeoji?

Haengbogeul bireo
Nega seontaekhan gil
Neoreul chukbokhalge
Da irul su itgireul
Huhoe ttawineun eopgireul
Haengbokhaeya hae, chinguya
Neoui haengbogeul bilge

(Na yeogiisseo)
Baro na!
Nareul chatgo sipdamyeon seojjok haneureul bwa!
Nugunga yaegihaesseo,
Han beonjjeum nalgaereul pyeolchyeobwa!
Hollo nalgo itjiman naneun jayurowo
Ijeneun neomu meolli wabeorin geoya!

Jeonhaejwo na modeungeol tteolchyeonaego
Jeo kkeuteomneun sesang-eul bondago
Naneun kkok doraondago!

Unlimited, unlimited, unlimited..

I ojeue,
Geu nugudo
Eotteon mabeopsado nareul
Kkeureonaeril sun eopseo, ijen!

Haengbokhaeya hae!
Saakhan jeo wikideu!


Kkeumjjikhan jeo wikideu!
Jeoldae nochil su eopda!



Singer: Monika Marija Paulauskaitė (Elphaba Thropp) and Paulina Paukštaitytė (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Lithuanian lyrics if you can


Singer: Sanne Caroline Kvitnes (Elphaba Thropp) and Trine Bariås-Kvitstein (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Norwegian lyrics if you can


Singer: Karolina Trębacz (Elphaba Thropp) and Edyta Krzemień (Galinda Upland)

Elphabo, tu nie chodzi tylko o nas, czy ty nie mogłabyś się opanować, tylko od razy robisz aferę?

Czy masz, co chciałaś?
Czy to nie o to szło?
Dziś masz za swoje, bo to koniec twoich planów
Podziękuj sobie sama

Czy masz, co chciałaś?
Czy to nie o to szło?
Czy jesteś dumna, że w ukłonach lgniesz się nisko
Bo dla ambicji wszystko

Pojęcia nie masz co i jak
Lecz masz, co chciałaś, oj tak

Elphie, coś ci powiem. Posłuchaj mnie i... tylko ich przeproś
Z czarodziejem wciąż być możesz
Chciałaś tego od tylu lat
Osiągniesz to, co ci się marzy

Ja wiem, już się nie marzy
Nie, i chcieć nie mogę, dziś to wiem

Dziś mnie coś odmieniło, świat nie jest taki sam
Nie będę pionkiem w grze - niech ktoś, kto stworzył ją gra sam
Już minął czas rozterek, czy czas, by się koić snem
Więc zdam się na mój instynkt, w niebo krok, dać chcę

Bo to ten czas, by grawitację znieść
Mnie na to stać, by grawitację znieść
I za nic mieć ten świat

Czy ty zrozumiesz, czy nie
Że to jakaś mania wielkości?

Mam dosyć wszelkich granic i cudzych zasad dość
Nie wszystko zmienię, lecz spróbować chcę i zmienię coś
Za długo lęk przed stratą uczuć już straconych trwał
Dziś pewność mam, miłości koszt to jakiś żart

Stać prędzej mnie, by grawitację znieść
Więc żegnam się, umiem grawitację znieść
I za nic mieć ten świat...

Leć ze mną. Wiesz, ile można zrobić razem?

Nie wstrzyma nic, już więcej nas nie wstrzyma nic
Dwie takie jak my, co tylko chcą, uczynić są w stanie to, co nam się marzy

Da się spełnić razem

I wygramy każdą z walk
Bo da się razem grawitację znieść
A gdy potrafisz grawitację znieść
Nie ciąży już ten świat

Czyli ruszamy?

Czy tak być miało? Czy tego właśnie chcesz?

Ty też, los w swoje ręce bierz

Więc skoro tego chciałaś, obyś nie pożałowała
A gdyby coś ci poszło źle, pamiętaj zawsze masz mnie

Nie! Zostawcie ją! Nie zrobiła nic złego!
To o mnie wam chodzi! To o mnie wam chodzi! O mnie, o mnie!

To ja!
Tam będę, gdzie na niebie słońce odchodzi w noc
Ktoś mówił mi, że "Wszystkim trzeba szansę dać na taki lot!"
I chociaż lecę sama, wolności czuję smak
Kto chce mnie złapać, nie da rady wzbić się tak!

Bo kto jak ja, umie grawitację znieść?
I kto moc tę ma, by grawitację znieść?
Usłyszy o mnie cały świat

Nie wstrzyma nic, nie wstrzyma nic, nie wstrzyma nic
I nigdy już, w krainie Oz
Czy to czarodziej, czy tam ktoś
Nie będzie rządził już, mną tak

Czy masz, co chciałaś?

Niech to zła wcielenie, zniknie!

Właśnie tak!

Czarownicy nie żal, niech przepadnie, zniknie

Elphaba, this's not just about us. Can't you control yourself, instead of making a fuss right away?

Did you get what you wanted?
Isn't that what it was all about?
Today you're entitled to your due, for it's the end of your plans
You can blame only yourself

Did you get what you wanted?
Isn't that what it was all about?
Are you proud that you bow to them so low
'Cause you're ready to do anything for ambitions

Together: You have no idea how it works
But you have got what you wanted, oh yes

Elphie, I'll tell you something. Listen to me and... just apologize to them
You can still be with the wizard
You've wanted this for so many years
You will achieve what you dream of

I know, but it's not my dream anymore
No, and I can't want it, today I know

Today something has changed me, the world isn't the same
I will not be a pawn in this game - let someone who created it play alone
The time for dilemmas is over, so the time to soothe with a dream is
So I'm going to rely on my instinct, I want to take a step into the skies

For it's time to abolish gravity
I'm capable of abolishing gravity
And treat this world like a dirt

Will you understand or not
It's just some kind of megalomania?

I'm through of all the limits and someone else's rules
I'm not able to change everything, but I want to try, and I'm going to change something
The fear of losing already lost feelings has lasted far too long
Today, I'm sure, the cost of love must be a joke

I'd sooner buy abolishing gravity
So I say goodbye, I can abolish gravity
And treat this world like a dirt...

Come with me. Do you know how much we can do together?

Nothing will stop us, nothing will stop us anymore
Two like us, if we want, we can do what we dream of

We can fulfill it together

And we'll win every of fights
For we can abolish gravity together
And when you can abolish gravity
This world isn't a burden anymore

So we're leaving?

Was it supposed to be this way? Is this what you want?

You too, take your fate into your own hands

So if this's what you wanted, may you not regret it
And if something goes wrong for you, remember you'll always have me

No! Leave her alone! She hasn't done anything wrong!
It's me you're after! It's me you're after! It's me, it's me!

Here I am!
I'll be in the sky at the point where the sunlight turns into night
Someone told me that "Everyone has to get a chance for such a flight!"
And even though I'm flying solo, I can feel the taste of freedom
Anyone who wants to catch me won't ever be able to soar this high

Because who else can abolish gravity like I do?
And who else has this power to abolish gravity?
The whole world will hear of me

Nothing will stop (me), nothing will stop (me), nothing will stop (me)
And never again, in the land of Oz
No Wizard or whatever his name is
Will not rule me anymore

Did you get what you wanted?

Let this incarnation of evil vanish!

Let it be!

No one mourns the witch, let her begone, vanish

Portuguese (Brazil)[]

Singer: Myra Ruiz (Elphaba Thropp) and Fabi Bang (Galinda Upland)

Elphaba, você não consegue se controlar nunca? Tinha que perder as estribeiras?

Eu só espero
Que esteja bem feliz
Meteu o seu nariz
Bem onde não
Mas quanta teimosia

Eu só espero
Que possa se orgulhar
Que possa suportar
Ser sempre submissa
E tudo por cobiça

É essa a sua decisão?
Eu só espero
Que não

Elphie, me escuta. Escuta, é só… É só pedir desculpa

Não desista do seu sonho
Você fez por merecer
E se quiser
Ainda é tempo

Eu sei
Mas eu não quero
Eu não posso mais querer

Sinto algo novo em mim
Nada será igual
Não vou me sujeitar
A regras que me fazem mal

É tarde pra ter medo
É hora de despertar
O meu instinto chama
E me faz tentar

Desafiar a gravidade
Tentar domar a gravidade
Não vão me alcançar

Não percebeu o que fez
A sua ilusão de grandeza?

Não quero mais limites
Cansei de obedecer
Não sei no quê vai dar
Mas hoje eu vou pagar pra ver

Quis tanto ser aceita
Foi tão caro esse amor
Se isso é amor
Não pago mais o seu valor

Vou superar a gravidade
Desafiar minha gravidade
Não vão me alcançar

Vem comigo. Pensa no que podemos fazer… juntas

Na imensidão
Você e eu
Na imensidão
Já vejo o destino que podemos construir
Glinda, nossa parceria

Sempre em sintonia

Juntas vamos conseguir
Desafiar a gravidade
Ultrapassar a gravidade

Não vão nos alcançar
Você vem comigo?

Eu só espero
Que seja bem feliz

Você também
Busque o que sempre quis

Que a vida surpreenda
E que nunca se arrependa

Eu só espero que no fim
Você se lembre
De mim

Não! Deixem ela em paz. Ela não fez nada de errado

Não! Por favor. Elphie!

Sou eu que vocês querem. Sou eu. Sou eu!

Olhem pro céu do Oeste
Lá vão me encontrar
Pois como alguém me disse
Todos têm direito de voar

Eu posso estar sozinha
Mas hoje o céu é meu
Quem duvidava
Veja agora quem venceu

Já sei voar contra a gravidade
Desafiar a gravidade
E todos vão me respeitar

Na imensidão

Na imensidão

Na imensidão

E ouçam bem a minha voz
O Mágico e toda Oz
Agora vão me ver

Eu só espero (Sem perdão à Bruxa. Bruxa!)

Vou voar (Sem perdão à Bruxa)
(Prendam essa Bruxa)
Woah (Má)


Singer: Leila Shamoeva / Лейла Шамоева (Elphaba Thropp) and Teona Dolnikova / Теона Дольникова (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Russian lyrics if you can


Singer: Monika Drgáňová (Elphaba Thropp) and Simona Augustovičová (Galinda Upland)

Tak čo si šťastná? Šťastná a spokojná
si dúfam šťastná ako samú seba ničíš,
že múdre je to myslíš

A ty si šťastná? šťastná a spokojná
kde hrdosť máš keď sa tu ponížene plazíš
máš strach, že šancu stratíš?

Nechápem tvoje konanie
no snáď si šťastná, ja nie

Šancu máš, tak choď prosím
čarodej ťa príjme rád
splnia sa snáď sny veľké, hviezdne

Ja viem, no viac ich nechcem
Nie, už viac nechcem
mám dosť zrád

Zmenená cítim sa dnes
Zmenená, iná som
Nechcem sa riadiť viac ich prianím a ich čudnou hrou
Už s váhaním je koniec, ja vzdávam sa starých miest
Dnes vieru mám v môj inštinkt
mám dosť síl sa vzniesť

Dnes zemská tiaž už nie je nástrahou
viem, zemská tiaž už nie je nástrahou
nik nestiahne ma viac

Pochop už prosím ťa raz,
že veríš si viac než je zdravé

Márne ma tlačia k zemi
už ma nik nespúta
vraj veci nezmením, no odmietam len v kúte stáť
celý čas trápiť sa, že stratím lásku, ktorej niet
veď stojí viac než koľko ochotná som zniesť

Viem, zemská tiaž už nie je nástrahou
mne zbohom dáš a ja vzlietnem s odvahou
nik nestiahne ma viac

Až k výškam rásť, tak so mnou poď až k výškam rásť
a hovorím, že z nás spravím najslávnejší tím
Glinda, splň si plány smelé

Viem, sme duo skvelé

Žiadny boj nás nedesí
nám zemská tiaž už nie je nástrahou
so mnou to dáš, už nie je nástrahou

nik nestiahne nás viac

Si dúfam šťastná
máš už svoj vlastný smer

Aj ty... nech nájdeš v duši mier

Snáď nájdeš čo si chcela, nech sa splní, čo si želáš
Snáď budeš šťastná nakoniec
my priateľky sme, ty vieš

Preč ísť
A ak ma chytiť túžiš, hľaď smerom západným
Rady mi niekto dával, skús to, let je vážne úžasný
A hoc aj letím sólo tak aspoň voľnosť mám
Nesmú ma spútať, odkaz dnes vám všetkým dám

U mňa zemská tiaž už nie je nástrahou
ja mám v sebe viac, už nie je nástrahou
presvedčím o tom všetkých vás

Až k výškam rásť
Až k výškam rásť
Až k výškam rásť...
Nie! Nikto z vás, tu v zemi oz
hoc čarodejník by to bol
ma nezlomí, ja viem
Viac nie!

Snáď si už šťastná!

(Skazená, je strašná, preč s ňou! 2x)

Viac už nie!

So what, are you happy? Happy and content
I hope you're happy how you're destroying yourself
Thinking that it's wise

And are you happy? Happy and content
Where is your pride as you grovel in humiliation
Are you afraid that you'll lose your chance?

I don't understand your doing
But hopefully you're happy, I'm not

You have a chance, so please, go
The wizard will gladly have you
Hopefully, the big starry dreams will come true

I know, but I don't want them anymore
No, I don't want it anymore
I've had enough betrayl

I feel changed today
I'm changed, different
I don't want to act according to their wishes and strange game
I'm done with hesitating, I'm letting go of old places
I have faith in my instinct today
I have enough strength to rise

The earthly pull is no longer a trap today
I know, the earthly pull is no longer a trap today
No one will pull me down again

Please, understand for once
That you believe in yourself more than is healthy

They are futilely pushing me to the ground
No one will bind me now
They say I won't change things, but I refuse to just stand in a corner
All the time worrying, that I'll lose the love that isn't there
After all, it costs more than I am able to bear

I know, the earthly pull is no longer a trap
You'll tell me goodbye and I'll fly off with courage
No one will pull me down again

Grow to the heights, so come with me to grow to the heights
And I say that I'll make the most famous team out of us
Glinda, fulfill your brave plans

I know, we're a great duo

No battle terrifies us
The earthly pull in no longer a trap for us
You'll achieve it with me, it's no longer a trap

No one will pull us down again

I hope you're happy
You already have your own direction

You too... I hope you find peace in your soul

Hopefully you'll find what you wanted, may what you wish come true
Hopefully you'll be happy in the end
We're friends, you know that

To go away
If you yearn to catch me, look in the western direction
Someone was giving me advice, try it, flying is truly wonderful
And even though I am flying solo, at least I have freedom
They can't bind me, I'll give you all a message today

The earthly pull is no longer a trap for me
I have more in me, it's no longer a trap
I'll convince all of you about it

Grow to the heights
Grow to the heights
Grow to the heights...
No! No one of you, here in the land of Oz
Even if it was the Wizard
Won't break me, I know
No more!

I hope you're happy now!

(She's corrupt, she's terrible, away with her!)

No more!

Spanish (Latin America)[]

Singer: Danna (Elphaba Thropp) and Ceci de la Cueva (Galinda Upland)

Elphaba, esto es mucho más grande que nosotras, ¿Qué no puedes tener calma una vez, en lugar de perder los estribos?

Que al fin triunfes
Que al fin triunfes ya
Que al fin triunfes con tus actos ofensivos
Y tus porqués nocivos

Que al fin triunfes
Que al fin triunfes ya
Que siempre fuiste tú
La de ambiciones viles
Tan vanas y serviles

Y no alcanzo a imaginar
Que al fin triunfes ya hoy

Elphie, escúchame, escúchame, solo di que lo sientes
Si aún vas con el mago
Con tu don sin ver el mal
Harás verdad tus propios sueños
Lo sé, mas ya no quiero
No, ya no puedo, ya no más

Hoy ya no soy la misma, de pronto no es igual
No vivo para el plan que otros preparando están
De arrepentirse es tarde y es tarde para ignorar
Hoy confiaré en mi instinto, hoy voy a volar

Y voy a desafiar la gravedad
Intento desafiar la gravedad
Y no lo impedirás

¿Qué no ves que esto es un
Delirio total de grandeza?

Yo voy a verme libre de quién me dijo no
Si el mundo queda igual podré decir que se intentó
Siempre viví con miedo de perder su fe y su amor
Pues si es amor, a cambio mi alma ya no doy

Y mírame enfrentar la gravedad
Y voy mas a romper la gravedad
No me derribarán

Ven conmigo, imagina lo que haríamos juntas

Sin límite, unidas no hay limite
Unidas no habrá quien sea superior jamás
Glinda, tal cual lo planeamos
Si son dos soñando
Es un par que ganará

Tú y yo al desafiar la gravedad
Las dos al desafiar la gravedad
Sin desplomarnos ya

¿Entonces vienes?

Y al fin triunfes
Con quien decides ser
Igual tú, que sepas por tu bien
Que lo que tu persigues
No te haga arrepentirte
Que al fin triunfes, creo en ti
Que al fin triunfes, por mí

¡No! ¡Déjenla en paz! ¡Ella no ha hecho nada malo!
¡Es a mí a quien quieren! ¡Es a mí! ¡Soy yo!

¡Por mí!
Si quieren encontrarme iré al oeste audaz
Alguien me dijo "Todos se merecen una vez volar"
Voy sola pero libre, el cielo es para mí
Y a los que duden mírenme sobrevivir

Volando desafiar la gravedad
Me muevo en contra de la gravedad
Y muy pronto seré su igual

Sin limite, sin limite, sin limite
No, no habrá quien, en todo Oz
Ni mago ni otra horrenda voz
Que haga que me bajen ya

Qué al fin triunfes
¡Ella es la mala! ¡Caiga!
Bajen ya
¡Ella es la mala!
Hay que derribarla


Elphaba this is much bigger than us, couldn't you be calm one time,instead of losing control?

That you finally win
That you finally win now
That you finally win with your offensive acts
And your harmful acts

That you finally win
That you finally win now
It was always you
With your vile ambtions
So vain and serviles

And though I can't imagine how
That you finally win today

Elphie listen to me, listen to me, just say you're sorry
If you still go with the wizard
With your skill without seeing the bad
You'll make your own dreams real
I know, but I don't want it now
No, I can't want it now, not anymore

Today I'm not the same, suddenly it's not the same
I don't live for the plan others have prepared
It's late for regretting and it's late to ignore it
Today I'll trust in my insinct, today I am going to fly

And i'm going to defy gravity
I will try to defy gravity
And you won't stop me now

Don't you see this is a
Hallucination of grandness?

I am going to free myself from those who told me no
If the world stays the same, I will say I tried
I always lived with fear of losing their faith and love
But if it's love, I am changing my soul and not giving it anymore

And look at me facing gravity
And i'm going to break more gravity
And you won't demolish me

Come with me, imagine what we could do together

Without limit, together we have no limit
Together there will never be anyone greater
Glinda, like how we planned it
If there is two dreaming
It's a pair that will win

You and I defying gravity
Both of us defying gravity
Without collapsing

You coming then?

And you finally win
With what you are deciding to be
Same to you, that you know what's good for you
That what you persue
That you don't regret it
That you finally win, I believe in you
That you finally win, for me

No leave her alone, she hasnt done anything
wrong, It's me that you want, it's me, Me

For me
If you want to find me, look to the bold west
Someone told me everyone deserves to fly one time
I am going alone but free, the sky is for me
And those who doubt me, look at me surviving

I'm flying defying gravity
I move against the gravity
And soon I'll be the same as you

Without limit, without limit, without limit
No, there won't be anyone, in all of Oz
No wizard or other horrendous voice
That can bring me down now

That you finally win
She is bad, fall
Bring me down now
She is the bad
We have to defeat her


Spanish (Spain)[]

Singer: Mirela Cabero (Elphaba Thropp) and Anabel García (Galinda Upland)

Elphaba ¿No podías mantener la calma por una vez, en vez de ponerte como una loca?

¿Estás contenta?
¿Estás contenta o no?
¿No ves que hundir así tus sueños
para siempre no ha sido inteligente?

¿Estás contenta?
¿Estás contenta tú?
Por ambición has decidido obedecerle
Y no se lo merece

Admite tu equivocación
Estés contenta o no

Elphie, escuchame, hazme caso
Tú, tú diles que lo sientes
Quédate y sé fiel al mago
¿No lo ves? Es lo mejor
Podrás tener lo que soñaste

Lo sé pero, aún es tarde
No, ya es tarde
Se acabó

Algo en mí es diferente, algo no es, no es igual
Ya no voy a jugar según las reglas de su plan
No vale arrepentirse, no quiero vivir así
He de seguir mi instinto y confiar en mí

Voy a desafiar la gravedad
Voy a intentar vencer la gravedad
Y no me detendrán

Elphie, escúchame bien
Estás delirando a lo grande

No creo en las barreras por pura imposición
Que el cambio puede ser difícil pero es mi misión
Temí no ser amada, pero ahora sé que no
Voy a pagar el precio de buscar amor

Voy a desafiar la gravedad
Me marcho ya, volaré sin gravedad
Y no me detendrán

Ven conmigo, piensa en lo que podríamos hacer, las dos juntas

No hay límites, unidas no hay, no hay límites
Unidas seremos un equipo sin rival
Glinda, juntas somos grandes
Y si hacemos tándem
Nadie nos podrá parar

Al desafiar sin más la gravedad
Unidas al volar sin gravedad
Jamás nos detendrán

¿Vienes conmigo?

Si estás contenta
Me alegraré por ti
Y yo, te quiero ver feliz
Espero que lo entiendas
Y que nunca te arrepientas
Deseo tu felicidad
Mi amiga siempre serás

¡No! ¡Dejadla en paz, no ha hecho nada malo!
¡Estáis buscándome a mí! ¡Me queréis a mí, a mí!

¡A mí!
Buscadme en el oeste, ese será mi hogar
Como alguien dijo al verme, te mereces intentar volar
Y mientras vuelo siento la libertad por fin
Queréis que caiga y no os podréis librar de mí

Miradme desafiar la gravedad
Voy a desafiar la gravedad
Mi nombre vais a recordar

No hay límite
No hay límite
No hay límite

Y no hay mago, en todo Oz
Que pueda hacer lo que hago yo
Y no podrán dudar de mí ya

¿Ya estás contenta?
¡Veis cómo es malvada! ¡Vamos!
De mí ya
¡Hay que derribarla! ¡Muerte a la malvada!


Why didn't you stay calm for once, instead of acting crazy?

Are you happy?
Are you happy or not?
Don't you see like this you sink your dreams
Forever, it wasn't inteligent

Are you happy?
Are you happy as well?
For ambition you have decided to obey him
And he doesn't deserve it

Admit your mistake
You're happy or not?

Elphie listen to me, take my advice
You, you, tell him that you're sorry
Stay and be faithful to the wizard
Don't you see, it's the best
You will have what you dreamed

I know but, it's still too late
No, It's too late now
It's over

Something is different in me, something no, isn't the same
I'm not going to keep playing by the rules of his plan
No need for regrets, I don't want to live like that
I will follow my instict and trust myself

I am going to defy gravity
I'm going to try defeat gravity
And they won't stop me

Elphie, listen to me well
You're very delirious

I don't believe in the barriers for pure imposition
Maybe the change can be and it's really my mission
I was scared of not been loved, but now I know no
I'm going to pay the price for searching for love

I'm going to defy gravity
I'm leaving now without gravity
And they won't stop me

Come with me, think of what we could do, together

There's no limits, together there isn't, there's no limits
Together we will be a team without rival
Glinda, together we are big
And if we ride together
Nobody will stop us

To defy without more gravity
Together flying without gravity
They'll never stop us

Are you coming?

If you're happy
I will be happy for you
And I want to see you happy
I hope you understand
And that you never regret it
I wish your happiness
You'll always be my friend

No, leave her alone, she hasn't done anything bad
You're seaching for me, you want me, Me

Look in the west, that will be my home
Like someone told me when they saw me, you deserve to try to fly
And whilst I fly I feel the freedom finally
You want me to fall but you can't set me free

Look at me defying gravity
I'm going to defy gravity
My name you're going to remember

There is no limit
There is no limit
There is no limit

And there is no wizard in all of Oz
That can do what I can do
And they won't doubt me now

Are you happy?
Look she's evil, destroy her. Let's go
Me now
To destroy her, kill the evil



Singer: Stran Çetin (Elphaba Thropp) and Dominique Pålsson Wiklund (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Swedish lyrics if you can


Singer: Phrimaphaa Khornrojjanachawin / พริมาภา กรโรจนชวิน (Elphaba Thropp) and Chananai Sukhavachana / ชนนัยน์ สุขวัจน์ (Galinda Upland)



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kŏr hâi ter sŏm jai
hâi sŏm jai dâai sák tee
hâi sŏm jai dâai yâm yee
túk yàang têe sâang mâi mee lĕuua
kong lêuuak tòok taang yàang têe chêuua

kŏr hâi ter sŏm jai
hâi sŏm jai mâi páe gan
ter kong poom jai dtêun dtan
têe yom gôm hŭua yàang mâi yáng
pêuua pûng tá-yaan dang jai wăng
máe mâi kâo jai jà mâi kàt kwăang
kŏr hâi ter sŏm jai dtaam taang

glàp bpai hăa pôr mót àat jà tan
sìng têe sâang láe fâo koi ror
pêuua dâai túk yàang têe fài făn săen naan
chăn róo dtàe chăn mâi dtông gaan
mâi mòt taang dtông gaan
chăn dtông por

baang sìng bplìian chăn bpen kon mài
baang sìng têe mâi koiie bpen
chăn sùt ton fĕun tam dtaam
gòt kăo têe gam-nòt hâi rao lên
man gern krâi kruuan kít sàp-sŏn
man gern hâi won glàp yón wăi
hâi sĭiang kâang nai man chûuay bòk
glân jai gâao dòht bpai

way-laa mâi koi
jà loi kêun fáa bpai glai
long bin yón roi
jà loi kêun fáa bpai glai
yàa kít deung long bêuuang lâang
bòk ter yàang rai hâi kâo jai wâa
ter gam-lang lŏng kwaam yîng yài năa

kŏr lêrk yom ráp kôr jam-gàt
têe krai kăo lêuuak hâi rao
baang sìng têe dtông tam jai
tâa mâi long jà róo yang ngai lâo
muua ton wàn wăi mâi glâa sĭia
rák têe chăn mâi àat krôp krong
tâa châi rák jing
gôr kong mâi kúm têe man rîiak róng

kong jà dtông bplòi
láe loi kêun fáa bpai glai
jòop sòng chăn nòi
jà lông loi kêun fáa bpai glai
yàa kít deung long bêuuang lâang

bpai dâai tâo jai
kâe ter gàp chăn bpai dâai tâo jai
jàp meu rûuam gan bpen mĕuuan kôo têe kêm kăeng yîng gwàa krai
tam dâai dang făn dûuay gan
piiang kâe rao nán chûuay gan
mâi mee wan páe hâi pôo dai

kong dee mâi nói
dâai loi kêun fáa bpai glai
mee ter fâo koi
rûuam loi kêun fáa bpai glai
láe tíng túk kon bêuuang lâang
kŏr hâi ter sŏm jai
nai taang têe ter lêuuak dern
ter dûuay
hâi póp jer kwaam plêrt-plern
hâi ter dâai dang têe wâat wăng
mâi dtông sĭia daai wâa tam plâat-pláng
kŏr hâi ter sŏm jai nâe non nák
kŏr hâi ter sŏm jai pêuuan rák

yòo nêe
tâa wăng póp chăn mêuua wan năi
fáa dtà-wan dtòk mong hăn maa
kon nèung koiie sŏn hâi kâo jai
mâi wâa krai lúuan kôo kuuan hòr kêun fáa
máe chăn jà dtông bin pôo diieow
bin eng mâi dtông kŏr krai
tĕung pûuak têe ror jàp
chăn mee kôr kwaam sòng glàp bpai

bòk hâi lêrk koi
jà lông loi kêun fáa bpai glai
kong bin sŏong nòi
jà loi kêun fáa bpai glai
hâi kăo dâai râm leu chêu chăn bâang

bpai dâai tâo jai
bpai dâai tâo jai
bpai dâai tâo jai

láew mâi wâa krai nai tûua táng òt
pôr mót têe krai nâa năi wâai òt
mâi mee wan paa chăn long bêuuang lâang
gà-lin-daa kŏr hâi ter sŏm jai
gàat doo nang nân man chûua ráai kâa man
en faa-baa long bêuuang lâang
chaao meuuang òt krai sŏng-săan pûuak chûua ráai
jà dtông jàp long maa bêuuang
en faa-baa aa
chaao meuuang òt lâang


Singer: Ayça Varlıer (Elphaba Thropp) and Dolunay Pircioğlu (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Turkish lyrics if you can


Singer: Valentyna Lonsʹka / Валентина Лонська (Elphaba Thropp) and Zlata Ohnyevich / Злата Огнєвіч (Galinda Upland)

Please provide Ukrainian lyrics if you can


  • Both Park Hye-na / 박혜나 and Jeong Sun-ah / 정선아, the voices of Elphaba and Galinda in the Korean dub, have previously portrayed the characters in the Korean stage productions. The former played Elphaba on the original production from 2013 to 2016, while the latter was Galinda in the 2021 revival production.
  • Both Danna and Ceci de la Cueva, the voices of Elphaba and Galinda respectively, have previously portrayed the characters in the Mexican 2013 stage production.
  • The Canadian French dub, Chinese Mandarin dub, Hindi dub, all Persian dub[unverified] and Serbian dub left the songs undubbed from the original English version.
  • Kerana / Керана (Bulgarian Elphaba), Andrea Lykke Oehlenschlæger (Danish Elphaba), Saara Pius (Estonian Galinda), Alona Alexander / אלונה אלכסנדר (Hebrew Galinda), Aisha Kardffy (Hungarian Galinda) and Paulina Paukštaitytė (Lithuanian Galinda) have previously voiced Asha from Wish.
    • Myra Ruiz (Brazilian Elphaba) He also dubs Asha, but only in the trailers for the Wish movie.
