The Dubbing Database

Dragon Ball Z is the Latin American Spanish dub of ドラゴンボールZ. It is available on Crunchyroll.

Dubbing history[]

Dragon Ball Z premiered in Mexico on September 2, 1997 through Canal 5 of Televisa (its premiere was scheduled for the previous day, but the programming of said channel was interrupted, as was customary in those years, by the transmission of the government report of then President Ernesto Zedillo). In that year the Saiyajin saga and the first episodes of the Frezzer saga were released, in 1998 the remaining chapters of Frezzer were broadcast and continued with the Cell saga and in 1999 the Majin Buu saga, in prime time (usually between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.). Due to its huge success, it is the only anime that has been broadcast almost continuously from its premiere until April 2009, then returns to air from February 2011 to March 2012, and again from October 6, 2014. that the series, in its first years of transmission on Mexican television, had no censorship in the violent sequences (but it did in the scenes of erotic humor), and was broadcast in its entirety in the afternoon and at night. Dragon Ball Z was also broadcast through the pay channel Unicable, owned by Televisa, between 2001 and 2005. Occasionally, movies from all the sagas were broadcast on weekends on the Golden movie channel, also owned by Televisa.

The direction was made by Gloria Rocha, just as she directed the previous series. For the order of episodes, the first 60 episodes were recorded for its premiere on Canal 5 in 1997, at that time some actors participated for the last time in the cast of the series, such as Ernesto Lezama (Oolong, being replaced by Arturo Mercado), Rossy Aguirre (Krillin, being replaced by Eduardo Garza) and Araceli de León (Yajirobe, being replaced by his son-in-law Luis Daniel Ramírez). In the second batch (episodes 61 to 120), some actors participated for the last time in the cast of the series, one of them was Humberto Solórzano (King Cold, being replaced by José Luis Castañeda). In the third batch (episodes 121 to 199), the actors who left the series were Rocío Garcel (Bulma and baby Trunks, being replaced by Mónica Manjarrez and leaving the baby's babble undubbed); because the actress was fired from the Intertrack company due to union problems before finishing the Cell saga. Eduardo Garza (Krillin, replaced by Luis Daniel Ramírez) and Ricardo Hill (Kaiosama, replaced by José Luis McConnell) also left the series at this stage.

For episodes 200 to 291, the only significant change in the dubbing was the replacement of Roberto Sen in the role of Mr. Satan initially by Rodolfo Vargas (between episodes 224 to 234) and later by Ricardo Brust until the end of the episode. series and GT. Other changes in the dubbing during this stage were only temporary: Laura Ayala replaced Mónica Manjarrez in the role of Bulma during episodes 238-240 (beginning of the Boo saga), in this way, the first actress returns to the character after having played her. in the first dubbing of Dragon Ball known as: Zero and the magical dragon. And Ismael Larumbe, who was replaced by Esteban Desco in the role of Ten Shin Han in episodes 267-268 and 285.

In 2015, Salvador Delgado was called from Candiani Dubbing Studios to re-record some dialogues of his character Garlick Jr., because those loops had been "erased", despite the fact that the dubbing of said scenes was intact and preserved in some countries like Chile. The actor recorded without any direction.


Character Actor
孫悟空 (ドラゴンボールZ)
孫悟空 (ドラゴンボールZ) - young
Mario Castañeda
Laura Torres (young, flashback scenes)
ピッコロ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Carlos Segundo
José Luis Castañeda (episode 193)
Ricardo Brust (episode 291, one loop)
ベジータ (ドラゴンボールZ)
René García
クリリン (ドラゴンボールZ)
Rossy Aguirre (episodes 1-60)
Eduardo Garza (episodes 61-193)
Luis Daniel Ramírez (200-291)
孫悟飯 (ドラゴンボールZ)
孫悟飯 (ドラゴンボールZ) - older
Laura Torres
Luis Alfonso Mendoza (older)
未来のトランクス (ドラゴンボールZ)
Trunks del futuro
Sergio Bonilla
孫悟天 (ドラゴンボールZ)
孫悟天 (ドラゴンボールZ) - older
Laura Torres
Víctor Ugarte (older)
トランクス (ドラゴンボールZ)
トランクス (ドラゴンボールZ) - older
トランクス (ドラゴンボールZ) - baby
Gaby Willer
Sergio Bonilla (older)
Rocío Garcel (baby)
ブルマ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Rocío Garcel (episodes 1-186)
Gaby Willer (episode 25)
Isabel Martiñón (episode 60)
Mónica Manjarrez (episodes 187-193, 200-291)
Cristina Camargo (episode 230)
Laura Ayala (episodes 238-240)
チチ (ドラゴンボールZ)
チチ (ドラゴンボールZ) - young
Patricia Acevedo
餃子 (ドラゴンボールZ)
ヤムチャ (ドラゴンボールZ)
Ricardo Mendoza (episodes 1-193, 200-291)
Enrique Mederos (episodes 127-132)
天津飯 (ドラゴンボールZ)
Ten Shin Han
Ismael Larumbe (episodes 1-291, 82, 84)
Esteban Desco (episodes 267-268, 285)
José Lavat
Opening 1 theme singer
Ricardo Silva
Ending 1 theme singer
Marissa de Lille
Opening2/Ending 2 theme singer
Adrián Barba
Technical staff
Recording studio
Gloria Rocha
Patricia Acevedo
(ep. 170 and others)
Casting Director
Gloria Rocha
Brenda Nava
Adalisa Zarate and Gabriela Maya
(first episodes)
Script Adaptation
Brenda Nava
Adalisa Zarate and Gabriela Maya
(first episodes)
Script Supervisor
Gloria Rocha
Musical and lyrics director
Loretta Santini
Sound and mixing Engineer
Enrique Gutierrez Martinez
Arturo Vélez
Latin American Spanish version production
Cloverway Inc.
Recording dates
March 1997- August 1999